HOUSING PETITION: LACKS COMMUNICATION See Editorial Page C, r SirF :4Ia it# SUNNY High-76 Low-45 Fair and warm; continued mil4 Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 32 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES NEWS WIRE Late World News By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS-The foreign ministers of Britain and the Soviet Union will meet today and are expected to explore possibilities for convening the 1954 Geneva Conference on Indo- china. Their two nations are co-chairmen of the conference that ended the French Indochina war in 1954 and are responsible for keeping the peace in the area which includes Viet Nam. The meeting of British Foreign Secretary George Brown and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko at the Soviet 4 U.N. mission in New York was announced last night by a British spokesman. Brown told a Labor party convention in Brighton, England, on Thursday that he would urge Gromyko to join him in reconvening the Geneva Conference. Before seeing Gromyko at 10:30 a.m., Brown is to meet with Canadian Foreign Secretary Paul Martin, whose country serves with India and Poland on the International Control Commission for Indochina. The Soviet Union has resisted past urgings by Britain to reconvene the conference. But, North Viet Nam has not ruled out the Geneva Conference as a possible vehicle for peace in Viet Nam and the United States has said that it, too, would be willing to negotiate within the framework of the conference. In related events yesterday, the Soviet Union reacted cooly to a proposal by President Johnson for a mutual reduction of troops in Europe, and Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said his country has been asked by nations on both sides of the Viet Nam war to help bring an end to the conflict. THE WILDCAT STRIKE of some- 200 local Michigan Bell employes shows little sign of immediate settlement. Members of Ann Arbor Local 4011 of the Communications Workers of America, remain on strike in protest of a recent contract agreement with Michigan Bell and the negotiating committee of the CWA. N. J. Prakken, manager of the local Michigan Bell office, said local phone service will proceed as usual and long-distance calls will be placed by supervisory personnel. Frederick Chase, Jr., president of Local 4011, said he is "urging member back to work because this is an unauthorized wildcat strike, but the officers won't work under the present contract." He said that over 200 men were present at a Local meeting held yesterday and further meetings are planned, but that it is impossible to estimate the length of the strike. THE SACUA SUBCOMMITTEE on student relations will meet Oct. 13 to discuss the interrelations between the Ann Arbor police and the University community, and methods for handling future student conduct such as that oflast week's sit-in. The subcommittee has -also invited four students to par- ticipate in their meetings throughout the remainder of the year. Two of the students will be selected from Student Government Council and two from Graduate Student Council. TICKETS FOR THE first closed circuit showing of the Mich- igan-Michigan State football game will still be on sale at Hill Aud. starting at 11 a.m. Coverage starts at 1:15 p.m. and will include the halftime show: Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Bob Pryor, executive vice-president of the University Activi- ties Center, announced yesterday that UAC, sponsors of the event, had sold only 1,000 of the 2,500 tickets needed to break even. Tickets cost $2 each. COLORADO UNIVERSITY is undertaking an 18-month study of flying saucers, it was announced yesterday. According to Air Force Secretary Harold Brown, the researchers will have access to Air Force records but will "conduct the research independently of and without direction from the Air Force." , +* * * *7 THE FACULTY COMMITTEE which is investigating the University's release of three student organizations' membership lists to the House Committee on Un-American Activities will probably have completed its report within two weeks, a com- mittee member revealed yesterday. The group has been working on the report since early September. THE FACULTY SENATE of the University of Pennsylvania did not vote last Friday on the controversial proposal for an ad- visory ad hoc committee to examine university research projects. The committee would consist of eight faculty members who would review all research projects where there was a question as to whether the results would be "freely available and freely pub- lishable." The committee would then recommend acceptance or rejection of the project to the administration. This would be the final decision. In practice this criteria would mean denial or approval to many Department of Defense contracts which require that re- sults by kept secret. It was university participation in such pro- jects which triggered protest last fall. Tuskegee Program Recruits Students To Attend Exchange School During Winter Term By NANCY WEISWASSER Recruitment for students in- terested in participating in the University of Michigan-Tuskegee Institute exchange program will begin Oct. 13 and 14 in the Fish- bowl. The program, now in its second year, is more than an opportunity for student exchange. According to Russel Brown, director of the program and vice- president of Tuskegee Institute, "It is set up on a broad base which will permit almost any kind of exchange. We are enchanging students, faculty, and cultural organizations as well as ideas in research and student and faculty recruitment." "Mutual knrichment" Initiated in 1963 by University President Harlan Hatcher and Tuskegee President Luther Foster as a program of "mutual enrich- ment," each school offers equal benefits. Students and professors are exposed to different social and educational environments. "Large universities can do many things for the Negro college, while in turn the Negro can enlighten the large university on the aca- demic and personal needs of stu- dents who have been the victims of poor elementary and high school education," says Prof. Ar- nold Kaufman of the philosophy department, who participated in the program, . Tuskegee Institute, in Tuskegee' Institute Alabama, is a private co-educational institution with a predominately Negro enrollment of 2600 students. In 1965 twelve Tuskegee undergraduates attend- ed the University fall semester, and seven University of Michigan students enrolled at Tuskegee] during the winter 1966 semester. They received full accreditation1 for courses taken, but no honor points. Students Here7 This semester, nine Tuskegee students are attending classes in+ Ann Arbor, and others have come on their own as transfer or grad- uate students.; Students interested in attending1 Tuskegee Institute during the; winter from February 3 to June 3,; 1967 are encouraged to see John1 Chavies in 1223 Angell Hall. - -Daiy-Chuck Soberman GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY, at a press conference at the Union yesterday, endorsed Marvin Esch for congressional representative of this district. Romney attacked incumbent Weston Vivian for his voting on issues endorsed by the AFL-CIO and the Americans for Democratic Action, and the 93 per cent voting record supporting President Johnson's spending requests. He said Vivian is "either a rubber stamp or subject to some commitments." Vivian was not available for comment. HARDBO UNDS BANNED: 1 8-Year-Old Vote Gains New Support Claim 'If He's Old Enough To Vote He's Old Enough to Fight' By BECKY KLOCK A new political group to gain support for the 18-year-old vote proposal on the Michigan ballot in November was announced yes- terday. The group is named the Michigan Citizens Committee for the Vote at 18. "If he's old enough to fight, he's old enough to vote," the group's chairman, C. Allen Harlan told a Detroit press conference. Harlan, a trustee of Michigan State University called upon all Michigan voters to support the proposal on the Nov. 8 ballot. War "Our 18-year-olds have partici- pated in every war, but they have never had the privilege of voting for the government that decided policy," he said. The main body of the group is made up of educators and stu- dents. James M. Graham, presi- dent of Michigan State Univer- sity's student government, will act as chairman of the coordinating committee. It will be the respon- sibility of this sub-group to inte- grate the activities of the state schools involved. Under the auspices of the Na- tional Student Association, the Michigan C i t i z e n s Committee hopes to capitalize on student in- volvement and arouse adult in- terest by bringing nationally known speakers into the state, by sending student speakers to local organizations, and by employing student and alumni publications. Robert Smith, member of the University Student Government Council, is currently overseeing the movement's activities in the Ann Arbor region. The University has already pledged $1000 to the committee, more than half of which will be used in state-wide campaigns. Other schools such as W a y n e State University and Northern Michigan University are expected to make similar contri- butions. A statement from Graham, co- ordinating chairman, indicated the movement's reliance on the interest of students: "They have a real stake in gov- ernment today. They always have been intensely interested in the issues of education, poverty and civil rights. Now there are the added issues of the war in Viet- nam and the draft. Their involve- ment combined with the effects of mass communication has made the age of 21 obsolete as a mini- mum age for voting." Lip Service He went on to say: "This is basically an issue of and for youth . . . . We're just getting lip service from the poli- ticians. So that leaves the real campaigning up to us. 'U' Professor's Paperback Program Initiates Teen Reading Revolution By ROGER RAPOPORT is all part of a program develop- School lastyear, juvenile offenses grade and played hookey for three ed by a 36-year-old University in the area dropped from 122 the consecutive years." "There's a new status symbol at English professor, Daniel N. Fad- previous year to 55. He asserts that boys can re- Northwestern High School in De- er. Basically ' Fader thinks that "Fader's program is a fine claim themselves only by finding troit's teeming Inner city. It's not | the way to make readers out of ' idea," says Girardin. "It is a real out "about the worlds that exist the letter sweater, convertible, or non-readers is to substitute paper- help to us and we plan to coop- outside their own street corners- all-A report card. It's thehpaper- ' backs for hardbound texts in the erate any way we can." The com- that are in books and magazines bai ck ok Bos carr'y teir Inrs classroom, missioner has already offeredd newspapers and not anywhere their. pockets,- o arrte ncasom isoe a lrayofrdadnwppr n o nweegirls i hi pre. Although only two years old, squad cars to transport the paper- }else." Students read them in study halls, Fader's program is being used this back books to theschools.pe One measure of the experiment's on hall duty, in lunch lines and year by schools 33 states and'success is that Washington, D.C., undercover durig class periods. three foreign countries. Cities like i Much of the promotional work implemented the program at a Washington, Baltimore, Chicago, is being undertaken by news junior high school this year. If it students get through a paperback and Los Angeles as well as De- wholesalersim Detroit, Washing- works well, officials there plan book every other day," says Donna troit are experimenting with the ton, Baltimore, Chicago San Die n to expand the program to the Schaub, an English teacher at the program. "I think the program Denver. They have donated thou- have already implemented their through 'chathrSputnik-didaor rthe sands of dollars worth of paper- own versions. The Detroit reading revolution t h of science " says one backs and other reading materials But perhaps a more meaningful tT th Drh l Theo viw th irredi. e;lui eahig f.cinc,-syson 4.1- A i J 1 f More Coeds Choose Jobs, Grad School Michigan school teacher. Under Fader's program, paper- backs are used as texts in all classrooms. Hardbounds are ex- cluded because, "All they're good for is building barriers between kids and readers," explains Fad- er. Anthologies are also banned because, "A kid knows the an- I +li- -nrr<>- -,,nhi' uo ue scuois. iney v iewVY ei philanthropy as a means of pro- moting reading and expanding their future market simultaneous- ly. Fader, asked by the University to write an English program for the Maxey Boys Training School, a reform school at Whitmore Lake, developed the program in 1964. Fader, a former "delinquent who grew up in a pool room," says he "stopped going to high school somewhere around tenth indication is the impact of the program on one boy at the Maxey school. An habitual offender when he went to the reform school, Les- ter started out on a fourth-grade reading level. In the journal he was required to keep, he copied from magazines at first. Then he began copying poetry. Soon he was writing his own poems, which he persuaded a teacher to mimeo- graph into book form and which he ultimately sold to a publisher for $500. By DEBORAH REAVEN Are college girls learning more now but employing it less? Definitely not say University coeds and officials. In fact, the trend' is towards more advanced degrees, and careers that offer ful- fillment outside of marriage. Martha Cook, '67, president of Panhellenic Association said, "Women are looking beyond their' families to the society for fulfill- ment. This especially applies to the college educated girl." Chris Anderson, '67, president of Kappa Kappa Gamma said that about half the 1966 graduates from her sorority are now either in graduate school or working. "It's not worth the hard work needed to stay here if you're not planning to do something with it," she added, And Dean Patricia Plante of Fordham University says that to- ;tology doesn't exist anywhere ut day's college women "do not asso- in school. ciate fulfillment with career suc- Teachers also use newspapers cess." She also says that they and magazines regularly in class- "want to work after graduation room instruction. Materials are but they don't want careers." selected on the basis of "what "I think just the opposite is students will read not what they true," says Dr. Helen Tanner, should read." Hence popular lit- assistant director of the Univer- erature and periodicals ranging sity's Center for Continuing Edu- from "Baseball Stars of 1966" to cation for Women. "Women do Teen Magazine are used. went a career, not just work. They Is the program getting students want to feel they're doing some- to read? thing.' "James Baldwin, R i c h a r d The statistics show that more Wright, and Ian Fleming attract and more women are going to even the most reluctant readers," graduate schools and "doing some- says Miss Schaub at Northwest- thing," not only in liberal arts, but ern. "I'm delighted to liear stu- in professional areas. In 1955 there dents recommending books to each were approximately 1652 women in other and having true literary the University graduate schools. discussions, even if about James In 1960 the figure jumped to 2016 Bond." including 312 in professional areas Police officials have gone so such as dentistry, law, medicine, far as to assert that the program, and social work. Last fall, the total expanded to 27 inner-city schools number of women doing graduate in Detroit this year through a work at the University was 3016 $40,000 federal grant, curbs juv- including 543 in the same profes- enile delinquency. sional areas. The U.S. labor force Ray Girardin, Detroit police currently includes about 27 mil- commissioner, points out that lion women. when the reading program was Dean Stephen Spurr of the used at the Moore Grammar Rackham School of Graduate Studies reports that a large num- ber of women in graduate pro- UAC Forms grams are women seeking careers.U CEs Spurr also said that many career F opportunities are now opening for 1 women such as teaching at the ample. Dean Plante also says that By ANN HAVILAND today's men want "a girl who An escort service for visitors stays home and looks after the to the 1967 Sesquicentennial is family." being formed by the University According to Robert Pryor, '67, Activities Center. executive vice-president of the Paul Blackney, '69, chairman of University Activities Center, most the service, says that students boys want their wives to have a can apply on the second floor career or at least a "consuming of the Michigan Union starting SANFORD SECURITY: Prevent Campus Calamities By RON KLEMPNER The University's decision to build a house for the Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity, announced in Sep- tember, came after the fraternity failed to raise sufficient funds for the building from alumni. After a 1959 fund drive for a new Nu Sigma Nu house failed a prominent alumnus, Giffod Up- john, president of Upjohn, Inc., a major pharmaceutical company, suggested that the fraternity use the University as a tax shield. He explained that if the house were owned by the university, contri- butions to the building fund scort Service !quicentennial The Sesquicentennial central committee conceived the idea of an escort service, and the UAC will administer it. Blackney stated that the escorts will receive no pay. Five major conferences during the Sesquicentennial, such as the Voices of Civilization conference would be tax deductible as edu-' cational contributions. Upjohn said that if the frater- nity could persuade the university to build the house he would con- tribute a substantial amount to the building of their new house. The fraternity successfully re- gotiated the agreement with the university on the matter early this year. The University will build the house with money from a special building fund. When the fraternity raises 50 per cent of the money needed to build the house the university will break ground for .the struc- ture. The University will loan Nu Sigma Nu the remaining mo- ney provided that it can be paid back under a 15 year mortgage. The building will be located at Fuller and Glen Avenues.. It will be leased by the University to the fraternity for a five year period. The fraternity will retain the op- tion to renew the lease every five years. The University will retain rights to a semi-annual inspection of the premises to insure compliance with University housing stan- dards. The University will also charge Nu Sigma Nu Sidesteps Taxes Bu House rangement for Nu Sigma Nu house was drawn to coincide with Federal Tax regulations on edu- cational contributions. All contri- butions to the University's Nu Sigma Nu building fund will be considered educational donations, according to Feldkamp. If the house was built by the fraternity they would be con- sidered contribution to a social club which, would not be tax deductible. In answer to charges that the University is allowing itself to be used as a tax dodge by the fra- ternity, Feldkamp says that of "it is a way build fraternities from non-University funds." He also noted that the frater- nity's plans coincided with the University's desire to locate stu- dent housing near their respective campuses. The new medical fra- ternity building is located near the medical center. Feldkamp says the f u t u r e moves by the housing office along this line would be made only if they are consistent with Univer- sity planning. He adds that the University will not take similar moves to help fraternities relocate themselves in random areas round Ann Arbor. By SALLY DUBACK It is 11:30 P.M. Night and si- lence in the bowels of Angell Hall. All is calm. Suddenly, with an agonized moan, a tangle of copper arteries gives way and the base- ment of the University's most im- posing edifice becomes a lake of soft, pure water. Disaster? Excite- ment? No classes? Not a chance. Classes as usual thanks to the friendly men in the blue sedans, the Sanford Security agents. Should a calamity like the above actually occur, it would be de- on campus," Ueker said, "and we have 6/z million square feet that need policing." Communication Center t Sanford men patrol from 11 p.m. until 7 a.m. "They make sure doors are locked, elevators and fans are in good working order," Ueker indicated. "And if any- thing goes wrong, these men re- port directly to the University's communication center (525 Church St.). These people are on the switchboard twenty-four hours a day and are ready to call in re- pairmen to cope with any prob- lems." outside University police juris- diction." "On the other hand, if Ann tArbor police are called as a re- sult of reports made by our San- ford men, burglaries and thefts on campus remain within the jurisdiction of the city police force." Arrangement The University has made an arrangement with the Ann Arbor police whereby they are paid a portion of their total operating cost in return for police services on campus. This includes ticket- ing of cars and being on call for I