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October 04, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-04

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_. _

Viet Nam Important








SALEM, Ore. OP)-"Ky," said
the Oregon politician, "may have
hore to do with the election than
either Hatfield or Duncan."
Translation: Nguyen Cao Ky is
premier of South Viet Nam.
Developments in the search for
peace there between now and
Nov. 8, Election Day, could affect
the fortunes of Oregon's Gov.
Mark O. Hatfield, Republican,
and Congressman Robert B. Dun-
can, Democrat, in their race for
the U.S. Senate. For American
policies in Viet Nam constitute

the main theater of battle be-
tween Duncan and the governor..
Hatfield is deeply critical of
both the military and diplomatic
polices. He has been saying so
for more than a year.
Duncan unreservedly supports
the administration in its conduct
of the war.
A 'visible improvement in the
outlook for a settlement might
work to Duncan's advantage if
voters should regard it as vindi-
cating President Johnson's poli-
cies. Vice versa, if prospects for
a solution remain unchanged, or

worsen, a majority might con- the Viet Cong at the conference "There are no clear-cut state is-
elude that Hatfield should be sent table. sues between us."
to Washington-in which case, Hatfield would like to shift the The race to succeed Democratic
Ho Chi Minh, chief of North Viet focus of the campaign to other Sen. Maurine Neuberger, who is
Nam, also may be a "key." issues. retiring, is attracting wide at-
Significant Forum "The question has been over- tention.
Perhaps significantly, Vice Pres- emphasized by the national press," "Wahington is wheeling in the
ident Hubert H. Humphrey re- he said. "There are other issues, big guns to help Duncan." Hat-
cently chose the University of the effect of 'tight' money on field observes.
Oregon as the forum from which housing starts and therefore on Humphrey appeared recently at
to say, "we are prepared to see Oregon's lumber industry, the a $50-a-plate dinner in Portland.
the National Liberation Front question of whether Duncan Noisy antiwar demonstrations sent
represented in peace negoti- would be . a puppet senator for 31 pickets to jail. At separate
ations." Johnson, etc." times during the dinner, a young
This appeared to go a step "The War is the Issue" man and a woman rose to call
beyond previous administration Duncan vehemently disagrees. Humphrey a "fraud" and "guilty
statements with respect to having I "The war is the issue," he says. of crimes against Viet Nam."

Presumably, they paid $50 for the However. Oregon voters have
privilege. demonstrated before that they
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of can be hard-shell independents.
New York is due in Oregon Oct. It is generally believed that large
24 to campaign for Rep. Edith numbers will cross partylines in
Green, but he is expected to have November, impelled by their feel-
some kind words for Duncan, too. ings on Viet Nam.
An erstwhile Kennedy aide, Wes Supports Duncan
Barthelmess, is an important aide T
to Duncan. The Portland Oregonian, the
At this point, both candidates state's largest newspaper, en-
they have reason to believe dorsed Hatfield on Sept 29. The
they are running ahead. Analysts Oregon Journal announced its
say the race is neck-and-neck, support of Duncan Sept. 30.
although Democrats have 105,000 Both newpapers said their views
more registered voters than the on Viet Nam were closer to Dun-
Republican. can's than to Hatfield.

However, the Oregonian said,
"Gov. Hatfield's is the responsible
voice of dissent as contrasted to
the irresponsible rant and cant
of Sen. Wayne L. Morse"--a far
more vehement critic of John-
son's Viet Nam policies than Hat-
field is.
Last year, at the governor's
conference in Minneapolis, Hat-
field declined to agree with a
proposal to give the administra-
tion a blanket endorsement on
Viet Nam. More recently in Los
Angeles, he was the lone dissenter
in a 49-to-1 vote on a similar

Cause B.
Hausas Kill
1000 Ibes
In Massacre
Military Government P
Restores Order After 4.
Five Days of Riots
LAGOS, Nigeria (P)-Clashesu
between proud militant northern
Nigerians and the ambitious Ibo
tribesmen of the east have left
about 1,000 dead-many butcher-
d with swords-since last Wed- ..
nesday, various reports from ther
north indicated yesterday. From
all accounts, most of the dead
appeared to be Ibos.
Lt. 0o. Yakubu Gowon, head of>
the military government, told the
closing session of the Consti-
tutional Conference in Lagos that w
the situation was under control
after five days of bloodshed. INDONESIAN PALA
The conference, attended by bayoneting at least e
delegations from the nation's four karno's palace, label
main regions who hope to ham- krns laelbl
mer out a constitution to bring tics, and marks the
peace to Nigeria, was adjourned
until Oct. 24. 1' o
'Gowon expressed grief over
events at Kano, 520 miles north
of Lagos, where perhaps 300 Ibos
were slain by mobs wielding
swords.The massacre occurredYouths
Sunday at Kano International
Airport and in the Sagon Gari,
the foreign quarter outside the JAKARTA, Indonesi
city. bat troops, cracking
Work was resumed at the $100 full force for the fir
million Kainji Dam under the student demonstrators,
watchful eyes of 200 troops and and clubbed scores o
police after clashes between north- defiant Indonesian y
ern and eastern workers left 32 tried to storm Presiden
persons dead last Wednesday and palace Monday.
Thursday. The dam is 300 miles The bloody clash b
J north of Lagos. troops and students a
The deep-seated hostility be- represent a new an
tween the Ibos and Hausas stems dangerous shift in vol
from both economic and military nesian politics.
rivalries., The largely Moslem Until Monday, the st
Hausa northerners accuse the carefully maintained
Ibos of economic domination. The with the army even ,t
Ibos, generally better educated youths were shot an
than the northerners, migrated troops in demonstra
from their region and took skilled time ago outside Jak:
jobs in the north. But in the previous
The northerners also were students fought onl
angered at a coup led mostly by ments of the army. M
eastern officers last January in clashed with palae g
which Prime Minister Sir Abu- bile brigades, military
bakar Tafawa Balewa, a north-rglrbrops,
erner, was killed. An easterner, regular troops. u
Maj Ge. Jhnsn T U.Aguiyi- At least eight stu
Maj. Gen. Johnson T. U.Agi- bayoneted, and scores
Ironsi, took power. myre te rnd
The outbreak at Kano was one aered to the ground
of several attacks against the as they broke throug
Ibos in the past week. Lt. Col. of troops and raced
Odumegwu Ojukwu, governor of palace, shouting tha
dumg uOju ugoves tewas a Communist I
the eastern region, has estimated wsoud bCoughstto
3,000 Ibos have been slain. should be brought to
Reports to Lagos indicated the Sukarno was out of
fighting began at Kano Inter- The youths had de
national Airport when northern before Sukarno's empt
soldiers apparently fired on a two days during the w
group of Ibos refugees waiting manding that he brou
to board a plane for Lagos. for involvement in t]
A mob of civilians joined the Communist coup last
soldiers and the crowd swept were dispersed at rifl
through nearby Sabon Garl, a The Jakarta militar
section that formerly housed had warned the stude.
thousands of easterners. They that no more dem
also attacked Ibos waiting at the would be allowed.
railroad station. demonstrations coincid


Georgia Rep. FREE PRESS:
Repudiates Criticize Proposed Limits on
Party Stand Pre-Trial Information Release


Strif e

Weltner Withdraws:
'Refuses To Endorse
Maddox as Candidate
ATLANTA ()-Rep. Charles L.
Weltner, in a startling move, with-
drew yesterday as the Democratic
nominee for a thirdhcongressional
term rather than vote for Lester
G. Maddox, arch segregationist
who won the party nomination for
"I will give up my office before
I give up my principles," said
Weltner. He said he could not keep
a pledge required of Democratic
candidates to vote for party nomi-
nees in the general election.
"I cannnot compromise with
hate," he said. "I cannot vote for
Lester Maddox."
Weltner's bombshell, dropped at
a news conference in his office,
left it up to the Fulton County
(Atlanta) Democratic executive
committee to choose a nominee.
Republican State Sen. Fletcher
Thompson is running for the con-
gi'essional seat.
A Negro senator, Leroy R. John-
son, said immediately he would
like to get the nomination. John-
son, who four years ago became
the first Negro legislator in Geor-
gia in half a century, said he was
a loyal Democrat but not a Mad-
dox supporter.
Loyalty Oath
Weltner, reading from a brief
prepared statement noted that he
had said last Friday he could not
violate the party loyalty oath.
"Today, the one man in our
state who exists as the very sym-
bol of violence and oppression is
the Democratic nominee for the
highest office in Georgia," Weltner
"His entire public career is di-
rectly contrary to my deepest con-
victions and beliefs. And while I
cannot violate my oath, neither
can I violate my principles.
Therefore, I am withdrawing as
the Democratic nominee for the
House of Representatives."

ITAfiT CTr17hTiID\ 'hro 1pcei

1 of #.ha ennia#v'c Fh"aattnm of Tnfnr- ! of WCTT Phinaan 6 nrl Unh C.srrnhla ''


VV A"£1imLJLI1 X ± lJI V\ I--- AL IL Ui aoU- VI 4,LI QUUILa ao ' I V sUciysI UA VJ .IUL -
ing press spokesmen have roundly mation and Bar-Press Committee.
criticized proposals by an Ameri- Objections also were raised by
can Bar Association study group D. Tennant Bryan, chairman of
that limits be put on what police the Committee on Free Press and
and lawyers may say publicly Fair Trial of the American News-
about pending criminal cases. paper Publishers Association.
The report, prepared by 10 "An ever-zealous concern for
prominent judges and lawyers, the rights of defendants in crimi-
"represents a serious, if uninten- nal cases ought not to be allowed
tional assault on freedom of the to deprive the public of truthful
press, and also the constitutional needs pertaining to crimes and
guarantee of free speech," said information which the public
Robert C. Notson and J. Edward criminals in our society. in the
Murray of the American Society light of growing problems of law
of Newspaper Editors. enforcement at the local, state
Notson, Portlpand, Ore., execu- and national level," Bryan said.
tive editor of the Oregonian, is In a letter to ABA officials,
president of the society. Murray, Bruce Dennis new president of the
Phoenix, Ariz., managing editor of Radio and Television News Direc-
the Arizona Republic, is chairman tors Association and news manager,
Stock Averages Plummet
To owest Since 1963

Uz V u'N J \ Oag4U Nna zoU Uamie,
outgoing RTNDA president and
news manager of WFBM, Indian-
apolis, Ind., said:
"The ABA advisory committee's
recommendations attempting to
strengthen the right of fair trial
without abridging constitutional
guarantees to freedom of the press
deserve the most careful consider-
ation of all news media." But they
"Hasty or superficial judgments
on matters of such basic import-
ance can be extremely harmful to
all concerned."
Raymond L. Spangler, president
of Sigma Delta Chi and publisher
of the Redwood City, Calif., Trib-
une, said the recommendations
See ASNE, Page 8

-Associated Press
CE GUARDS and combat troops charged into student demonstrators Monday,
ight, and clubbing others to the ground. Students tried to storm President Su-
ling him a Communist. This move represents a new shift in that nation's poll-
first time that troops used full forces against students.
Stran Troops Fightalace

NEW YORK (A) - The stock
market was battered yesterday in
a trading session which sent the
closing Dow Jones industrial av-
erage to its lowest point since late
The average fell 16.26 points to
757.96, the lowest closing since
Dec. 24, 1963, when it read 756.86.
The drop was the largest decline
in the average since July 25 when
it dropped 16.32.
Volume was 6.5 million shares
compared with 6.19 million Friday.
The market rose at the start but
losses soon set in and spread

across the board. Glamor stocks
were hard hit.
"Nothing can point todaysingle
factor which caused today's ac-
tionr' said Monte Gordon, analyst
with Bache & Co. "It is, however,
completely consistent in the con-
text of the uncertainty created by
Viet Nam."'
The Associated Press 60-stock
average declined 4.9 points to
274.7. Standard & Poor's 500-stock
index, which represents 85 per
cent of the dollar value of all
stocks listed on the New York
Stock Exchange, closed off 1.66
at 74.90.




9 A. M.-5 P.M.
atNthe Booth
(corner State &
North University)


a /P-Com-
down with
st time en
f shouting,
youths who
at Sukarno's
etween the
appeared to
id possibly
Latile Indo-
tudents had
close ties
hough some
d killed by
tions some
clashes, the
certain seg-
onday, they
uards, mo-
police and
dents were
were ham-
with clubs
h a cordon
toward the
tt Sukarnol
leader andl
the city.
y palace for
eekend, de-
ght up trial
he abortive
year. They
e point.
y command
nts Sunday
ed with the

third day of the trial of former Subandrio testified before a
Foreign Minister Subandrio, who military tribunal that he had
is accused of being involved in heard Communist plans of the
the Communist coup attempt and j oup but did not tell Sukarno be-
of misuse of $1 million of public cause he thought the president
funds. knew of it.



World News Roundup

TUESDAYS-Three Luncheon Seminars
"Death of God," etc.
I-Oct. 4, Guild House (25c buffet)
l1I-Oct. 11, Michigan League (Conf. I)
(Go thru cafeteria line)
Ill-Oct. 18, Michigan League
Bibliography: The Death of God Controversy,
Ogletree: Radical Theology and the Death of
God, Altizer and Hamilton.
Leader: Lloyd Putnam, Office of Religious Affairs
Sponsored by the Off ice of Religious Affairs, 2282 SAB


Trueblood Auditorium
12:30-5 P.M
SEASON Tickets.
6 shows-$8.00or $5.50




By The Associated Press
issed a "truth-in-packaging" bill
sterday stripped of Senate pro-
ions for mandatory federal,

All flights into and out of Grand mese war.
Bahama were canceled, and Nas- The announcement came a day
sau Airport was closed. after the Soviet press confirmed
Grand Bahama authorities said that Russian soldiers have trained
they were worried about flying troops in North Viet Nam to fire
debris from the island's many con- Soviet-made antiaircraft rockets at
struction projects. American planes.







MIAMI, Fla.-Coastal residents* * "The Soviet Union and other
fled to higher ground on Grand MOSCOW - The Soviet Union socialist countries will not leave
Bahama Island last night as Hur- signed new aid agreements with the Vietnamese people in trouble,"
ricane Inez lumbered northward, North Viet Nam yesterday and said Vladimir N. Novikov, the
threatening the northern Bahamas pledged continued support for the Soviet deputy premier who signed
with her top winds. Communist cause in the Vietna- the new aid agreements.
"Magnificent Virtuosity!"-Detroit News
"Great Dramatic Excitement!"-Toledo Blade
"Fine Bravura Style!"-Detroit Free Press


Dance etival
Three Performances in Hill Auditorium
*H OSIO NOT TROUPE ... Monday, October 24, 8:30
-from Suidobashi Noh Theatre, Tokyo, on their first American tour.
Presented in collaboration with the University of Michigan Center for
Japanese Studies.
ROBERT JOFFREY BALLET... Wednesday, October 26, 8:30
Young American "classic" company, with orchestra, specializing in
both classic and modern choreography.
FIESTA MEXICANA ... Saturday, ctober 29, 8:30
-from Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City. Javier de Leon's com-
pany of thirty, on their first United States tour.
Series Tickets: $8.00-$6.00-$5.00
Single Performances: $4.00-$3.00-$2.00


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