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October 04, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-04

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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





State Officials Comment on'U' Controls Ovei


The legal status of local police
on a state university's campus re-
mained clouded yesterday as dif-
ferent state officials gave conflict-
ing opinions on the relationship
between the University and the
A source in the Attorney Gen-
eral's office indicated that the
Regents might be able to establish
controls over police activity if they

Yet state legislators seemed to ing to City Administrator Guy'
think the oily way for the Uni- Larcom, this contribution consti
versity to assert itself would be for tutes 17 per cent of the city's total
it to establish its own police force. police budget.
Both sources emphasized that Larcom placed the cost of po-
such a question is not dealt with lice protection for the University
under present Michigan laws, while at $215,000 yearly.
city officials confirmed that the This expense is in addition to
University, under present arrange- the cost of maintaining the San-
ments, has no choice but to allow ford Security Service which, while
Ann Arbor police on campus. not a police force, guards Univer-
Although the University does sity buildings and grounds.
not pay taxes to the city it does Sources close to the Attorney
pay for police protection. Accord- General felt that the Regents

could, by incorporating "reason- committee of the House Ways and
able rules" into the bylaws of the Means Committee, which held
University, prevent local police hearings last year on police-uni-
from coming onto the campus as
log asmng "no rie were being versity relations at Wayne State
committed." University, said a university could
roMa ,Ited.become completely autonomous of

quested by the University or when mendations. Vice - President for
in hot pursuit." Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler
Faxon's subcommittee recom- said last night that he had notf
mended that WSU set up a cam- heard about the subcommittee ac-
pus force and that other state tion and he declined to comment
colleges do the same after last on it.
year's hearings. The Legislature Faxon said, "I think it is essen-
has appropriated funds for WSU's tial that universities recognize the
police force and it has been estab- necessity for a professional police
lished.force and I consider a university

Th'e sources empnasized that!
this opinion was entirely unoffi-
cial. An official statement would
be issued only if a request were
made for one by an interested
party. No such request has been
I However the chairman of a sub-

local authority only by establish-
ing its own police force.
"City police would then have
the same relationshin to the cam-

According to other legislative
sources, if a university does not
elect to establish its own police
force, it must rely on local police
to maintain the peace. By so do-
ing, the institution forfeits for-
mal, legal control over police ac-
tions on campus to the municipal
Thus, they felt, the only way for
a university to have effective con-
trol over police is to set up a
private force.

pus as they would to another city," University administrators ap-
said Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), parently were not aware of the
"and could enter only when re- subcommittee's hearings or recom-

police force much more desirable
than reliance on local law en-
forcement officials."




Pass- Fail


pperclassmen Can Elect Credit-Onl



NW miga ailyRE

Late World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States and the Soviet Union
have agreed to resume talks, immediately on an air transport
agreement with the prospect of opening air service late next
spring 'between, New York and Moscow, the State Department
A department spokesman said the action gives "positive
meaning to our frequent statements that we seek areas of agree-
ment with the Soviet Union in spite of differences arising out
of the Vietnamese conflict."
"The air transport agreement is perhaps the one area," the
official added, "where we can make progress ini a demonstrable
and forthcoming fashion without raising broader considerations
of national policy."
NEW DELHI-Communist Chinese troops have been intrud-
ing into the Doklan district in Bhutan "at frequent intervals
since April 13," the Indian government charged yesterday.
It handed a protest note containing this accusation to the
Communist China Embassy on behalf of the Bhutanese govern-
ment. Under a treaty with India, Bhutan has agreed to be guided,
by India in its foreign relations.
The note demanded that Peking withdraw its troops and stop
these "wanten intrusions along the well-defined borders" divid-
ing Bhutan and Communist Chinese-ruled Tibet in the north.
DETROIT-Chrysler Corp. laid off 8,100 workers last night
and said a total of more than 52,000 will be out of work by Sat-
urday because of a strike at a key stamping plantin Ohio, the
Associated Press reported.
The nation's third largest auto maker laid off the 8,100
workers at its Hamtramck assembly plant in suburban Detroit,
shutting down the facility at the end of the day's last shift,
shortly before midnight.
COLLEGE STUDENTS who plan to ask for student defer-
§r ients from the draft can take qualification tests next month in 18
locations around the state.
The Michigan Selective Service headquarters announced yes-
terday that all the state's draft boards have application forms
The tests will be given Nov. 18 and 19.
* * * *
ZOLTON A. FERENCY, .Democratic candidate for governor
of Michigan, will tour Washtenaw County today. Plans include a
luncheon and speech at the Universtiy in the North Campus Com-
mons, which are open to the public.
Those interested in attending are advised to buy lunch in
the cafeteria and eat in the room resreved for Ferency's appear-

Draft Boards
To Examine
Men 26-35
To Test Availability
Of Those Now Liable
After Deferments
By The Associated Press
A selective service spokesman
said last night it is ordering phys-
ical examinations for men be-
tween 26 and 35 years of age who
had been deferred earlier from
the draft.
None has been inducted yet but
the spokesman said the inventory
of nearly 70,000 men will indicate
how many could be available.
Some 28,153 in the 26-35 age
bracket who were previously de-
ferred and have since been classi-
fied 1-A or 1-A-0 have already'
been found qualified for military
Selective Service ordered local
boards about two weeks ago to
check out the remaining 41,780I
men in this category. The move
had not been announced.
Draft liability normallyendsdat
age 26. But if a man has been de-t
ferred, for example because of stu-
dies, his liability is extended to1
age 35.
Only about half of the group
to be tested is expected to pass
the physical.
These men would be in what is
known as the fifth category of
call. Presently men in the fourth
category, those who married in
recent years during a period in
which married men were auto-
matically granted deferment, are
in some cases being inducted.
The spokesman pointed out that
the men in the 26-35 group who
have not been given pre-induction
examinations would probably be
reduced by 50 per cent or more.
The prediction was based on cur-
rent experience in rejection of
men who are forwarded in lower
age groups for 'pre-induction ex-
The, spokesman also observed
that should the unexamined group
be reduced by more than 50 per
cent and the already-examined
group be reduced to some extent
upon further examination, the
total number of men available in
the 26-35 group would not total
as much as some of the upcoming
monthly draft calls.

Option To Begin
Spring Trimester
'Non-Major Majors,' New Degree
Referred to Executive Committee
Upperclassmen in the literary college will be able to elect
one course per semester on pass-fall option beginning next
May as a result of action taken by the literary college Faculty
Senate yesterday.
The pass-fail recommendation of the Curriculum. Com-
mittee was approved by a majority vote.
Two other Curriculum Committee recommendations, a
"concentration-at-large" program and a new degree called
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, were referred to the LSA
executive committee.
The plan, as passed, allows upperclassmen "in good
standing" to elect four courses on a pass-fall option, one per
semester. The course may not

-Daily-Bernie Baker
SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT at yesterday's open meeting on the police controversy are Voice member
Skip Taube, Vice-President for Studtrt Affairs Richard Cutler, and Ed Robinson, president of SGC.

Open Forum on Police Question
Ends in Bitter Disagreement

An open meeting yesterday
broke up in bitter disagreement
on what further steps should be
taken to reduce tension between
local police and student "activ-
The meeting was attended by
four University vice-presidents,
members of Voice political party
and other students and faculty
The meeting was set up by Ed-
ward Robinson, '67, president of
Student Government Council, as
a result of the Voice sit-in at the
office of Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-
president and chief financial off i-
cer. It gave students and adminis-
trators an opportunity to state
their positions on the University's
present policy of calling on plain-
clothes officers of the Ann Arbor
police force during recent politi-
cal demonstrations.
Skip Taube, '69, outlined the
position of Voice:
1) The decision of when police

should be called upon to be pres-
ent at campus activities should be
made jointly by students and the
2) Police should be called only
when there is the possibility of
disturbance involving life or prop-
erty, and
3) Police should be in uniform.
According to Michael Zweig,
Grad, chairman of Voice, "It is
not the right of the police to
come and harass private meet-

ings. The University' has a re-
sponsibility to protect its students
from intimidation."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler countered
this by saying, "We do not en-
courage nor do the police seek to
intimidate. We have a continuous
working relation with the police
to prevent this."
One of the major complaints
leveled by Voice is the use of cam-
eras by plainclothes officers. Cut-

Ter claims that "pictures are not
being taken by the police. This
happened several years ago. But
we believe that this has ceased."
But Olson affirmed last Friday
that the detectives he commands
carry cameras to public gatherings
as a "part of equipment and work-
ing tools."
Cutler concluded his remarks by
saying, "The issue is resolved. I
believe our procedures are right
and I'm going to stand by them.

be part of his major concen-
tration nor a course elected to
fulfill distribution r eq U I r e-
A student who agrees to take
a course on a pass-fail basis
will receive a "satisfactory
(pass for credit)" mark on
his record for a grade of C or
above. A grade below C will
be entered as "unsatisfactory
(fail-no credit)." The stu-
dent will receive credit to-
wards graduation for such a
course but will not receive
honor points.
The student must "abide by
his decision whether or not to
take a course for pass-fail once
it has been made and the work
of the term begun," according to
the proposal. The administrative
board of the literary college will
not accept a petition requesting a
change from pass-fail to letter
grading. The usual regulations on
dropping a course will pertain to
the pass-fail course.
The adopted proposal states
that after two years of operation
the experiment of pass-fail cours-
es will be reviewed by the Cur-
riculum Committee of LSA with
a recommendation made to the
faculty on the merits of its con-
The, two other recommendations
were not brought before the exec-
utive committee last spring but
were approved by the faculty at
yesterday's meeting.

Meyers Defends Draft Law
At UAC Deferment Discussion


Erickson Emphasizes Individualization
In Learning; Praises Student Discontent


"The Selective Service system
represents the conscience of the
nation. Each person determines if
he is willing to give what it takes
for this country to survive," a
Michigan draft official asserted
Col. W. J. Meyers, deputy Mich-
igan Selective Service director,
spoke at a University Activities
Center-sponsored discussion on the
draft held in Aud. A of Angell
Also speaking at the hour and
45 minute discussion before 51 peo-
ple was Capt. William S. Pascoe of
'the National Draft Committee. Ed
Robinson,n'67, president of Stu-
dent Government Council, presided
over the question and answer
In his address, Meyers, a Mich-
igan graduate, stressed the basic
principle of the draft law. "Males
between the ages of 18-35 are sub-
ject to military service until they
can prove to their board that they
warrant a deferment in the na-
tional interest," he said.
Emphasizing that this isa per-
sonal interest, and not a right, he
said, "Selection is based on what
is good for the nation today, not

the contents are strictly confi-
Pascoe said, in regard to the
composition of the boards, that
the members are "conscientious
individuals" who have a very
thankless job for which they re-
ceive no pay and much abuse. De-
spite these hardships, many have
been on these boards since 1940,
he said.
In answer to a question con-
cerning Wayne State University,
Meyers recommended that stu-

dents keep their draft board in-
formed of President Keast's state-
ments. This could be done by at-
taching newspaper articles to let-
ters expressing their concern. He
said he felt that these students
shouldn't be penalized because
their school fails to rank them.
Meyers and Pascoe, however, re-
fused to be drawn into a debate
concerning the morality or justice
of the draft. As a personal com-
ment, Meyers added that he would
like women to be drafted.

Read-In Draws Mass Turnout
For Poetic Viet Nam Protest

Prof. Stanford C. Erickson, di-
rector of the Center for Research
on Learning, and Teaching praised
"aggressive discontent by college
students" and called for a return
to the individual student as the
basic educational unit in a ad-
dress before the second annual
Faculty Assembly of the State
University of. New York in Syra-
cuse yesterday.
The speech was entitled "The
nfl..---------- . nn....in f M --

and university must encourage
diversity and individuality, and
work toward returning to the day
when the individual student is the
unit of instruction."
Erickson also discussed tech-
nological advances. Despite the
emphasis on factual learning, he
said, modern technology can only
supplement the student-teacher
relationship. "The videotape re-
corder permits us to nut the pro-

"The instructor," he continued,
"will delegate to the computer the
sequential learning of the prere-
quisite information, and will ac-
cept for his own teaching responsi-
bility encouraging students to con-
tinue their inquiry into complex
levels of learning and thinking."
"Prof. on the Spot"
Ericson said that the computer
will put the professor on the spot
by revealing his inadequacies in

than mere facts, he said, "The
ability to retrieve an impressive
array of facts is not necessarily3
the most distinguished character-
istic of an educated man. Facts
on the acquisition of concepts,
are only prerequisties for moving+
principles, and generalizations. '
College Entrance Exams 1
Speaking in reference to the
College entrance tests, which he
termed "an educational lottery,"


"Poets on the War in Vietnam"
drew a large and enthusiastic
crowd to the Anderson Room of
the Union Sunday night. The pro-
gram was sponsored by the Cre-
ative Arts Committee of the Uni-
versity Activities Center.
The presentations-some satiri

doxical nature of those involved in
the war.
Will Geer, who is now playing
with the Association of Producing
Artists, sent the audience into
waves of laughter by quoting an
almost absurd report of an inter-
view with the surviving residents
of a Vietnamese village which had
been attacked and bombed by
American forces.

as against the American people in
general for tolerating such "mon-
strous" acts as those supposeily
being committed by American
soldiers in Vietnam.
Bly suggested that the United
States was participating in the
war for such psychological reasons
as the serving of American pas-
sions, the "tremendous realizing
of pure aggressive needs." This



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