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October 02, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-02

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Michigan State .26 Purdue
Illinois . . . . .10SMU . .

. . . . . 35 Wisconsin
. . . . .23Iowa . . .0

. . . . 7 Washington . .
. . . . 0 Ohio State . . .

. 38 Notre Dame .
.22 Northwestern

. 351Kansas . . . a . 16 UCLA . .. . . .24 Slippery Rock .0.7
. . 71 Minnesota . . . .14 Iissouri . r. . . .15\Ediiboro . . . . .7

- --- - -----------

See Editorial Page




High 65
Low 40
Frost and near-freezing
temperatures Sunday

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXVIj, No. 27








21 -7




By GIL SAMBERG portant more for its length in time them all. Eearly in the stanza, ly required the fullback to run
Associate Sports Editor than yards. with Michigan down on its own over his own QB as well as the
Well, I might as well say it. The There is little doubt, though, 13-yard line, Carl Ward took a opposing defenders, the dropsies
South has rose again. that the game's outcome could be short pitch back from quarterback set in again.
Jim Hickey, looking like the pic- explained with two words: "Mis- Dick Vidmer, catching it some- Vidmer took the snap at the 36,
ture of a head football coach-- takes" and what line coach Tony where around his ankles . . . but moved into the pocket which held
any kind-as he stood in a locker Mason calls "Poise." The Wolver- not for long. all afternoon before a non-rush-
room bouncing to the beat of ines had plenty of the first, any- Two plays later Chapel Hill's ing Tar Heel line, and uncorked a
"Tequilla," said it all for the Tar how. champion, Danny Talbott, lazily screamer to (would you believe)
Heels when he termed North Caro- "We had the momentum," said rolled right and hit halfback Tom Clancy at the seven yard line. Un-
lina's stunning 21-7 upset victory head coach Bump Elliott after the Lampman in the end zone on a fortunately Michigan's record-set-
over. Michigan yesterday "my best game, "but then we hurt ourselves comebacker. ting split end, who caught eight
win ever." real bad. We were our own worst Foiled Again passes for 91 yards yesterday, had
"Bte hnUihSae"enemy." not yet turned around. . .And
asked a disbelieving Southern Blowing Their Cool But the Blue marched back, and ort arolina defensie back Bi
("Hah, am fum Tnnessee" fol- Bowing Thir Coolafter going 53 yards in eight solid-'NrhCrln eesv akBl
"Hah aAfter opening up all the guns in ly executed plays, Vidmer fired a Darnall had.
Y the first quarter, uncorking a high hard one to his now double- Fumble-itis
"You mean yoah best against quick 58-yard drive in 13 plays, teamed end, Jack Clancy. . . . It Yet even these gifts weren't
any Nothun team, raht?" the Wolverines developed a wild was just high enough for Clancy quite enough for North Carolina
"No, the best since I been heah," case of the leaping, running, gal- to leap for the ball and tip it up to blow the game open. But the
answered Hickey. loping, flying dropsies and handed and into the hands of safety Gene Blue kept trying.... Ward's fum-
Right Place, Right Time the Tar Heels their free passes to Link at the 13-yard line. ble on the Wolverine 24 early in
There was little doubt that the paydirt. Aerials were lost. Hand- Shall we try once more? the second half provided an open-
Tar Heels played their finest foot- offs were blown. Things refused to By the end of the half it was ing. In five plays the Tar Heels
ball yesterday, and of their offense get organized just right for the getting almost as hard for Vidmer were in. And in one sense this was
wasn't overwhelming, it was po- Blue, and their field position got to find his receivers as the end- the clincher.
tent and consistent enough to put increasingly worse as the game zone. After a quickie 46-yard drive "You only get three strikes in
the points on the board and run progressed. which included two overthrows, a this game too," said Mason when
out the clock at the right time. The second quarter - the guns halfback option using Jim Detwiler the afternoon of frustration was
But North Carolina's key scores still firing pretty well, if slightly as the passer, one dropped aerial, finally over. "Sometimes you
came on bursts of 14 and 24 yards, off the ultimate mark-was the and a draw play to Dave Fisher make mistakes. You swing at a bad
and its final touchdown was im- most interesting funsy period of good for 17 yards which apparent- See SECOND, Page 7

-Daily-Andy Sacks
MICHIGAN CAPTAIN JACK CLANCY turns around Just in time
to see a Dick Vidmer pass fall into the arms of North Carolina
defender Bill Darnall. The interception was one of three for the
Tar Heels.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
TRIPLE-THREAT QUARTERBACK Danny Talbott rolls out on
the option play. The North Carolina star scored one TD and
passed for two others en route to a 21-7 upset of the Wolverines.

8eat Me qte
If I have a reasonable excuse, can I break my Residence
Halls contract and forfeit my $45 deposit with no further
The University Housing Office accepts several reasons for
which a student can break a dorm contract. According to Edward
Salowitz, assistant director of University housing, they are:
academic dismissal from the University, withdrawal from school
because of health problems certified by Health Service, mar-
riage, and induction into military service. Also accepted is finan-
cial need if a student has exhausted available sources of financial
aid and funds that he can live cheaper off campus than in the
residence halls. In these circumstances, the student would forfeit
only the $45 residence halls deposit.
* * * *
What is the schedule and route of the new University com-
muter bus service?-J.P.
The busses, which are designed primarily to link the central
and athletic campuses do not run on a fixed schedule. Beginning
at 7:15 a.m., the busses leave from the Plant Department at
Hoover and Brown Streets every 8 to 10 minutes until 6:30 p.m.
The route goes up Brown to Hill St., along Hill to S. State, on
State to N. University where the line crosses the North Campus
commuter line. The route continues up N. University to Forest,
down Forest back to Hill St. and back to the starting point. The
commuter service is operated by the Plant Department, transpor-
tation service. Call them at 764-3427 for further information.
* * *
What is the "grade" situation concerning advance placement
high school courses? When is the credit added to the tran-
There are two ways in which an incoming freshman may get
advanced placement credit. One is by taking college or junior
college courses while still in high school and earning a grade of
B or better.
The second way is to take Advance Placement courses in
high school and obtaining a score of 3 or higher on the Advanced
Placement Examination. Credit' for Advance Placement courses
is awarded by the admissions office after consultation with the
department involved.
All advance placement credit is treated as transfer credit.
The credit hours awarded are counted as credit toward the degree
but no grades are given and the hours are not figured in compu-
tation of the honor point average.

Urban Areas Campus Conflicts Prompted by
Face Crime . Sy
Growth Crisis Youth 's Lack o Faith in System

Speech by Editor
Warns Against Threat
To Law and Order
American cities face a serious
crisis in law and order, a Chicago
editor told Michigan newsmen at
the 49th annual meeting of the3
University Press Club, held this;
Lloyd Wendt, editor of Chicago's'
American, stated that we will soon
know whether we can remain a
nation of laws, or whether we must
revert to a past when either a
vigilante group enforced a pre-
carious peace, or a lord of the
manor afforded his protection to
his vassals.

"The college campus is an arena
where two generations are in con-
flict," Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard L. Cutler told a
Michigan Press Club luncheon
"Adults who have seen our sys-
tem weather a depression and two
major wars feel confident in its
ability to solve its problems," Cut-
ler stated. "Today's college stu-
dents have not seen, in their life-

times, a lasting solution to any
of the modern problems."
Cutler also stressed the import-
ance of middle-class indulgence of
children'as a factor in the devel-
opment of the sense of urgency
with which many students view
current issues. He cited yesterday's
sleep-in on the issue of police on
campus as an example of attempts
to evade the usual channels of1
decision-making. 1
"We felt the police issue de-

67% of Negroes Fail
Army Mental exam

served review when VOICE called
our attention to it three weeksC
ago," he said. "A few students ap-
parently decided the regular meth-
ods of investigation and discussion
in an attempt to reach a concen-
sus were taking too long. The
sleep-in was basically an attempt
to 'break the system.'"'
Cutler estimated the number of
"really militant" students on cam-
pus at "about 50," but stressed the
importance of dealing with the
"iceberg effect" of thousands of
others who are less vocal.
"Our generation needs to artic-
ulate in a very clear way that the
system has not only worked for
us, but will work for them," he de-
cla red.
"The danger lies in adults feel-
ing the system is all right and
youth that it is all wrong. If such
a falling-out between the genera-
tions comes to this campus, we will
have another Berkeley. That would
be destructive not only to the uni-
versity as a center of learning,
but to American society as a
Other Analysts
Cutler is not the only analyst of
militant protest on the American
campus. Martin Meyerson, presi-
York at Buffalo, agrees that acti-
vism directly affects only a small
dent of State University of New
percentage of the college popula-
tion. In the current issue of "Dae-
dalus," Meyerson suggests the rea-

sons for militancy may lie in the
change-over of higher education
from an elite to a mass enterprise.
There are less positive state-
ments come from other sources.
Joel P. Smith, Stanford Univer-
sity's associate dean of students,
told an interviewer that American
student idealism is turning sour.
Smith cited disaffection with the
Johnson Administration, the Viet-
nam war, and changes in the civil
rights movement as causes for
new student negativism.
Soured Idealism
He stated that the idealism
which led students to join the
Peace Corps and VISTA, and to
participate in the civil rights
movement has degenerated into
"an intense sensualism"-drugs,
sex, and other forms of personal
indulgence - and an increased
alienation from society.
Thomas Kahn, executive direc-
tor of the League for Industria
Democracy, draws similar conclu-
sions in an article in the current
issue of "Worldview." Kahn sug-
gests that the success of the civil
rights movement led to an "exag-
gerated view of what students
themselves can achieve through
militant confrontations." This has
led, he believes, to "an almost
mystical devotion to activism and
a distrust of theory and analysis
which borders on outright anti-

"The breakdown of law and
order in many urban centers is By The Associated Press
frightening. In the past we have Defense Department records that
had violent lapses from an orderly 67.5 per cent of 18-year-old Ne-
society, but the situation today groes who took the armed services
is much more general," Wendt mental test between June 1, 1964,
said. and December 1, 1965, failed to
Wendt maintained, however, meet minimum standards, while a
that the problem can be solved comparatively low 18.5 per cent of
and cited his home city of Chicag white youths of the same age did
as proof. not obtain passing grades.
asf- "sorooof. re+h (

Nationwide, 25.3 per cent
those who took the test failed


"There are possibly some cynics
who might lift an eyebrow at Chi-
cago, especially if they have read
the reports on the civil rights
marches in recent weeks," Wendt
said. "Under the circumstances,
however, I think we have done ex-
tremely well, thanks to our citi-
zens, our mayor and our Superin-
tendent of Police," he added.
Wendt expressed that it is ex-
tremely unfortunate that the ur-
ban difficulties and the racial
problems have reached an explos-
ive situation at the same time

Reported yesterday in the Oc-
tober issue of American Education,
an official publication of the U.S.
Office of Education, the figures
were released by the Defense De-
partment through special agree-
ment with Secretary Robert S.
The tests, given during the
eighteen month time period under
the auspices of the Conservation of
Manpower Program, a plan aimed
at youths with need for rehabili-
tatiori toward military service, are
the same as that given all poten-
tial inductees.

In other draft developments
Friday, the Selective Service Sys-
tem announced that additional
student deferment tests will defi-
nitely be given this fall for stu-
dents who failed to take the ex-
amination last spring. The dates
set for the testing are November
18 and 19.
These tests, which were given
this year for the first time since
the Korean War, are specifically
designed to determine which stu-
students will be allowed to retain
their 2-S deferment ratings.
Any registrant may apply who
is enrolled in college or is a high
school senior or graduate and has
not previously taken the test. A
registrant may take the test only
once. Selective Service says the
test is intended to predict a stu-
dent's ability to do college work.

Local Police
On Full Alert
For Sit=In
110 Man 'Army'
Prepared Friday
To Arrest Pickets
Managing Editor
The Ann Arbor police depart-
ment and Washtenaw County
sheriff's deputies were on "full-
scale mobilization" Friday after-
noon as a confrontation with dem-
onstrating students at the Admin-
istration Building was narrowly
averted, it was learned yesterday.
An army of 110 policemen had
been assembled at two points,
ready to arrest the 30 demonstra-
tors, members of Voice political
party, the campus chapter of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society.
The sit-in at the office of Vice-
President and chief financial offi-
cer Wilbur Pierpont was staged to
demand action from the University
on a protest filed by Voice two
weeks ago. Voice had asserted that
Ann Arbor policemen in plain
clothes took photographs of stu-
dents in a demonstration.
No Comment
Asked whether the University
had requested the police to pre-
pare to arrest the demonstrators,
Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler declined to com-
Ann Arbor Acting Police Chief
Walter Krasny said the University
had advised him Friday afternoon
that they would notify him if po-
lice assistance were 'required to
evict the demonstrators from Pier-
pon't office. Planning conferences
between University and police of-
ficials took place during the after-
noon, he said.
Krasny said the University was
aware of the preparations being
made by police officials, including
use of the riot squad, officially
known as a "crowd control" squad.
The crisis passed as University
officials confered with the pickets
and agreed. to hold an open meet-
ing Monday afternoon. The meet-
ing will be held at 2 p.m. in Con-
ference Room 4 at the Michigan
The sit-in began Thursday a-
ternoon. The University and police
agreed on 5 p.m. Friday as the
deadline for eviction of the dem-
onstrators from the office.
Reports circulated that the dem-
onstrators had been rounding up
supporters , for a showdown with
the police, if necessary.
Show of Force
A Voice member, Skip Taube,
'69, confirmed yesterday that a
show of strength had been plan-
ned at Pierpont's office late Fri-
day afternoon, to hear the Uni-
versity's answer to their demand
for a meeting to discuss the prob-
lems of relations with Ann Arbor
If the University had denied the
request, Taube said, a token num-
ber of demonstrators would prob-
ably have remained in Pierpont's



L, c l~ pllir itjj ti

Hobart Street Battle of the Front Porch:
at Role for the Poor in Detroit Polities?

Daily News Analysis
The battle of Hobart St. rages
in one of this nation's first major
confrontations between "poor pow-1
er" and the establishment.
If it were not for the underlying
issues of power and powerlessness,
the whole battle of the porch step
would seem silly. But 5778 Hobart
St. in Detroit has become a sym-
bol for what some feel is the city's
disregard for the needs of the
urban poor.
At stake in the dispute is the
right of people living in affected
areas to have a say in urban re-
newal policy decisions. Pitted

full-time staff and most of its
leadership comes from large groups
of concerned clergymen from
churches both within and outside
of the inner city.
The battle of Hobart St. is over
a federally-sponsored urban re-
newal project known as Research
Park-West, part of a large re-
development program in the area
surrounding Wayne State Univer-
sity. The project aims at creating a
commercial research area similar
in concept to Ann Arbor Research

tempted on Sept. 17 to move a
family into the house at 5778 Ho-
bart. They were met by police and
a nuumber of persons were ar-
rested for trespassing on city
Following this failure, WCO
staged a series of demonstrations
at the house and stationed clergy-
men around the clock to maintain
WCO's claim of "possession." The
Housing Commission made no at-
tempt to "reclaim" the building.
First Skirmish

Cavanaugh replied by saying
that he thought the meeting was
called to discuss housing problems
and the conference was left hang-
ing there. That afternoon, WCO
went out and successfully replaced
the porch steps.
Then WCO received two setbacks.
First, Secretary- of Housing and
Urban Development Robert Wea-
ver told Mayor Cavanagh that
allowing families to live in build-
ings condemned for urban renewal
would be considered a "breach of
contract" by HUD. The family
that had been planning to move
into the house on Hobart an-
nounced that it was no longer in-

move Mrs. Priscilla Johnson and
her six children into the house.
Police arrested Mrs. Johnson, 12
clergymen and two other partici-
pants, charging all with trespass-
ing. There, for the moment, the
matter rests.
WCO is out to prove that when
organized, the poor can be a real
force to contend with. The move-
ment has drawn inspiration from
Saul Alinsky and the civil rights
movement. Although often de-
scribed as a "militant civil rights
organization," this description does
not really fit WCO. Although cer-
tainly militant, it has tried as
much as possible to keep race
from becoming the central issue,

CONGRESSMAN Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) has an-
nounced that Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) will be visiting
Ann Arbor with him in October. Further details about the Ken-
nedy campaign appearance will be announced later.
Vivian yesterday announced that Vice-President Hubert H.
Humphrey will appear in Monroe Thursday to assist in the formal
dedication of a new branch library and to start razing for a new
community art center.
* * * *
THE NEW STATE conflict of interest law is felt, by some
legal experts, to affect a large number of university board mem-
bers and officials, who now sit on boards of banks that hold
university funds. The law, which is on the books but does not take
effect until about mid-March, prohibits employes of the state or
any political subdivision of the state from having a direct or
indirect interest in a contract between a private enterprise and
the state.
NOEL ROGERS, a graduate voice major in the music school,
has been named winner of the second annual Worcester (Mass.)
Music Festival and recipient of a $1500 prize.
Miss Rogers, who has sung lead roles in Mozart's "Magic
Flute," Wagner's "Lohengrin," and Strauss' "Rosalinda," quali-
fied for the festival contest as one of six regional champions. As
winner, she will appear with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in
ZlS~nrnactn. nn lo+ O


iThen, on Sept. 19, WCO at-
Conflicting Claims tempted to replace the porch
WCO claims the Detroit Housing steps on the house after the ori-
Commission has been making in- ginal steps were removed by the

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