i" Se'venty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Freshman Girls Aren't Ready for Rush 41# Where Opinions Are Free; 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBORMICH. Truth Will Prevail', Nvws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michiuan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER Mansfield Off-Base On Southern Integration By AVIVA KEMPNER AFTER ATTENDING the semi- traumatic hfirst day of classes, freshman girls began sorority rush. Equipped with twenty-three call- ing cards, comfortable walking shoes, and a map of previously un- familiar grounds, these girls start- ed the first encounter with mixers on what seemed the hottest night of the summer. The mixers consisted of attend- ing all the sorority houses with your rush groups during a three- day interval, allowing forty min- utes for each house. Each group was led by a rush counselor who informed the rushees about the do's and don't when the Panhel- lenic pamphlet failed to provide the necessary information. The sorority girls awaited at the door lined, up in various shaped formations and the president re- peated the welcoming speech to the entering rushees who intro- duced themselves and smiled in response. FOLLOWING the paired-off leaders through crowds of Vil- lager dresses and the atmosphere of summer and smoke, the girls were "rushed." Just as they fin- ished exchanging the niceties about the hot weather, respective class standings, and not wanting a cigarette or candy with one sor- ority girl everyone switched talk- ing mates and made new intro- ductions, and the process started all over again. Unfortunately, the sorority houses and the rushees accept and reject each other after these hectic nights. The sorority girls base their opinions on physical appear- ances and conversational ability of superficial subjects. The freshman girls who had to write short notes of their impres- sions during the ten minutes be- tween house visits also use the same criteria for their decisions, plus random selections if they re- ceived many invitations. Some girls just are too con- fused and behind in homework to continue the plunge, and drop out without giving the system a chance or getting their three dollars worth. AS RUSH CONTINUED, the wea- ther, crowds and conversation were more tolerable. Exchanges made more sense, ranging from pierced ears to summer trips. Sometimes both the rushee and the sorority girl realized that the other was losing the trend of the conversa- tion, but everyone knew that rush could get very time-consuming and monotonous. Disappointments, were experi- enced at rush meetings when girls ,did not receive an IBM card from a house or used the power of the pen to write 'I reject' instead of 'I accept'. Some girls were saved attending the meeting if the rush counselor called to convey her sympathies about the death of the rushee's pledge chances. Or if among the invitations one house was not included the famil- iar expressions, "but you're so sweet" or "I was going to drop anyhow," were voiced. THROUGHOUT the whole time I wondered what the freshman girls though of rush, so I eaves- dropped and questioned to find out. I overheard their comments, "some of the sorority girls have long hair, but I always thought..." asked them about the ability to do homework, "I stay up until three every night," and why they dropped, 'too much work and too early in the semester" and saw them walking the streets at night alone, looking lost and finally gaining courage to ask directions. Even the sorority girls wondered about the stamina of the fresh- man girls, a favorite topic of con- versation. The rush system itself in its present structure has many dis- advantages. Shy girls are elimin- ated, choices of both girls and houses are made on arbitrary points, especially after the cli- mactic mixers, and the whole pro- cess is too long and time consum- ing for everyone concerned. BUT TO ADD to these inherent faults the requirement of fall rush for everyone is unfair to both the freshman girls and the sorority houses. Even though an extens- ive summer program acquainted the new girls with rush, they were swept into an experience just after arriving and expected to make a choice affecting their college life without viewing the other possi- bilities. Dorm friendships are important, but not to the extent that, they will influence a girl's 'choice of a sorority". Girls suffer from dis- illusionment even if they "had al- ready decided to pledge if asked." In turn, the sororities ire de- prived of potential members who just could not stomach the big University and sorority rush in one big gulp. The pledges "who have a whole year to debate their decision to pledge" are pressured to decide yes by their circle of friends. If they decide not to pledge then that girl has taken up someone's space and the house suffers fi- nancial loss. THE HOUSES will pledge girls who are deprived of the first se- mester dorm and campus activi- ties, a loss probably detrimental to the house itself. And what about the sophomore girls who had to rush before they adjusted to their new mode of life? These new sisters did not even know the other house members well enough to trust their judg- ments on rushees. THE STATISTICAL facts about the quotas, 93 per cent acceptance of spaces available, tells the ob- vious story about the success of sorority rush. But having gone through the ex- perience myself, I think the subtle story about the rush structure and the freshman girls is more import- ant. More important for the re- evaluation and survival of the Greek system, but most important for the open-mindedness of the freshman girls. 4 "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the bene- fits of, or be subjected to discrimina- tion under any program, or activity receiving federal financial assistance. --Title VI from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 SENATOR MIKE MANSFIELD thinks the South is integrating too rapidly. The majority leader has accused the Department of Health, Education and Welfare of going beyond the scope of the law in enforcing the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. "We have been moving at a snail's pace in the South on desegregation, aniy- way," he argued. "The policy of the Civil Rights Act was to declare segregation by public officials unlawful. It was designed to prevent an unlawful act of segregation -not to implement an affirmative policy of integration." Unfortunately, Mansfield's statement will only make things worse. AT ITS INCEPTION, Title VI was re- garded as a potent political weapon because it could tighten or loose nthe federal purse strings. It contained a sec-, ond punch that empowered the attorney general to bring suit against a non- complying school district. The community was thus given a choice to desegregate with or without federal funds. Most Southern districts submitted plans accepted by the Office of Education of HEW and continued to receive money. In December, 1965, Katzenbach issued instructions for applying Title VI, which repeatedly indicated thati officials should not initiate fund-termination proceed- ings unless. "court enforcement is not feasible." The reliance on litigation did not pro- duce the desired results, and Negro lead- ers began to demand more rigid enforce- ment of the provisions of Title VI. So, this past March the Office of Education announced revised guidelines to strength- en the law, AT PRESENT, federal funds have been denied to only 74 of 1800 Southern school districts-but this is a deceiving figure. Data collected by the Southern Edu- cation Reporting Service shows that dur- ing 1965-66, some 180,000 Negro students attended school with whites. This is about six per cent of the total Negro student population in the 11 old Confed- eracy states. While it trebles the pre- 1964 enrollment, one wonders -why so many districts met HEW approval. What about the other 94 per cent? It is evident- that token compliance is the reality in most of these federally- aided districts-de jure segregation is now de facto segregation, and Gradualism is the name of the game. STOKELY CARMICHAEL answers the lack of progress by asserting that in- tegrati n is irrelevant. The issue is whether the focus should be shifted to provide all black schools to match, or petter the white facilities. But, at pres- ent the bulk of rights leaders consider the goals of Title VI worthwhile. Negro schools are markedly inferior to white schools, and there is not enough money to build "separate but equal" schools, as Carmichael suggests. The Brown vs. Board of Education decision in 1954 recognized the disparity that had developed between the white and Negro systems and outlawed this doctrine. But the inequalities continued. While the SNCC chairman is calling for a revival of dual, but equal school sys- tems as an actuality, the states have bare- ly enough funds to build themselves de- cent white schools. The crisis in educa- tion-the lack of dollars, teachers, and administrators affects both races. A split school is clearly unfeasible, and would spread already meager resources too thin. UNTIL CARMICHAEL can obtain funds to bring about his dream, more string- ent enforcement of Title VI is called for. Faculty, as well as student ratios, should not be abnormally weighted in favor of whites. This requires an increase in the number of regional workers to monitor and provide accurate information on Southern schools. The Office of Education, presently pro- ceeding with more deliberation than speed, should reverse the trend. -STEPHEN FIRSHEIM Hutchins Opposes Universal Service By ROBERT M. HUTCHINS RUMBLINGS IN Washington give warning that something big may be in the making, a Na- tional Service Act. The statements coming out of the capital have a certain studied ambiguity about them. It is im- possible to tell whether young peo- ple are to be compelled to serve or whether they are merely to be encouraged to do so. But this makes all the difference. The vision of all our youth be- ing urged and assisted to devote some time in their lives to im- proving the lot of humanity at home and abroad has a kind of nobility about it. THE VISION of all our youth being compelled to serve is with- out nobility. It has, indeed, some terrifying aspects. Such a system would put into the hands of bureaucracy, which would have to be enormous, the power to decide what young Am- ericans should do with a slice of their lives. In practice, of course, the computers would make the de- cision. Perhaps I am unduly suspicious. All I can say is that this adminis- tration has a recoid of disingen- uousness, to put it mildly, that seems to justify a request for clar- ification of its statements. The impression those statements make is that the administration will take all it can get. It will try for universal conscription, military and non-military. If it cannot get this it will fall back on a volun- tary plan, formulated, endorsed and aided by the government. IN SHORT, a voluntary plan is regarded as second best or as a step toward a scheme of universal compulsion. Why should such a suggestion be advanced at this time? For one thing, the Supreme Court has expanded the range of conscientious objection by enunci- ating a definition of belief in a Supreme Being to which even a hardened atheist might bring him- self to subscribe. There is no doubt that the number of conscientious objectors is disturbing to the Pen- tagon. FOR ANOTHER THING, the war in Vietnam.is-unpopular, so much so that Gen. Lewis Hershey, the administrator of the Selective Service Act, has demanded that unfriendly critics of the war be silent-or, presumably, be silenced. Blanketing in military service as just one way of performing a uni- versal duty might divert attention from the peculiar ugliness of ser- vice in Vietnam.' Finally, the restlessness of young people who riot on campuses, dem- onstrate again the war and agitate for civil rights has become acutely annoying to many of their elders. Universal compulsory service is a kind of all-purpose remedy for almost anything that is bothering anybody about the youiger gener- ation. School dropouts would have something useful to do. Juvenile delinquents would be disciplined. The whole problem of turning young people into adults would be- come manageable at last. The war between the generations would be settled by putting the younger one away. This may be unfair to the plan- ners in the government. I hope it is. I hope they will assure us that all they have in mind Is encourag- ing and assisting voluntary ser- vice. Copyright 1966, Los Angeles Times 'is FETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Voice Explains Position on Police, Sit-in The U.S. and Indonesia THE UNITED STATES' agreement last week to resume long term aid pro- grams to Indonesia is a positive step toward the stabilization of the Indonesian economy. It promises, however, to be a difficult and expensive program to im- plement. The new American aid program is to have two components. First, short term shipment of rice, cotton and industrial parts to relieve food shortages which are causing starvation are expected to cost $60 million this year. Then, as part of an eight-nation sta- bilization program, large scale aid would be made available'to condition the crum- bling Indonesian economy and hopefully balance its present budget. EVEN THE MOST optimistic observers, however, do not foresee the point of stabilization within this decade. Indones~ ian factories are running at a fraction of their capacity and agriculture on most of the islands is inefficient and un- productive. Profits from trade at their present rate do not approach the amounts nec- essary to make the economy self-sustain- ing, so our support in large sums will have to continue for many years. And once. the budget is stabilized, the Editorial Staff MARK R, KILLINGS WORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial 'Director LEONARD PRATT......... Associate Managing Editor JOHN, MEREDITH.........Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTrE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Directot ROBERT CARNEY......Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE................... Magazine Editor BABETTE COHN.................Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS* Michael Heffer. Merle Jacob, Rob. ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister. CHARLES VETZNER .................. Sports Editor success of the reforms program depends on a postponement of payments of In- donesia's debt which amounts to more than $2.3 billion, about half,of which is owed to the Soviet Union. The eight na- tions have agreed to reschedule the debt, but Russian officials claim that any such deferral is contingent upon Soviet accept- ance of the terms. IN THE AFTERMATH of the purge of Communists from Indonesia and Su- harto's apparent shift toward non-align- ment, a long, interesting session of bar- gaining is ahead before the Russians come to terms and the program attains its long-term goals. -WALLACE IMMEN Pathos "THERE'S MORE PATHOS than trage- dy in college life," said Ed Schwartz, Sjly of Moderator magazine, about a year ago. True, as the episode of the last two days at Vice-President Pierpont's office illustrates. It was pathetic because the complaints of both sides seem so legitimate. Stu- dents should be able to meet with offi- cials responsible for shaping policy which relates to their activities. Yet it is un- fortunate when 'those appeals must un- dercut the authority of the vice-president for student affairs. THE ROOT of the problem here is that the vice-president for student affairs does not always, despite his efforts, re- tain authority over decisions affecting students. The complaints of the recent Knauss report could have no more vivid illustration. But most pathetic was the situation of the people caught in the middle. Line of- To the Editor: THE ANN ARBOR police force has continually received per- mission to send plainclothesmen to campus events sponsored by VOICE political party-Students for a Democratic Society. In addition to their presence, these detectives' bring cameras and tape recorders with which they take photographs and' recordings of students and faculty attending the event. Their presence is not for protection, but rather for intimidation and spy- ing. To halt police from entering the University without student knowl- edge and without warranty, VOICE -SDS has proposed that: 1) Police enter the University only in uniform at the time of a disturbance; 2) The decision to bring police on campus be made jointly by stu- dent and faculty leaders of the, event and by the administration only after all efforts to control the disturbance have failed; and 3) The use of weapons by the police be exercised only for the protection of life and property. IN THE PAST WEEK we have attempted to personally present our proposal to Vice President Wilbur K. Pierpont, who is in charge of campus security. He had refused to meet with us, saying that the matter should be taken through the intermediary Vice President for Student Affairs, Richard L. Cutler. The fact is, though, that Dr. Cutler stated that the decision to have police on cam- pus was not In his realm of au- thority. Therefore, we believe it only a legitimate demand that students consult the real decision- maker about matters which affect their lives. So, on Thursday, we went to Pierpont's office and confronted him. After he refused to listen to our proposals, we decided to re- main in his office until a meeting could be arranged. On Friday, at noon, Student Government Council President Ed Robinson, '67, went in our behalf to arrange an open meeting with Pierpont, Cutler, SGC, VOICE- SDS, Leonard Greenbaum's SA- CUA sub-committee on student re- lations and interested parties. While trying to arrange the meet- ing, we decided to maintain a tok- en presence in the office, yet al- lowing it to function freely. AT 5 P.M., ROBINSON returned to the people sitting-in at Pier- pont's office and informed us that a meeting had been arranged for next Monday at 2 p.m. (place to be announced) where the issue of po- lice on campus would be discussed. ing UAC activities, we would like to clarify certain aspects of pro- posed plans for Homecoming '66. Final judging for the Homecom- ing Queen will not be "open to the entire campus." Final judging will be made by a panel of judges re- presenting the major student or- ganzations, the Administration and the faculty. It will be up to each of these bodies to choose their own repre- sentative. The only judges which the Central Committee has direct- ly invited are from the perform- ing arts: Will Geer, Jack Rouse and Bruce Fisher. TALENT COMPETITION will be held on Thursday night, Octo- ber 20th, at First of Firstofall, to determine the finalists. This event will not be held in the League Ballroom; the location will be an- nounced in the near future. The campus will be permitted to attend this part of the Queen selection. However, there will also be pre- liminary judging prior to the tal- ent competition to be conducted in the weeks before Homecoming which the campus will not be al- lowed to observe, primarily for reasons of efficiency and conven- ieice. Final judging and selection will be made at the Friday night dance at the I-M Building. --Judy Greenberg, '68 -Walt Heiser, '68 General Co-chairmen, Homecoming 1966 AFT Attack To the Editor: THE DAILY (Sept. 3) ranges Jar and wide. An article by Kathie Glebe has come to my attention. It provides a free-wheeling attack on the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO) by Professor Ralph Loomis of the English De- partment, College of Engineering, who is also the President of the Michigan State Association of University Professors. We hesitate to characterize Professor Loomis' fulminations as confusion, misinformation or de- liberate distortion. FAR FROM placing the profes- sor in a time-clock atmosphere, the AFT seeks to elevate the fac- ulty to. a position of equality vis a vis the administration. In too many instances, the administra- tors and governing board, through the power of the "purse", ,deter- mine promotions, salaries, work- load, etc. The university teacher is a pro- fessional, but he is an employee as well. He can best assert his pro- fessionalism by joining with his colleagues into a powerful, pro- gressive and democratic union en- gaged in collective bargaining. I NjJ b f 2 : -i Students and faculty members interested in a critical analysis of the AAUP are invited to write for free copies of Vol. I, No. 1 of "Changing Education," 116 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois. 60611. Anytime Professor Loomis wish- es to debate me on the AAUP vs. AFT, I'd be only too happy to ac- cept, --Dr. Israel Kugler, President, United Federation of College Teachers, AFT Peace Union To the Editor: I WISH TO introduce myself as a member of the Student Peace Union and state the purpose of this letter: to present this or- ganization to the readers of this column, hopefully meeting stu- dents who would be willing to or- ganize a Student Peace Union chapter at the University of Mi- chigan. What is the Student Peace Un- ion? I believe that by quoting the statement of purpose, we can best realize what the SPU is and what single purpose unifies its members: * The Student Peace Union is an organization of young people who believe that neither war nor the threat of war can any longer be successfully used to settle in- ternational disputes and that neither human freedom nor the human race can long survive In a world committed to militarism. Without committing any mem- ber to a precise statement of po- licy, the SPU draws together young people for a study of al- ternatives to war and engages in education and action to end the present arms race. The SPU works toward a society which will ensure both peace and free- dom and which will suffer no in- dividual or group to be exploited by another. Because both East and West have pursued foreign policies which are not in the in- terests of their own people or the people of the world and because both bear major responsibility for the Cold War, the 'Student Peace Union believes that the peace movement must act Inde- pendently of both East and West, must apply the same stan- dard of criticism to both, and must seek new and creative means of achieving a free and peaceful society. I welcome discussing the possi- bility of organizing an SPU chap- ter with any students and faculty who believe they could agree to 4 OX,, S ,, - . ,,, y +s SC