THE ~MICHIGAN 1DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 FILY OFFICIAL BULLETI.N vant to membership selection with the and where academic credit may be in- dent Government Council. In addition, vice-president for student affairs to volved, i.e., University of Michigan permission must be obtained for the be used by Student Government Coun- Band, Michigan Men's Glee Club. relative organization, Panhellenic As- cii's Membership Committee. Each or- 6) Student organizations who wish sociation, Interfraternity Council, In- ganization must file a supplementary to sponsor events involving evening ac- ter-House Assembly, or Inter-Cooper- membership selection statement by the tivities on one day of the weekend in ative Council. end of October of each even numbered Hill Auditorium. 2) The University Committee onI year to make its membership selection Limitations: Broadcasting or its authorized repre- gstrtemsntuturrentd.repr-- The Daily Official Bulletin is an statement current. Even within the framework of the sentative must approve all radio or official publication of the Univer- 2 Officers and voting members of rules described above. student orga- television broadcasts originating in sity of Michigan for which The student organizations are to be stu- nizations should be aware of the fol- University buildings or on University 'Michigan Daily assumes no editor- dents in order to insure that the orga- : lowing limitations: grounds, and all programs presented ial responsibility. Notices should be nization's activities are directed by 1) Activities must be planned and by staff or students at the University sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to students. calendared to take place before the broadcast by any radio or television Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- 3) The objectives of the organization week preceding final examinations. station which are identified as being) fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding should be consistent with the broad 2) Events must not end later than presented under the auspices of the publication and by 2 p.m. Friday educational goals of the University. one-half hour before woman's closing. University. for Saturday and Sunday. General 5) Student Government Council, in The President of Student Government 3) In accordance with the procedures$ Notices may be published a maxi- reviewin ga petition for recognition, Council may extend the closing hour established for approving Class II ac-t mum of two times. on request; Day will consider to what extent the new for activities, or he may delegate this * tivities Student Government Council Caendar items appear once only. organization would duplicate the func- authority. An extension of an ac- must approve all solicitations of funds,, Student organization notices are not tion o fexisting organizations. tivity's closing time does not excuse clothing, books, subscriptions, sales of accepted for publication. 6) Student Government Council en- women from observing their regular tags, tokens, or literature. Solicitations courages the organization to obtain a closing hours, of subscriptions for publications ap- SATUDRAY, OCTOBER 1 faculty advisor, who may be a member 4) Tickets shall be sold in accord- proved by the Board in Control of Stu- of the faculty, research or administra- ance with the regulations described d . tive staff, because both educational in Supplicant established by Student I tproval. dray alentdar and practical benefits can be derived Government Council. 4 The mayor of Ann Arbor must Sfrom good faculty advisors.( Publicity:aprvsoittonwhntecty riiversity Press Club of Michigan 7 The organization shall adopt the Student organizations may publicize approve solicitatings ithUniersity ,Meeing-MichiganUnionx,8:45 a.m. financial procedures outlined by the an activity as soon as the activity has auditoriums and lecture hals taking auditor for student organizations, 2503 been approved by Student Govern- collections or soliciting pledges, isk-i Football-U-M vs. North Carolina: Student Activities Building. nent Council. Printed matter may be legal. If a University organization Michigan Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Procedure for Recognition: posted on the bulletin boards in Uni-t U Students planning to apply for rec- versity buildings and on the Diag i wishes to solbtairom niversiy aunm - Cinemaa Guild-Gian Carlo Menotti's ognition as a student organization accordance with the rules established ni, itst obtai appovalpro the "The Medium": Architecture Aud., 7 should notify the Office of Student by the Office of Student Organza-'Regents. Applications for approval are in the office of the vice-president for and 9"p.m.. Organizations, 1011 Student Activities tions, Alpha Phi Omega and Student! student affairs and should be accom- Building, to receive permission to use Government Council. Publicity in resi- tpanied by a full description of the Professional Theatre Program Per- University facilities for organizational dence halls and other living units intended campaign and its purpose. formance-APA Repertory Company in meetings. To be considered for rec- should be in keeping with rules estab- 6) Each honorary and recognition so- "Three Mysteries with Two Clowns": ognition, members of the organization lished by Inter-House Assembly, In- ciety should notify the Office of Stu- Lydia Mendessohn Theatre, 8 p.m., should submit to Student Government terfraternity Council, and Penhellenic dent Organizations before tapping and Council through its administrative sec- Association. initiation ceremonies take place. An of- retary the following documents: Handbills or other printed material ficer of the group should notify the enier" Notices 1) A statement expressing the objec- may be distributed by any recognized head of the residence in which the Doctoral Examination for Richard Al- tives and plans of the organization student organization. students to be tapped reside. The Ann te Wt trmlE a i Lation guar geschard& L t signed by at least two officers. These The City Council m ust approve signs Arb or police should also b e notified. len Watt, Germanic Languages .& Lit- names will be published by Student that are to be posted in public areas Drn th acivitie of tapigad eratures ;thesis: "Holderlin's Imag- Government Council for the use of of Ann Arbor. Printed matter may Diitotheat group shouldp condut t ery: The Development of Some Major interested students. A membership list not be scattered anywhere in the city. the ceremonies in a responsible manner Themes as Image Patterns in His may be submitted to the Office of Special Activities: and insure that the participants are Lyric Poetry," Sat., Oct. 1, Room 1080 Student Organizations for the purpose In addition to the requirements for adqaeycohdadhattrcu Frieze Bldg., at 1 Oa.m. Chairman, . of supplementing personal records. open activitiestadn projects sponsore adequatel clothed and health precau- B. Wahr. 2) Copies of its constitution (see by student organizations, the follow- Closed Social Events': Appendix C) stating affiliations with ing special activities are associated Social events sponsored by organiz- .Open Draft Discussion: Led by Capt. ither groups. with certain additional responsibili- ed house groups or recognized campus William Pascoe of Public Information 3) Special requirementsosemustps beresat-zeties.u Office. Sponsored by UAC, on Sun., isfied by: 1) Any individual or group of stu- organizations which are restricted to Oct. 2 at 4 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. a) Religious groups who must pre- dents who wish to print any publica- membesclosed social e ents.are e UCCetv ArsCmiteAsent a letter. from the Office' of Re-1 tion. events should be registered with the UAC Creave Arts Committee: A ligious Affairs concerning the odesir- Class II activities may also be cal- Office soStud e Organizations. Reg- read-in, "Poets on the War in Viet ability of recognition. endared during the spring. The presi- Office of S s beent f n e Nam," Union Ballroom, 8 p.m., Oct. 2 b) Nationality groups who must pre- dent of Student Government Council O foe ofsude nt efOrganization the Summary Of Action Taken by Student alte rmteItrainlo esndsgae yhmapoe Wednesday noon preceding the event. mernment Counc a ts ee Centerconerning the desirability of petitions to sponsor these activities Football game open houses which are .Gvrmn oni tIsMeig recogntion, on behalf of the Council and then September 29, 1966 c) Academic honor societies who must turns them over to the secretary of open to the public should be approved Appoye: Tat GC pprve s te Stuant open activity. wording .of t seGcnd artof the present a letter of approval from the the Calendaring Committee to reserve a as aten t oranzations through their draft referendum: deans of the schools or colleges in- date. Because of the nature of Class officers are responsible for the conduct volved. II activities, student organizations may of members and guests. The officers 1. Regarding drafting of men into the d) Cooperatives, international houses, submit petitions for sponsorship and are expected to take reasonable meas- armed forces I would prefer that: 1. fraternities and sororities function as requests to calendar at any time dur- ures to promote standards in compi- All able-bodied males must serve, approved residences for students un- ing the year. This petition which can ance with civil and University regula- 2. Only some able-bodied males ran- der regulations established for such be obtained from the administrative nons. The responsibilities expected of domly selected by lottery-must serve housing by the vice-president for stu- secretary of Student Government Cfuns students at tie University are con- with no deferments granted. dent affairs. Their activities are gov cil or from the Office of Student Or- taned in Standards for Students. 3. Only some able-bodied males, chos- erned by the regulations for student ganizations should include the nature Eligibility: en o na selective basis-must serve organizations as established by Stu- of the event, the signature of the Any regularly enrolled student is with deferments granted for: (if this dent Govcrnment Council in addition auditor for student organizations and eligible to participate in non-athletic is your choice select one or more of to being subject to the regulations of the signature of the organization's extra-curricular activities. Participa- tle below) their respective governing bodies: In- president. Class II activities in the or- tion is restricted if a student is on a. Critical skills tercooperative Council, Interfraternity der of their priority include: academic discipline as determined by b, Completion of education. Council and Panhellenic Association. ) Events of one day on the week- the faculty of the college in which the c. All married men. These governing bodies have original end involving evening activities not in student is enrolled. Part-time students d. Only married men .with children, jurisdiction for legislation concerning Hill Auditorium. are not considered "regularly enrolled." e. Other ' (specify) their members, such legislation being 2) Events of more than one day of They may participate in student orga- 4. The government should not con- subject to Student Government Coun- the weekend involving scheduling of script for military or .non-military l. only day activities (conferences). service. (If m you choose this alterna- Procedure for Registration of Stu- 3) Events of one day or more in- tive donot answer II.) t dent Organizations: volving scheduling of day and/or eve- II, I 'prefer a system in which all By the third week of each term, nings activities during the week. DIAL those chosen: every recognized student organization The following events require addi- 8-6416 1. Should serve in the armed forces. must submit the signatures of at least tional approval: 1. Should be able to serve in the 3 two officers. These names will be 1) Lectures: A separate petition armned forces or havet fors of l published by Student Government should be submitted to the Office of "Astonishingly frank An un native' government approved service Council for the use of interested stu- Student Organizations when the speak- Remarkably uninhibited and open to them in lieu of serving in dents. A membership list may be sub- ers are not currently members of the the armed forces. mitted to the Office of Student Or- student population, faculty, or admain- Approved: That SGC tonight appoint ganizations for the purpose of sup- istrative staff of the University. Stu- -Ri one of the three people selected by the plementing personal records. dent organizations are required to in- Interviewing committee but not seated Deactivation-Reactivation: form guest speakers of University rules. "A tender and lusty study of to fill the vacant Council seat. An organization will be considered Solicitations in Residences :To soli- force of erotic realism. Love Appointed: Bruce Kahn as new to be deactivated if it has not reg- cit funds, clothing, books, subsrip- Council iember . , wistered with the Office of Student Af- tions, sales of tags, tokens, or litera- as the law allows!" Approved: That SGC grant $25 to fairs for a period of one year of if it ture in residences on campus, permis- Mortarboard. Society .to help finance has notified that office of its deactiva- Sion must be obtained from the Ann the Mortarboard Section M4eting. ton To re-establish recognized status Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the di- Approved: That SGC allocate $500 after this period'the organization must rectory of University housing, and Stu- "A truly adult lve story! for the Draft Referendum Committee, re-petition SGC following the proced- ----I-- ------ -.It is a beautiful film, . Approved: University Regulations ure outlined.iOrganization: Phone 482-2056 finely made!" Preface: d : ' Proposed changes in existing con-.Judith Crist. N. Y. Herad Tribune Student Organizations at the Univer- stitutions must : be presented to the-C sity of Michigan operate within a administrative secretary of SGC at least( framework established by Student Gov- two weeks in advance of the meeting-/I ernmnt ounil ndthevic-prsi-at which Such changes are to be con- .. ement Council and the vice-presi- siered. Original wording of the ar- I dent for student affairs under author- ideradsuggeamednsfther-EEntmoe OhCARPENTER RAD ity granted by the Regents. The rules tides and suggested amendments there- described in this booklet became ef- to must be shown. OPEN 6:30 P.M. - fective in the fall of 1966 and super- Any changes in organizational struc- NOW SHOWING cede all past regulations. ture, purposes, bases of membership, Sosa e t Stuent organiza- or affiliations with other organizations - FIRST RUN - Shows at Re ontionot de t O ga t a must be presented to SGC for consider- 1,3,5, Sttdpnt -'Overnment Council is em- ation and shall not be consumated Shown at 7:10 and 10:55 7 & 9 P.M powered by the Regents in the Council until approval is given by the Council. oaw, : v] Plan (see Appendix A) to recognize a Rules for Open Activities: student grou pand to grant the group Activities sponsored by student or-T ke certain privileges as a student orga- ganizations which are open to the en- nization within the University com- tire campus or to a large portion o munity. Recognition carries with it the campus are defined as open ac- certain responsibilities and does not tivities. When a student organization signify the endorsement of specific sponsors an activity, it assumes the1,PRE idals or program sofnthe org -responsibility for the planning and tion, but provides an opportunity for execution of the activity. Advertising those interested in such a group to se- an event is considered sponsorship. cure the advantages of being affiliated Student Government Council must ap- Shown at 9:20 only1- with the University (see Apendix B). prove all open activities. r tuden\ . Bases for Recognition: Only recognized, registered student( : t Student Government Council bases organizations may petition to Student W recognition Of a student organization Government Council to hold open ac- T iff WU.1 n the following criteriann tivities. The University Activities Cen- 1) embersip: ter is considered a recognized student Hugh O'Brian Nogru may adopt,. m intain. organization f r the purpose of calen- Shirley Eaton Metr G00 Mayer san ArtllurFreed P or apply a membership policy -that daring open activities. Fraternities, sor- Farian based on race, religion, color, creed orities, cooperatives and residence hal lus-L eCrn-M uieC iational origin~.r anicestry nor shall housing units must request permission PluCC OORGE it ace t a vno, rmaun o e to hold an open' activity through an SOinGCoorI /F~ ~4T S p ud " e cl r re ii a l s SPORTING COURAGE C O \J dive membes based on adiscroImac- al-campus organization, the all-cam- in Color tory membership policy. d pusorganization then assumes the re- 2 COLOR CARTOONS b Student ver ent ouncil upon sponsibility 'for sponsorship. request from the International Cen- rocedure: ter or from the Office of Religious Any student organization that wishes Affairs may designate an organiza- to reserve a specific date for an open tion as a nationiality group or a reli- activity may request permission toE "Magnificent Virtuosity!"-Detroit News gious group which will have certain sponsor the activity from Student! anfcetN w exemptions, as'° defined. by Student Government Council. The Council an-! as dfin byte~tent o r nt1 ut e Geunprna"Great Dramatic Excitem Government Council,' from the above nounces a filing date for these pernmis-Gra D am tcE ie e membership statement. sions usually six weeks before the end c) Every recognized student organi- of the winter term. "Fine Bravura Style. -DetroitI 'ation is required to file a written In the request to sponsor that is statement containing all material rele- filed with Student Government Coun- cil, the student organization should in- dicate the date and facility desired, the nature of the activity, the pur- O R f' AIfN "pose for which it is being held, the 0 /Z0 precise use of intended profits, past fi- nancial record, and the signature of the petitioning organization's president to indicate his awareness of the regu- I lations regarding student , sponsoredA activities. Once Student Government Council USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- has granted permission to sponsor aniPRESENTS NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially activity, the Council turns over the recognized and registered student or- requests to calendar the activity to the ganizations only. Forms are available secretary of the University Calendar- in Room 1011 SAB. ing Committee which coordinates all * * * University calendaring. Permission to REP India Students' Association, Gandhi sponsor an activity does not guarantee THE COo Jayanti ,a symposium on "Gandhian that the activity will be calendared. Politico-Social Ideas" in which mem- Because of the number of requests bers will participate, Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., for sponsoring and calendaring events 3rd Floor Union. received by Student Government Coun- * * * cil and the Calendaring Committee, a "The Nation's Finest Company" - LIFE Newman Club ,Art film: "The Sav- list of priorities have been established. age Eye," special award winner at Ven- Activities have been divided into two ice Film Festival, Oct. 1, 8 p.m., 331 classes. Class I activities require the Thompson, Admission 50 cents. approval of the entire Council. Be- * * * cause of the nature of the activities IN A Newman Club, Canoe' trip and bar-, included in this group, it is wise to becue, Oct. 2, 1:30 p.m., 331, Thomp-' have these events calendared duringF son. Bring cars and bicycles if possi- the spring to insure an appropriate ble. date. Those activities in the order of PRI OB O D A * * * their priority include: P University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 1) Activities sponsored by the aca- in Washtenaw, Oct. 2, 9:45 a.m. and 11:15 demic departments. a.m. services, the Rev. Prof. H. Kram- 2) Fraternity and sorority rush. er: "The Unity of the Spirit." Holy 3) Student organizations wishing to Communion both services, "This Do sponsor events of more than one day Ye," Bible class, 11:15 a.m. on the weekend which involves the . * ,, ,Rni ,,ao frsand vninr tii- Tmar f aun w iTr annu nizations but may not hold office. The Office of Student Organizations in con- junction with the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled may grant or deny pe' nission to an in- M dividual to participate in an activity or an organization. Judicial Proceedings:()rgRd Violations of the rules governing recognized student organizations re- lated to recognition or procedures gov- By BETSY COHN erning activities shall be considered!Adoledo by the Student Government Council. Aoescence does H10t always Upon notification of a possible viola- have to be gangling and gawky, tion, Student Government Council shall and it certainly is not in the case consult with all parties concerned to L C obtain information pertinent to the of Leslie Caron who lopes and situation. When such information has leaps gracefully through hers in been secured and indicates further ac- a delightful two-hours of "Gigi." tion, an open hearing shall be heldAt with the officers of the organization A rerun, and an adptation of present. The Council shall determine Colette's novel about young-lady- the existence of, extent of, and ap- hood, the celluloid reproduction propriate penalty for the violation, pub- licly stating the reasons for its ac- has managed to retain and radiate tions (Student Government Council, an indelible charm. October 21, 1959).Gigi isliving in 1900 Paris with Possible Disciplinary Actions:Giislvngn100Prswt Disciplinary action shall be defined a doting grandmother (Hermione' as follows:y Gingold), a m o t h e r (who,: Fines- Monetary fines to be paid throughout, remains a shrieking' to the Cashier's Office to be used as soprano voice from a closet) and part of Student Goodwill Aid Fund. orano Probation: Wherein the organization a cat. shall be permitted to function under Through the efforts of her kinky limitations imposed by the disciplin- curled, cocktail-clinking aunt, Gigi ary body.' Suspension: Wherein the organization is in the process of becoming a shall cease to function as a group for young lady of society; she knows' a stated period. how to cut boiled birds in half Withdrawal: Wherein thetorganiza-thowetocutly) iledhbirdsindhalf tion shall have its recognition with- (delicately) and how to glide co- drawn. quettishly around the room before Other penalties may be enacted at gefully alighting in a chair the discretion of the disciplinary body grace (Regents Bylaws 8.14 and 8.15). Her tomboy-tarnished attempts become humorous mockeries of her NOTICE: Due to lack of space, rulesa ,s endeavours to bless her covering the use of the Fishbowl, the Diag and University bulletin boards with social grace. will be printed in the Sunday edition Hermoine Gingold's tittering hy- of The Daily. steria (she remains the comic cen- Student Government Council Approval terpiece) and Leslie Caron's de- of the following student sponsored monic impishness find male coun- events becomes effective 24 hours after terparts in the nephew-uncle the publication of this notice. All pub-aterpar inethe Jehd-ncle licity for these events must be with- bachelor duet of Louis Jordan and held until the approval has become ef- Maurice Chevalier. The gentlemen fective. aesae adoeadhv Approval request forms for student are suave, handsome and have sponsored events are available in Room the learned refinement of the Z=:==-- F Ai[mS e "pleasantly wealthy." Chevalier is a pure enjoyment to watch. He smoothly and wisely saunters lyrically through the film overseeing the story and philoso- phizing on his love of life and the young. Jordan is the black-sheep. of the "Gigi" tale but because he has become such an integrated member of the well known ro- mance, he is accepted in spite of his stiltedness (which stands out like a feeble fluke in a casted of animated spontaneity). Gigi and Gaston (Jordan), met- amorphasize together: she into a lovely lady, he into a bored social-, lite whose interests in life are dimming. He suddenly and unex- pectantly finds himself revived by the authentic radiance of bright young Gigi. His plans to marry Gigi are at first rebuffed by the thoughtful grandmother who has no desire to see her granddaughter's name smudged across society pages. However, Chevalier, the gallant gad-about, just stands back and watches knowingly as Jordan sheds his gilded exterior, wins the pretty young heroine, and alas, through song and dance, all ends well. To say that "Gigi" is delightful entertainment is to parrot tag- lines of every review which the film received when first shown. However, to attribute to Gigi the power to obliterate the agony of a previous gruelling experience at the dentist; and to say it had the brightness to cheer up a cold damp evening, is to say that "Gigi" is an enjoyable and absorbing two hours which deserve a revival. 40 Special Award Wenner at Venice Film Festival THE SAVAGE ftonEYE 8 o'clock SATURDAY, OCT. 1 at NEWMAN CENTER, 331 Thompson St. 50c admission l0ll of the SAB. Vulcans, Initiation ritual, Sept. 30, 12.30 p.m., Diag University Activities Center, Diag Art, Fair, Oct. 3, 4, 9-4 pin., Diag, interfraternity Council, Pep rally, Oct. 6, 7:30 pn.m., Graduate Library steps. Placernen t ANNOUNCEMENT: New York State Civil Service-Fall testing dates for Professional Careers Test are Nov. 5 and Dec. 3. Entrance to trainee positions in Administration, Physics, Biol., Sci. and Soc. Sci, to mention only a few. Seniors eligible for testing ; mos. prior to graduation. N.Y. residence not required. Applica- Muns or the Nov. 5 test must be re- ceived by Oct. 5. Seniors graduating in December are encouraged to take this test in Nov. Applications and fur- tier information available at Bureau. (Continued on Page 3) 1' _ _ _ PETER GRIFFITH HELD OVER! obashed look at real-life sex. specific in its recording of and think " chard Schnickel, Life Magazine love. 'Dear John' is a tour de making banter . . . as explicit --Time Magazine i- - ^ 7 A Sgma fi Relent classical guiarist and composer c TBI{BUf(Y iOUSR fri., sat., sun., 8:30 p.m. 3 30 *Ma ynard St. $1.25 per person. "Chirp"-Charles "Out ,of siht 1'-Astronu;n'r's W ecck1y grogrom Infcrmation *#2-6264 DIAL 5-6290 modern cooling' 9 ACADEMY AWARDS r, )~K lis § p Cinemascopes a Metrococor hevauer."Louis Jourdan ; M I N G C VOYAGE, ri 1 d . o - , U TODAY! METRO-6OLOWYN -MAYER A MANN-LAURENCE-WASSERMAN PRODUCTION FImFl7'ip 'V 1~ The SIor 018 MIn Who Hal10o ieiile Twelie Tears, in One Dal With Fouo Men ent!"-Toledo Blade Free Press THE PLAYGIRL- The life of the party...on Park Avenue a Harlem night spot...or in a crap game! THE ACTRESS-You can always catch her per- formance.even when she tries suicide! 4~ THE WOMAN-She didn't care who knocked...if he was a stranger, he didn't stay one for long! THE SCHOOLGIRL- She was young, shy, innocent ...and reminded him of his wife! STARRNG JameS Qarner JeanSimmons Suzanne Pleshefle u Anlgela Laoshur