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September 30, 1966 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-30

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Troops Find Surprise Entering 'Deserted'

LINH HOI, Viet Nam (IP)-This
is the way life goes in a village
caught in the vortex of war.
Artillery shells burst among the
flimsy thatched huts of Linh
Hoi. Napalm seared through co-
conut trees and corn.
Far below the splintering shrap-
nel, in a deep earth bunker, the
sounds of a newborn baby's first
cries briefly drowned out the ho-
locaust 'overhead.
The aged village midwives cere-
monially dug a hole for the pla-
centa, nodding to each other
wisely. This baby would like long.
Wasn't a child's life span meas-
ured by the depth that his pla-
centa is buried? And they already
were 30 feet below ground.
Good Spirits
The hours moved on. In normal
times, the good spirits might well
take note and coax the newborn;
child to manhood through the

barriers of disease and malnutri-I
tion that kill half the peasantl
Vietnamese before puberty.
But these were not normal]
times. War had become part of
the disease of Viet Nam. Within
24 hours the sleeping baby awak-
ened and choked on smoke seep-
ing down in the bunker. The mid-
wives, the neighbors and the vis-;
itors who had crowded into the
bunker when the artillery and
aircraft first came over, swarmed
out into the bright light above.
Men of the U.S. 1st Cavalry
Division Airmobile had swept
through the village once without
locating a soul. Now they were
systematically burning the houses
to the ground. They were amazed
as hundreds of women, children
and old men poured from the
The mother and her baby.
stayed below.
Much later that day Lt. Jasper

Campesi of Chicago, leading his
platoon around the edge of Linh
Hoi, saw the pair. The mother,
probably 18 years old, was "kinda
holding herself in," said Campesi.
An old man, a conical straw
hat perched on his head, was ten-
derly clutching the naked baby.
Its tiny fists were clenched in-
stinctively over its eyes to close
out the light.
Campesi beckoned to one of his
men. They put the young mother
in a string hammock and tied it
under a long bamboo pole. They
placed the baby on her stomach,
threw a mat over the pole to
shut out the sun, and moved off
across the paddy-fields to where
the helicopters were coming. It
was a crude but effective ambu-
By the time Campesi arrived,
the helicopters had stopped com-
ing in. There were just too many
people to evacuate, and there was

no question that they were all The mother was pulling at
Viet Cong sympathizers. So why Campesi's trouser leg. The fear
move them? Linh Hoi was in one had left her eyes. There seemed
of the tiny valleys streaking into to be arrogance there now,
the foothills along the central sharpened by what looked like
Vietnamese coast. Leave the peo- scorn at the bickering and inde-
ple where they were: that was cision of the troops. She pointed,
the decision. back at her smoldering village,
Medical Attention, and pattedthe bamboo pole be-I
"But we can't leave here," said Mside her."
Campesi, looking down at the "Take Me Back"
mother lying on the dry paddy- "Take me back" she was say-
field dike. "Her belly looks split ing. The little old man had
open. She needs medical atten- picked up the pink-skinned baby
tion." and was walking away. Campesi
Another officer commented, and another soldier hoisted the
Antesfcr cmmne'Pole, with the mother slung un-
"Are you kidding? These people pernwth the hers
are tough, they don't need our derneath, to their shoulders.
help. I bet she could get up right The fate of the baby was nowj
now and walk back to her vil- in the hands of the spirits.
lage." Just a few hundred yards
The troops started taking sides, away, a young man was dying,
but the argument was resolved punctured by shell fragments and
simply enough. The radio failed bullets probably in the battle
and they couldn't get more heli- earlier that day. A member of the
copters anyway. local Viet Cong militia force, now
_-i he was home with his family to

knee. The man's mother wailed at 1
the American troops and pointed I 1Tf dA M SA Y
to the sky.L1A
"Take my son and make him
well," she was saying, but it was
all too late. Carried out to the Forsythe Gallery 201 Nickels Arcade
open paddyfield, the young man Weekdays 10-4 Saturday 10-1
The Americans offered to bury
him. The wife and mother de-_ _ ®
They told an interpreter, "Just
let us take him across the river
to bury him at the pagoda. He
was born here, he has died here.
So let us have him.
Campesi shook his head.- ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 4 P.M.
"This place gets me down, let's
move on," he called to his pla- 1429 H ill Street
"Being justified by faith, we GALA OPENING
have peace with God." H I LLEL MEMBERSHIP MEETING
Romans 10:17
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Economists Foresee Recession by 1970

His wife wept uncontrollably on
the earth floor beside his crudel
bed. Two young children were in
her arms, another child at her

530 West Stadium



WASHINGTON (P)-Most in--
dustry economists expect a reces-
sion by 1970 and some believe it
will at least start in 1967, a sur-
vey of the National Association
of Business Economists indicated
The association members also
agreed generally that industry's
booming outlays for new plant
and equipment will stop rising
next summer. A drop in such
outlays was the reason most fre-
quently given for a recession.
Modest Effect
However, another survey re-
leased at the association's annual
conference here indicated that
President Johnson's plan to sus-
pend the seven per cent invest-
ment credit would have only a
modest effect on such capital in-
The latter study, made by the
National Industrial Conference
(Continued from Page 6)
212 SAB-?
U.S. Civil Service Examination for Of..
fiee and Science Assistant-Form 5000-
AB can be obtained from 212 SAB, Low-
er Level. Must be filed by Oct. 21 for
the Nov. 26 test: next filing is Dec. 9
for the Jan. 7 test and the final filing
is Jan. 9 for the Feb. 4 test.

Board, indicated also that most
of the impact would be delayedc
until the second half of 1967. By#
that time, the board said, the
cutback from present plansZ
"would not appear to exceed three
per cent."1
Most business spokesmen have
urged Congress to reject the pro-
posed suspension on grounds that3
its delayed-action impact might
come when the economy needed
stimulation, not restraint.
The board survey, representing1
replies from 522 pf the country's
1,000 largest manufacturers, in-
dicated that the corporate funds
appropriated for investment would
be cut back about 1.2 per cent
from the levels previously planned
for the final quarter of this year.
The cutback a year hence would
amount to 2.8 per cent.
Many companies believe that
any material impact will be de-
layed past the suspension period,
the board reported. Johnson has
proposed only a 16-month sus-
pension, ending Dec. 31, 1967.
Seventy-two per cent of the
economists who took part in the
association survey of the business
outlook foresaw a recession be-
tween now and 1970.
About half of this group ex-
pected the decline to begin in
1967, the association said. The

summer quarter was most fre-
quently chosen as the , starting
The association said its survey
represented replies from about
200 member economists, out of a
possible 300. The association has
nearly 1,000 members, but gets
a response from only one econo-
mist in each corporation.
Results of the survey were re-
ported by Charles B. Reeder of
the Du Pont Co., vice president
of the economists group. They in-
dicated the business expansion
would continue in 1967 "but at a
somewhat slower pace than in
1966 or 1965," he said.
"A major factor in next year's
expected growth will be rising de-
fense expenditures, while business
capital spending is forecast to
peak at about midyear," Reeder

"The most important economic
problem facing the country in
1967 will be control of inflation!
while maintaining growth and'
avoiding a recession," he added.
Reeder said the poll was com-
pleted just after Johnson's re-
quest for suspension of the tax
credit. If Congress approves it,
he said, the economists' forecasts
for plant and equipment spending
may be on the high side.
The forecasts indicated that
capital outlays will total $66 bil-
lion in 1967. This would be up
nine per cent from this year's
total of about $61 billion.
- - -

The Volkswagen Fastback Sedan. It doesn't
look like a Volkswagen at all.

But it's not just the shape that's dif-
The Fastback has the strongest, fastest
engine we've ever put in the back of a
VW. 65 horsepower and it'll do 84 mph.

And the engine in back is only 16
inches high. So there's room for a 10.2-
cubic-foot luggage compartment over it.
(And there's still a 6.5-cubic-foot trunk
up front.) The Fastback has self-adjust-

ing disc brakes on the front wheels. A
tinted rear window to keep the inside
cool. Two front bucket seats that adjust
to 49 positions (with room for three peo-
ple in back) . Even a pop-up plate that
protects the finish when you open the
But the Fastback will get 27 miles to
o gallon of regular gas and averoge
35,000 miles to a set of tires.
The transmission is all synchromesh so
you can downshift to first without having
to stop. (For when you're poking along
in traffic.)
And since air can't boil or freeze,
neither can the engine. It's air-cooled.
So the Fastback is a Volkswagen, after
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