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August 30, 1966 - Image 23

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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Government Seeks To
. Put Lid on Use of LSD,

State Board Calls for Autonomy of MTU Branch

In July, Gov. George Romney
signed into law a bill making the
manufacture and possession- of
LSD a felony.
This action is part of a series
of events illustrating the great
concern of adults around the na-
tion about the use of LSD. Con-
gress has held hearings on it to
find out how widespread its use
is and what should be done about
it, if anything.
A special corps of undercover
agents is going into action on
college campuses and elsewhere to
combat the illicit manufacture,
sale and use of the mind-expand-.
ing drug LD, the Food and Drug
Administration has revealed.
FDA Commissioner James L.
Goddard said LSD has been un-
der intensive investigation by med-
ical researchers since it was dis-
covered by accident in 1943, and
that no legitimate medical use
has ever been found for it.
Pure Bunk'
Asked what he thought of the
widely-published claim that LSD
k "expands" the mind and makes
possible a sort of mystical spiritual
experience, Goddard snapped,
'Pure bunk."
"It's an extremely dangerous
drug that can precipitate serious
psychiatric illness or even suicide,"
he added.
Goddard said that no one real-
ly knows how widespread the cur-
rent LSD fad is. "You hear loose
talk about 30 per cent of college
students using LSD, but I know of
no reliable data on the extent of
the usage," he said. "That's one
of the things we're trying to find
out now."
Goddard said the FDA, together
with the National Institute of
discover how widespread abuse of
Mental Health, would attempt to
LSD has become.
"Along with this will be an edu-
cational effort aimed at college
students and others who seem to
be particularly at risk, to try to
acquaint them with the dangers of
thed rug and to counteract this
dangerous publicity that others
have put forth advocating the use
of the drug for mystical experi-
ence," Goddard said.
He revealed that special inves-

tigators are in training now at the
University of California at Berke-
"We now have '60 men working
out there who are being trained
as undervocer investigators. We
have already graduated two class-
es and there will be more brought
into the program after July," he
Three states--California, Neva-
da and Michigan - have passed
laws banning the manufacture,
sale and use of LSD and have im-
posed severe penalties on viola-
tors. Other states have bills pend-
ing which would make possession
of the drug a, felony.
Campuses Awash
There has been a flood of re-
ports which make it appear that
America's colleges and university
campuses are awash with mari-
Juana, lysergic acid diethylamide
-LSD-25 - mescaline, psilocybin
and other drugs, such as pep pills
and goof balls.
There is evidence that at schools
all over the United States there
are some students who have had
some experience with LSD or
grass, as marijuana is now called
by the hip or in groups.
Some. But how many?
No one really has any concrete
figure. No one knows how many of
the nation's 5,320,294 college and
university students are using, or
have used psychedelic - mind-
Timony Leary, a pioneer ex-
perimenter with LSD, estimates
that perhaps one-third of the
nation's young college students are
experimenting with the drug. He
bases his estimate on information
he hays he has received from cor-
respondents - about 700 letters a
week--students and faculty who
have attended his lectures, and
from numerous sources among
college and high school age groups.
Goddard gave some clue to the
extent of college use at a Senate
hearing at which he rejected sug-
gestions by Sen. Thomas J. Dodd
(D-Conn) that use of LSD be
made a crime.
"It would automatically place
maybe 10 per cent of hundreds
of thousands of college students
in the category of criminals. I

would hate to see them chargedj
with a crime," Goddard said.
The FDA issued a warning to
college administrators in Aprilt
saying that use of mind-manifest-
ing drugs was increasing and call-
ed it an insidious and dangerous
Whatever the number of users,3
to most school administrators any
incidence spells trouble. Despite,
the kinds of pressures that can be
applied to schools by parents as
well as governmental bodies, ad-
ministrators generally seem to be
taking the situation in stride.
"The g e n e r a 1 denunciation
against LSD is not expressed in
warnings against its use on moral
grounds, but that it is dangerous,"
says Howard Becker, sociology pro-
fessor at Northwestern University
in Evanston, Ill. He is author of
"Outsiders," a book which deals,
with deviant behavior by youth.
Another professor suggests that
even warnings about a danger
may fall upon unconcerned ears.
"It is difficult to tell a kid he may
lose his mind with LSD when he
knows he can have his whole head
blown off in Viet Nam."
Talks with students and faculty
at various schools from coast to
coast appear to bear this out.
Users Doubt Danger
"Grass has been accepted on
campuses because no one really be-
lieves it is harmful," says a Uni-
versity of Texas student.
"Too many people who are edu-
cated-you know, we can read and
write and reason-know from ob-
servation, logic and even exper-
ience, that stories about mari-
Juana simply are not true. They
are convinced that the threat to
health and morals is no greater
than with ordinary tobacco and
certainly far less than with alco-
Is this dabbling with drugs a
tell-tale sign that the college gen-
eration is going to be lost to real-
ity? How does one assess the gen-
"I do not despair for this college
generation," says Northwestern's
Dr. Wolff. "They are more intel-
ligent, more alert, thinking more,
doing more, and are probably
physically healthier than any oth-
er generation in our history."

The State Board of Education
approved last June the expansion
of the Sault Ste. Marie branch of
Michigan Technological University
to a four-year degree-granting
institution. The branch presently
offers only the first four years.
The board also named Harold T.
Smith of Kalamazoo to the post of
Project Director for development
of a State Plan for Higher Edu-
The board also approved a pro-
gram leading to independence of
the branch within a six year per-
iod. Michigan Technological Uni-
versity is expected to ask the state
Legislature for authorization and
funds towards an autonomous
Sault branch.
Representatives of the univer-
sity said they hope that the auton-
omy can be granted sometime be-
tween 1968 and 1972. This action
would bring to 12 the number of
four-year state-supported institu-
tions of higher learning.
The board's decision on the
Sault branch was based on an ad-
visory committee recommendation
made last October that the branch
be expanded beginning this fall.
Thomas J. Brennan, board pres-
ident, said that one consideration
in the Sault decision was the fact
that the board has "clearly stated
its opposition to additional uni-
versity branches and its desire
that those which do exist should
become autonomous in the near
This statement could very easily
have an effect on the University's

Flint branch. The question of dis-
putes over whether the Flint
branch should remain under Uni-
versity administration or be grant-
ed autonomy was not raised. How-
ever, the Sault decision may pre-
sage a potential board policy to
convert all branches of the present
state colleges and universities to;
autonomous units.
Smith has been Economic Pro-:
gram Director of the Upjohn In-
stitute since 1957 and prior to
that was a professor and later
vice-president of Kalamazoo Col-
lege for 11 years.F
The education plan is expected
to be ready in its final form earlyI
in 1967, according to board mem-
ber Charles Morton. Discussed by
educators for almost a decade, the
idea behind a master plan for
post-secondary education is to
establish uniform guidelines which
can be applied to individual policy
decisions relating to Michigan's
rapidly expanding system of high-
er education.
Branch Controversy
For example, a state plan with
an explicit policy on the proper
role of branch colleges would have
been applicable two springs ago
when a heated controversy arose
over the addition of freshman
sophomore classes at the Uni-
versity's Flint College branch.
MSU Request
Michigan State University re-
quested the State Board of Edu-
cation to approve expansion of
MSU's new two-year medical

school to a four-year. degree- several years until the Legislature
granting progran gave its consent. Last November
The request came in the form of the board decided not to take a
a letter from MSU President John position on the question because
Hannah to the board, saying the the Legislature had already acted
MSU trustees instructed him to upon it, though Board President
ask approval of a 'full degree pro- Thomas Brennan indicated at that
gram in human medicine." time that the board planned to
The two-year MSU College of consider budgeting of the MSU
Human Medicine will open this program.
fall with a class of about 25 stu- Brennan commented that he
dents. Original approval of thej-
controversial college came before
the board began operating, but the
school needs board approval to
According to Dr. Leon Fill,
chairman of the board's medical
education subcommittee, the re-
quest will be studied by the State
Board of Higher Education and
will be referred to the board's
committee on education for health
The issue of establishing a two-
year medical school at MSU re-
mained in the talking stages for

does not know what the expansion,
mittee report will weigh heavily.
decision will be, but said the corn-
Study reports during 1962-63
had backed an 18-month medical
program at MSU while shying
away from a two-year course cur-
riculum because it would appear
as acommitment for future es-
tablishment of a full medical



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