Atoflgan a g Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Publt Publish or Perish: Uodate the ystey Occgrrengcesg A ere Opinionr Are Free: 420 MAYNARD ST. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT The Intramural Program: Improve It or Destroy It, SUDDENLY, after ignoring the problem for more than 20 years, the Univer- sity community has become aware of the great shortcomings of its intramural pro- gram. This rude awakening is occurring now simply because, in the past 20 years, the size of the student body has increased 300 per cent while no corresponding plans to provide additional intramural facili- ties were proposed. Yet, the inadequacies in the program have become apparent to participating students only in the last two years. These inadequacies will become more apparent as time passes partially because of the increasingly dilapidated condition of existing facilities and partially because of shortages pinpointed by the develop- ment of North Campus and by the immi- nent removal of Betsy Barbour and Wat- erman gymnasiums. MOST, IF NOT ALL, other Big Ten uni- versities have considered their intra- mural problems and provided solutions for them. Iowa has a $6.5 million addi- tion to their field house in the planning stage for intramural purposes. Minne- sota has a building program under way which will eventually consist of three separate facilities on three' different canipuses Purdue and Michigan State have already completed large intramural plants which far exceed the University's. While facilities' at other universities grow, Michigan's decline. The last addi- tion to men's indoor facilities was the current Sports Bulding built in 1928 to service a student body of 9000. The phys- ical education facilities provided by Wat- erman and Betsy Barbour gymnasiums will crumble soon with the buildings. This willresult in further overcrowding of the Sports Building and further dam- age to the already suffering physical edu- cation program. yET, DIRECTOR of Intramurals Earl Rilskey has indicated that if space were available, the IM program could be expanded. "We could easily have twice as many touch football teams as we do now, if We had fields and officials," he has said. Instead, the department recently lost two fields due to the expansion of Stadium Boulevard, resulting in the to- tal elimination of softball as an intra- mural sport. Though areas where team competition occurs are most seriously hurt by the shortage of space, individual sporting in- terests are beginning to suffer also. Dur- ing the winter students must wait to play basketball or paddleball for unrea- sonable lengths of time, simply because there are more participants than there is space available. This problem could be eased somewhat by opening the facilities for longer periods of time. But the ten- nis team uses the basketball courts from noon until three o'clock every day, and the building is closed on Saturday after- noons because funds are not available to keep it open. AWARENESS of the total problem is particularly painful because solutions for it have not yet even reached the planning stages-and, they cannot reach the planning stage until some basic structural changes are made. Intramurals at the University fall un- der the auspices of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, an autono- mous organization whose purpose by defi- nition is to minister the intercollegiate, rather than the intramural, program at the University. Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAY Managing, Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH........Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Directs! ROBERT CARNEY......Associate Editorial Director ROlBERT MOORE .........Magazine Editor GIL SAMBERG........A....ssistant Sports Editor BABETTE COHN...............Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob- -ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister. CHARLES VETZNER ................Sports Editor JAMES TINDALLE........ Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE......Associate Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick Actually the board cannot be held offi- cially responsible for the Intramural De- partment because official jurisdiction over the department has never been des- ignated by the Regents. Rather the board agreed to accept unofficial responsibil- ity for the department after no one else would. Unfortunately, with minor exceptions, the board has been unable and or un- willing to provide the necessary funds for the intramural program. The new $6.7 million University Events Building will draw on the board financially to such an extent as to make allocation of "funds for new intramural facilities impossible for 20 years," in the words of Athletic Director Fritz Crisler. Crisler has admit- ted that "there is no point in even ques- tioning the fact that intramural facili- ties are inadequate." T SEEMS THAT the Athletic Board can- not be held responsible for the short- comings of the intramural program be- cause it does not have the funds to han- dle the program. But the board may not be entirely blameless. If the board is in- capable of supporting the intramural program properly, it should not have ac- cepted the responsibility for the system in the first place. Clearly Crisler could have foreseen 10 years ago that the intramural program would reach its present decadent state. And, recognizing this, he should have taken steps to see that solutions to the problem were considered. If the board still was unable to control the program properly, Crisler should have transferred the responsibility to another organiza- tion, the Office of Student Affairs. IT IS PROBABLE that Crisler did and still does want to get rid of the re- sponsibility for I-M's, and that he tried to persuade the administration to take over without success. If the board was unwillingly saddled with intramural ad- ministration, those who put the board in this position are responsible for the pro- gram's failure. If the administration thought that it could bury the problem of recreational facilities in Crisler's file cabinet, it must now face the fact that the problem has reached the stage where it can no longer be buried. The University will suffer for several more years because of these past mis- takes. Waterman and Betsy Barbour will come down long before structures can be built to replace them. The I-M and physical education programs also will be forced to service fewer and fewer stu- dents because of inadequate facilities. North Campus will remain without any indoor facilities and the central campus will suffer from the lack of recreational space available to the dormitories and quadrangles. But, as long as the admin- istration postpones the inevitable, it will become harder and more expensive to make up for lost time. JUST WHAT THEN, is the inevitable? It is merely acceptance of the fact that the I-M program is withering and that a change in policy must be made somewhere. Two possible alternatives have been suggested. The first is that the Intramural Department be transfer- red to the Office of Student Affairs, which could provide necessary funds and manpower. The second is that the Intra- mural Department could remain under the auspices of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, but that funds for new facilities could be made avail- able from the University's general fund. Underlying both alternatives, of course, is the recognition by the administration that student recreation is indeed impor- tant. And if they are unwilling to recog- nize this, if, for example, they conclude that intramurals no longer have a place in the trimestered University because neither time nor money is available, the Intramural Department should be killed quickly and painlessly rather than dying slowly and dishonorably. FOR THESE and other reasons, if the Regents do choose to act at all, they should do so immediately. Perhaps there are more than the two listed alterna- tives. A study headed by director of stu- dent-community relations William Steude may shed light on other alternatives, per- hans more accentable to administrators. THERE IS SOMETHING dras- tically amiss in the academic world. Teachers are hired on the basis of their publications rather than their teaching; publications themselves are rated by number rather than quality, and the best class for any professor to have is none at all. When Woodrow Wilson Sayre did not get tenure at Tufts, the issue of "publish or perish" be- came a national debate. As a de- fense reaction, most schools ar- gued that the polarity of pub- lish or perish did not exist. Ac- cording to them, there was al- ways room for good teachers. For example, Dean William Ha- ber of the literary college said in a speech last year that teachers secured tenure at the University only if they first proved that they could teach and then proved that they could publish. According to Haber, the prime qualifier for the lower faculty positions is that one be a good teacher and in order to rise in the hierarchy one has to be not only a good teacher but also a good researcher. Thus, according to Haber's con- cept, every full professor must be both a scholar and a teacher, ex- cept for special exceptions such as noted atomic researchers. AT FIRST GLANCE this seems like a very equitable system, but then one realizes that no such system exists. As Caplow and McGee point out in "The Academic Market- place" there is little knowledge of a man's teaching abilities before he is given a position. Basically; they point out, selection at the lower than tenure faculty level is still based on promise as a re- searcher. It is assumed that any many with a PhD must be able to teach. This is the basic fallacy which has put many a boring windbag on the teaching podium. If teaching ability were really the prerequisite for a faculty po- sition, good researchers who could not teach well would be out of luck. Quite obviously this is not the case. Somit and Tanenhaus point out. in "American Poli- tical Science: A Profile of a Dis- cipline" that among political sci- entists sampled, they ranked teaching ability to be the least important factor and the volume *of publication to be the most im- portant factor in securing faculty positions. AND IT SHOULD not be the case that good researchers who cannot teach well should be out of luck. There is no more reason to discriminate against those good researchers who do not teach than there is to discriminate against the good teacher who does not research. Rather a place should be held for both of these in the academic community. Caplow and McGee recommend- ed that the position of the lec- turer be established with tenure so that the universities could give men who cared only for teaching a secure place on the campus. Per- haps their suggestion could be ex- panded to devise a new academic hierarchy. Basically one could have three, different types of acadamician. One would be the lecturer, whose prime skill would be teaching, the second would be the researcher and the third would be the "pro- fessor" who would be a combina- tion of both researcher and teach- er. In all three branches there would be ranks of assistant, as- sociate and full. THE HIGHEST PAY, the first choice of courses to teach, the best graduate assistants, and the best research equipment, would be reserved for the full "profes- sor" so as to give him the most internal prestige. This would give incentive for lecturers and re- searchers to try to become pro- fessors and making up their defi- ciencies in either teaching or re- search. At each level of the academic scale the "professor" branch would be higher than the researcher or. lecturer with similar rank al- though the researcher or lecturer with higher rank would have more prestige than a professor on a low- 4er level. Although presently there are professors who get appointments for purely doing i'esearch without any teaching, these positions are rare and are usually reserver for only people who are already proven to be top talent. Thus the three branch system would lend itself to better development not only of competent teachers but also of researchers, THE THREE branch system would also help to alleviate the problem of research for research's sake because people who liked only teaching would not be forced to publish or perish. It is a rather sad reflection upon our present system that Somit and Tanenhaus discovered that only 29.3 per cent of the political scientists polled by them could disagree with the statement that "much that passes for scholarship in political science is superficial." Yet this figure is not very sur- prising when one considers that the volume of publication was per- ceived by political scientists to be more important than quality of. publication according to Somit and Tanenhaus' 10 category rank order. Such perceptions lead to floods of publications with little to say. It is apparent that the law of the academic jungle-publish or perish - must be changed. And certainly the concept publish should not mean that quality should be sacrificed for quantity. THE ARGUMENT against hav- ing pure teaching and research positions is that maximum devel- opment in either field is attained only through the combination of the two. For example, Haber also claim- ed that it was essential for a pro- fessor to do research as well as teach so that he would be up to date on his field. Otherwise, Ha- ber claimed, the teachers merely vegetate and use the same class notes year after year. For the most part this is un- mitigated rot. A person does not have to publish to be up to date. In fact one would think that a teacher would be more up to date if he devoted more of his time to preparing his class notes and read- ing books on his field than re- searching some topic like the Ann Arbor City Council sweep- stakes of 1872. THE QUESTION NOW ARISES as to how academicians should be rated. As far as research goes, the quality should be ascertained by their colleagues, but as far as teaching goes, students should have the largest say. Before a man.can ever' be appointed at the lowest faculty level he should de- liver a special lecture on a given topic followed by a question and answer period to a representative body of students and faculty in the discipline. For men who are teaching on campus and are up for promo- tions, the student judgements should especially weigh heavily. After all, it would only seem logi- cal that if a man is being rated on his qualities as a teacher, the students who have daily contact with his efforts should be able to judge what they have absorbed. Under the present system there is sometimes student rating of fac- ulty members, but one is led to the impression that this process is rather haphazard and is not taken seriously by tenure com- mittees. BUT NOT ONLY is the method of appointing academicians all fouled up ,but the structure of the courses taught are anachron- istic. The basic unit of education at the University is still the lec- ture. This form is basically inap- propriate because there is not enough interplay between the teachers and the student's minds. Rather the basic unit of instruc- tion should be the seminar. Many people will concede this point theoretically but then re- sort on the practical that stu- dent-faculty ratiqs are too high to permit so many seminars. An answer to this problem could pos- sibly be to eliminate lectures in the form we know them and free the ,teachers to lead more semi- nars. IF ONE REFLECTS upon the nature of lectures, one realizes how unnecessary they are. Since most professors do not substanti- ally update their lectures, students would be just as well off reading collections of lecture notes as listening to such classes.- Another solution which might be the wave of the future would be to film yearly nationally promin- ent lecturers talking on their dis- ciplines. These films would be dis- tributed across the nation.5 Thus, for example, .any school might have economics 101 deliv- ered by John Kenneth Galbraith or by Milton Friedman depending on the local department's orienta- tion. Better yet one would have a series of lectures with two con- ing scholars battling their theor- ies out on the screen. IF ONE ADOPTED such a sys- tem, there would be no need for a multitude of lecturers at every institution, and teachers could devote their attentions to semi- nars. The real learning process is not to be able to parrot opinions of one's instructor but rather be able to develop and support ideas one's own. Since ultimate truths in fields such as political science are rather limited, the give and take of the seminar is an inte- gral part in the development of the perceptive student. Another serious flaw is the aca- demic world's lack of contact with reality. For example, in political science, Somit and Tanenhaus point out that most professors have limited themselves to the academic world and have not worked for the government. They estimate from their sample that only 30 per cent of the Ph. D's go out of the academic com- munity, and that once they do they are generally considered out- casts by the rest of the political science profession. The result of this separation between the ivory campus towers and thehalls of government is that political sci- ence departments at their best train more teachers but tend to neglect those sudents who are in- terested in actually going into government. Since very few of the professors have had working con- tact in government, they can not truly give their students a feel- ing of what political reality is like. PERHAPS A SOLUTION to the problem would be to require all political science teachers to have a minimum of three years experi- ence in government. At the very least university positions should be more open to non-Ph.D.'s who have had practical experience in government .Currently at major institutions there is the tendency not to hire teachers who do not have a Ph.D., yet there are many good lecturers who have worked in government and do not have ful as a sign of academic ex- the degree. While the Ph.D. is use- perience and endurance, it should not be the only way to open a door to a teaching career. Very often practica lexperience is more than equal to book learning. It is time for a rigid reexamina- tion of the academic hierarchy. There are obvious faults in the value system of the profession which can only be rectified by structural change. The irony of it . all is that many professors who tend to be in the vanguard in their research methods tend to re- tain a dogmatic aversion to aca- demic reform. A LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Student Protests Hike in Housing Rates To the Editor: AS A FRESHMAN here at the University of Michigan I am writing my first protest letter to any published medium. I hereby loudly and vigorously protest'uni- form housing rates. In the first place those students who live in triples are, in most cases ,there by choice and the basis for this choice is the cheap- er rate. If they are not there by choice at least the inconvenience of not having a double or a sin- gle whichever they would have preferred is compensated by a lower rate. Privacy is a commodity which has to be paid for and those who wish a single room are willing to pay the higher price. To say that the difference between the com- fort and convenience of a single and that of a triple is slight, is short of ridiculous if you have ever tried to study in a triple. I THINK that living on a cam- pus supplies part of the liberal education you receive at the Uni- versity. Many students living in dorms now who could live at home will have to commute be- cause of the price hike in a tri- ple. This would defeat one of the purposes of the standardization of rates: to fill vacancies. One last point, seniors and jun- iors in many cases get first pick of rooms in dorms now and this is fine as long as we don't have to pay the same rates. Anyway it isn't the rooms that make the difference when you are a senior or junior but the difference in reg- ulations between apartment. life and dorm life. Upperclassmen just don't like to live in dorms after two years of dorm life regardless of whether they lived in a triple, double or a single If worse comes to worse, and by this I mean 'a standardization of rates, why then, if there is no difference between a single and a triple, should the rates not be standardized to the triple fee? At least those of us who are poverty stricken would not have to wor- ry about where that extra $105 would come from. Those of you against this meas- ure please do not be passive but express, your feelings and maybe (I said MAYBE) the housing di- rectors will consider the opinions of the students. On behalf of the 588 triple, -Kathy Wilson, '70 EDITOR'S NOTE: The pro- posal to increase dorm fees is still in the planning stages and must be approved by the Re- gents before it is put into effect. Windshield Stripes To the Editor: AS IS POINTED out by the Na- tional Safety Council, over 80 per cent of all motorcycle fatali- ties result from collisions with cars trucks, etc. The council does not list the circumstances involv- ed, but I strongly suspect that in a large percentage the cars sim- ply did not see the cycle coming. As a rider for about 10 years, I had two experiences. The first one, I was clobbered by a car that didn't see me. The second inci- dent was turn-a-bout. I was driv- ing the car and did not see the rider. Fortunately, I got only a broken leg. The rider who picked himself up on the other side of my car sustained only a cut knee. WINDSHIELDS on motorcycles not only keep you from wind- burn, deflect a lot of bullet-like bugs, enables you to ride comfort- ably in zero Weather; they also could save you serious injury, perhaps even save your life. After my leg healed, I painted four three-inch vertical white stripes on my shield. People used to tell me they could see me com- ing a half mile away. Consequent- ly. I rode for many more years without so much as a scare. As you know, you do not look through a shield, you look over it. Paint a pin-up gal, put a tiger on your shield. Just use plenty of write paint. Motorcycles could be ihe safest thing on the highway. -William G. Northrup 'Beat the System' To the Editor: I WAS MOST disappointed by your decision to initiate a weekly question-and-answer col- umn to be know as "Beat the System." It is remarkable that sophisticated college students could in any way equate the rules of a .society with a roulette wheel in Las Vegas, where it actually may be possible to "beat the sys- tem." This type of childish rebellious- ness is representative of most col- legiate thouaht. and tends to gloss over the real issues of the day, as well as over-emphasize the col- lege student's apparent lack of control over his environment. THERE ARE TWO valid ways of attaining pleasures forbidden by a society: by legally changing the rules of the society, or by leaving it. Either method asserts the prim- acy of majority opinion, and tends to make life better for most people within the society. However, "beating the system," or, in other words, accepting only those aspects of a society which are personally pleasing and ig- noring the rest, is an entirely sel- fish and childish act, since so- ciety as a whole does not gain anything of value. Whoever is in charge of this column would do well to change its emphasis and make it adhere even more closely to "Action Line" in the Detroit Free Press, which is obviously being used at a pat- tern. -Robert Rubenstein, '69 LSA 4 Barry Goldwater: Popular Music * (IVE ME a moment before you Sstart to throw things, but I would like to say a few words in defense of today's popular music of the Beatle variety. I'd like to make a political point regarding it along the way. Now I don't hold any brief for those moaning, weeping. wailing- things in which some underfed, obviously undervoiced child tries to convince us that puppy love is as fatal as a terminal carcinoma. But in much of the remainder there is certainly more musical merit than there was to such non- sense as the catch-phrase cute songs of a generation past. If you give it a chance, you might admit, that the general style called rock- and-roll is developing good musi- cal discipline, sound "sounds" and nvnt - - n Oh -r .. -ac lv .". . aren't as bad among the younger set as you might imagine from some of their other performances. I keey wonderng when some of our young songsters are going- to "dig some other facts of life. For instance, in all the songs - many of them deeply moving- about how badly off people are here in America, we might hope to get a hint that things are a whop- ping lot worse off everywhere - that's right, everywhere-else in the world. This is not a plea for Pollyanna music. It would be a sad day when artists of any sort accept their society and do not criticize it. It is equally sad, however, when they confuse the nature and origin of the flaws. 0 .I 1 N&U1 iv-, ,..