FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Election Results Stir Concern Over White Ba icklash WASHINGTON (P) - Political triumphs by segregationists who weren't expected to win, plus continuing racial violence, stirred interest yesterday in the possi- bility of a white backlash in the November elections. A prominent backer of civ- ily rights legislation, Chairman Emanuel Celler, (D-N.Y.), of the House Judiciary Committee, said the backlash may not be the ma- jor issue next November, "but it will be an important one." And Rep. Bob Wilson, (R- Calif)., chairman of the GOP Congressional Campaign Commit- tee,. said of the backlash possibil- ity: "If it takes the form of con- cern for law and order, it could very well become the dominant severe rioting broke out last year, "If anything," he said, "it is issue, even surpassing Viet Nam." and has done nothing to fore- too slow," adding that he must Gov. Edmund G. Brown, who stall future disturbances in pos- have misunderstood the questions ordered the National Guard out sible trouble spots. It is obvious reporters, asked him on desegre- to help handle Negro rioting in that new leadership is needed." gation. San Francisco, said of the possi- No Discussion The talk of a possible backlash lanta restaurant rather than bidding racial discrimination in ate after passing the House.1 serve Negroes. He had virtually the sale of dwellngs. Death came through refusal to no campaign organization. The winning Marylander, George shut off debate on a motion toi Negro leader Dr. Martin Lu- P. Mahoney, in opposing open- take up the measure. ther King Jr. said the Maddox housing legislation, urged in his: Racial Disorders1 election showed "Georgia is a sick campaign: "Your home is your At that time there was specu- state produced by the diseases of castle-protect it." lation that racial disorders hadt a sick nation." Mahoney's principal opponent hurt the bill's chances. t . King added that the result por- was Rep. Carlton P. Sickles, who: Earlier this week pollster Lout tends "that the days ahead in favored open housing. Harris said a white backlashi bility: "I don't know: I just do my job; do the best I can. I4 hope it won't have any effect on the campaign." Democrat Brown is in a close battle for re-election against the challenge of Republican Ronald Reagan. Any white backlash in California could be expected tol At the White House on Thurs- day, press secretary Bill D. Moy- ers was asked whethershe would discuss the "backlash as a politi- cal issue." He said he would not. And at the Senate, Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon- tana said: "I don't think it's the, issue it's been played up to be." in November-when all members of the House, over a third of the Senate and 35 governors will be elected-was spurred by the out- come of Wednesday's Democratic primary runoff in Georgia. In that election Lester G. MaQ- dox, an out-and-out segregation- ist, upset former Gov. Ellis G. Arnall for the Democratic nomi- nation for governor. Closed Restaurant race relations will be confusingly dreary and the nights will be darker than a thousand mid- nights." Maddox's triumph took on add- ed significance in that it followed the Democratic nomination for governor of Maryland of a many- hurt Brown. Mansfield said also there had Reagan commented on Brown's been a "misunderstanding" about situation this way: "It is obvious his quoted statement of Tuesday that the governor has not prof- that desegregation of schools and ited at all from the experience of hospitals has been pushed "too Watts, a Los Angeles area where fast." Sickles said in an election post' mortem that undoubtedly many national political leaders are con- cerned about the white backlash. He voiced concern that it might affect future civil rights legisla- tion. Only last week a federal civil rights bill with an open-housing provision was killed in the Sen- against the civil rights movement could tear the Democratic party apart in the North in the Novem- ber elections. Harris made the statement in an interview on CBS television. He said that two years ago 50 per cent of the white people be- lieved Negroes were moving too fast. And now, his figures said, 75 per cent of the whites think Ne- groes are moving too fast, with 81 per cent of the whites think- ing that racial demonstrations hurt the Negro cause. A current Gallup poll, distrib- uted by the American Institute of Public Opinion, says "Resis- tance of whites* to measures for improving the lot of Negroes has reached the highest point since the spring of 1962." It said 52 per cent of all adults in a new nationwide survey think the Lyndon B. Johnson adminis- tration is pushing racial integra- tion too fast, 10 per cent say not fast enough, 29 per cent "about right" and 9 per cent report no opinion. I Maddox was known almost sole- times-loser whose principal plank ly as the man who closed his At- was opposition to legislation for- Viet Losses Reach New Record High Blame increase on Sweep Mission Near Demilitarized Zone SAIGON (R) - American of- fensive operations, while boosting Communist losses sharply last week, swelled U.S. casualties to a record weekly total of 970 men killed, wounded or missing, brief- ing officers disclosed yesterday. The roll of American dead in 'five years of war rose to 6,400. Of, these, 5.302 fell in combat. The Pentagon disclosed Monday that deaths from such nonhostile causes as accidents, drownings and disease totaled 1,008 through Sept. 17. For the fourth time this year, weekly losses of the Americans exceeded those of the South Viet- namese. Though U.S. units in- volved now have 315,000 men, South Viet Nam's armed forces still list more than twice that enrollment-705,000. Contributing to much of the bloodshed was fighting between U.S. Marines of Operation Prairie and infiltrated Hanoi regulars in the northern reaches of South Viet Nam, a struggle under way since Aug. 3. The statistics came out on a day of varied action: -Viet Cong terrorists struck twice. A blast in front of a police station in Saigon's Chinese sec- tion: killed a woman and child 'and wounded 13 persons. A land mine destroyed a civilian bus, killed two persons and wounded nine on a road north of Qui Nhon, a city on the central coast. -A U.S. spokesman announced American air squadrons flew 100 missions over North Viet Nam Wednesday in the continuing ef- fort to impede the movement of Red troops and war supplies. Pi- lots said they set two oil depots afire and destroyed or damaged 16 bridges, 14 barges, 11 anti- aircraft gun positions, and a tor- pedo boat refuelling base. -Field dispatches told of the seizure of two Viet Cong prison camps. U.S. forces overran one in Phu Yen' Province, about 200 miles northeast of Saigon, which they said looked like the Nazis' Dachau "all over again." They freed 10 Vietnamese suffering from malnutrition, boils, pneumo- nia and other ailments, left be- hind by guards who dragged away 40 to 60 others. ::r:.::..Guard Units CHINA'S VOICE: Patrol Area, Keep Order Albania Rejects Proposal for UN Involvement in Viet Nam 4 -Negro Unemuploynet UNITED NATIONS (-Propo- Chief Reason for sals by some of the smaller coun- tries for a UN role in Viet Nam San Francisco Riots peace efforts met with a resound- ing no yesterday from Albania, SAN FRANCISCO UP) - Rifle regarded as Communist China's armed National Guardsmen,. un- voice in the United Nations. der orders to "shoot to kill" if Nesti Nase, the Albanian for- attacked, kept an uneasy peace eign minister, told the 119-na- yesterdayn riot-torn Negro areas tion General Assembly that North. of San Francisco. Viet Nam objected to any kind of A heat wave, in which the vio- interference by the United Na- lence first exploded Tuesday after tions. a white policeman shot and killed "The Albanian delegation wish-' a Negro youth, persisted in its es to stress the fact that any at- third searing day. tempt of this kind would fail, be- Police and military forces main- cause it would only be a new blow tions, which is already greatly tjeopardized," he said. Albania is a virtual, outcast among the Soviet bloc countries and does not meet with them in private conferences, but in gen- eral votes, with them. Nase reflected the split be- tween Peking and Moscow with a charge that the Viet Nam situ- ation is growing worse because of the policy "of another great power, which strengthens every day its rapprochement with the American imperialists." Peking has accused the Soviet Union of working behind the. i ., -Associated Press JOHNSON, GOVERNORS MEET PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON is shown above with-a group of governors with whom he dis- cussed methods of stopping increasing inflation. He offered some guidelines for the governors to apply at the state level, and indicated that he-wants to hold down federal expenditures, such as for highways, schools, and hospitals. Michigan's Governor Romney used the meeting to take some jabs at the administration, saying that it has been far too slow in recognizing the inflation problem and taking proper steps to counteract the rising cost of living. SAN FRANCISCO RIOTS: White House To Study Cause Of Negro Unemployment. tained quiet and order in the bay- bordering Hunters Point and in- land Fillmore Negro district through Wednesday night after one brief but fierce outbreak by snipers and rioters. It wac ick- at the future of the United Na- scenes with the United States on State Primaries' Finish, a ly quelled. E' t Negro unemployment, which j Mayor John F. Shelley called the chief reason for the disorders, W) News A drew quick official attention all Incumbents Lose the Viet Nam Issue. Nase charged also that the United States is seeking "an anti-Chinese holy alliance" which would be joined by the major powers of Europe and Asian neighbors of China to complete "what it is convenient to call an iron ring around China." He called for an unconditional and immediate withdrawal of American forces from South Viet Nam. "This is the only just road to a settlement of the Viet Nam ques- tion," he added. "There is no other." Reflecting the views of some of the smaller nations, Foreign Min- ister Per Hakkerup of Denmark said it was conceivable that at some stage the authority of the United Nations could be used as the control machinery for a Viet Nam peace settlement. "If the United Nations is called upon to assume that role, I feel convinced that many member states will be, prepared to contrib- ute personnel, equipment and money," he said. "Denmark will certainly be among them." He expressed support for the latest U.S. peace proposals on Viet Nam, which he viewed as a con- siderable approximation of the three-point plan advocated by Secretary-General U Thant, which he also endorsed. They differ mainly in that Thant called for an unconditional halt to the U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam, and a more con- cise spelling out of a role for the Communist Viet Cong at the conference table. nalysis been. in Congress 34 years-14 the way to the White - House. The primary elections are all' in the House ate. Smith, House Rules These steps against the appar- but concluded and the casualty' ent motive for the Negro violence, toll in the present Congress plus the firm police and military sn at 11. Eight House mem- action, raised hopes that the riot- stands ing may have run its course. bers and three senators lost re- "The test is whether we have a nomination contests. quiet night tonight," said Maj. The one remaining primary, in Gen. Paul R. Teilh, field com- Hawaii tomorrow, is not apt to mander of the Guard forces. change the figures. Democratic Mayor Shelley sent a plea to, Reps. Spark M. Matsunaga and President Johnson for federal' Patsy Mink have primary oppo- funds to attack the "critical un- sition but are odds-on favorites. employment situation" in the Ne- gro areas. Looking back on the primaries and 20 in the Sen- chairman of the Committee, had 36 years of service. Both went down before younger challengers in close races in which their age appears to have been a factor. Robertson ish79, Smith 83. Age also was a factor in the defeat of Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr., R-Mass., 81, who has been in Congress for 42 years. The other senators defeated in primaries were Ross Bass of Ten- nessee and Donald S. Russell of South Carolina, both Democrats. WASHINGTON UP)-The White House has ordered an investiga- tion into riot-torn San Francis- co's unemployment problem, a problem classified as one of the nation's worst.,i A Labor Department source Thursday estimated San Francis- co's jobless rate at probably as high as 5 per cent, compared with the national rate of 3.9 per cent. He said unemployment among Negroes is at least double the rate for whites. Critical Unemployment San Francisco Mayor John F. Shelley blamed the "critical un- employment situation" as the clief reason for Wednesday's rioting among the city's Negroes. Joseph A. Califano Jr., assist- ant to President Johnson, joined Labor Department and antipov- erty officials to study Shelley's plea that the White House sup- 'ply emergency funds to ease the move to the San Francisco area jobless problem. I to work and later lose their jobs The Labor Department estimat- don't want to leave because they' ed the jobless rate at 4.8 per like the climate, one official said. cent in the five-county area Figures for August are not yet around San Francisco Bay, and available, but the Labor Depart- said it is probably higher in San ment said that in July there were Francisco itself. 61,100 persons drawing unemploy- Labor Market ment insurance in the five coun- The San Francisco labor mar- ket includes the counties of San; Francisco, Marin, Contra Costa,! Alameda and San Mateo. In addition, a spokesman said, a special study last year showed the jobless rate among Negro men, was triple the white rate; andI among Negro women, twice asI high as among white women. Officials said it is difficult to pinpoint the causes of unemploy- ment, but said some of it stems. from the sharp drop in ship-I building in postwar years. In addition, many persons who indup ties for a 4.6 per cent rate, and that it moved up to 4.8 per cent in August. These figures usually indicate the trend in total unemployment., White House press secretary Bill D. Moyers said California is working with Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz and director Sargent Shriver of the Office of Economic Opportunity in inves- tigating the job situation in San Francisco. The Labor Department said in announcing national jobless fig- ures for August, the latest avail- able, that unemployment among Negroes across the country is se- rious and growing worse. Rate Increases The unemployment rate for whites in August was the same as in April, 3.4 per cent. The rate for nonwhites-mostly Negroes- increased from 7 per cent to 8.2 per cent during the same period. "I plead in the name of God L e n nanS and human decency for immedi- among voters to throw out pres- te fundtassuage ent officeholders. In 1964, eight at emergency fns to ssgeHouse members but no senator this situation," Shelley declared. lost primary contests. Johnson responded by ordering los em cotests y White House assistant Joseph A.! House casualties this year were Califano to work on Shelley's re- men caught in redistricting quest with LabornSecretary W. squeezes which pitted them Willard Wirtz and Sargent Shriv- against other members in situa- er, director of the Office of Eco- tions where one incumbent had to nomic Opportunity. lose. Nine young Negro men were Perhaps the major surprises of wounded by police shotgun fire the primaries were the losses by in the fierce flare of violence Sen. A. Willis Robertson and Rep. Wednesday on 3rd Street near Howard W. Smith in 'the Virginia the Bayview Community Center. Democratic primary. Most were leg wounds and none Robertson, chairman of the was serious. Senate Banking Committee, has 11 Special Award Winner at Venice Film Festival THE SAVAGE EYE World News Rot 8 o'clock SATURDAY, OCT. NEWMAN CENTER, 331 Thompson St. 50c admission By The Associated Press the size of its budget. It would industrials fell 8.29 points to' GABERONES, Botswana-Afri- take over policies and functions 772.6. The Associated Press 60- ca gained another nation today now carried on by almost 100,000 stock average was off 3.0 points when the former British protec- persons in 35 separate units. at 279.2. torate of Bechuanaland became * * Of 1,396 issues traded, 964 de- independent Botswana. NEW YORK-The stock market clined and 223 advanced. It will be the first black-ruled took another steep drop in moder- Volume rose to 6.11 million country to border white-ruled ate trading yesterday. shares from 5.99 million Wednes-? South Africa. The Dow Jones average of 30 day. 6' - President of the new country is Seratse Khama, formerly prime minister of Bechuanaland. Kha- ma's wife is a blond British typ- ist he married 18 years ago while a student in England. WASHINGTON-A bill to set up a Department of Transporta- tion as the 12th Cabinet-level de- partment-passed the Senate yes- terday 64 to 2. The new department would be the fourth largest in the number of its employes and the fifth in I-i CINEMA II p resenzts JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO CLAUDIA CARDINALE ( R (COLOR) _ [ j !' i I; I 1 1 I 1 I I I I U 1 R I I I 1 1 ia i 3:10 TO0YUMA R / i . 1 R M R k , I R 3:10 TO YUMA f (dir. Delmer Daves-1957) I R I R * lin. Considered one of the. finest modern exam- * pies of the American Western. Ford, a ruthless ; * killer, is to be transported out of town on the ; I 3:10 to Yuma but his gang has other plans. / I 1 U 1 1 R 1 1 1 TON IGHT 7:00 &9:00 1 1 I 1 ! i i II rousEl I if ' , 11 i r !' ' j A fine swashbuckling adventure-comnedy, with Beintondo as a legendary highway man of 18th f'Dlh'France. A nsaln et FTenrv Levan and j j II P E T E R GRIFFITH - classical guitarist and composer I A I