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September 29, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-29

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Wheree 0pinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR..MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

Nrws PHONE- 764-05';-'

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.



'Black Power':
Speaking to Reality

"Power is the ability to make the,
most backward, inhumane govern-
ment in the Vnited States say 'yes'
when it wants to say 'no'."
--Martin Luther King
July 5, 1966
house in Hill Auditorium, and, no mat-
ter what happened on Meet the Press, he
and the crowd were there to get some-
thing straightened out-Black Power. It's
really not that hard:
" When Peace Corps volunteers enter
a village to organize local groups and de-
velop community leadership, they do not
consider their work a success until the
villagers kick them out.
When the villagers do kick them out,
that means they are ready to expand and
develop on their own.
And so it is with the Negro movement.
Whites have led the civil rights move-
ment; it is now time for Negroes to take
it over. They are ready. They have devel-
oped their own leadership; they must
develop more-that is one of the values
of organization. It does them no good for
whites to lead their struggle because the,
struggle cannot be won until Negroes
have picked up the skills to win it them-
And. further, it does the Negro no good
to win anything until he establishes an
identity for himself. The Negro in Amer-
ica has been told, and has believed, that
he is inferior because he is black. It is
now necessary to establish the fact that
black is, in fact, just as "good" as white.
It must be obvious that no white person
can do much about that.
Thus one facet of the syndrome-black
leadership, positive black identity, where
it was negative before.-
" Another facet is economics. Ghetto
economics are not good for the people who
live there. Stores are owned by people
who live outside the ghetto and who take
the profits home with them. What little'
money flows into the area goes into local
stores and markets and then out-it does
not recirculate within the ghetto as it
So Carmichael proposes that the ghet-
to become a community, which it is not
now, by taking over the stores which form
its income. These stores would keep the
profits from invested capital in the pock-
ets of ghetto residents instead of suburb
residents. That is. all he means when he
says "we must turn the economic system
upside down."
The ghetto is still a colony-to end its
poverty it must keep its resources cir-
culating within its confines. It needs its
own economic institutions.
e The United, States has formed so-
cial and political institutions that allow
certain parties established access to the
wealth of the country. The ghetto has

had none of that access. The Democrat-
ic party, the traditional fighter for wel-
fare, has not brought a decent life it
has bought votes. It has passed legisla-
tion to guarantee constitutional rights;
it has not shared the wealth it must.
Politics dictates that only by forming
distinct, active interest groups can those
who have not get anything from those
who have. The agrarians tried it for free
silver; the workers did it to deal with
management; the slum ghetto is doing it.
It will take political and social power.
You must organize for power. The ghet-
toes are organizing.
AND IN THIS COUNTRY, ghetto also
means black. They are the ones who
are (poor, they are the ones who live in
the ghettoes. Blackness is an economic,
geographic, and political fact.
That is the way white society allowed
things to develop-those are the terms
with which ghetto society must deal..
That is what they have been doing. Only
fow they have said it.
that Negroes can have faith in their
own race and color. They have not had
it before.""Black Money" means that the
Negro community will develop its own
institutions so that they someday will
not have to move out of their present
areas in order to get decent housing, to
take part in a working economy. And
"Black Power" means that community
will be recognized in the American poli-
tical and social power structure as an
interest group, like all other interest
groups who are organized to be contended
Announcing the program has discon-
certed much of the white community--
that may be an immediate cost. But it is
better there be misunderstanding now if
there can be real understanding later.
THE IDEA that that enunciation could
have "caused" riots is absurd. Black
Power works inside, not outside the in-
stitutions of society-the SNCC tactic is,
in fact, the most realistically non-viol-
ent. It means to widen channels, not de-
stroy them. It means enlarging institu-
tions and creating now ones to encom-
pass more people. Riots only occur when
the means of communication, of dealing
with the problems at hand, have proven
inadequate-that structural weakness is
exactly what SNCC is trying to rectify.
POLITICAL REALITY, economics, iden-
tity-those are the black problems.
Black Power, Black Money, Black Con-
sciousness - those are the words that
speak directly to the problems. In the
long run, it is the best politics to do just

. and
TUXEDO, N.Y. - Why don't
bright college kids want to go
into business?
That was the translation of
the formal title of a conference
on "Crisis in Marketing Manpow-
er" held here Sunday through
Tuesday. Unlike most business
conferences, this one had some
students (including the present
writer) as resource material, and
the result was fascinating to
Although Milton Mumford, pres-
ident of Lever Brothers, opened
the conference with a speech
which, in effect, doubted that any
such manpower crisis exists, most
of the other participants didn't
think so. Perhaps business would
have trouble coping with a deluge
of bright applicants, Mumford
suggested; but Thomas McCabe
of Scott Paper Company express-
ed the general reaction when he
retorted, "I'd sure like to try."
The general feeling here seem-
ed to be that, while business isn't
in danger of attracting fewer num-
bers of graduates, it is already
failing to attract the brightest
graduates--the problem is one of
quality, not quantity; they're not
getting the bright ones.
Paul Gerwitz, an English major
at Columbia, astonished the con-
ference when he said he couldn't
think of anyone he knew who
wanted to go into business; most
of his fellow studentsnhere had
the same story to tell.
is the problem, and they were all
eager to find out why it exists.
The "why" is long and involved,
but the following considerations
are among the most important:
First, many bright college stu-
dents find the goals of business
irrelevant or unworthy. It is un-

deniable that business techniques,
particularly as practiced by men
like Robert McNamara and Sol
Linowitz, are intellectually excit-
ing and challenging. It is equally
true that the back-stabbing and
boot-licking that go on in busi-
ness are to a large extent dupli-
cated in government and aca-
demia (business has "The Man in
the Gray Flannel Suit," but aca-
demia has "The Masters" and
government has "Advise and Con-
But even if one accepts the fact
that business' techniques are oft-
en exciting, it appears to college
students that its central goal is
profit-and that is a goal which
doesn't interest very many of
worry about making a profit when
there are slums in Los Angeles?
Why make money when you can
help develop the underdeveloped?
In a way. John Kenneth Gal-
braith's doubts about the value
of an increment to the Gross Na-
tional Product, in the form of
Toronadoes or thrust brassieres,
fulfills J o s e p h Schumpeter's
prophecy that the general ethos
of America would sooner or later
grow antipathetic or hostile to
business' goals-and the reactions
of today's bright college students
fulfill that prophecy too.
It is true, as a sophisticated
businessman might point out, that
business serves people while it
makes profit. But that simply af-
firms that profit is not business'
only goal without affecting the
observation that profit is its cen-
tral goal. Are more automobiles
really a "service" when they cre-
ate more air pollution, cause more
highway death, requisition more
of our countryside for freeways,

{' r

create more traffic jams and in-
crease the frustrations of the poor
who cannot buy them ?
McCabe's description of Scott
Paper Company's "color explo-
sion" promotion theme is likely
to leave unmoved the large num-
bers of college students who think
the country faces somewhat more
serious issues than the color of its
toilet paper. Business may be the
engine of the country, but these
students are happy to let some-
one else man the controls while
they see what is happening to the
rest of the train.
YET, NOTEONLY are the goals
of business and businessmen un-
interesting to bright college stu-
dents who are concerned with
things as they are; so are the ex-
tra-curricular activies, the tastes
and the interests of businessmen.
Kenneth Boulding once told a
conference of businessmen that
General Motors is the largest so-
cialist state west of Yugoslavia:
but nobody laughed when he said
it-and nobody laughed when the
present writer repeated it. For bus-
iness is terribly conservative, and
college students often find this ir-
relevant and silly.
It is. for example, astonishing
that business can get so exorcised
over so modest pieces of legisla-
tion as the Truth in Packing Bill
or the Hi.ghway Safety Bill when
people living in Harlem and Watts
can't buy business' packages or
its automobiles. And, it is not at
all surprising that there were no
Negroes and only a few Jews and
Catholics at the conference here.
BUSINESS ALSO seems intel-
lectually dead. Indeed, it is a par-
ticularly damning criticism of bus-
iness that one of its own, Robert
McNamara, chose to live in Ann

Arbor rather than Grosse Pointe
or Huntington Woods-evidently
because he felt a university en-
vironment is far more congenial
to the intellectual life than the
atmosphere of the company cock-
tail circuit..
Of course, one can always re-
tort ,as businessmen might, that
that's all the mainstream of
American life, of which business
is a prominent part. But when the
mainstream of American life is
polluted, as McNamara's "voting
with his feet" seems to indicate,
and when business is partially re-
sponsible, then this reason is
scarcely going to persuade active,
aware college students to go into
Hence business' goals and extra-
curricular aspects do not encour-
age bright students to get into
business; rather, they are deter-
red and repelled-or attracted by
far more interesting and appealing
jobs of other sorts. That was the
message six college students (Co-
lumbia, Swarthmore, Pennsylvan-
ia, Princeton, Berkeley and the
University) gave the businessmen
SURPRISINGLY ,it was what
the businessmen wanted to h'ar,
particularly because it was artic-
ulated fairly well, "That's just
what my son tells me," one said
after the students spoke. "My kids
have been saying that for a long
time,' 'another commented.
Whether the businessmen were
jolted enough to do something
about this feeling is another ques-
tion. Each student was careful to
say he was simply explaining his
view of the truth about business,
True to their interest is market-
ing, most of the businessmen here
concluded the students' views were
so negative simply because busi-

ness isn't being "sold' well enough.
But perhaps not only the im-
age but also the realities of busi-
ness could use a touch-up and
some improvement. Exaggerated
though the image may be, one sus-
pects there is more than a little
justification for it.
WHAT CAN BE done to change
the realities of business, as well
as convey them more effectively?
The central criticism the students
made here-that business' goals
are irrelevant and unrelated to
our most urgent foreign and do-
mestic priorities--suggest business
ought to tackle some of these
problems which have concerned
the younger generation so much.
Reston. Virginia, for example.
is a striking example of the model
town - handsome architecture,
careful planning, inclusion of
housing for all income levels in
all areas-and it is completely a
rz'i vate-enterprise product. Gener-
al Eletric is going to try a urban
planning comnlex in conjunction
with other companies.
Thf possibuities a re exciting, for
thav would turn business into a
servant of society and give busi-
'v'ss a s^~"s' of public resnonsibil-
4v it has -ot usually displayed.
TIlsinessmrn always gripe about
the superiority of private enter-
prise over state control: they thus
ought to vet together and think up
programs of their own for urban
renewal, race relations, foreign
economic assistance and so on.
WHEN THIS germinal manifes-
tation starts to develop and
when it percolates down to the
campuses-then business may,
someday, finally face the on-
slaught of bright, aware students
McCabe said he'd be happy to try
to face.

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tudents and Business: Conflicting Aims



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SA CUA Didn't Approve Knauss Report


To the Editor:
have read your articles con-
cerning the Knauss report with
great interest. I am pleased that
you have chosen to give the re-
port wide coverage. It is an im-
portant document which deserves
the kind of publicity which will
cause students and faculty alike
to familiarize themselves with its
However, your reporting of the
action taken by the Senate As-
sembly at its meeting of Septem-
ber 19 is misleading and erron-
eous. Contrary to the headlines
which appeared next morning in
The Daily, the Assembly did NOT
approve the report. In fact it was
clear to those who attended the
meeting that there was substan-
tial opposition to many of its pro-
The. only action taken by the
Senate Assembly was the passage
of a resolution which approved the
philosophy urged in the report and
which charged the Subcommittee
on Student Relations to draft rec-
ommendations for clarification
and for proposed action on vari-
ous portions of the report after
further consultation with various
interested bodies. In my view this
action was intended to specifical-
ly withhold approval for the time
being until each item in the re-
port is reassessed.
WHILE I personally regret that
the Senate Assembly did not ap-
prove the report promptly, never-
theless it seems to me essential
thai th TThe Uniar.ci ^r"n t, h

accurately informed of the action
taken. I am concerned that your
reporting has failed to make clear
that simple approval of the report
is by no means assured. Much op-
position to it centers around the
belief that some of the wording
regarding the student role in var-
ious matters is so loosely drawn
and all inclusive that reasonable
limits tothis participation will be
impossible to define.
Fear has been expressed that
irresponsible students will seize
upon certain statements to sup-
port their claim to extensive rights
by implication which are not real-
ly intended by the authors of the
report. Unfortunately your head-
line of September 20, because
it is so clearly a contradiction of
fact, will be cited as an example
of student irresponsibility. It will
serve to strengthen the belief of
those who feel that students are
not really in a position to act
with the degree of responsibility
which important decisions require.
-Thomas McClure
Professor of Art
Bible Not Dull
To the Editor:
quoted as saying about the re-
cently completed field trip to Is-
"Biblical history can be pretty
dull when studied from a purely
academic context . . . But when it
can be seen and really experienc-
ed, if only vicariously, it comes
I wrote this letter simply to

assert that I have never consid-
ered Biblical history dull under
any circumstances, and did not
say so. The quotation appears to
be the interviewer's misinterpre-
tation of a number of statements
I made during a long conversa-
tion to the effect that ancient
history is most advantageously
studied in situ.
A bit later in the article the
interviewer characterized the dif-
ficulties the class experienced with
the heat and travel conditions as
"major drawbacks." I spoke of
them as hindrances to work, but
in no sense do I feel that they
constituted a serious loss of ad-
vantage or value to the, students.
something which the interviewer's
choice of words suggests.
-Louis L. Orlin
Associate Professor of
Ancient Near Eastern
History and Literature
Nothing Said
To the Editor:
ITHINK that the students not
wholly emotionally enthralled
with the hooray-for-the-underdog
image of "black power" who saw
Stokely Carmichael Tuesday at
Hill, left with a profound sense
of uneasiness-not because of the
All letters to The Daily must
be typewritten and double-
spaced, and should be no longer
than 300 words.

fear of "black power" as such
(since the students are too far re-
moved from its possibilities of viol-
ence, and too willing to cheer the
underdog), but rather because Mr.
Carmichael insisted on saying . .
The ironic thing about it is that
one comes to realize that Mr. Car-
michael has a vested interest in
doing just that because he is a
demagogue with a catch-phrase,
not a leader with a program.
As a demagogue, he employs
the usual standard equipment,
which he displayed so well on
Meet the Press and at Hill. He
is entitled to speak only in plati-
tudes ("All I care about is educa-
tion," "Stop the oppression and
exploitation of the blacks"), never
on specific programs; he is en-
titled to dodge every question with
a clever retort; he is entitled to
coin phrases, such as "black pow-
er," and use them, but never be
forced to define them--full well
knowing that "black power" is use-
ful only as a rallying cry to con-
jure un violent emotions. and loses
its value when it is pinned down
and defined: and he is entitled to
speak with passion ("electric," as
Mr. Shister's ridiculous article
notes about "charmine Stokply"
the appealing gut-reactions which
are, in fact, conflicting in their
logical conclusions.
MR. CARMICHAEL has insti-
tuted his own "double-think." He
wishes to say "I am born, there-
fore I am equal," but he also
hastens to remind you that he
will not let you forget the color

of his skin. He wishes to keep
the whites away from his people
so he can teach them race "pride,"
but this is not racism.
As a typical bigot, he will not
reject you as an individual, but
only what you, as a white person,
"must" represent. He says the
present system is bad, but will
harden it along its present color
line. In short, he is "not a rac-
ist." but will institutionalize rac-
AS A NOTE to Mr. Carmichael's
demagoguery, it was interesting
to note the frequency of his allu-
sions to the Viet Nam war. Though
I do not doubt his belief, the
forced and unnecessary references
were mere attempts to win audi-
ence support. It seemed to work,
b-caus those mindlessminds, so
thrilled to find out that a big,
important man doesn't like the
IT°t Nam war, clapped on cue like
swals in an intellectual zoo who
are fed the fish of their own re-
-Laurence Kallen, Law, '69
peared in yesterday's editor-
ial, "I- S," by Bob Carney.
The fourth paragraph should
have read: "Any freshman who
shows 'satisfactory' progress dur-
ing that first semester will receive
a II-S when the semester ends "
I-S was mistakingly substitut-
ed for II.S.

What Did Hather Say?

TrHE ASSISTANT to the vice-president
for University relations, in a letter
published in these pages yesterday, claims
that President Hatcher's speech to the
California Bar Association says nothing
about questioning the, rights of public
employes to bargain. Thus, he says,
phraseology to this effect which appeared
in stories by The Detroit Free Press, The
Associated Press and The Daily was in-
Yet what, indeed, did President Hatch-
er say. in California? The University's
news release-as a Daily editorial noted-
said that "lawyers and law professors
0 ism
Editorial Staff
BRUCE WASSERSIN. Executive Editor
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT........Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH . ... Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Direette
ROBERT CARNEY ... Associate Editorial Director
RO3ERT MOORE........... Magazine Editor
GIL SAMBERO ............Assistant Sports Editor
BABETTE COHN ..... .....Personnel Director
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Hefter, Merle Jacob, Rob-
ert Klivans. Laurence Medw, Roger Rapoport, Shir-
ley Rosick, Neil Shister:
CHARLES VETZNER ............ . Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL . . .Associate Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOVAGE Associate Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
.Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick
Stern, John Sutkus, Oretchen Twietrneyer, Dave

were asked for fresh perspectives and
new approaches to employe relations in
the public sector in an address by Uni-
versity of Michigan President Harlan
lawyers and law professors in Califor-
nia for new perspectives (he has been
ignoring the advice which lawyers and'
labor relations experts here have been
offering), one is forced to wonder what is
wrong with the old perspectives on em-
ploye relations, most notably the tech-
niques of collective bargaining.
And President Hatcher gave a very
clear answer: He said that "the old and
weary bitterness of labor-management
strife and warfare should not be carried
into the public service or into a modernI
university environment."
Now, it is an undeniable fact thatj
Michigan's amended Hutchinson Act gives
public employes at the University and
elsewhere the right to bargain collective-
ly; and one can hardly conclude anything
other than that President Hatcher called
that right into question. Hence The Daily
was completely accurate and fair in re-
porting that President Hatcher was ques-
tioning the rights of public employes to
bargain collectively.
INDEED, that The Associated Press and
The Detroit Free Press arrived at the

( Lamb Llle u w ver6i v curnmunny ae

CiaKills Las t Ally i 7T 'T


T HE APPARENT defection last
week of North Korea to the So-
viet side in the ideological war
between Moscow and Peking rep-
resents the loss of China's last
major ally in the Southeast Asia-
Pacific area.
North Korea's change of favor
was made public Sept. 18 by Ro-
dono Shinmoon, the North Ko-
rean party newspaper. which call-
ed Peking's refusal to cooperate
with Moscow the work of "traitors
to the proletarian revolution."
Though the Peking doctrine un-
doubtedly still has supporters in
Communist party splinter groups,
New Zealand is the only remain-
ing country in the Asia-Pacific
area in which the Communist
leadership remains faithful to
ASIDE FROM the Sino-Soviet
ideological dispute-heightened in
the past few weeks by Russia's
claims that the militant Red
Guards show that China is grip-
ped by internal class warfare and
that a renegade Chinese leader-
ship is embarking on a wild course
of T nfcr .im!-nrsm- a n-

Indonesia has annihilated its
Communist party, ending its tense
confrontation with Malaysia.
ALL OF THIS shows that the
presence of the U.S. in Southeast
Asia, coupled with the express-d
aggressiveness of Communist Chi-
na, has served to lessen the tirs
-th4se nations to China and give
them hope of achieving secial anc
r olitical progress through mutua1
e operation and Western econom'c
Yet, it is this same nationalistic
drsire for political independence
which may very well turn the na-
tions of Southeast Asia against
the military presence of the U.S.
Indeed, the U.S. is already said
to be reveahig its intention to
withdraw militarily from the area
as soon as the Viet Nam conflict
is settled. Time magazine of Sept..
23 states that:
"Once it has healed the wounds
of Viet Nam, the U.S. hopes for
an Asian future that will be more
and more mastered by the Asians
themselves . . . Its goal !is a com-
mnnity of nnn-Communist thoumxh

military strength ready to crush
any "act of aggression" immedi-
ately. Thus, the possibility of an-
ether Viet Nam is still danger-
ously present.
The recent trend away from the
mi litant dogmatism ofthe Peking
line does not seem to indicate,
however, that with economic aid
from the West the Southeast As-
ian nations may be able to insti-
gate needed social reforms and
establish a sense of cooperation
'mong themselves. But this can
occur only if the U.S. government
carries out its professed goals.
We cannot continue to ration-
alize our presence in Southeast
Asia on the grounds of China's
militant foreign policy. Except for
the brief Indian. border incident,
China has committed no armed
acts of aggression, which the U.S.
is doing in Viet Nam. Peking's
threat to Asia is merely ideolog-
ical, while the U.S. military pres-
ence presents a much more im-
minent threat to the political free-
dom of the area.
THE FATE of Southeast Asia,
therefore. lies in the hands of the


attracted the emerging leadership
of these countries to Peking's side.
NOW, HOWEVER, with the mil-
itancy which China has shown
by the India border conflict and
f4- infa -arP np i n rna-an hp

tiveness of the militant Red
Guards .
Many of the nations of South-
east Asia have shown their fear
of China's aggressive policies by
swinging over to the side of the
TR 'T'llnon rl ho 'ivon i>c tha


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