'BLACK POWER': SPEAKING OF REALITY See Editorial Page Sir igau ~Iait1 PARTLY CLOUDY High-62 Low--38 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1966 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES _. ___ ..w New Campus AW Starts Drive fliriigal Iailt For Students NEWS WIRE Brochure To Open. Residential College Publicity Campaign By MICHAEL HEFFER The residential college planning committee has just completed a brochure about the new college for distribution to all potential freshmen The brochure, which will be sent to all high schools requesting in- formation about the literary col- lege, serves as a first introduction to the residential college. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the sociology and psychology depart- ments, said yesterday that Uni- versity field counselors about to speak to high school students throughout Michigan, predict a great interest in the college. Admissions Procedures Newcomb, on the faculty plan- ning committee for the college, has been working with the admissions office on admissions procedures, and has met with all admissions interviewers, explaining what to the residential college, said he has tell prospective freshmen. Associate Dean Burton Thuma of the literary college, director of received many inquiries about the ccollege. He said the information brochure is designed to answer these questions, but that if neces- sary, special interviews will be ar- ranged. The residential college commit- tee hopes to admit the same pro- portion of honor and average stu- dents, men and women, in-state and out-of-state students, that the literary college has, so that its t success will not be attributed to a special, 'honors' student body. At present, all applications for admission into the literary college have a space where students can indicate interest in the residential college. Special Application Once a student is accepted to the literary college and fills out a special application for the resi- dential college, the committee members will examine his appli- cation. They will then send a large number of these applica- tions to the Survey Research Cen- ter to determine how many of each type of student. i.e. men from out-of-state cities, are applying and how many should be accepted to have the same proportion the literary college has. The - committee will accept 228 students for each of the next two years. or about seven per cent of applicants to the literary college. Although final plans call for freshman classes of about 400 stu- dents, the first two classes will be much smaller because 228 is all the two houses in East Quad- rangle that the residential college will occupy, can hold. Starting Small Newcomb said that otherwise they would have had to use four houses, two for men and two for women, which would have meant 500 students. He said that it is bet- ter to start small than large, add- ing that there are "as many prob- lems in a small college as in a large one." He feels that East Quadrangle the best dormitory for their pur- poses. "Thuma added that the commi- t e plans, for sometime possibly late next month, to hold a meet- in, for faculty to discuss the resi- dential college and the role and si-ection of professors for it. Late World News By The Associate Press ATLANTA, Ga.-HARDLINE segregationist Lester G. Maddox, who follows the views of Alabama's Gov. George C. Wallace, scored an upset victory last night and won the Democratic nomi- nation for governor. He defeated Ellis G. Arnall, who ran on a moderation platform. With 1,693 of 1,908 precincts reported: Maddox led Arnall 401,037 to 332,800. The runoff votes upended the Sept. 14 primary results which placed Arnall first and Maddox second, by about 45,000 in a six- man field. Arnall said last week he might lose and charged that Republicans were supporting Maddox as an easier opponent for GOP nominee Howard H. Callaway, the state's only Republican congressman. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ARE eligible to take a nationwide office and science assistant exam nationally used in selecting applicants for many of the temporary jobs in federal departments and agencies to be filled in the summer of 1967. The test will be offered in this area on Nov. 26, Jan. 1, and Feb. 4; application deadlines for these three tests are Oct. 21, Dec. 9, and Jan. 9. Interested students should make application for civil service form 5000-AB from the U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1900 E. Street N W., Washington, D.C. *~ * * TEACHING FELLOWS IN THE political science department this week formed a departmental organization to improve com- munication with and represent their interests to the administra- tion. The group joins similar organizations now functioning in the economics and sociology departments. E JACK PETOSKEY, director of orientation in the Uni- versity registrar's office, has been named dean-elect of Alpena Community College, Alpena, Mich. The appointment, approved this week by the Alpena Board of Education, is effective January 30, 1967. Petoskey has been with the University nearly 10 years. * * * DEAN MYRON E. WEGMAN of the public health school has announced the names of the first five speakers -who will present the "Silver Anniversary Lecture Series,' 'one of the major events tied in with the school's 25thnanniversary observance during 1966-67. The series will begin Monday (Oct. 3) when the speaker will be Dr. George James, former Health Commissioner of New York and dean of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York. Included in the list is Dr. Karl Evang, Director General of the Health Services of Norway, who will speak here December 5. Others whose appearances were confirmed today will be: Dr. Richard S.F. Schilling of the London (England) School of Hy- giene and Tropical Medicine, October 10; Sir Austin Bradford of the Communicable Disease Center, U.S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, Nov. 21. THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL of Antioch College rec- ommended last week that the school stop ranking students for the draft. The action is subject to approval by the college's board of trustees in November and to further discussion next term. If approved, rankings would be eliminated in July, 1967. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS who wish to secure grants under the Fulbright-Hays Act for graduate study or research abroad during 1967-68, or for study and professional training in the creative and performing arts have until October 12 to file applications. Application forms and information about this year's compe- tition riay be obtained from the University's Fulbright program adviser, Dr. Howard Bretszh, 1014 Rackham Building. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of legislation which created this government-sponsored exchange program. Since 1946, approximately 15,000 grants have been awarded to American graduate students for study in countries throughout the world. MICHGAN STATE UNIVERSITY'S Academic Council yes- terday continued debate on the Faculty committee report con- cerning student freedom. The report, released in June, was first reviewed last Tuesday. At that time, the council accepted, in principle, the statement endorsing editorial freedom for the student staff of the State News, MSU's newspaper. The individual details for a change in policy, however, must be reformulated and resubmitted. The pres- ent system for the paper includes an advisor who has the power to change or censor anything before it is printed. The next meeting of the Council to consider these points will be held in two weeks. Union Blasts 'U' Refusal TH l"ram. AFL-CIO Condemns flateher, Regents For Ow"iosi!ln to PA 379 The Michian AFL-CIO yester- day unanimously approved a reso- lution condemning President Har- lan Hatcher and the Republican members of the Tniversity Board of RPo-onts for their opposition to PA 379, a state law requiring public emnlnytrs to basin col- leet'volv 4th omnl'v r Dopad St'-v-s. PediicAton di- vector ft- the state AFL-CIO. said last ni't tht th- resolution was critical of all the R'uents exc-nt Trene !w'-hv and Carl Brablec for th-ir "f-,1ire to rPcn--ize the processcs of th nublic act." He said that th-re was no dis- cussion of any further kind of ac- tion avainst the TTiversity except the approved resolution. Indications There had been indient'o-s last week that the AFL-CTf would manifest its discontent with the University's stand throu-h a boy- cott of the University's education- al servi"es. The major facility that was threatened by such a boycott was the University-Wayne Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations. But an AFL-CIO snokesman said that the University educa- tional services are "too tied in with Wayne State" to establish a boycott which could hurt the Uni- versity and not Wayne. University administrators main- tain PA 379 infringes on the Uni- versity's constitutional*autonomy. But the University lost a plea for an injunction to stop certifica- tion of collective bargaining units in the University, and its suit to overturn PA 379 is still pending it) the courts. Bargaining In a speech last week to the -Daily-Don Horwitz DUAL THEME FOR SESQUIGRAS Centered around the duo themes of bigness and "Nothing Is Impossible," the central and standing committees mass meeting for Ses- quigras-formerly Winter Weekend-was held last night in the Union. Because Winter Weekend fell short of student expectations during the past two years and because 1967 is the sesquicentennial anniversary of the University, the University Activities Center has changed the name of this February event and is seeking to broaden its scope in a number of ways. Although no plans are definitely made, the Sesquigras schedule is pointed in the direction of two concerts, one on Thursday night and the traditional Saturday night performance of the winter weekend, a possible farewell address by President Harlan Hatcher, the traditional diag games, and the invocation of faculty skits in honor of the sesquicentennial. Petitians for the Sesquigras committees are to be handed in at the UAC offices in the Union by Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. OUTLOOK FOR THE FUJTUR HE: To Roevse 'U'FinancialP hniques, IJ - ---- --- By ROBERT KLIVANS Daily News Analysis Next week the University will present to the legislature its re- quest for its 1967-68 state appro- priation, the largest in history. The ritual will begin, and the budget will take its annual journey; through the Lansing labyrinth, emerging sometime next spring in its finished form. Yet this coming request may be one of the last to be submitted in the traditional object of expendi- ture form. The state has asked that beginning in the 1968-69 re-' quests, all budgets be reported in program budget form. Program budgeting is a product of the business world, where ex- ecutives needed a system to fore- cast needs and resources years in- to the future. With program budgeting, each request for funds must be accompanied by a list of goals, and these priorities of space, manpower, equipment, etc. are eventually reduced to dollars. Program Budgeting System When Robert McNamara left Ford Motor Co. and became Sec- retary of Defense, he imposed the program budgeting system on the Defense Dept. The new method proved so efficient that in late 1965 President Johnson directed all executive branches of the gov- ernment to convert to PPBS (Pro-: grammed Planning Budget Sys- tem). From the federal level, PPBS is now being adopted at the state level. However, it has not yet been used comprehensively at any uni- versities, since it presents some distinct problems to the adminis- trators and planners. Program budgeting hinges a great deal on one's ability to eval- uate the success of a certain in- vestment of money, such as a cor- poration's expenditures on plant improvement. In the field of edu- cation, however, one encounters an obstacle in the evaluation of a program's worth. For instance, how can the value of scholarly research be weighed in terms of dollars and cents? Long-Range Planning Program budgeting is designed to classify the decision-makingc process so that mistakes can be located and corrected. But what is easy to judge in the business world is not always so in the Uni- versity, and this is one of theE challenges t h a t the program, budgeting system offers. Yet the other side of the coin Besides giving the University a valuable timetable of priorities, a program budget would further re-I duce departmental variations to a common denominator. That is, the system would require projected ex- penses to be evaluated in the same units for every facet of the Uni- versity. Program budgeting would also ease the painful priority system, where, in the final evaluation, de- partmental projects are chopped off in the financial squeeze. Though the new method would not necessarily increase the availabil- ity of funds, it would more clearly delineate goals and priorities for the entire University complex. The University's conversion to a progranm budget is an evolutionary process, according to James E. Lesch, assistant to the vice-presi- dent for academic affairs. The £'LUvNS-'NS' ident Hatcher alluded to the col- lective bargaining issue. "The old and weary bitterness of labor- University, in Lesch's estimation, management strife and warfare is not yet completely ready for the should not be carried' into the change, since "we need exercise in public service or into a modern the preparation of guidelines." university environment," he said. It is this very process, a crea- He added that for legislatures to tion of guidelines for the Univer- set a university budget and then sity's progress, which offers a allow bargaining "is to require sweeping change to the Univer- frustrating rituals by the wrong sity's future. agents, at the wrong time, in the wrong plasce, over the wrong, is- As Lesch said last winter, "high sues.' ' er education has a lot to learn The original AFL-CIO resolu- from previous users of program tion, which called for a boycott budgets, and I believe that the but was never passed, criticized general agreement at this Univer- the Regents for showing "open sity among the administration, is defiance of the law," for using that we should move towards the "public funds to employ private utilization of at least some of the attorneys" to challenge the law more promising aspects of the and for refusal to "acknowledge system." its responsibilities under the law" That the University will one despite an advisory ruling from day know where it is aiming years Attorney General Frank Kelley in advance is an interesting pros- saying PA 379 applies to the Uni- pect. versity. reveals a number of fundamental"" changes in the University's future=cs h pg b ei sl1c t10n Qestion s course when program budgeting is adopted. Ultimately, it will impose upon the bureaucracy a long-range planning system it has never really had. aculty'Evaluation1Procedure With a comprehensive program budget in effect, departments will By CATHY PERMUT biased because of grades received. helpful criticism in his years as a submit plans not only for that yCnHPE Tless dn teacher. But, he says, "there is no year, but also projections of what Is the usual grumbling about sNonetheless, the distribution of gade ina curs no ony mal-question that in highly prestigious that program will include and cost poor teachers a perennial disease grades in a course not onldes- American universities faculty pub- for the next several years. Also, like sophomore slump? Do those ures the ability of the students to lication counts a great deal." He departments will submit the ex- unfavorable comments often ex- perform certain required tasks but feels that many professors attain pected results from such an invest- pressed by students indicate real also displays the professor's ability s t a t u s, and thus promotion, ment in that program, and with dissatisfaction with the quality ofI to kindle enthusiasm among stu- through contact with members of these guidelines, budget officials teaching? And, do the opinions of dents. their profession rather t h a n at the University could easily students have any real weight in Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the through contact with their stu- evaluate a program's effectiveness the promotion of the University engineering school suggests that dents. and worth. staff? more weight is lent to the informal According to the recent findings opinion of students asmall Theans s ne According toatheerecent findingssopinionsof students in a smal of the American Council of Edu- school because of the close ties moted without publishing. But if cation the publications of profes- between department heads, pro- student opinions ublidiscounted sors are the primary concern in fessors and students. Graduate and classroom visits are few and teacher evaluation. But Professors school Dean Stephen Spurr also, far between, then deans and de- Alexander Astin and Calvin Lee spoke of these intimate relationspartme chairmen must, and do, Sof ACE's Office of Research object in a small college which allow for man to he trss lacd n pblca-"anamle lo ofinfrmtio." as Astin and Lee reported, rely to te sres plaed n pblic- "n .mplefla' o infrmaion on "opinions of colleagues and the tion and research at a majority Helpful Criticism teacher's scholarly research and could better their welfare on cam- of the 1100 colleges and univer- Spurr personally found formal publication" to judge the effec- pus by electing to Ann Arbor of- sities used in the poll. They feel 'student evaluation a source of tivenss of their staff. NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS: Preston,. Koeneke Discuss Plans fi By STEVE SHAVELL Student Government Council has two new members - John R. Preston, '69, and Mike Koeneke, '69-who were selected a week ago by a petition and interview process to fill two seats made vacant by the resignations last year of Donald Resnick and Alex Goodwin. Despite their inexperience, Pres- ton and Koeneke have a good working knowledge of SGC and the University. Preston researched various student problems while wnrking with REACH. and Koen- draft referendum and the associ- ated educational speaker program. Both Preston and Koeneke feel that the draft referendum is fore- most among the issues confront- ing SGC. The Nov. 16 SGC-spon- sored referendum will sample stu- dent views on alternatives to the present system of conscription and on the University's continuing pol- icy of supplying Selective Service branches with the class rankings of male students. The new Council members beck the idea of the referendum and believe the administration should adhere to the student decision, but only if it represents the opinion fices candidates sympathetic to student problems. As members of Council, Preston and Koeneke will do committee, work in areas which interest them. Preston plans to help in re-' vamping the University's judiciary system, which is now being revised' to avoid such inequitable situa- tions as "double jeopardy" trials in which students are tried in stu- dent and civil courts for the same offenses. Koene'=e feels that the voter registration project, which he now oversees will also help to "make great reliance is also placed upon _----- -- evaluation of individual teachers by department chairmen. SGC Plans Draft Teach-In But at this University, while 3.~ r f l a h i classroom visits by staff heads are not prohibited, they are notmental o Educate Student ers evaluations of teachers do not come from first hand observations. Student Evaluations By GREG ZIEREN pus interested in the draft ques- tion in order to get assistance in If the ability to teach involves Tentative plans for a teach-in publicizing the issues. the instructor's impact on his stu- late in October to educate the SGC is communicating with dents, a logical source of infor- campus on the draft issue before 1 other college student governments, mation about a teacher's effec- the November draft referendum urging that they sponsor similar tiveness would be the students was discussed at a public meeting referendums on the same date. It themselves. Not so, say research- of Student Government Council is hoped that this would draw MEW,