Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Sept. 28: Pretzels at the Crossroads .. -'ors:. ". -' ' ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. VEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS Uniform Dorm Fees: Some Questions By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor "CRITICAL Participation in Uni- versity affairs should become a fact of life," said Prof. William Livant of the psychology depart- ment, Mental Health Research In- stitute, et al, over a bag of pret- zels last Friday-noon. Livant's comment, typical of much recent faculty talk, shows him to be two things. First, he is one of a surprisingly large number of people who are illustrating just how overdue the Knauss report on student partici- pation was. Like the others, he il- lustrates it by having thought for a long time about many proposals the report makes. BUT WHILE many of the other repetitions of thinking are struc- tural, dealing with institutions, Livant's is quite basic - he sides with the report's authors in ar- guing that the University's most pressing lack is the lack of peo- ple talking to one another. That's number two for him. He's one of a growing number of students, faculty and administra- tors who are realizing that the assumption that members of this campus community are members of some "University family" is largely a myth. The "family" myth is fully ac- cepted these days only by those in a position to play "father ' ADD THIS UP and you get two conclusions. First, the Knauss re- port's implicit statement that the "University family" concept is a myth is not so much a revelation as it is the crest of a wave of dis- satisfaction. Second, if so many people have realized this so sud- denly they must all have begun to feel the lack here of thebbasic element of a true family approach to an institution: consultation among members on important matters. Both conclusions come at a very opportune time. There probably hasn't been any- thing resembling the community implied by the term "University family" around here since the mid- 1950's. For how can there be a family of any sort when the mem- bers don't talk to one another? MOST of the talking that is done now Livant correctly de- scribes as the administrators, cen- tral and departmental, "talking to themselves to quiet their own panic" about their inability to control this strange institution. The result of this lack of com- munications was described by a prominent faculty member this summer: "The University," he said, "resembles England under King John: a titular center with decentralized 'baronies' running off in all directions." It's significant in this respect that the only campus institution which tends to break down this isolation and so create some sort of a "family"-The Daily-is of t- en castigated in almost direct proportion to the effectiveness of its work. This all but traditional reac- tion to publicity from all seg- ments of the University is im- portant because an institution's communications tell you a lot about its values. They tell you how its members act and what they demand from one another. And what sort of an institution is it that minimizes communications as habitually as the University does? It certainly is not anything that could be described as a "family." ENTER KNAUSS and Livant. Knauss acknowledges that the prime thrust of his committee's report should be to spread the habit of faculty- administration- student consultation, thus creat- ing a true University family. And Livant is in the process of talk- ing to people with no other pur- pose than that in mind. Both their efforts were antici- pated last year when a group of faculty and students came very close to establishing a group to study the activities and function- ing of the University. It's good to see people begin- ning to talk about these problems now, because this is the first time in years they would have had a chance to put any of their solu- tions into effect. In the first place the problems have created a good-sized and growing dichotomy between the three segments of the University: faculty, administration and stu- dents. As a result, more and more creative potential, especially with- in the administration and student body is going unused, and it's being missed IN THE SECOND the Univer- sity is entering a very fluid per- iod in its history. The selection of a new president, shifts in the makeup of the Board of Regents, power shifts within the adminis- tration and vast alumni programs are making it possible for people who want to get things done to find men in authority who will listen to them. The pressure for change is thus rising while the likely resistance to it is falling. Some changes are in the works. So those who've been thinking along these lines, those who are interested in seeing a true Univer- sity family come out of this tran- sition period, would do well to start putting a bandwagon together. Now's their chance. THE UNIVERSITY Housing Office is currently considering a proposal for uniform fees for all dormitory rooms, re- gardless of their type. If the plan be- comes effective -next year, all students will pay $1000 per bed, its location in a single, double ,or triple room making no difference. According to Housing Director John Feldkamp, the rationale behind the pro- posal is threefold: First, Feldkamp feels facilities and services in the residence hall do not differ enough among single, double, and triple rooms to warrant sep- arate rates. Second, most other universities in the country, Michigan State included, are operating on the uniform assessment program because it eliminates much ad- ministrative bookkeeping and enables students to change rooms without chang- ing fees. And, if it works at MSU, why shouldn't it work here? Third, room priority would coincide with seniority--upperclassmen might be enticed back into the dorms knowing their choice of rooms would be guaran- teed. Eventually some residence halls could cater exclusively to upperclassmen. HOWEVER, all three of these seeming- ly favorable reasons need to be exam- ined. First, facilities in the residence halls do vary enough between the triple and double rooms to warrant different rates of assessment for each. A resident of a double room will pay $1000 for' a bed, while his counterpart in a triple room will pay $1000 for a top bunk. Comfort is scarcely equal in both rooms because the amount of space is not comparable - a triple ropm is not 33 per cent larger than a double room. Further, while each resident in a tri- ple may have his own desk, it is often smaller than those in a double room. Fin- ally, because of the way the desks are divided into three equal parts in a triple room, only two desk lamps can be in- stalled. This means that one student may have inadequate lighting, Obviously, as far as comfort, space, and facilities are concerned, dormitory 'rooms d6 vary enough to warrant separate rates. The argument that uniform assess- ment works at MSU and should therefore work at the University also needs to be examined. The dormitory system at MSU is very different from the University's. Ninety-nine per cent of all accommoda- tions at MSU are double rooms, making standardization of fees more feasible. "In the MSU system all undergradu- ates not in fraternities and sororities live in dorms," says MSU Manager of Residence Halls Lyle Thorburn. "And by student consensus," Thorburn continued, "the upperclassmen room priority sys- tem has been abolished. Room selection is done in the spring on a first-come, first-serve basis. FINALLY, a uniform assessment would not necessarily be the beginning of a trend toward upperclass residence hall housing. Not uniform rates with senior- ity room selection privileges but improv- ed conditions are what may lure apart- ment dwellers back to the dorms. The concept of all upperclassmen dorms with privileges appropriate to junior-senior standing is a good one. Independence, privacy, liberal open-open policies and good fellowship. would be ideal for any student. And unfortunately for the Housing Of- fice, the way to a senior's heart may ul- timately be through his stomach. Unless the residence hall system can serve up a better bill of fare and shortened meal lines than are presently offered, upper- classmen will continue to prefer an off- campus apartment's refrigerator to a dormitory room. Good off-campus housing and bad on- campus housing conditions make the ra- tional for a uniform assessment program seemingly unfeasible and unwise. Feld- kamp and other housing officials are in- terested, in student reaction to the pro- posed uniform assessment plan and will sincerely take student viewpoint into ac- count before making their final decision 'on it. THEY INVITE all comments, and they should get some. --JOYCE WINSLOW 441 Hamilton Writes on Hatcher's Stand To the Editor: IN AT LEAST two articles, an editorial, and a column, Pre- sident Hatcher has been described as questioning the "rights" of pub- lic employees to bargain. He did not. A three-page news release on his address Thursday in Los Angeles before the California Bar Associa- tion says nothing about question- ing the rights of public employees to bargain. This phraseology was in a Detroit Free Press story, re- peated by the Associated Press, and repeated by The Daily, al- though all three media had a copy of the news release. The Free Press broke the release time on the advance story on the speech by some 24 hours, and therefore must have written its story from the release. The Daily has produced its cri- ticism of President Hatcher's speech and the Michigan AFL-CIO executive board authorized a reso- lution critical of the speech with- out hearing the speech or reading the text. Release of the text was the prerogative of the Morrison Foundation in California, under whose auspices the address was made, and the Foundation did not make the text available immedia- tely. THE FACT IS, as the first para- graph of the release makes clear, President Hatcher was asking law- yers and law professors to come up with new approaches to employee relations in the public sector - approaches more appropriate for the public sector than industrial union bargaining techniques. -Jack H. Hamilton, Assistant to the Vice President University Relations Athletic Board To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS to Gretch- en Tweitmeyer and Bob Mc- Farland on their article, "Recrea- tional Facilities Suffer." Informa- tive as it was, however, it failed to answer the question hundreds of people have been asking since the IM building opened this fall, which is, "Why isn't the IM build- ing open in the evenings?" In the past it has been policy to keep the building open until 9:30 p.m. Now the IM closes at 6:30 p.m. There are many people who, because of the new hours, are un- able to use this building although they would very much like to. It is a shame that the facilities are outdated and few, but does this mean that the University should not get as much use from them as they can? I'm sure there must be a reason for the change in hours, but 20 hours a week is taking a lot away from a lot of people. And there are a lot of people who would like t oknow why they can't go down and spend an evening playing basketball or swimming. The class of '70 won't miss anything by the change, butall the others who en- joy using the IM building will. FOR WANTING to get new re- creational facilities to improve the recreational program; the Univer- sity isn't very wise in closing down the ones that already exist! -Joe Shipley, '68E Peace Party To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to take issue with Harvey Wasserman, who wrote an article on the write-in campaign in a recent edition of The Daily, on his contention that the peace candidacy of Elise Boulding for U.S. Congress in the Michigan Second District "(is ... a political mistake." Even arguing on the narrow tac- tical grounds of political strategy, Mr. Wasserman's arguments are open to serious question. First of all, the possibility that there will be any real progress in the do- mestic field while the war con- tinues is extremely remote. In fact, there is every likelihood of re- gression in this area. Already, for example, there has been a drastic scaling down of funds for the various broad-based domestic reforms enacted by Con- gress in the past two years; and a preoccupation with the war has created a climate of public opin- ion which increasingly turns a deaf ear to demands for domestic social justice. All the good inten- tions of Mr. Vivian, and other liberals ,will be unimportant when faced with President Johnson's de- mand for more support for the Viet Nam war. IT MIGHT BE different if Mr. Vivian were a leader and a pub- lic force urging imaginative and courageous solutions to our press- ing, domestic issues, but he has not been this at all. His record has been an excellent one of sup- porting all good domestic legisla- tion, but-and this is a critical point-his role has been a sup- portive one. It is extremely un- likely ,on the basis of his past record and performance, that he will break this pattern in the fu- ture. The upshot of this is that, with an ever-increasing war, all we can reasonably expect from Weston Vivian, and many other liberals, is the ruing ofunfortunateecir- cumstances. Perhaps Mr. Vivian could develop into a leader for progressive policies, but this would only be possible in a non-war political climate. The end of the war is a precondition for signifi- cant and meaningful advances on the domestic front. Therefore, I do not see the write-in campaign as a quixotic gesture, but as a thoroughly de- fensible strategic move in the po- litical arena. The problems of do- mestic social reform are not inde- pendent of the Viet Nam war. IN ANY CASE, and despite tac- tical arguments-which are, after all, speculative-the heart of the issue of the write-in campaign is very clear: a vote for either the Democratic or the Republican con- gressional candidate has two un- fortunate consequences. First, it lends support to an abhorrent pol- icy which if continued may result in the' extermination of the Viet- namese people and perhaps even in the ultimate tragedy of nuclear warfare. Second, it obscures the alternative policies open to our government. The write-in cam- paign is intended to provide an avenue through which real oppo- sition to the Johnson war policy can be unambiguously expressed. -Nancy Gendell Kids THESE FACTS together with statements by the director of Se- To the Editor: lective Service (e.g., N.Y. Times, THE CHILDREN'S Community March 25, 19Q6), indicate that, Bucket Drive, held last Fri- If the University were to cease day on campus, collected $784.50 compiling class ranks, nearly all da od campus, ollcthe $784y50. students would be forced to take We would like to thank everyone th Seciv Srieexmn- who participated; either through t.e (l oaService examina- working for the drive or con- tion. (Local board autonomy wrking fo the ndrive r s cyo- would evidently produce few ex- tributing to it; and, especially, to ceptions to this rule.) The Michigan Daily for its sup- port throughout the drive. The choice is between cooper- We are encouraged by the re- ating with the boards by sending Wponetarheencoraedbthegr-e in ranks, and cooperating with sponse to the drive. Although we the boards by taking their test are in no way financially stable, tebad ytkn hi et we are now at least able to start If there is a moral distinction be- the year with our debts paid and tween these two choices I don't a small amount of money to work see it. with. But the most encouraging . The question is simply whether thing about the drive was that we wish to be evaluated on the people were excited about the basis of our University records or school and were offering what on the basis of our scores on a support they could so that our draft board test. If one's Univer- program could be continued. sity record is an unfair criterion, Thanks again to all who helped a draft board test score is an out. -even worse one. A YEA KIDS! -The Children's Community -Tom Westerdale, Grad Deferment Draft To the Editor: To the Editor: No War No Draft CHECK with Wayne State University's office of Military and Veterans' Affairs (to which one is referred if one asks for the Selective Service advisor) yields the following information: Wayne State University com- piled class rankings for the aca- demic year 1965-66. So far, any student who has so wished has had his ranking sent to his draft board. Wayne will not compile class rankings for the academic year 1966-67. Wayne's office of Mili- tary and Veterans' Affairs has checked with draft boards- to de- termine how it should advise stu- dents in view of the policy change. Every draft board contacted has asked that in the future all its Wayne students take the Selective Service examination. In the future, each eligible stu- dent who asks will be advised by Wayne's office of Military and Veterans' Affairs that he take the Selective Service examination: TOM WESTERDALE'S letter (September 17) suggests an in- equity in the present deferment tests. Is it fair that a liberal arts stu- dent should take a test weighted toward a mathematical ability, or an engineering or science student one weighted toward verbal abili- ty? Or even one that is balanced? Why not construct two tests, one clearly emphasizing the mathe- matical ability, and the other the verbal ability, and give the stu- dent his choice? IF THE Selective Service does not prefer one profession to another, this should be perfectly acceptable.' Berthold Berg, 69 LETTERS All letters to The Daily nu t be typewritten and double- spaced, and should be no longer than 300 words. THE FORCEFUL REMOVAL of young men from academic study for the pur- pose of participation in a war they don't understand and won't want to be part of is one of the great injustices of our times. Yet,. despite the admitted weaknesses in the draft which the war has fortunate- ly brought to light, the Selective Serv- ice is not to blame for the needs it must feed. And neither, young man, is this University. The part the University plays in the draft is allowing the continuation of grades and gradepoints. The controversy over class rankings is silly when it is realized that Selective Service can ac- quire grades (by ,subpoena if necessary) and make their own approximations as to student quality. Obviously the only way to end the con- troversy over students and their defer- ments is the universal lottery. Another (worse) idea might be to have a quota of the male students in colleges go into the army. On what criterion? Grades? Charming thoughts. THE UNIVERSITY is caught in the mid- dle. What bothers the students con- cerned with the matter is that, when caught in the middle, the University al- ways moves down the easiest road, which is usually the one with the best public image, and most against what many stu- dents want. The University and its students are in the same boat as the Selective Service System. All have to deal with unjust, un- Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN. Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT....... Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH........Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ......Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE ................. Magazine Editor GIL SAMBERGH.............Assistant SportsEditor BABETTE COHN ............Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob- ert Kilvans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister. popular decisions. What raises the protes- tors' ire is that students are on the re- ceivin gend. The only alternative is the sort of slowdown, protest action that so char- acterized the labor movement's drive to power. Such action can only be taken as part of a larger, broader drive to end the Viet Nam war. And it can only be taken with University, and universal coopera- tion. The climate for such cooperation is ob- viously not there, and no one in the ad- ministration is about to seek such a cli- mate. IF YOU WANT to protest what is hap- pening, your protest must be against the war in Viet Nam. For if it is not, by the time you get the draft law, changed, there will not be any eligible males left in this University to protect. -MICHAEL HEFFER I- S A COUPLE OF WEEKS ago, The Daily told freshmen not to worry about that I-A they received at the beginning of the semester. It happened to everyone, just standard procedure. The advice was a little misleading. For while it's true that any freshman who is inducted during the semester may apply for and receive a I-S until the end of that semester, it should be noted that he has recourse to the I-S classification only once in his life. A freshman who shows "satisfactory" progress during that first semester will receive a I-S when the semester end, and is therefore in the same situation as the rest of students. H OWEVER, the freshman who receives an induction notice during the semes- ter, applies for and receives his I-S, and then is awarded a II-S when the semes- tIr nds ais ~ in Ri ntirely d ifferent hbot A A Tough Summer forA dam Clayton Powell By DAVID BERSON THE YEAR 1966 hasn't been a particularly good one for Rep- resentative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. All year long Powell has barely managed to evade New York au- thorities pressing to get him to face libel charges which he has been appealing since 1963. His third wife, the pretty Puerto Ri- can Yvette Diago, is now his es- tranged wife and is mad about not collecting the large salary she once earned for answering the congressman's Spanish-language mail. And a special House sub- committee has been assigned to examine his use of congressional funds for salaries, travel and oth- er expenses. AND THEN last Thursday 27 members of Powell's House Labor and Education Committee put some nasty frosting on this year's cake. They approved a plan form- ulated and spearheaded by Rep. Sam Gibbons of Florida, which transfers the bulk of Powell's power as chairman to the com- mittee members themselves. Final judgment in delaying or rushing bills to the House floor, desig- nating funds for staff activities, and the hiring of staff will be re- served for the appropriate sub- committees. The only dissenter was Rep. William Ayres of Ohio, who is the POWELL was well known in Harlem before he was elected to Congress in 1944. As the son of the pastor o fthe Abyssinian Bap- tist Church, the largst congrega- tion in America, he wrote a week- ly column for the Amsterdam News urging Negroes to meld with the worldwide drift to the political left, to unite with workers every- where to assure themselves first- class citizenship. When Powell arrived in Wash- ington, he worked against a host of congressional bigots and dis- crimination in the Capitol. His most frequent target for denun- ciation was Mississippi's John Rankin, whom Powell called "a degenerate" and "the leader of American fascism." The Mississip- pian had the habit of referring to colored people as "niggers." "It is, not disparaging to call Negroes niggers as all respectable Negroes know," explained Rankin. In the meantime, the pastor and congressman was building an independent power base in Har- lem. While other Negro congress- men like Chicago's William Daw- son played ball with the downtown machine, Powell kept up a running battle with Tammany Hall. In 1958, the Tammany czar Carmine de Sapio lined up Borough Presi- dent Hulan Jack and Harvard educated Earl Brown, both Ne- groes, in an attempt to purge Powell. Powell called it a contest between "black Harlem and white from discriminating. The amed- ments were rejected but often pre- vented passage of the bills North- ern liberals supported. Mrs. Elea- nor Roosevelt, who backed Brown in 1958, called Powell a "demo- gogue." Powell's frequent absence from roll call votes and his European junketing were denounced by his detractors. He dismissed all cri- ticism as "racist," and held that since he was the only man in Con- gress who represented the Amer- ican Negro, his schedule prevented him from performing like other congressmen. His frequent legal problems, libel suits, divorce con- tests, and income tax entangle- ments were also decried by his opponents. But last week, while Powell was dismissing Rep. Gibbons as a ra- cist, a remarkably unified reac- tion against the curbing of his power came out of Harlem. The elder statesman of the Negro movement, A. Phillip Randolph, said "it would drive a deeper wedge between the Negro move- ment and its allies." From the other end of the lead- ership spectrum, CORE's Floyd McKissick called it an insult to the integrity of black people. Roy Wilkins of the NAACP said that "unless members of Congress proceed with a complete reorga- nization of committee structure and procedures in both houses, they will give substance to Adam Service hearings were being de- layed because Rivers was drying out from a drunk. Last week McKissick named Wilbur Mills of the Ways and Means Committee, John L. McMil- lan who heads the House bistrict of Columbia Committee, and East- land, chairman o fthe Senate Ju- diciary Committee, as men who were guilty of "subverting the leg- islative process." The most effective obstacle to liberal legislation was the House Ways and Means Committee; its chairman, Howard Smith of Vir- ginia, was usually called away from the Capitol to tend to his livestock when important rights bills hit his committee. While Adam Powell's personal extravagance, radicalism, and at- tacks on the poverty program have infuriated members of Congress and most of the press, they have probably had the opposite effect in Harlem. That he keeps racking up amazing majorities in his Har- lem district while living like a baron and on the edge of the law is a testament to the Negro's deep- seated hatred of "the man," "downtown," "racists," and "wishy washy liberals." "You will vote for me until the day I die," Powell once told a Harlem rally, "and I do believe that some of you will vote for me after that day." BUT WHATEVER the popular r.44.-.n fn Inef u*,nrkC.nArnrit++aa Powell firmed the chairman's position of acting expeditiously on bills in bringing them to the floor." The real confrontation reportedly had come the day before when Chair- man Powell met with five Demo- crats who showed him the new rules and the votes to adopt them. The changes were a reaction to Powell's high style of living as well as to his recent attacks on Sargeant Shriver and the pigeon- holing of the current anti-poverty bill. Gibbons, who voted against