WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 28, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE WENSASP.I,16 H IHG NDIYPG hE Johnson To Confer on, Viet With A~T MAY STRIKE TODAY: Scheduled Employe Walk-Out Threatens American Airlines Asiarn Allied Peace Offensive Is Major Aim Speculation Mounts Over Johison Visit To South Viet Nam WASHINGTON () - President Johnson will fly to the Philippines in about three weeks for a seven- nation summit conference on the Vietnamese war. A major aim will be to press an allied peace offens- ive. Announcement of the 10,000- mile trip immediately stirred ! speculation as to whether Johnson might visit embattled South Viet Nam itself as well as other Far Eastern nations. His arrival in the Philippines on or about Oct. 18 will put him within 1,000 miles of Saigon and the land where more than 310,000 American troops are involved in increasingly violent conflict with Communist-led forces. The trip has great domestic po- litical importance for the Presi- dent It will be the first trans- oceanic journey as chief executive to a foreign capital-in the midst of this fall's congressional election campaigns. The conference was publicly called Monday night by President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Phil- ippines to include all countries with military forces engaged on the allied side in the conflict. The first White House reaction was to describe Johnson as interested. The matter had been talked about by Johnson and Marcos when the Philippine leader visited Washington within the last two weeks-Sept. 14-16. The project was a well-kept secret. Then the White House expressed its reaction yesterday and an- nounced: "President Johnson is glad to agree to this invitation and will be glad to join the meeting of the other chiefs of state or govern- ment in the Philippines on or after Oct. 18." However, a few allies are fear- ful of the possible results of any peace talks. Thailand declared yesterday that no member of the United Nations nor any of its officials has the right to sell away the right of South Viet Nam to exist as a free nation. In a policy speech to the UN General Assembly,Thanat Kho- man, foreign minister of Thailand, opposed any U.S. decision to halt the bombing of North Viet Nam and begin a military withdrawal without matching concessions from the Communists. The 118-nation assembly also heard Paul Hasluck, foreign mini- ster of Australia, declare that North Viet Nam "wants not agree- ment, but surrender." Both Thailand and Australia will take part in the seven nation Viet Nam peace conference in Ma- nila next month to be attended by President Johnson. They are allies of the United States in VietNam. "A truly worthy solution to the SViet Nam war must see to it that aggression shall not be rewarded and that South Viet Nam should be assured essentially of being able to maintain its freedom and inde- pendence and not be delivered with bound hands and feet to the conquerors," Khoman said. Other forces are also at work to negotiate an end to the Viet Nam conflict. A special Vatican mission flew to Viet Nam on Church business yesterday but with powers to seek new ways for Pope Paul VI to help bring peace to that war-torn M land. The three-man mission was seen as a new move in the Pope's peace campaign. Departure of the high- level mission came a week after the Pope's plea in his latest en- cyclical for a negotiated end to the Viet Namg conflict. (In a one-paragraph announce- ment, the Vatican said only that the mission would take part in an extraordinary conference to study the Roman Catholic Church prob- lems in South Viet Nam.) Allies Power Contest Hits VietA NEW YORK UIM-American Air- I , alines faces a walkout of 12,000 non-operating employees today. It is the nation's second largest car- rier of air travelers and had es- ' caped last summer's costly strike ssem b by the Machinist's Union. A strike by the AFL-CIO Trans- port Workers Union-the late Quill's union which struck the New York City subways early this No political parties in the tra- year-is expected to stop Ameri- ditional Western sense are repre- can's flight operations and idle sented in the assembly. But blocs 28,000 employees. of members have been forming Involved in the contract dead- and re-forming along regional and religious lines. lock are ground crewmen, me- chanics, clerks, communication workers and supply personnel. They voted 6,139 to 186 against a contract offer presented last Thursday by American. Thereupon, the TWU set a strike deadline for 6:45 a.m. EDT today across the nation. The spokesmen for American said the line's contract offer in- cluded an increase of 59 cents an hour in top wage brackets over three years-or 3 cents more than the Machinists won in their strike SAIGON, South Viet Nam (/P)- I clean slate, filled with men un-I A struggle for leadership of South Viet Nam's new Constituent As' sembly was reported under way last night between experienced parliamentarians and novices among the 117 members. Diplomatic sources said younger deputies were resisting efforts by veterans of past legislative wars to take over key posts of the draft- ing committee. The younger me mbers, the sources said, want a completely stained by failures of the past. The average age of the whole group, elected Sept. 11 to lead the nation toward a new democratic era, is under 40. Many are in their 20's and 30's. Premiere Nguyen Cao Ky hailed the assembly as introdudcing "an era of democracy, peace and pros- perity," but warned many trials lie ahead. Officials hope the drafting of al new constitution will pave the way for election of a civilian govern- ment next year. South Viet Nam's last constitution died with the re- gime of President Ngo Dinh Diem in November 1963. After a ceremonial opening in a refurbished building that served the French as an opera house in colonial days, the assembly went into closed session to select its officers. Work on the constitu- tion is not expected until next week. Report North Vietnamese Army Increases Infiltration of South Nguyen Ba Luong, the senior member, is acting as president pro tem. "We are determined to withstand all pressures which seek to control or compel us to betray the national interest," he said. Ky said the assembly's 116 men and one woman were chosen in "the most honest, fair and impar- tial election ever held in this country." The premier said his military regime has three aims: "To defeat the Communists and pacify and develop rural areas, to stabilize the economic situation, and tol build democracy." "It is evident that the Commu- nists have been defeated in every battlefield," he said. Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu, attired like Ky in gleam- ing white military dress uniform speckled with medals, also ad- dressed the opening session. He said South Viet Nam's goal is "a government with a legal ba- sis becauses it has been accepted by the people in a spirit of com- plete freedom and democracy." Consider Review Of Europe's Defense SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)- U.S. intelligence officers said yesterday North Vietnamese troops are now infiltrating into South Viet Nam at a rate of more than 6,000 a month. This is an increase of about 1,000 a month over re- cent estimates. These intelligence experts have also boosted their estimate of North Vietnamese army units in South Viet Nam by more than 20 battalions since early July. In all, they say there are some 178 battalions totaling about 112,500 main force troops-47,500 North Vietnamese and 65,000 Viet Cong. This buildup, persisting in the face of heavy U.S. air attacks on supply depots and infiltration routes, is bringing North Vietnam- ese regular battalions close to pari- ty with the number of battalions fielded by the Viet Cong, the na- tive Communists. - The current assessment places the number of North Vietnamese battalions in South Viet Nam at about 82. In early July, U.S. mili- tary authorities here put the to- tal at about 60. A year ago, U.S. military plan- ners estimated the Communists could field-and support-about 160 battalions of North Vietnam- ese and Viet Cong soldiers by the end of 1966. The Communists have already exceeded those American fore- casts by about 18 battalions- more than 10 per cent- and the year still has three months to run. Although U.S. military authori- ties report more and more evi- dences of Communist troubles in feeding their troops in South Viet Nam, there is no indication that this is causing any slowdown in the Red buildup. Officials said the communists have lost about 52,000 men in battle so far this year. According to military sources, the Communists have about 37,- 500 of their main force troops in, the central highlands region into which the Ho Chi Minh infiltra- tion trail system empties. Some 28,000, mostly North Viet- namese, are in the northernmost. section of South Viet Nam, where, U.S. Marines are battling Commu- nist regulars who have been com- ing across the six-mile-wide de- militarized border zone separating North and South Viet Nam. Somewhat more than 28,000 are operating in the 3rd Corps area, which includes Saigon. About 18,- 500 V.t Cong main force soldiers are fighting in the delta, the southernmost sector of the coun-j try. So far as is known. there are no North Vietnamese in the delta. Counting part-time guerillas and, political cadres, the total Commu- nist force in South Viet Nam is estimated at 283,000. U.S. bombers slashed anew yes-l terday at enemy supply routesf that intelligence experts said areI feeding more North Vietnamese7 troops than ever before into the jungle war in the south. In a day of generally light andc against Eastern, National, Thans World, United and Northwest Air- lines. The fringe benefits were also described by the company as better. Union leaders called the offer "utterly unrealistic." Non-operating wages at Ameri- can were said by the union to range from $2.54 to $3.57 an hour. The union sought a 30 per cent increase-or hourly boosts, rang- ing from 76 cents to $1.07. Plans were announced for the Federal Mediation Board chair- man. Francis A. O'Neill, to work with both sides before the strike deadline, in an effort to work an l1th hour settlement. American operates 1,000 flights a day to carry 36,000 passengers coast to coast and serves 44 cities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Its passenger operations are second only to those of United Air Lines. The TWU membership first voted strike authorization last spring, early in the contract deadlock. President Johnson appointed an emergency board and invoked terms of the federal Railway La- bor Act to delay the walkout. The three-man emergency board ended its hearings last month, making no specific contract rec- ommendations but urging further negotiations. These were under- taken and resulted in last week's offer from American. A cooling off period under the Railway Labor Act expired at midnight Monday night, leaving the TWU free to strike. scattered, ground action, South Korean troops drew special atten- tion: The Tiger Division, battling Com- munist units in the Phu Cat mountainsnnear the central coast, announced it has killed 321 and captured 112 in a five-day opera- tion. Korean losses were reported light. Four' thousand more troops landed to join the White Horse Division, boosting the Korean en- rollment in Viet Nam to 36,500. Pekin Red Guards Plan 'International Movement BELGRADE, Yugoslavia WP) - national member as the acknowl- China's Red Guards have formed edgement of Mao as the leader of an international movement to world revolution and that his spread the teachings of Mao Tse- ideas are the elimax of Marxism- tung with the hopes of one day ex- Leninism. tending their revolution to the Future members of the interna- streets of New York, dispatches tional Red Guard must be ready from Peking reported yesterday. to fight for world revolution, to Tanjug, the Yugoslav news work on expansion of their or- agency, quoted leftist American ganization and to spread Mao's writer Anna Louise Strong, who teachings, Tanjug reported lives in China, as saying that the aim of Red Guard leaders is to Miss Strong, 81, who has the make the whole world Communist. reputation of having access to the Miss Strong quoted the leaders as highest sources of information, expressing belief that revolutionary was told by Red Guard leaders posters will one day appear on that their first duty was to make New York's streets. China "completely Red" and then The news agency said posters to help working peoples of other put up on Peking streets listed countries "to make the whole conditions for becoming an inter- world Red," the Tanjug report said. In another dispatch from Peking, Tass, the Soviet news agency, said Red Guard headquarters has set n d u pup an international relations de- partment to popularize Mao's ideas among foreigners and attract them ed auto price increases yesterday to the ranks of the Red Guards. to better enable them to do battle Tass also reported that Red with General Motors in the 1967 Guard leaflets and pamphlets are auto mearke t. r i he197beginning to disappear from the auto market. walls of houses now that Peking The revised price tags on Chrys- is preparing for the national holi- ler and Ford cars, plus GM's orig- day of Oct. 1. inal price tags, meant American In still another dispatch from car buyers would shell out about Peking, the Soviet Communist $485 million more next year if party newspaper Pravda reported they buy as many cars as they that Chinese laborers and regu- did in the 1966 model year. The lar Communist party members are new cars will be displayed in showing increased opposition to dealer showrooms this weekend. the youthful Red Guards. WASHINGTON (P) - President Johnson and Chancellor Ludwig Erhard of West Germany agreed yesterday to hold a strategic re- view, "a searching re-appraisal, of the European defense require- ments. It would take into account, they said, the balance of payments problems of the United States, Britain and Germany. The two leaders, in a joint com- munique on their two days of conferences, agreed that "tension in Europe is less acute, yet a ba- sic threat to security persists and the Atlantic alliance continues to be the vital condition of peace and freedom. The U.S. and West German lead- ers worked out the final details of the communique on their flight to Cape Kennedy, Fla., for a 21/2 hour tour of the sprawling space- port. The communique, in re-affirm- ing the determination of Johnson and Erhard to maintain the and Erhard to maintain the strength of the Atlantic alliance said the two leaders agreed that: "A searching re-appraisal should be undertaken of the threat to se- curity and, taking into account changes in military technology and mobility, of the forces re- quired to maintain adequate de- terrence and defense." But the communique did not spell out when or where the re- appraisal would be made. However, the review, the com- munique said, should address it- self to the question of "equitable sharing of the defense and other pact of troop deployment and comparable burdens and the im- force levels of the balance of pay- ments of the United States and Britain. This cautiously worded state- ment seems to indicate that the German chancellor accepted the U.S. government's position that changed political and technological circumstances permit a review of the Western world's military re- quirwements and especially the number of troops stationed in Eu- rope. There have been demands in Congress for cutting down dras- tically the number of American forces. These questions, the communi- que said, should be studied by the three powers mostly interested in Germany's defense, meaning Ger- many, the United States and Bri- tain. The President has long sug- gested the tripartite study but Erhard was understood to have been cool to the idea. He prefers -LOOK separate bilateral talks with the United States and with Britain. Concerning the touchy arrange- ment for offsetting the strain on the U.S. balance of payments, the communique acknowledged that Erhard told Johnson that West Germany would not in the future be able fully to offset the foreign exchange cost associated with the stationing of American forces in Germany by German purchases of U.S. military equipment. The German position is that future offset arrangements cannot be more than 50 pere cent of pres- ent payments, totaling $675 mil- lion yearly. Nicholson MfC Sales 25 Years Riding Experience 13 Years Racing Experience Ray and Roy 6 Veteran, Full .Time Mechanics With Racing Experience Second Oldest Dealer in Ann Arbor Best Equipped Service Dept. 4 COMPARE THIS: YAMAHA 250cc World's Racing Champion SEE US FOR BIKE OF YOUR LIFE Nicholson M/C Sales 224 S. First St. Hours: 9 to 9 Monday thru Friday and 9 to 6 Saturday World News ROL By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS - Forty- nine African and Asian nations, ignoring a South African warning of serious consequences, called on the General Assembly yesterday to take control of Southwest Af- rica. A resolution introduced by Gha- na for the 49 co-sponsors declar- ed South Africa had failed to ful- fill the terms of the mandate granted to it for the former Ger- nan colony by the old League of Nations in 1921. The resolution would set up a UN authority, made up of mem- bers designated by the General Assembly president, to administer the territory "with a view to pre- paring it for independence." * * * DETROIT--Chrysler and Ford rolled back part of their propos- Racially Mixed Jury Acquits Klansmen in Liuzzo Slaying 16 ON- HAYNEVILLE, Ala. OP)-A jury of eight Negroes and four white men last night acquitted Ku Klux Klansman Eugene Thomas of murder in the killing of a white civil rights worker. The verdict came after the jury had deliberated 1 hour and 25 minutes. Thomas, 43, of Bessemer, Ala., thus became the second of three members'of the hooded organiza- tion to win an acquittal in state court in the slaying of Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a Detroit, Mich., house- wife shot to death March 25, 1965, following the Selma to Montgom- ery civil rights march. The verdict was handed to the court by one of the four white jur- ors, Joe H. Guthrie, who was chosen by his fellow jurors to act as foreman. The jury was the first biracial group chosen in four trials grow- ing from the killing. Defense testimony put Thomas at a Veterans of Foreign Wars Club at Brighton, a suburban com- munity near Thomas' home, when Mrs. Liuzzo was slain. State attorneys rested their case without calling an FBI under- cover agent who had testified in three previous trials that he wit- nessed the slaying. Instead, the prosecution, direct- ed by Atty. Gen. Richmond Flow- ers, relied chiefly on the testi- mony of FBI agents that the bul- let which killed Mrs. Liuzzo had been fired from a .38 caliber pis- tol identified as one owned by Thomas. The decision by Ford and Chrys- ler to take a second look at their new car price schedules meant a savings of about $130 million to car buyers over the original prices. WASHINGTON-Nicholas Katz- enbach wholeheartedly supported U.S. foreign policy yesterday but promised not to become a yes man as undersecretary of state. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee suspended judgment on his nomination to the No. 2 post in the State Department. Committee Chairman J. W. Ful- bright (D-Ark) at first said the committee had approved Katzen- bach's appointment, but then re- ported the approval was being sus- pended because of an objection by Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D- Minn). SGC MASS MEETING for Draft Referendum TODAY, Sept. 28 at 7 P.M. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rooms K, L, M, N-Michigan Union .t WMIN. ammmmb. .-" - ... Creative Arts Committee FREE Christian Science Lecture "IS THERE A GOD?" by Ralph W. Cessna. C.S.B. presents aHlEAD-IN "POETS ON THE WAR IN VIETNAM" Featuring 1I i C 11 I