PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28,19' 'Three Mysteries' per, Quality Control Engineer, ChE. Gen. Amer. Transportation Corp., Niles, D"" IL O FI IA B LL TI experience needed, leading t man- Ill.--BS-MS: ChE, EE,. El.i, *s. E agerial position in manu. Research & MS: AE, Syst's. Engr.-Elec, BS: Chem. Development Chemist, BS in Chem. or R. & D. ChE. No s ecific exn er U U it An APA By ANN L. MARCHIO Adding an experimental aura to the current repertoire of the Association of Professional Ac- tors, "Three Mysteries with Two slowns" proved to be a success- ful combination. The program began with a prose play by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats, "The Cat and the Moon," The story originates from an Irish legend about two beggars, one blind and the other lame, who journey to a sacred spot.' There they are asked by a saint to choose between being cured and being blessed. The blind man chooses the cure, and the lame man chooses the blessing. Symbolic of the body, the 2blind- man discovers that there are visions beyond his sight, and tlhe lame man, symbolic of the soul, realizes that he has been cured through his blessing. Woven into the theme is a poly- phonic counterplay: a lyriaal pres- entation of the traditional. ques- tion of man's relationship to God, symbolized by the cat and the moon. Che,- NUpvroCh Je . General American Transportation Chevron Chemical Co., Ortho Divi- Corp., Vary widely U.S.-BS-MS: ChE. S e e ss The Daily Official Bulletin is an fessor of chemical engineering and bio- sion, Toledo, Ohio--Sales Representa- CE, IE, ME. MS: Sanit,, water Res. official publication of the Univer- statistics, "An Introduction to Digital tives, 2, for areas in Michigan, resi- Engrg.-Admin. BA: Prod. Mgmt., Pur- sity of Michigan for which The Computers and the MAD Language- dence in area is required, and over- chasing, Gen. Trng. Prog. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- III": Natural Science Aud., 7:30 p.m. and implementing sales programs to ial responsibility. Notices should be night travel necessary. Developing sales General Dynamics-Electric ,Boat Di- of the music is also character- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Professional Theatre Program Per- fertilizer D dealers. College degree in vision, Groton, Conn. & Quincy. Mass. istically oriental in its somber Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- formance-APA Repertory Company in any field, sales bus., and farm bkgd. BS-MS: ChE, EE, EM, ME, Met.. N,A. prelpfledingie & Marine. BS: AE, E. Phys., IE, Mat'ls., and religious mood, a striking fore 2 p.m. of the day precedng "Three Mysteries with Two Clowns": helpful. p ried M aEclea. Mh ecI publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Mah ula.M:Ee.St contrast to the course speeches. for Saturday and Sunday. General Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. Local Governmental Agency, Local Energy Sys., Syst's. Eng.-Elec., Info & a Notices may be published a maxi- and Plainwell, Mich.-Vocational Re- Controls, Meteor, and or Ocean. Prof.: The second play, Sweet of You mom of two times on request; lay habilitation Counselors and Clinical Applied Mechan. H. & D., Des., Prod. To*Say So" by Page Johnson is a Calendar items appear once only. eneral N otices Psychologists at the III & III-A Civil Student organization Service levels. For counselor positions Mitts & Merrill, Inc., Saginaw, Mich. delightful, character sketch of an Stetn oran on notices are not Woodrow Wilson Fellows: Past and would consider Special Educ. majors -BS: ME. U.S. citizen & non-citizen aging southern lady. She has filled tpresent, campus representatives, past i ntrainee positions, for Psychologist if intend to become a citizen with per- her empty life with her imagina- and present members of the Regional MA min. in Clinical Psychology. manent visa. Des. tion and talks quite easily with WEDNSEDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Committee and interested membrs of Local Governmental Agency - Two Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., the faculty are invited to a reception women's opportunities in the Ann Ar- Pittsburgh, Pa.-BS-MS: CE ,EM, M1E. hummingbirds and woodchucks., J on Thurs., Sept. 29, in the East Con- bor area. Four-H Club Agent, young. Summer Employment: Sign regular The tragic element of the play ..Ja , a etkda1 ference Room. Rackham Bldg., at 4 energetic and likes to deal with young schedule for interview appt. R. & D., is treated so delicately that one Conference on Aging-"Growing Old m Wives or husbands are also wel- people, Home Ec. degree. Home Dem- Des., Prod., Sales. hardly. discovers it until the dual in Tomorrow's Cities" Rackham Bdg., onstration Agent for Cooperative Ex- Vitro Laboratories, Silver Springs, al.m.otension Service sponsored by Michigan Md.-BS-MS: EE. BS: Applied Math. soliloquy of Grace Alice Wyan- Special Lecture: Prof. Paul von Rague State Univ. Federal Civil Service re- Summer Employment: Sign regular dotte, played by Dee Victor, and Dept. of Anatomy Seminar - John Schleyer, Princeton University, will quirements. Immediate openings. schedule for interview appt. R. & D. Miss Woman, played by Jennifer Faulkner, assistant professor of physi- s o cp i* .Wyandotte Chemicals Corp., Wyan- cal education, "Health and Physical Chemistry of Admantane and Diamond- For further information, please call dotte, Mich.-BS-MS: ChE. BS: CE, armonFitness of Adult Men": 250 East Medi- Compounds. on3Thurs., Sept. 29, 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of EE, IE, ME. Summer Employment: So. Nothing long enough atSBpdm.,4:1Room.1300ryf themChem- Appointments, 3200 SAB. -& Jr. students in GhE, ME. EE, GE Ntigremains Clgeo h cal Bldg., 4:15 p.m.' I&J. tdns nCE M.EC for the gentle woman. to grasp it Dep._oNerastrn anuagsyad place college interview form in blue} Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: co. folder for further consideration. meaningfully into her system. College of Engineering Computer Literatures: Presents Dr. Jacob M. Lan- ADo not sign schedule for interviewI Onyaselada ipae e Lecture Series-Brice Carnahan, pro- dau, senior lecturer, political science, 212 SAB- Only ashell and a misplaced wet bre n et r l etr U.S. Civil Service Examination for Of- appt. Res., Training Program. ribbon are left to catalyze her Heg on "Jews in Modern Egypt: Some fice and Science Assistant-Form 5000- I Xerox Corp., Rochester, N.Y.-BS-MS: memory-or what she sadly has Perspectives on Their 19th Century AB can be obtained rom 212 SAB, Lo- E, E, E gB. ME. MS Eyst's. created as memory. She shifts her IO RDG'2AN IZ7ATIO N History" on Thurs., Sept. 29, at 4:15 ,er Level. Must be filed by Oct. 21 for Eng.-Elec., Engrg. Admin. BS: E Phys., ORGAI I I p.m., 200 Lane Hall. the Nov. 26 test; next filing is Dec. 9 Set, Engrg. U.S. citizens & non-citizens nood from unadulturated Joy into for the Jan. 7 test and the final filing of intend to become a citizen, with4 incomprehensible depression. -- EColloquium: Sept. 29. Dr. Ulric Neis- is Jan. 9 for the Feb. 4 test. permanent visa, R. & D., Prod. Character N TCI ESser of the Dept. of Psychiatry, Uni- First Camp Interview of the Season The character of Grace is evolv- versity of Pennsylvania, will speak on -Camp Westmont, N.Y. Coed camp. ed h arhterofreaisipwith -"Two Levels of Visual Cognition." Need 25 girls and 20 boys for General ed through her relationship with Theoretical considerations suggest Counselors. Also, specialists in tennis, the stranger, nature, and her USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- that any system which recognizes com- waterfront, arts and crafts, dramatics daughter. Each view is a distor- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially plex patterns must have both a parallel and music, sports. Oct. 4 from 10 to recognized and registered student or- and a sequential stage. Failure to in- 12 and 1 to 5 p.m. at 212 SAB, Lower ganizations only. Forms are available elude both stages leads to paradoxes Level. imagination. Although she sees in Room 1011 SAB. in certain contemporary psychological ENDING THURSDAY them as she wants. a feeling of . # theories. The two-level hypothesis can ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- "always going" pervades their ac- Alpha Phi Omega, Meeting, Sept. 28, incorporate observations from such re- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please gon evdstera-search areas as visual persistence, meta- sg ceuepse t18Hws tin.7p.m., Room 3C, Michigan Union., siraae salritnc g chedule posted at 128-H West{ tionls. pmRo 0 ihgnUin contrast, reaction time, and visual ! ngrg.deight The final drama, the lengthiest Le Cercle Francals, Le Baratin-en- search. SEPT. Wty anLotdaaicoeh he, sjyaFec atosh r veyThi- j T 3Aud. B, Angell Rail, 4:15 p.m. Coffee Wty and most dramatic of the three, is oyarn tsphere every Th'rs-served beforehand at 3417 Mason Hall. George A. Fuller Co., Throughout the "Escurial," written originally in day from 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. U.S.-Any Degree. U.S. citizen & non- French by Michel de Ghelderode Ia P m citizens if intend to become a citizen. CrnhoyMchld st.roeP ac m n with a and translated by Lionel Abel. It meeting, WedSp 28C7:0ci , presents the tragedy of a medieV- Rooms 3R and 3S, Michigan Union. Al POSITION OPENINGS: General American Research Div. ofmarvelous al king, played masterfully by students interested in international ac- Pacific Optical, Inglewood, Calif. - assortment tivities are invited to attend. Numerous openings for personnel in - Ellis Rabb, who is lame only in * * * optics field. Skilled craftsmen begin- its spirit and a jester who is lame University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 ning advancing to optical engineers-'M only in bddy . Washtenaw, midweek devotion, 10 p.m., and designers, interested in students -CI NtAgM 1 , Set. 2. 'who have six mos. or more of preci- The jester has loved the queen, Se.8ion optical exper.rpresent s who is dying, and the king has Baha'i Student Group, Discussion:. Appleton Coated Paper Co.. Appletonr Program Information * 2-6264 6dQa&"-W-AQ N, aTE DIAL 8-6416 r TONIGHT At 7 and 9 P.M. "Astonishingly frank! An unabashed look at real-life sex. Remarkably uninhibited and specific in its recording of the way lovers talk and touch and think!" -Richard Schnickel, Life Magazine "A tender and lusty study of love. 'Dear John' is a tour de force of erotic realism. Lovemaking banter . . . as explicit as the law allows!" "A truly adult love story! It is a beautiful film, finely made!" -Judith Crist, N. Y. Herald T tbu, -Time Magazine Not Drama Perhaps the most gratifying as- pect of the drama is. its structure. Yeats has adopted the traditional Noh drama of Japan with its stylized setting and typical theme of salvation. The musicians are an integral part of the setting and perform their function in a rhythmic par- allel of the actors. The pure tone .. i Across Ic f y1 C _ N R $ A Sin Afi Atkow .l Ru5Jifq condemned him for this. The Jes- ter has genuine feelings and the WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 queen is above reproach, but the 7 p.m. - Student Government king twists his ugliness into his Council will sponsor a mass meet- interpretation of their act, and ing to discuss the upcoming ,-e- they suffer in silent obedience. lective service policy referendum Of Dogs and Bells in Rms. K, L. M and N .of the The king is obsessed by his fail- Union. I ures and goes mad at the howl- 7:30 p.m.-Brice Carnahan, pro- ing of dogs and the ringing of fessor of chemical engineering and bells. His only laugh occurs when biostatics, will give the Engineer- the jester does not complete his ingColegecomute letur onanticipated assassination of the "Introduction to Digital Comput.- king. ers and the MAD Language-III" in the Natural Science Aud. Phone 482-2056 8:00 p.m. - The APA Reper- tory Company will perform inI "Three Mysteries' with T w o - Clowns" in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Cana aon CARPENTER RWAW THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 OPEN 6:30 P.M. 4:15 p.m. - Jacob Landau will NOW SHOWING give the Near Eastern Language and Literatures lecture on "Jews - FIRST RUN - in Modern Egypt" at 200 Lane Shown at 7:10 and 10:55 Hall. WL~fi3 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild - j g will present Delmar Davis' '3:10 to Yuma" in the Architecture Au-. ditorium. IS 8:00 p.m. - The APA Repertory MRI Company will perform in "Thret Mysteries with Two Clowns" in ALSO . the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Shown at 9:20 only FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 8 p.m.-Edward Holnberg, 'a Lu-- themn psychologist, will speak on "Mental Health and Religion," at Hugh O'Brian the Newman Center. Shirley Baton SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 31 Fabian A Venice Film Festival award Plus - winning art film "The Savage "SPORTING COURAGE" Eye" will be presented in the New, , COLOR CARTOONS man Center. Admission is 50 cents. 2CLRCART_____ "Unity in Religions," Fri., Sept. 30, 8 p.m., 335 E. Huron, Apt. 5. All welcome. -F IVA ,V~c -LU ,., ,pcLI Wis.-Process development manager, ChE, and min. of 3 yrs. industrial ex- ANNOUNCING singer of songs B9u3z Barclay Winner of Hill Aud. Hootenanny i COFFEE HOUSE also "Diary of a Young Beard" G103 South Quad SNOW YOUR DATE! COME AFTER BRUBECK Jean-Paul Belmondo Claudia Cardinale IN Ca,~toucve (COLOR) A fine swashbuckling adventure-comedy, with Belmondo as a legendary highwayman of old France. Cinema Il salutes Henry Levan and Karen Aimee. Friday and Saturday Aud. A 7 and 9:15 P.M. lao TH E mwwm WRONG BOX staring RICHRDSON POPULAR DANCE LESSONS (Frug, Jerk, Monkey, Etc.) Thursdays-Oct. 6-27 . . . 7:30-9:30 p.m. $4 BRIDGE I LESSONS Tuesdays-Oct. 4-Nov. 15 . . 7-9:00 pm. $6. BRIDGE 11 LESSONS Tuesdays-Oct. 4-Nov. 15 . . . 9-1 1:00p.m. $6 SIGN UP IN FISHBOWL OCT. 3 or CALL U.A.C. STUDENT OFFICES 662-4431, Ext. 1030 Ar MICHAEL CAIe J 4 and PETER SELLERS as Or Pratt AFTMAN COLOR - FRIDAY -- "GI GIl" Daily Classified Are Great I C Ii 50c l .D. required ---- .------ L r q _ __ _ _ it He's Back Again! I Special FREE Showing Tonight Only! Cinema, i id 4ejent DAWN PATROL (1930-Howard Hawkes) Howard Hawkes (Red River, Hatori, Rio Bravo, Ceiling Zero, To Have & Have Not) The best film on the dogfights over Europe in 1914-18, by the director fascinated with men who put their lives on the line. I so I Annoncin g the DAVE B B QUARTET IN CONCERT WEDNESDAY-7 & 9 P.M. ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK! Get Seats NOW for Rest of Season P ' VICTOR BORGE in "Comedy in. Thurs., Oct. 6 .. . Music" Presented by The Student Sesquicentennial Committee and the Women's Athletic Association 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM A! I iI I I