See' Editorial Page
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Chance of showers
on Thursday
IHA Wishes Camche
tudents T o T &m0 c a
Defe ds
Viet Critic
I (JvtI
See RA File
Recommend End to
Secrecy on Report of
Probationary Cases
Inter-House Assembly Monday
night passed a recommendation to
the University Housing Office that
the confidential deans' reports on
students who are on academic pro-
bation be made known to the
These reports, made by the stu-
dent's resident advisor, can be
requested by the dean of the stu-
dent's college or be submitted if
the advisor feels it is necessary.
IHA's recommendation suggests
not only that the student be in-
formed of the existence of the
reports, but also that the content
be discussed with the student and
he be given the option of reading
the final report.
IHA also passed a motion "that
IHA support and authorize a sur-
vey similar to the Women's Con-
ference Committee survey con-
cerning the possibility and/or de-
sirability of changes in rules gov-
erning the behavior of women on
WCC Survey
The WCC survey, conducted in
the fall of 1963, polled all women
on campus on their opinions of
living conditions in general and
specifically hours and apartment
permissions. The results included
abolition of juniorehours.
This year's survey would in-
vestigate campus opinion on
sophomore hours and apartment
Other action included the estab-
lishment of a committee to study
the judiciary structures in the
residence halls and "to formulate
guidelines for these judicial bod-
The purpose of the committee is
to establish basic policies for the
houses and dormitories to follow
so that clerical records and dis-
ciplinary measures will be more
universal than present systems.
Chairman of the committee is
John Savage,'68.
The organization also voted to
give the Writer-In-Residence pro-
gram. $500. Sherry Meyer, '69,
president of IHA, said, "Writer-
In-Residence was set up for the
students' /benefit and IHA as a
student organization should con-
tribute to the program. The stu-
dents in the dormitories will bene-
fit greatly from the program."
IHA is still investigating the
possibilities of Leslie Fiedler, this
year's writer, staying in West
Quadrangle. Mr. Fiedler will be
participating in programs in some
of the residence halls, Miss Meyer
Miss Meyer reported that resi-
dent advisors in the dormitories
are trying to establish a reciprocal
evaluation program that would en-
able them to evaluate house-
mothers and resident directors in
the same way that they are being
evaluated. The plan would be set
up on the semester basis.
Managing Editor
Negroes must achieve power in
order to force the nation to bar-
gain with them, Stokely Carmi-
chael, chairman of the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee declared yesterday.
Speaking to a near-capacity au-
dience in Hill Auditorium yester-
day, Carmichael asserted that Ne-
groes must be able to bargain from
a position of strength "because
this country does not run on mor-
ality, it runs on pure, unadulter-
ated power."
Carmichael viewed the central
issue of the "black power" move-
ment as how new social structures
can be built to replace existing
ones that fail to meet the needs
of Negroes.
He emphasized the importance
of "black consciousness," in which
Negroes achieve their goals by
themselves, without aid from
"Blacks must carry that revolu-
tionary message into the ghet-
toes," Carmichael said.
His voice rising to a high emo-
tional pitch, Carmichael asked
whites to realize the necessity of
condemning living conditions in
'ghettoes' not only dramatic inci-
dents such as the killing of four
Negro children in a Birmingham,
Ala., Sunday school in 962.
Carmichael clashed with a ques-
tioner who asked whether Negroes
in the ghetto understand the
meaning of "black power."
Replying to a suggestion that
ghetto Negroes might interpret the
slogan as a call to riot, Carmi-
chael contended that SNCC lacks
the power to "turn this country
upside down."
"If I had the power, I'd try to
get you to join in a sympathy
riot," Carmichael told the audi-
His remarks were greeted by ner-
vous laughter. The overall reaction
of the crowd appeared to be
friendly and enthusiatsic.
. But there was evidence of anx-
iety among many members of the
audience, some of whom frequent-
ly returned to the theme of vio-
lence in their questions to Car-
"I am not a pacificst," the SNCC
leader declared
"If I'm attacked, I'll defend
myself. Non-violence in the South
is tantamount to suicide, so I
can't condone it," he emphasized.
Growing impatient with the line
of questioning, Carmichael
shouted, "if this country wants to
condemn violence, it should talk
to Lyndon Baines Johnson."
This remark was greeted by the
most sustained applause of the
Viet Nam
The subject of the Viet Nam war
frequently appeared during Car-
michael's talk and the subsequent
"It is impossible for any black
man to fight in the Viet Nam
lie discussed "Racism in Americ
war," he declared. He called for
a basic revamping of U.S. foreign
policy "which has exploited non-
white countries around the world."
Carmichael suggested that ghet-
toes should view themselves as
colonies inside America. He af-
firmed that there is a link be-
tween SNCC's philosophy and the
revolutionary movement of the un-
derdeveloped nations of the world.
He frequently stressed that the
concept of integration is irrele-
vant to the betterment of living
conditions for Negroes.
White Supremacy
"We do not encourage whites to
work in the ghetto because it fur-
thers the idea of white supremacy
in the minds of young blacks,"
Carmichael explained.
On the subject of education, he
stressed his concern for higher
quality education, with or with-
out integration.
Carmichael attacked "systematic
-Daily-Andy Sacks
militant leader of the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Commission, addressed a near-capacity crowd yesterday in Hill Auditorium.
a" and explained his vi ews on "Black Power," integration in education, and the unrest in the Negro ghettos.
racism" through the nation's so-s
cial institutions and stressed thati
the races are already polarized.
"SNCC doesn't cause the prob-t
lems, we try to deal with them,"t
he said.,
Attacking the role of the armyc
attempting to absorb unemployed
Negroes with little education,I
Carmichael said "I don't need to
become a hired killer in the army1
in order to get an education."
Black Culturet
"The need in this country is
for psychological equality. Blacks
have a culture of their own, but
they have been made ashamed oft
it by whites," Carmichael con-1
"Black power speaks to blacks in4
this country. Black power will beF
used whether whites like it or not,
because blacks have a right to useI
the terms they want to use," hel
"The only time power means l
savagery to whites is when 'black'
is put in front of it," he said.
"We intend to find out whether
the United States will allow blacks
to acquire black power," Carmi-
chael declared. He refused to con-
demn the use of violence, but he
said the causes of violence and
rioting must be analyzed.
"Stop the oppression and ex-
ploitation of blacks," Carmichael
cried. "There's a wall in this
country-why won't white people
admit that?" he asked.
Work Hardest
"Black people work hardest in
this country and are the lowest
paid," he charged.
"The central question is-does
this society provide a job for ev-
eryone? Is the country willing to
spend as much money to help Ne-
groes as it is spending on the Viet
Nam war?" Carmichael asked.
Earlier, at a Canterbury House
luncheon, Carmichael called col-
lege students "the most political-,
ly naive people in the world."
Students never think politically,
he charged. He called for question-
ing of the country's political
structure and consideration of new
coalitions and independent politi-
cal candidates.
Possible Link-up
Asked about the possibility of a:
coalition between the "New Left"
and SNCC, Carmichael foresaw a
possible link-up on racial prob-
lems if peace groups become more
aggressive and utilize political
power rather than appeals to mor-
He accused President, Johnson
of stopping civil rights momentum!
by putting a civil rights bill be-
fore Congress which he knew
would fail to pass.
He was referring to the recent
bill which failed in the Senate,
primarily because of an open hous-
ing clause which would have for-
bidden racial discrimination in the
sale of most private housing.
Describing what sympathetic
"white liberals" can do to aid
the Negro cause, Carmichael sug-
gested that they attempt to re-
verse "racist attitudes" among
other whites.
Demonstrate Sincerity
The best way whites can dem-
onstrate their sincerity is to have
"whites attend black schools as
well as blacks attend white
"Black schools are inferior be-
cause the boards which control
them don't care about black chil-
dren," he argued.
Later, Carmichael told . news-
men he was not surprised by the
reaction of the white community
to the "black power" slogan.
"White liberals should try to
view these problems through the
eyes of Negroes, instead of through
their own preconceived notions."
Defeated in
NY Priniary
War Oppenent Loses
In Tight Contest for
Party Nomination
Executive Director
Militant opponents of President
Johnson's Viet Nam policy suffer-
ed a major defeat last flight as an
administration supporter, Rep.
Leonard Farbstein (D-NY), won
an apparent narrow victory in a
rerun congressional p r i m a r y
against a stinging critic of the
The final official tally in Man-
hattan's 19th Congressional Dis-
trict gave Farbstein a 17,080-16,-
151 edge over City Councilman
Theodore Weiss.
During the long campaign,
Weiss, a 39-year-old lawyer; has
advocated the cessation of U.S.
bombing raids on North Viet Nam
and negotiations with the Viet
Cong. Farbstein ,a 63-year-old,
five-term congressman has gener-
ally supported the war effort.
Leaders of the peace movement
had hoped that a victory for Weiss
would counteract the series of de-
feats suffered by peace candidates
in other primaries.
Critics of the war have recent-
ly lost primaries in New Jersey,
Oregon, Wisconsin and Massachu-
In the original primary last
June the unofficial election night
tally gave Weiss a 61 vote mar-
gin over Farbstein, but the offi
cial Elections Board recount show-
ed that Farbstein had emerged
the victory by 151 votes. In a
legal suit, Weiss was able to point
out enough irregularities in the
election to get the New York
State Supreme Court to order a
rerun of the election.
During the election, Farbstein
tried to make the war the prime
issue in his campaign against
Weiss, although Weiss tried to at-
tack Farbstein on a variety of
A Reform Democrat, Weiss ac-
cused Farbstein of being a "club-
house" politician who was out of
step with the times. Farbstein, on
the other hand, pointed to his lib-
eral voting record in Congress and
charged that Weiss was "just aft-
er my job."
Farbstein's apparent victory,
however, can not be looked on as a
clear endorsement of Johnson's
policies by the voters in this tra-
ditionally Democratic district.
The basic cleavage in the dis-
trict is not between hawks and
doves, but rather between the Jew-
ish orthodox Democratic organiza-
tion on the lower East 'side of
Manhattanhand the middle class
reformers on the upper west side.
The regular Democratic clubs are
Farbstein's base while Weiss was
the choice of the reformers in a
pre-primary contest.
In the June primary, Weiss'
cause was aided by the large turn-
out of middle class voters to cast
their ballots for Senator Robert
Kennedy's (D-NY) candidate for
a hotly contested judgeship. The
turnout for yesterday's primary,
however, was lower than Weiss
had hoped.
Tough-Talking, Arteculate SNCC Leader
Drives for Negro Equality, Self-Respect
agreed to defer discussion of a proposed zoning ordinance revision,
the R-4 plan, until Oct. 4, at the request of the Student Housing
A spokesman for SHA said that the change, which would
affect the density of residents in housing, would force students
to live farther from campus, expanding into presently non-
student residential areas. Also, he added, the traffic and parking
problems would be aggravated by students going to campus. An-
other source noted that it would also force up rents in the im-
mediate area.
RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING a four-year medical col-
lege at Michigan State University were adopted by the House of
delegates of the Michigan State Medical Society Monday night in
Grand Rapids.
The reslutions, to be sent today to Gov. George Romney and
tle State Board of Education, stressed the shortage of physicians
and recommended MSU's present two-year College of Human
Medicine be expanded. An application has been filed with the
Board of Education for expansion of the school.
Other resolutions endorsed expansion of enrollment at medi-
col schnnls and urged the State Tgislature to rnovide funds for
Daily News Analysis
There are two men currently so
prominent in America that you can
call them by their first name and
people will know immediately who
you are talking about. Lyndon and
Stokely. And this seems to be
about the only thing the two really
have in common.
"Ever met Lyndon, Stokely?"
"Never. We'd have nothing to
talk about."
Yesterday was Stokely's day
here. He raised over $400 for SNCC
at a benefit luncheon and then he
packed Hill Aud. almost to the
gills, filling both balconies. Per-
haps all didn't come to cheer, but
they came to listen.
Stokely is more than Stokely.
He is the embodiment of anti-
Lyndon. Packaged well, attractive
and charming, articulate and per-
suasive, Stokely Carmichael walks
the streets; a visible challenge to
Boulding as P
At a meeting last night, Voice
political party voted to support
Mrs. Kenneth Boulding, wife of
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the
economics department, as a write-
in "peace" candidate from the
Second Congressional District.
William Livant, a worker on
Mrs. Bouldings' campaign, ac-
cepted this support and said that
everything America thinks it is. bit hurt. These are the ones Black seem in pictures, almost twinkle.
He knows it. Those who not only Power has rejected, and they kept "No, most of what's happened, at
listen but actually hear know it, asking why. least as far as SNCC goes, I'm
too. "What can I do?" demands a pretty satisfied with."
Of Images woman who was probably pushing Stokely is a good man. He emits
One almost expected to be greet- the progressive nursery school idea a certain decency and genumine
ed by a sword-waving fanatic, 20 years ago. "Where do I, who charm too real not to be natural.
dressed in farmer overalls and have always been for integration, The Threat
serving up anti-white diatribes. fit into your plans?" But he is lean and he is hard
Hardly. Carmichael showed up in "What do you mean, integra- and he is a revolutionary. Unlike
a natty tweed suit, wearing what tion?" many other civil rights leaders,
was nearly a fraternity-stripped "Integration . . you know, in- none of whom he will publicly
tie and carrying an attache case. tegration . . . I mean, integrating." criticize, he is unequivocally black.
A long way off, the other end of Equality Not Integration History will realize that Martin
Madison Ave. and about 1000 He looks back, smiling and gives Luther King belonged to all of
miles, from the straw-hatted mili- her a polite answer so she can sit humanity, Stokely Carmichael be-
tant marching with Meredith this down. Forcefully he lets it be longs only to America's Negroes.
summer. At least he had on a pair known he doesn't give a damn for He has not rejected whites as
of boots, short-heeled black Beatle integration, only equality. , individuals, he is always friendly
boots, and this saved him a little. "I am black. Don't rob me of my and hospitable, making a point of
Everybody in Canterbury House, blackness and try to make me continually emphasizing that he
there were over 100, had paid to white. It can't be done. I don't isn't a racist. But he has rejected
get in, most at least $5. These want integration if it means you forever what he feels whites have
were the sympathetic. Middle-aged want me to be like you, because done to most of his people, emas-
women and younger men, not cur- it's impossible." culating them. He doesn't hate
ious but committed and a little "I am born, therefore I am whites so much as he hates the
equal. Period." system they have' created, one
which-robs black men of self-dig-
They loved him in Canterbury nity as soon as they realize their
e! o'House. They applauded and laugh- skin's color.
ed when he turned their inadver- W
Cie tent straight lines into jokes. White America, even those who
ace C andidate There was a squirming, restless 1bascdle wan to be-helpful, ca-
little colored boy, five, six years not understand Carmichael's hat-
old, eating handfuls of the lettuce red, it frightens them. This was
hopefully convert them into new which had been put out for the obvious at Hill.
members. sandwiches which were served, and White Tension
At the sparsely attended meet- he was probably the only person Much of what Stokely said ex-
ing, Carl Davison gave a broad in the room whose eyes weren't temporaneously at Hill was the
outline on programs for the chap- constantly riveted on Stokely. same as he had said earlier at the
ter. He said that "they needed The Man luncheon. But the reaction was
more concrete discussion on howdn A tryn
to build a movement, so as to It's almost impossible not to like different. At Canterbury he was
broaden it to touch the people of Stokely. i addressing people who still believe
this community. He smiles often and even if some longer dictate its terms and di-
He also expressed the need to may be a little forced at least they mensions. But the Hill crowd,
direct the movement toward so- are not blatant frauds. Sitting in prepped in yellow shirts and vil-
cial change and to define what Red's Restaurant, drinking a glass lager skirts, was tense and appre-
this social change should be of milk and eating a veal cutlet, 1I n urhen itl muhed it did so
The crowd leaving Hill when
the speech was over smelled raw.
They had seen the substance of
riots and ghettoes, if only vicar-
iously, and had rejected the vision.
"He was good and all, sure can
speak, but if they really think....
Stokely left Ann Arbor around
4:30, driven ,off in a black sports
car convertible, three people
squeezed together in the one-man
back seat.
Study Experiment Which
Upset Nuclear 'Theory
A primary concept of nuclear
physics was challenged by the
startling results of a recent experi-
ment, but further intensive in-
vestigation seems about to pre-
serve this traditional theory of
About three months ago, the re-
sults of a series of experiments
involving photographs of the trails
of a very short-lived nuclear par-
ticle, the eta meson, were re-
leased. The experiments were done
by Dr. Paolo Franzini of Colum-
bia University and his wife, Dr.
Juliet-Lee Franzini using the bub-
ble chamber at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory on Long Is-
Their findings appeared to upset
the basic theory of nuclear phys-
ics, that nuclear particles are sym-
metrically structured in nature.
The Franzinis had based their
findings on about 2000 photo-
graphs of the decay of eta mesons
into three parts called pi mesons,
or pions. Two of these pions had
been assumed to always have
tical except opposite in charge.
Many groups in several coun-
tries began to experiment with the
effect and recently a very com-
prehensive experiment by a group
based in Geneva, Switzerland, was
reported at the 13th international
Conference on High Energy Phy-
sics which was held at the Univer-
sity of California at Rochester.
The experiments, which were
carried out at the European Cen-
ten for Nuclear Research, reported
that no significant evidence for
lack of symmetry was found, but
they could not explain the evi-
dence of the Franzini tests.
It was thought that since the
bubble chamber at Brookhaven
has a fixed magnetic field which
could have been uneven during the
experiment, that the higher ener-
gy levels detected might have been
erroneous. To make sure, severa]
experiments on the effect are still
being conducted in several coun-
The Franzinis have begun a new
set of tests as well. In order tc
make sure that any unevennese
i"a . ia (f1Pfin+otffect the