Fibright Cautious Escalation;
Rusk Dines,
Talks With
Johnson Not Giving
Up, Despite Cold
Reception in Hanoi
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. ()-Presi-
4 dent Johnson, rebuffed by Moscow
on the administration's latest Viet
Nam peace overtures, said yester-
day he will "continue the search
for peace on every front, what-
ever obstacles we may confront."
Johnson seized upon the fifth
anniversary of the Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency to issue
a statement pledging the peace
quest will be pushed, "however
long the road may be."
The statement, distributed at
White House press headquarters
here, did not mention the chill
Soviet response to a conciliatory
Viet Nam policy statement read to
the United Nations on Thursday
by Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg. Nor was the Goldberg state-
ment itself mentioned.
Johnson simply noted the anni-
versary, promised a persistent
search for peace and said: "The
highest priority goal of national
policy continues to be: to lift from
mankind the threat of nuclear
Goldberg told the Assembly
Thursday that, as a first step to-
wards negotiations, the U.S. was
"prepared to order the cessation
of all bombing of North Viet Nam,
the moment" it got assurance the
North would respond by reducing
or ending its military activities in
the South.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko publicly spurned the
newest peace bid Friday, demand-
ed withdrawal of American "ag-
gressors" from Viet Nam and re-
newed Moscow's declaration of
support for Hanoi. Yesterday
Hanoi and Peking heaped more
invective on Goldberg's proposals.
Goldberg told reporters yester-
day that he did not consider
Hanoi's negative reaction "to be
a considered reply. It's public
Secretary of State DeanhRusk,
meanwhile, was slated to have a
second dinner-and-discussion with
Gromyko yesterday in New York.
Ahead of the evening parley at
Gromyko's uptown headquarters,
the United States publicly en-
dorsed at the U.N. a Soviet resolu-
tion calling on all nations not to
hamper efforts for a treaty to halt
the end of atomic weapons.
This was something of a sur-
prise, because Gromyko had in-
troduced the resolution Friday
with a new blast at U.S. plans for
nuclear sharing among the Atlan-
tic Allies, including West Ger-
But Rusk denies the U.S. plans
would give independent atomic
weapons control to any new coun-
Fulbright Cautions Escalation
Bombers Cover on DMZ Drive
Fulbright (D-Ark) believes Red
China is convinced the United
States wants war and he thinks
Peking will react to an expansion
of the Viet Nam fighting by enter-
ing the conflict.
Fulbright, chairman of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
said in an interview that he has
failed to convince President John-
son and other administration of-
more attention than the Ho Chi.It said that, as of Friday, they
Minh Trail through eastern Laos totalled 385. The unofficial count,
as a funnel for Communist rein- based on spokesmen's announce-
forcements and supplies. ments, had been 371 with the de-
Action dwindled for the Ma- struction Thursday of a U.S. Navy
rines. Patrols probing along theiSkyraider.
southern edge of the zone estab- Planes shot down in South Viet
lished no significant contact. Nam were reported to total 123.
The U.S. command disclosed re- This excludes parked aircraft lost
ports of plane losses over North through enemy attacks and those
Viet Nam have been incomplete. wrecked by mechanical failure.
To Demand
UN actio- ficials that there is grave danger e
UN Action of such a development. China Formed Red Guards
"I get awfully discouraged about
sthe trend events are taking in Viet
On S. Africa am"he:said. "Ifuthere is further To Teach Revolution's W ays
11 " es~calation of the war I am afraid ,.
e may be in for it."
Forty Nations To Ask After Elections HONG KONG (P)-Communist "It was explained to us," he
Mandate Recovery
In Monday Assembly
African and Asian countries were
reported ready yesterday to sub-
mit R r UU1ii i imarU a+ loll
Downcast by the rejection by China's rampaging Red Guards said, "that the Red Guard move-
Moscow and Hanoi of the latest were formed as a vehicle to teach ment was meant for those young
U.S. proposals for peace talks, revolutionary ways to youths who Chinese who were born after the
Fulbright made it clear that he never had experienced revolution, Communists conquered the Chi-
feels an expansion of the fighting the leader of a Japanese delegation nese mainland in 1949.
is almost certain after the Novem- to Peking said yesterday. "We were told that these chil-
ber elections. _ dren and teen affers had never ex-
-Associated Press
SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER Andrei Gromyko (left) and Secretary of State Dean Rusk met again
last night to discuss Viet Nam and other topics of international importance. The two veteran diplo-
mats, shown above at a previous meeting, also held talks Thursday.
Late Passage of Legislation
Ives Johnson Political Boost
mta resolution aimed at having .h eoto omrFreg ~1 11 C1-ag bg m 1a x-
the United Nations take over "Nobody knows what the Chi- The report of former Foreign perienced revolution and the Red
South-West Africa from South nese will do," he said, "but I'm Mister Zentaro Kosaka of Japai Guards were formed to teach them
Africa convinced their leaders believe the coincided with a broadcast dis- Grdstwer fmyt."
Diplomats that helped draw it President is trying to get them in- patch from Peking that the Red osay as."
up predicted that even more coun- volved so that we can destroy their Grdnow ar e ssgi-tr Goad atold nwd tat
nuclar istalatios. training, along with huge assign-1 Red Guard activity had "greatly
tries would agree to sponsor it be- nuclear installations. ments of political study, all based subsided" in recent days.
fore it was handed to the U.S. No matter how far-fetched this on the theories of Mao Tse-tung
Secretariat tomorrow for formal may seem to us. they are the ones the hees of ' "When we entered China Aug.
introduction in the General As- who will make the decision wheth- the Chinese leader. 29," he said, "the situation was
sembly the following day. er to send in their troops and not The youthful Red Guards have very, very confusing. But on our
Informed African observers ex- us. been storming through Chinese way out we found the situation
pected the assembly eventually Grave Danger cities trying to uproot all old very quiet in Shanghai, Hang-
would adopt the resolution; that "I think there is grave danger customs and habits and replace chow and Canton."
a period of sparring then might they are miscalculating our intent. them with new ones. Kosaka said his group did not
follow between South Africa and We have flown over their terri- Kosaka, who led his 11-member attend any of the Red Guard ral-
the United Nations, and that the ory a couple of times. If we were Japanese tour group across the lies held in Peking and elsewhere
final outcome would depend on to invade North Viet Nam, I be- border into Hong Kong Saturday nor did they see any Red Guard
whether the big Western powers lieve they would feel that they said government officials told his violence, "although some of their
,would permit Security Council couldn'ttake it any longer and group about the Red Guards. actions seemed very childish."
action for the enforcement of a would come in themselves._________
N to vr . h wish I could do something ..; .:.... .; .......r. ..::::..
South Africa runs neighboring to keep us from heading into a
South-West Africa under a man- world war, but I don't know w.~hat
date from the now defunct
League of Nations. Third Raid - r2
WASHINGTON () -The slow
congressional pace early this year
in paying political dividends for
the Johnson Administration as a
much key legislation becomes law
in the weeks leading up to the Nov.
8 election.
Politicians generally agree that
voters are more likely to remem-
ber a popular bill that is signed
into law amid considerable fan-
fare in October than one that was
signed back in February.
Most of the major "Great So-
ciety" bills of this year with po-
tent political appeal in the cities,
to labor unions and among minor-
ity groups have either won con-
gressional approval in the last
orld Neu
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Chancellor
Ludwig Erhard of West Germany
arrived in Washington yesterday
and acknowledged that his forth-
coming talks with President John-
son "will not be easy." He express-
ed the hope, however, that the
two leaders can solve the problems
they face. -
KINSHASA, The Congo - A
howling mob crashed into the
Portuguese Embassy yesterday,
seized three diplomatic personnel,
ransacked the building and burned
it. Radio Kinshasa said the crowd
of 200 were Angolan exiles.
month or are likely to attain it to dampen inflation by suspending
before Congress goes home. the investment credit and accele-
Just Signed
Johnson has just signed two key
measures: (1) a minimum-wage
bill that raises the federal level
to $1.40 next February and in-
creases coverage, and. (2) a bill to
authorize a clamp down on rising
interest rates.
Earlier this month, he signed
such bills as the auto and highway
safety package the urban mass-
rated depreciation has won ap-
proval.from the House Ways and
Means Committee en route to
congressional passage expected by
the likely mid-October adjourn-
ment date.
Still To Come
Still to come are both of the
administration's big education bills
-a four-year extension of the ele-
mentary and secondary aid pro-
transit bill and a measure to in- gram and a similar program for
crease the federal National Mort- colleges, universities and graduate
gage Association's borrowing au- schools.
thority and thus ease pressure on The antipoverty program, ex-
mortgage rates. pected to be approved, comes up
The administration's program in the House next week and prob-
ably in the Senate also.
The House is expected to give
approval to Senate-passed pro-
's Roundup rams for demonstration cities
Senate is due to act on the House-
passed bill to create a cabinet-
WASHINGTON-The 104 mem- levelddepartment of transporta-
ber nations of the International tion.
Monetary Fund will open on Mon- An expansion of the Food-for-
day a five-day meeting which Peace program is expected to gain
could set the pattern for reform final approval from both houses in
of international financing. a few days.
No hard decisions are expected The last major administration
at the meeting as most of the time proposal to get out of its House
will be devoted to speech-making. committee, the truth-in-packaging
It's here, however, that fund lead- bill, emerged last week from the
ers hope to get the guidelines for House Commerce Committee after
reform of the system which keeps being stripped of its mandatory
the gears of world trade creased. package-sizing feature.
GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe
Monday, September 26
Noon Luncheon, buffet 25c
Ed Geffner: "The Rationale
for the Right End''
Proudly announces:
key positions available on the
The international Court of Jus- In Saigon, U.S. B52 bombers
tice in the Hague ruled last July made their third raid of the week
18 that Ethiopia and Liberia had on North Viet Nam yesterday in
no legal right to bring a case in support of American Marines bat-
which they sought a judgment that tling to drive infiltrated Hanoi
South Africa had violated the regulars from the border province
mandate by introducing apartheid, of Quant Tri.
or race segregation, in the terri- Cruising high out of range of
tory. enemy guns, the eight-jet bombers
African delegates here immed- from Guam dumped tons of explo-
iately began consultations that led sives on Communist truck parks,
to the drafting of the resolution in storage depots and infiltration
the Asian-African group, which trails a few miles north of the old
includes 61 of the 118 U.N. mem- demilitarized zone bestriding the
bers. They led off a debate on frontier.
South-West Africa in the assem- I Smaller warplanes struck at
bly Friday scheduled to go on till!seven enemy storage areas within
Oct. 7. the zone, which lately has drawn
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Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee
"One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no
national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people
in the urban ghetto. There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice
was adapted to an audience of liberal whites. It served as a sort of buffer zore between
them and angry young blacks. None of its so-called leaders could go into a rioting
community and be listened to. In a sense,,l blame ourselves together with the mass
media-for what has happened in Watts, Harlem, Chicago, Cleveland, Omaha. Each
time the people in those cities saw Martin Luther King get slapped, they became angry;
when they saw four little black girls bombed to death, they were angrier; and when
nothing happened, they were steaming. We had nothing to offer that they could see,
except to go out and be beaten again. We helped to build their frustration."
"An organization which claims to speak for the needs of a community-as does the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee-must speak in the tone of that community,
not as somebody elses buffer zone. This is the significance of black power as a slogan.
For once; black people are going to use the words they want to use-not just the words
whites want to hear. And they will do this no matter how often the press tries to stop
the use of the slogan by equating it with racism or separatism."
Room, Undergraduate Library
7:30 p.m. Multipurpose
"The Church and New Power Structures in the Urban Ghetto"
Stephen Spottswood, Commission on Race and Cultural Relations,
Metropolitan Detroit Council of Churches
'f ° O,,