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September 25, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-25

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No. Carolina.. 10 1Michigan St. .
No. Carolina St. 7 Penn St. ... .

. 42 1 Notre Dame . .. 26 Indiana . . . . . .
. 8 Purdue . . . . . .14 Northwestern..


Missouri . .. . . . 21 Oregon St. .
Illinois...... .14 Ioa.... ...

17 UCLA . . . ... . . 31 Minnesota.....35
3 Syracuse . . . . .12 Stanfordi...... 21

See Editorial Page

Sir ,i~tAau

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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Michigan Defense Frustrates California Attaci


By CHUCK VETZNER At this point, Elliott might have s but 57 of them came on the Stewart. The 6'7", 190-pounder
Sports Editor a little trouble explaining just who ! Wolverines' first touchdown drive was the defensive star of last
Special To The Daily belonged in the starting lineup. which disrupted the Bears' vic- week's game, but yesterday he was
BERKELEY - Substitute quar- The new addition is William- j tory plans. told to prevent Jack Clancy from
terback Barry Bronk sprinted son, a junior non-tendered non- "We felt we had to get some- getting behind him. That's like
towards the sideline as Frank letterman who wears Bill Yearby's thing going and score quick," telling a cameraman to keep focus
Nunley, Dick Williamson, and the old number 75. Last spring Wil- explained Coach Ray Willsey. The on Jerry Lewis.
rest of the bunch tore after him liamson jumped .into the first early touchdown forced Willsey Kind of Frustrating
with gleams in their eyes. Bronk, string defense only to get mono- to pass up field goal opportuni- Stewart tried to obey orders and
hearing the hungry pants, flung nucleosis during the summer, ties, try onside kicks, and pass C,-ncy had an easy time grabbing
the ball out of bounds. Starting contact practice only more than be may have wanted passes on a short down-and-out
"Bronk's pass," informed the three weeks ago, he put himself to. pattern. Finally Clancy turned It
PA man, "was in the opinion of in line for a starting berth.patr.FnlyCnctuedi
PA an "asinth oinonof Ie ora tatig erh-Marching Without Signs loose and after running his stand-
the referee, intended for no one." "I only use the technique the
About 40,000 people in the Cal coaches teach," he shrugged. But The Michigan scoring march ard pattern, he tore down the side-
stadium stands had the same idea, virtually everytime he was in commenced somewhere between lines, freezing a startled Stewart
and the theory could be applied the game, Williamson ended up the Cal one and two-yard line, in his tracks. But Stewart's tracks
to the Golden Bears' entire attack with his arms around the Cal where Ron Miller's 49 yard field were directly in line with Clancy's,
goal try was downed. The next and the referee's flag floated to
led Michigan to a 17-7 win here BackBulldozing 14 plays proved that quarterback the ground at the 11-yard line.
yesterday. While the defensive hero was Dick Vidmer can lead the team Michigan's final score came on
California outgained the Wol- a newcomer, the offensive stand- and put the ball on the other one- a Fisher one-yard plunge in the
verines by two yards, but was un- out was good old Dave Fisher, a yard line. From that point, half- middle of the third quarter. Then
able to score until four minutes fullback perfectly suited for sim- back Carl Ward scored on an off the offense retired and let the
remained in the game. The touch- ilies and metaphors dealing with akesdi som e t d sh-
down, a 12-yard pass from Bronk anything squat or spherical. Fish- makes gymnastics Coach Newt Lo- 7, 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 .. .Nuts!
to Jerry Bradley, ruined Michi- er sometimes carries the ball in- ken seem like an ideal addition The Golden Bears cut deep into
gan's attempt for a second con- frequently and sometimes fumbles to Elliott's staff. Michiturf four times but only the
secutive shutout. too frequently. But with no band The Wolverines added a morale- last drive triggered the California
Going All Out around, he was clearly Michigan's boosting field goal with only three cannon.
"Sure we wanted to keep them man up front. seconds left in the half. The 28- Failure number one was in the
scoreless," said Head Coach Bump Engineer Fisher put away his yard boot by Rick Sygar was set second quarter. The Bears had a
Elliott. "We had the first string slide rule and simply began add- up on a pass interference call first down on the 12-yard line but:
in there the whole way." ing yards. The final total was 69, against defensive back Wayne See FISHER'S, Page 7
Recreational Faciliti

-Associated Press
MICHIGAN FULLBACK Dave Fisher is grabbed by three Cali-
fornia defenders at the end of a ten yard jaunt in the second
half of yesterday's game. The burly senior gained a total of 69
yards for the day.



-Associated Press
DICK VIDMER, Wolverine quarterback, turns a pass loose in
yeesterday's 17-7 victory over California at Berkeley. Golden Bear
Don Anderson (55) applies the rush. Vidmer completed ten of 15
passes for 106 yards.
4 II
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beat the System is a regular Sunday feature of
The Daily. Its continuation depends on the 'need students have for it.
If you have questions you'cannot answer elsewhere, call The Daily at
764-0553 weekdays between 3 and 5 p.m. or address your queries to 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Can a student in the literary college take any courses in the
architecture school? How do you go about it?-A.S.
Theoretically, students in the literary college may take up to
12 hours for credit in another school simply by electing the de-
sired courses during pre-registration.
However, because of over-crowding in architecture and de-
sign, it is extremely difficult for a non-A&D student, to enroll in
the school's courses. The best way to go about taking an archi-
a tecture or design course under these conditions is-to get permis-
sion of the instructor involved.
Why does the Michigan Union magazine stand carry the Na-
tional Review and not the New Republic or the Nation? Where
can I purchase copies of'these publications?-B.S.
Stofflet News Service, which supplies magazines for the Un-
ion, does not carry either the New Republic or the Nation and
reports that they know of no national syndicate which does.
International Circulation is responsible for distributing the Na-
tional Review.
The Blue Front Cigar Store will periodically carry the New
Republic, but has never carried the Nation. It receives the New
Republic directly from the publisher, but has not been sent a
shipment for two weeks. The best means of obtaining copies of
either magazine is to subscribe to them directly.
As a second year law student, I have lived in Ann Arbor con-
tinuously for over a year. I have not been to my parent's home
for an extended stay in over two years. However, I was not allow-
ed to register to vote in Ann Arbor because, according to City
officials, "your parents contribute something to your support."
I pay for about two-thirds of my school expenses by myself and
cannot see why these are sufficient grounds for not letting me
vote. What are the specific state regulations?
You are not necessarily disqualified to vote because you are
not entirely self-supporting, according to the Student Housing
Association. The specific Michigan statute reads, "No elector shall
be deemed to have gained or lost residence while a student at any
institution of learning."
Try going to the City Clerk's office on Monday and ask to
see Mr. Bentley, the Ann Arbor clerk. If you run into any further
problems, ask to speak to Jacob Fahrner, the city attorney.
A recent Michigan Attorney General's opinion has broadened
the definition of a. resident' to "a student attending school or
college who has no intention of returning home, but is not certain,
as to the place of his future residence; or where the student is free
from parental control, regards the college town as his home, and
has 'no other home to which to return in case of sickness."
* * * *
The French department this year revised its concentration
requirements, adding six hours of new courses for students major-
+ ing in the language. Are the new requirements applicable to cur-

Intramurals and student recrea-
tion at the University have gone
steadily downhill over the past
several years and prospects for
improvement appear dim.
The University at one time had
the finest intramural program in
the country. The aging building on
East Hoover was the first struc-
ture ever built solely for intra-
mural use. It's construction be-
came the object of world-wide
attention as visitors came to Ann
Arbor to study the operation of the
IM program and examine the fa-
In the words of the University's
associate intramural director, Rod-
ney Grambeau: "At one time, the
University's IM program was the
largest in operation. We were a
prototype for many of the best
throughout the country. We occu-
pied the highest position, but now
are far below that. In my opinion,
we are no longer among the lead-
ers. In essence, we are operating
on our past achievements."

Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) been no recent additions to out- made for a new physical educa- Telfer pointed out another di-
Crisler voiced the similar view door recreational facilities. In- tion building is open to question. mension: "West Quad, East Quad,
that "there is no point in ques- doors, the only new construction One source reported that the site South Quad, and Markley have
tioning the fact that intramural in the last 38 years has been the of Waterman-Barbour would be been built with practically no open
facilities are inadequate." This Margaret Bell Pool, also financed used for physics or chemistry fa- space nearby. In my estimation,
was the one area of concensus- :by the Board. Both the Waterman cilities. this need is just as logical as liv-
that IM facilities are inadequate- and Betsy Barbour Gymnasiums, Expensive Renovation ing space. The administration
among the many varying opinions which Dr. Paul Hunsicker, director The IM Building itself is no chose to disregard recommenda-
about the intramural program. of men's physical education, terms longer the impressive structure it tions for such areas, chiefly be-
From Crisler to University Planner a "museum piece," were built once was. According to Grambeau, cause of land cost."
John Telfer, the view was always around the turn of the century, "It would take a million dollars Some attempt has been made to
the same. while the Women's Athletic Build- to renovate this building so it ameliorate the open space problem
Saturation Point ing was finished in 1928. could serve the student body for on North Campus. Specific facili-
The program has reached its 1 .fnt . U" .. another 40 years." Intramurals ties are planned for the dorms

saturation point. The last addition
to men's indoor faciilties was in
1928-29 when the current build-:
ing was constructed at the cost of
$750,000. The Sports Building,
serving a student body of 9,000 at!
that time, made the University!
number one in intramurals. Today,
that same building attempts to
fulfill the recreational needs of a
student body over three times thatI
size. '
With the exception of the Board!
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-1
letics' purchase of Wines Field1
and the resurfacing of the Ferryt
Field tennis courts, there have

1h fact that some areas of the Gi11 4±i.b 01 L1 'irco ar 1iky1ie lec-
intramural plant have been or Director Earl Riskey cited elec-
soon will be scrapped further com- tricity, plumbing, lighting, show-
pounds the problem. The widening ers, and lockers as only some of
of Stadium Blvd. has cost the the improvements needed. And
men's program two athletic fields. more than one student has at-
The new University Events Build- tempted to play squash while
ing is on the site of a former rec-dodging water spots on the court
reati6n area. f m floor.
This year for the first time,
With the scheduled destruction Riskey reported the possibility of
of Waterman and Barbour, fur- all lockers being taken in the fall
ther facilities will be lost. This de- semester.
velopment will be pleasing to some! The Women's Athletic Building
physical education administrators, is another sore spot. It was, in the
however, who believe the building opinion of Crisler "like asking
was obsolete long ago. somebody to build you a horse and
Whether any proviisons will be they came up with a camel."

Medical Journals Print: Original

Students who could publish the
results of original research in pro-
fessional journals might be con-
sidered intellectual rarities in most
fields. In the University's Medical
School, such events are taken al-
Imost for granted.
Last year, for example, 18 med-
ical students contributed and had
published their discoveries in 32
different articles. Their projects
ranged from the analysis of blood
transfusions in utero to pinpoint-
ing the site in a rat's pituitary
gland where a hormone is produc-
The early introduction of stu-
dents to medical research is made
possible u n d e r the Medical
School's special studies program.
This program consists of an aca-
demic honors program, headed by
Dr. Robert A. Green, and a stu-
dent research program, headed by
Dr. David Bohr.
Dr. Bohr is the chairman of
the Student Research Committee
which draws its members from the
18 major departments of the Med-
ical School and other research
complexes like the Mental Health
Research Institute and Kresge
Hearing Institute. Each member is
assigned to a research area with!

Works of U' Scholars

Vera Bates I and II and also for
Bursley Hall, including a softball
diamond and touch football field.
Intramural officials were cri-
tical of the fact that no recrea-
tional provisions had been made
available for students moving in
this fall. Hunsicker, for one, was
disappointed. "There have been no
provisions for recreational facili-
ties up there," he commented. In
a recent faculty meeting, he used
the term "cannibalizing" to de-
scribe the allocation of land for
s t u d e n t recreation on North
,The alternative of using central'
campus facilities looks rather dim'
for North Campus students. Be-
cause the time schedule for in-
door and outdoor IM activities is
completely filled, no provisions can
be made for North Campus resi-
dence hall teams.
Softball Casualty
The first casualty of the intra-
mural program was softball. It
was eliminated this year partly
because of the loss of the two
fields adjoining Stadium Blvd.,,
which were used by 52 teams a
week. The shortening of the aca-
demic year under the trimester'
system was an additional consid-
Riskey feels that if the space!
were available, the IM programj
could be greatly expanded. He
noted, "Ohio State has 400 touch
football teams, compared to the
University's 250, and we could
easily have that many if we only
had the room."
Hunsicker explained why the
growth of the intramural program
has not been apparent in recent
years. "If I wanted to pour 80

gallons of water into a pint jar,
I still wouldn't be able to get more
than a pint of water into it. That's
the way it is with the intramural
and physical education programs.
"In many instances, we are not
able to allow students desiring to
enroll in an optional physical edu-
cation course to do so," he con-
The first question that comes
to mind is how the situation slip-
ped to its present state. William
Steude, director of student-com-
munity relations, feels that the
problem is most properly viewed
within a national framework. "I
like to consider our difficulties as
only part of the whole-the ex-
ploding population and the growth
of leisure time."
Agreeing with that view, Crisler
commented, "The work week will
eventually drop to 36 hours and
then to 30, just as it once dropped
to 40. We must provide ways for
people to spend their leisure time."
Steilde added: "Community-Uni-
versity cooperation in the alloca-
tion of open space, the construc-
tion of North Campus facilities,
the faculty interest in securing
recreational areas for the Uni-
versity community as a whole, and
the consideration that resources
of a new order will be required to
solve these problems should all be
kept in mind."
Board Financing
Support, facilities, and space for
intramurals has been provided in
See BOARD, Page 8
retary of State Dean Rusk
challenged North Viet Nam and
Communist China late last
night to test U.S. sincerity in
wanting peace in Viet Nam by
coming to a conference table
and starting to diminish the
Rusk spoke to newsmen after
a 4%-hour dinner discussion
meeting with Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko on
Viet Nam and other East-West
(See earlier story, Page 3)

but the number of upperclassmen
carrying on research drops off
drastically due to the year-round
academic schedule of juniors and
While the Student Research
Committee has been operating for
only six years, student involve-
ment in research programs goes
back to the founding of medical
schools, according to- Bohr. Pro-
jects might begin informally with
the student approaching a faculty
member with a special problem he
wanted to investigate. Or the
teacher, observing the lab work of
a st'udent, might suggest that he
try his hand at independent in-
vestigation in areas where the ans-
wers are not known.
Students are compensated forl
their research as much as possible.
The expenses usually come out of
the faculty member's research
grant given by such agencies as
the National Institutes of Health.
Other students are supported on
research fellowships, given by the
Michigan Heart Association anad
other organizations.
Faculty Stimulus
"Student research has become a
stimulus for the faculty to have
the eager, enthusiastic students in!
their laboratories keeping up with!
them, having their ideas imple-
v,, n-fPnA and 1-rnvr nrh.,,a,. fc .1.in,

cal students, but the laboratory
limits practice to an area of!
known knowledge," said Bohr.!
"The student researcher has the
chance to come to grips with new
information and arrive at original
conclusions about what he is in-
The student who volunteers for
reserch is guided by a faculty tu-
torial adviser who is familiar with
the student's field of interest. In
addition, bi-weekly seminars are
held on approaches and research
techniques. Each year, completed
projects are presented at the Stu-
dent Reserch Forum, sponsored by
Alpha Omega Alpha, the medical
honor society.
The Forum is an official event
of the Medical School calendar;
classes are dismissed for an after-
noon so students and teachers
may attend. The student giving
his presentation must be able to
stand up in public, give his data,
and take feedback from the audi-
ence. Dr. Bohr calls such interac-
tion "often as useful and incisive
as the presentations themselves."
Influences Career
The intimate one-to-one nature
of the student researcher's contact
with the faculty tutor is ofetn in-
strumentaly in influencing career
ehnic. fa, env nh.qii , s , havinL.

ing to Dr. Bohr. The value of stu-
dent research is to expose the stu-
dent to a feeling. of personal in-
volvement in new information so
he will keep the habit all his life,
according to Bohr.
One physician who graduated in
1937 after having done research as
a student presently returns to the
University every two years for
post-graduate courses. "His ex-
perience in research has made him
familiar with the evolution of
knowledge and given him a heal-
thy concern over the brief half-life
of the knowledge," said Bohr. "He
must keep up and he knows it."

UMSEU Stresses Research

The University of Michigan Stu-
dent Economic Union has shifted
its emphasis, a recent interview
with ex-president Barry Bluestone,
'66, revealed. UMSEU, which in
the last two years has been con-
cerned primarily with specific in-
cidents of student economic diffi-
culties, will now generally focus its
attention on equal educational

that the high cost of a college
education significantly discrimi-
nates against a large number of
students. "In many cases," com-
ments Bluestone, "the student
from a lower middle class family
must give up the idea of going to
a school like the University be-
cause he just can't afford it." This
"de facto financial discrimination"

need. Bluestone believes that only
an overall lowering of costs or
even totally free higher education
can alleviate the present situation.
The decision to cease active in-
volvement in campus economic
issues was made by UMSEU mem-
bers at the beginning of the se-
mester. Many of the members who
initiated the UMSEU program
fbnc t, '4he nv.c. +nr.'aar'. a va nnwit






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