*~~ Ajlg UIltan Dailyj Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS e - =A Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. FE]IFFER M( 1 WIFCA)Y USE9 70 AY 1To H"M ~V6000,I YOU RE 5HA(Lf - WFA, IaJ~P, AM!2 R64 MA2IJ 3 A QTR DE VE'CILPi2 TO 55CW6U Ipc1iT I. e ., .4.,. 4..,' y ..-. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS 'UA./AM1 /1 5A!VTMV "L^)=FF AIk)t N4UC BA1%IUY O 5C, YOURC ]G, Vl~fuc, Ikwfbfk) HEEI(U) MSU Law School Plan: Too Soon, Too Fast? I MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY will get its law school, sooner or later. If the law school is opened later, it is like- ly that it will be a decent institution, coordinated with current master plan- ning and studies of legal education needs in Michigan. If the school opens sooner-less than two years from now-it is likely that it will lack .quality facilities and fail to mesh with the design of education in the state. THIS MONTH, the trustees of Michigan State University requested that the State Board of Education approve the es- tablishment of a full-time law school. They said that MSU had already begun their planning. Although two state board members re- acted cooly to the request, predicting it would be channeled into its planning committees, Michigan State University administrators cannot be expected to re- lax their efforts. Even against the board's original wishes, MSU assembled and be- gan its medical school. The development of the medical school gained MSU ad- ministrators epithets of "empire builders" by many groups and individuals who thought their procedure and independ- ence were a threat to sound educational planning in the state. As MSU gained its medical school, it can eventually gain its law school. It has political skills, financial resources, and alumni support. This type of power was sufficient to gain a medical school less than a year ago. MSU ADMINISTRATORS have been wise enough to junk a plan suggested last year by state Sen. Dzendzel, a plan that would provide part-time legal education for legislators and Lansing residents in existing facilities. Their current bid is for a full-time full-quality school. One trustee suggest- ed that the MSU law school could pro- vide education in specialized areas such as public education law. Because the MSU administration is ask- ing and looking for quality ,they should use restraint in timing. And they must take care not to in- discriminately duplicate the resources of the state's existing four law schools, the University's, Wayne State University's, the University of Detroit's, and the De- troit School of Law. A STATE MASTER PLAN for higher edu- cation is slated to be released early next year. This plan and other studies currently being made will give MSU ad- ministrators the guidance they need to establish the school they say they want. They should wait for it. Last year Associate Dean Joiner esti- mated that it would take two to three years to establish a law school. He said that similar projects at Arizona State University and the Sacramento Campus of the University of California indicate the cost of establishing the school to be in the millions and costs o festablishing a library of 30-40 thousand volumes, the main asset of a law school, and hiring a faculty, several hundred thousands. THE MSU LAW SCHOOL is a project that should not be undertaken hastily. The State Board of Education appears to be aware of this. Hopefully, the administrators of MSU will respect this as they continue to build their university. -NEAL H. BRUSS 5CYAWJCV FOR. THREE - PAY S~~fA~~ CAV6IIT HER .PAYI10 h~pk Guir 60 SoW MY LWIFC Qk) E 15M TO T o NY (xWEAK;(k)PT AMPJ12TFT6RL-Y tjw? CQCOi}-cY1 ~1xI MW Afi 4 M)" j+ M1O26 N, I Rusk's New Aides Leave Something Out By STEPHEN FIRSHEIN IN A MOVE calculated to give a new image to the State Depart- ment, President Johnson has ap- pointed Attorney General Nicho- las B. Katzenbach to replace the retiring Under Secretary, George W. Ball. Johnson also announced replace- ments for the third and fourth ranking positions at State. Eugene V. Rostow, a Yale professor, will become Under Secretary for Po- litical Affairs, a post formerly held by Thomas C. Mann. Foy D. Koh- ler, presently Ambassador to Rus- sia, and a longtime career diplo- mat, will fill the Deputy Under Secretary spot, vacateduby U. Al- exis Johnson. WHILE SPECULATION on Rusk's future will undoubtedly continue, there are no signs that he is on the way out. He continues to enjoy Prtsident Johnson's un- diminished confidence, and has been assured of indefinite tenure. However, should the Secretary decide to retire, Katzenbach is the new favorite for the position. His appointment diminishes the valid- ity of rumors that UN Ambassa- dor Arthur Goldberg will even- tually take over. Aside from the question of Rusk'sfate are the implications on U.S. foreign policy, specifically in the three broad areas of Viet Nam, the Atlantic Alliance, and Latin America. With regard to our military commitment in Asia, the appoint- ments portend no softening of the official line-and, if anything, tend to emphasize the President's new, uncompromising posture. Mr. Ball had been regarded within the Administration as a "devil's advo- cate" on the Viet Nam question. Although he made no public statements that clashed with Rusk, he was known to have been the lone disserter on the bombing of North Viet Nam. During his years at the State Department, Ball's main interests and energies were devoted to European prob- lems-an assignment brought on by Rusk's preoccupation with As- ian affairs. KATZENBACH, apparently suf- fering from civil rights battle fatigue, should fit comfortably in- to his new slot. While head of the Justice Department, Katzenbach has been caught in a squeeze be- tween white supremacists who re- gard him as the man who regis- tered 350,000 Negroes in the South, and liberals, who call him a foot- dragging temporizer. In addition, this week's suffocation of the open-housing rights bill has un- doubtedly made the switch easier. Like President Johnson,hKatzen- bach had to live up to the glam orous image of his predecessor. Robert Kennedy had established himself as a tough, vigorous fight- er for civil rights. Katzenbach, an easier-going Attorney General, had never achieved rapport with Ne- groes to equal Bobby's. Katzenbach is viewed as a down -.,the - line Administration loyalist, and has been character- ized by the President as "one of the most competent and selfless men I know." Katzenbach, a brilliant interna- tional lawyer, will presumably concentrate on Europe, while sup- porting Rusk's Asian policies. ROSTOW ALSO HAS approved of the Administration's war effort. However, he has been extremely critical of the state of the Atlan- tic community-especially on the confused nuclear weapons issue. He is expected to specialize in Eu- ropean affairs, and to attempt to draw France and America closer together. Kohler's sudden recall will ele- vate him to the highest career of- fice in the State Department. He has had extensive experience as a foreign service officer in Europe, in the Near and Middle East; as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and as Moscow envoy. He too is expected to focus his attention on European and Soviet areas. ONE GNAWING DOUBT re- mains-what is to become of Latin America? To Rostow's predecessor, the controversial Thomas Mann, had been entrusted the thankless task of strengthening the Alli- ance for Progress. Despite wide- spread criticism for his role in the Dominican intervention, Mann had been a vital instrument in the most tangibly liberal actions on behalf of Latin America in years. He -began pressing for a hemisphere assistance program two years before President Kenne- dy proposed the Alliance. During the Kennedy years, the traditional State Department ap- athy on Latin America was finally dispelled. Prompted by Schlesing- er, Berle, and Goodwin, Kennedy placed high priority on hemispher- ic affairs. He appointed a Latin American expert--Mann-in an unusually high position of influ- ence and power. PRESIDENT JOHNSON now appears to be relegating Latin America to its accustomed subsid- iary station. Exigencies are channeling John- son's energies to Asian and Euro- pean affairs. Unless he redresses the imbalance, we may face the prospect of a phyrric victory - saving South Viet Nam while los- ing South America. /4 The Descent of Apathy IT IS THE ADVENT of Stokely Carmich- ael at the University and the air is gelatinous with questions-What are the structures and power delineations which move our democracy in its allocation of rights? Is Black Power a call to action or a determined program of political behav- ior? Can the scales of justice only be' brought into balance by the pressure of a violent thumb? And, finally, how are we to face the human agony of soaring expectations in a defeating reality? Whatever our reaction to Mr. Car- michael's answers, his questions cannot help but excite us. For the moment, at least. BUT IN A WEEK, perhaps; the dilemma he poses will have lost its horns. Stokely Carmichael will have taken his place in the larger process of Public Boredom. Our interest, our love and at- tention, is ephemeral-perhaps this is only human. But in the society of Septem- ber, 1966, our enthusiasms have become more transient than ever before. First, we are pressed by a complex of communications. Publications and pro- gramming descend upon us from all sides with not one, but one-thousand Vital Is- sues. Our attention span is strained by a proliferation of worthwhile objects. Even the most disinterested spectator of current Americana, has his television, his local evening news, his Walter Cronkite, and his NBC White Paper. But, more important, each crucial is- sue is subject to constant rehashing. The audience who responded to a mass mur- der with horror on Tuesday, will be dull- ed by Thursday, and drowned by the weekend. IN THE CASE of a prolonged struggle such as civil rights, the application is obvious. The public becomes immune to the shock of man's inhumanity to man. And the people most intimately involved with the revolution become bored with all that has gone before. The new militancy which Mr. Carmich- Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS.... .... Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH ..............Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL.........Circulation Manager ael expresses is a product, not only of expectation-frustration, but also of en- nui. The militant Negroes have been sat- urated with the charisma of Martin Luther King, and are restless for a change. The back-lashing whites, on the other hand, have seen cruelty too often to be moved to action. WE HAVE SEEN the development, in- ternal dissension, and decay of move- ments throughout history. But it took centuries to precipitate an enlighten- ment. Today, there are Reformations in the span of a single year .This accelera- tion of the emotional climate leads to rapid overthrow in the method and lead- ership of social movements. But the serious problem is not the eruption of differing theories of action; it is the threat of complete social iner- vation. Because we are bored with the discussion of a problem, we no longer seek for a solution. Obviously, we cannot thrownewspapers and radios to the fire, or declare a pogrom on Huntley and Brinkley. But we can learn to fear the descent of apathy. Without a constant awareness, social sufferings may become a trivial abstraction to those not inti- mately involved. FINALLY, WE MUST spur our efforts to realization of reform. Without an acceleration in political remedies, equal to the turnover in public attention and affection, there will be endless inaction. And Watts ad infinitum. -LIZ WISSMAN No Comment Department "UNTIL 1961, the University had a $50 room deposit applied to all dormitory residents. This was abolished in 1961 in favor of a $50 continuing enrollment de- posit applied to all students attending the University. A student did not get his con- tinuing enrollment deposit back until he left the University. "But in the summer of 1965 the contin- uing enrollment deposit was dropped in favor of two new deposits. The first is a $50 refundable enrollment deposit. This money is paid by the student several months prior to entering the University LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Kna uss' Committee Members Lauded 4 To the Editor: ALTHOUGH the coverage in The Daily of the report of The Role of the Student in University Affairs has been good, there has been insufficient recognition of the members of the committee that prepared the report. This was an excellent, hard- working committee, and the indi- vidual members deserve credit for their accomplishment. In addition, this committee was itself a unique example of faculty and student cooperation. ITS MEMBERS were as follows: Mr. Barry A. Bluestone-Under- graduate, former member SGC- VOICE Professor Innis S. Claude, Jr., Professor of Political Science Professor Eleanor G. Cranefield, Professor of Social Work Mr. Gary Cunningham-Under- graduate-President Student Gov- ernment Council Mr. John C. Feldkamp-Assist- ant to the Vice President of Stu- dent Affairs-(currently Director of Housing) Miss Nancy Freitag - Under- graduate-Past President Michi- gan League Mr. Robert Golden-Undergrad- uate - Literary School Steering Committee Mr. Richard A. Hoppe-Under- graduate-President Ointerfrater- nity Council Professor Charles S. Lehmann, Professor of Education Mr. James McEvoy-Graduate student, President Graduate Stu- dent Council Miss Ronna Jo Magy-Under- graduate - President Academic Committee, Union Activities Cen- ter Mr. Lawrence D. Phillips-Grad- uate Student-Research Assistant Psychology-Past President Grad- uate Student Council Mr. John E. Tropman-Graduate Student-Instructor Social Work THE COMMITTEE met almost weekly during the fall of 1965 and the spring of 1966. Each member contributed freely to the discus- sion and each was treated equally in attempting to arrive at a con- 1 nn +he vinxinino nints a 4- like responsible faculty will re- spect a confidence. Another point of some concern is how faculty and students inter- act in a committee. In our com- mittee the members often disa- greed among themselves, but there was no aligning of students versus faculty, or undergraduates versus graduate students-the splits of opinion cut across these designa- tions. IT WAS the success of our Ad Hoc Committee that led, in large part, to the recommendation of establishing a permanent Joint Advisory Council. It would have been impossible to write this report without the make-up of a commit- tee which included all segments of the University Community. -Robert L. Knauss, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Student Participation in University Affairs Demand for Rationality To the Editor: A NEWSPAPER editorial that in- dulges in wild polemics and is couched in terms of sensational propaganda does disservice to the author, but, far more important, muddles the issue discussed and results in a grossly inaccurate presentation. Research into the social sciences, and the sorority system definitely falls into this category, has made great progress on the basis of truth to empirical research. The editorial "Sororities: A View from Within" (Sept. 22) makes mockery of the best journalistic and empir- icist traditions in our society. THIS ARTICLE was no more than a rabid denunciation of a social system. Much more infor- mative and deserving of respect would have been a comprehensive attempt to discover truth-to el- lucidate thedreality of the insti- tution. This verbal chicanery un- doubtedly presents a compelling argument against the major weak- ness in sorority living. If it is trying to foment rebellion in 400 "weak-minded, conform- ist" rushees, perhaps it will be successful. Is that not what prop- aganda attempts to achieve? It will obviously have no effect on the present members of the Greek system because we have al- ready sold our souls, our individual freedom, to the devil of mediocre, mass society. HOWEVER, I must not stray too far from my demands for ration- ality. Thorough research into sor- ority living has been conducted by the Psychology Department, and I shall be much more receptive to a logical presentation of facts than hysteria. So I must examine the validity of Miss O'Donohue's edi- torial on its own merits and from personal observation. What has she said? I find that the editorial has made a series of illogical compari- sons and gross generalizations. Miss O'Donohue attempted to equate the social activities of peo- ple (sorority women) with the in- tellectual and academic pursuits of the student. There is no justi- fication for this approach. I do not find verification for her dogmatic assertion that the soror- ity exists only for social reasons, nor that it forces an individual to relinquish intellectual and cultur- al Interests and subject herself to an entirely social existence. I SHOULD LIKE to know the reasons for defining a sorority as a monolithicdentity that operates above the individual decisions of its members. An enumeration of the multitude of activities and in- terests pursued by each individual in any house would demonstrate the falsity of her assertions. I do not deny that each individ- ual must make choices in life about the mode of her existence. Where is the proof that sorority living greatly narrows an individ- ual's horizons, her thoughts, her associations? Nor do I accept her implicit assumption that the apartment-dweller is offered a wider scope of vision and a great- er degree of freedom. Since no facts were presented as to the amount of freedom sorority living destroys; from my obser- vation, freedom of action and thought is an individual peroga- tive. FINALLY, the editorial warns of great social costs that must be paid for sorority membership. We are stereotyped as social butter- flies, and we are a class. There is no sociological definition of the word "class" as Miss. O'Donohue has used it. This is the greatest error in her article. Most individuals have more than one group membership, more than one area of interest. If one affili- ation predominates, it is the choice of the individual. Sororities do not ed in truth than a dogmatic solu- tion to a complex social problem. I have no regret that my letter will be published after the rush period has ended. I do not bemoan the fact that Miss O'Donohue's article was calculated to strike the death blow to the Panhellenic system with no time for a re- joinder. I only believe that human en- ergies are better directed at hon- esty to reality. If the issue is im- portant enough to become ex- tremely agitated about, it must also be important enough to dis- cuss. -Linda Silverstein, '68 Cycle Law To the Editor: CONCERNING Robert Bende- low's "City Cycle Law Makes Sense," I must raise several ob- jections as well as voice my agree- ment with several of his proposi- tions. Special lighting for cycles rid- den at night is essential and I was surprised to hear that such a law was not already in effect. I strongly reaffirm Bendelow's position on training and special licensing. It is easy to ride a mo- torcycle, but difficult to ride with safety. I MUST, however, disagree with the helmet ordinance. I personally wear my helmet at all times and regard a rider as foolish for not wearing one. But since the essen- tial function of a helmet is to protect the wearer, shouldn't the rider have the option of whether he wants to protect himself or not. Possibly a sticker could be placed on every cycle saying "Caution: Motorcycle Riding with- out a helmet may be hazardous." As for a helmet increasing visi- bility, it probably would. But of much greater importance is edu- cating the four-wheeled public as to the legitimate presence of mo- torcycles on the highway. Possibly the "Lights on for Safety" campaign could be adopted (it is a fact that lights, even in daylight, increase the visibility of a eve1e I A1 'I __ _. _ _U__ _ A 41 I -V & "? IN I