SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TTIRER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1966 THE MICHICUAN DAILY PAC~ TUTI'V I nllG a va nr 1G k Denounce As, Cover By The Associated Press , manded U.S. military withdrawalt TOKYO-North Viet Nam and as the price for peace in Southeast the Soviet Union denounced yes- Asia. But the U.S. refused to ac- terday, as hypocritical, new United cept a hard-hitting hour-long States proposals for peace in Viet speech yesterday by Soviet Foreign Nam put forth by Ambassador Ar- Minister Andrei A. Gromyko in the thur J. Goldberg at the United UN General Assembly as the final Nations. word, and said it still awaited a Hanoi's official Viet Nam news considered reply to its Viet Nam agency said the new proposals proposals. were designed "to cover up the The U.S. offered Thursday to U.S. scheme to expand and pro- halt the bombing of North Viet long its aggression in South Viet Nam if it got assurances from Nam and to cope with the world Hanoi that it would take corre- protest against the U.S. intention sponding measures to defuse the 'to stay' and 'maintain American war. It proposed also that both troops' in South Viet Nam." sides agree to a time-table for a The Soviet Union again de- supervised military withdrawal. U.S. I for A The proposals drew this com- ment from Gromyko: "What does the statement made here in the General Assembly on behalf of the U.S. government mean? "It means that the U.S. govern- ment defends its aggressive course in the Viet Nam question, and that there are still no signs tes- tifying to the seriousness of the intention of Washington to seek a settlement of this problem, and to stop the aggression against the Vietnamese people." U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg, who presented the U.S. proposals, asked for the rostrum eace Plan Yugoslavian McNamara Reveals Writer Draws Armament Increase Prison Term I e .,_..._ .. aggression -t- to speak in reply. He said the U.S. had made "se- rious and genuine offers to break out of the tragic impasse in Viet Nam. We have offered to take the first step in reducing the intensity and extent of the military con- flict." .-"We of the U.S. will persevere in our efforts for peace in Viet Nam. We still await a considered reply to our affirmative propo- sals, and we continue in the hope that all members of this organi- zation will join in this great en- deavor." Gromyko said that the Viet Nam problem should be solved along the lines put forth by Han- oi: unconditional cessation of bombing of the north, withdrawal of all armed forces of the U.S. and its allies from South Viet Nam, removal of U.S. military bases, and granting the Vietna- mese people a chance to settle their own affairs., "The aggressor has come to Viet Nam, the aggressor should leave," Gromyko declared. Renewed Soviet Pledge He renewed the Soviet pledge of continued assistance to North Viet Nam "to fight off aggression." Gromyko said it was an "un- disputable fact" that each so- called peace offensive by the Unit- ed States is followed by a further escalation of aggressive actions. Izvestia said there was nothing new in the speech in which Gold- berg proposed that both sides agree to a phased, supervised mil- itary withdrawal from South Viet Nam as a prelude to ending the war. The Hanoi dispatch, monitored in Tokyo, demanded anew that the U.S. recognize the South Viet Nam National Front For Libera- tion, "as the sole genuine repre- sentative of the South Vietnamese people." The agency commented that, showing "the U.S. reluctance to recognize the South Viet Nam Na- tional Front for Liberation, Gold- berg clumsily said that 'a seg- ment of the combatant force' should 'take part in the negotia- tion.' He also quoted Lyndon Johnson as saying that 'this ques- tion would not be an insurmount- able problem.'" It added: "~Facts show that the U.S. government has never recon- ciled itself to recognizing the South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation as the sole genuine representative of the South Viet- namese people, to admit that any question and solution concerning South Viet Nam should be dis- cussed with the NLF." U.S. - Soviet Negotiations Threatened by Peace Bid UNITED NATIONS, (P) - The fairs chief tonight. U.S. effort. to enlist Soviet help U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold- in getting peace talks going on Viet berg, who previously invited Mos- Nam has run into a renewed de- cow's "good offices" for a Viet claration by Foreign Minister An- Nam settlement, heard perhaps a drei A. Gromyko of Moscow sup- slightly less harsh Gromyko line port for Hanoi. on Viet Nam yesterday than he The more immediate question, had expected. Goldberg left the therefore, is how far the Kremlin door open for a Soviet change. will inject the great impasse over But the Kremlin representative Viet Nam into other international showed no interest in a negotiated issues. settlement as he denounced U.S. After Gromyko's UN speech yes- "aggression against the Vietnam- terday and his private talk with ese people" and vowed "support to Secretary of State Dean Rusk on the heroic Vietnamese people." Thursday night, the impression American diplomats dismissed as has gained ground that the Rus- old hat propaganda Gromyko's sians will be sticky about enter- call for dismantling of all foreign ing into any accords directly with bases, admission of Communist the U.S. but they may prove more East Germany to the U.N. and amenable to multination agree- withdrawal of foreign troops from ments. South Korea. This would include such items They noted, on the other hand, as a treaty to preserve outer space that he did not specifically reaf- for peaceful use, to which Ameri- firm previous Soviet objections ca would be a major party, and which have held up the signing possible progress on a treaty to of an outer space treaty. outlaw the spread of nuclear wea- And while Gromyko's thrust pons. again at Washington's proposal Rusk plans a further explora- for nuclear-sharing among the At- tion of Gromyko's stand on these lantic allies, much else of what and other issues in a second meet- he said about the need for a pact ing with the Soviet foreign af- to prevent the spread of atomic World News Roundup arms harmonized with U.S. views. U.S. diplomats put high priority on getting an international nu- clear nonproliferation a c c o r d signed before new countries decide to enter the atomic race. So they were giving close study to Gro- myko's words on this. Two-Party Advocate Guilty of Spreading False Informationi ZADAR, Yugoslavia (A) - Au- thor Mhajlo Mihajlov, outspoken ropponent of single-party com-' munism who contended in his writings that Yugoslavia was a totalitarian country, was convicted yesterday of spreading false in- formation, and sentenced to 12 months in prison. Dr. Ivo Gloaatski, Mihajlov's de- fense attorney, said he will appeal the verdict. Mihajlov said that pending the appeal, he will not publish anything in order to avoid a premature arrest. The state prosecutor did not ask for immediate imprisonment of1 Mihajlov, so he will remain free pending his appeal. Pleads Innocent A three-judge panel listened to 6 12 hours of testimony and argu- ment Thursday, during which Mi- hajlov pleaded innocent and told the court: "I deeply believe that what I stated in my writings is the truth. I cannot consider Socialist a society in which only 6 to '71 per cent have all rights and the' others none." Mihajlov was not in the court to hear his sentence. He had been in the corridor earlier but left after the three-judge panel post- poned its verdict for further con- sultations. He entered after the judge had finished reading the verdict and sentence. He said no one had summoned him after the recess. Mihajlov was convicted on one count of the indictment--spread- ing false information aimed at in-. citing displeasure and provoking dissatisfaction among the popula- tion. He was credited with 62 days he spent in jail in April 1965, and last August. This cut the sentence to 10 months. He could have drawn two years and five months in prison. Acquitted on Second Count He also was banned from parti- cipating in public activities or publishing for one year. The court also ordered confiscation of 2,000 new dinars - $160 - earnings from articles cited in the indict- ment. Mihajlov was acquitted on the second count of the indictment- dissemination of banned printed material. This stemmed from a charge that he permitted a maga- zine run by Polish immigrants in Paris to publish his "Moscow Sum- mer 1964," an article criticle of the Soviet Union. It was banned in Yugoslavia last year. member special committee for in any other time in the past consideration prior to the annual i five years. ARK COFFEE HOUSE 1401 Hill Street Folk-Singing this Saturday Night, 8:30-11:30 Featuring--- Sandy & Ginny "The best new group to come out of this part of the country in years." P.L.C.B. Treaty Organization w o r k i n g group on nuclear planning, where he and defense minister of four other members of NATO agreed on arrangements to give America's NATO allies a bigger nuclear role. The arrangements were not dis- closed, but were said to encompass a proposed chain of commands across Western Europe to control the nuclear arsenal made avail- able by the U.S. The plans were described as im- portant steps designed to give the alliance greater solidarity. They will be submitted to NATO's 10- ROMEVV) - U.S. Defense Sec- ministerial meeting in December. retary Robert S. McNamara told Speaking of the increase of U.S. the Atlantic allies yesterday that nuclear strength in Europe, Mc- America now has about 7,000 nu- Namara told the other defense clear warheads in Western Eu- ministers: "There are today in that rope-an increase of more than inventory approximately 7,000 nu- 100 per cent in the past five years. clear warheads available to the McNamara called the current NATO forces." total of nuclear weapons "a fan- He said none of the warheads tastically high inventory, a re- were on French soil. markable accomplishment." Recommendation by the nuclear He made the disclosure at a planning group now are general. meeting of the Nortth Atlantic If approved by the council they will be submitted to refinement and detailed planning. McNamara was known to be highly pleased by the results of the planning group. Various of America's NATO allies, particu- larly West Germany, have long complained of insufficient oppor- tunity to take part in the organi- zation's nuclear setup. McNamara was said to feel that the group's four meetings - in Washington in February, in Lon- don in April, in Paris in July and now in Rome-had brought more advances in nuclear planning than WAVE OF INFILTR ATION: Communists Bid for Initiative As Monsoon Rains Threaten $1.00 cover charge r By The Associated Press SAIGON - About 1,000 North Vietnamese soldiers joined yester- day in human wave attacks against a South Vietnamese com- mand post in the central high- lands. They were hurled back in three hours of close-quarter fight- ing, a Vietnamese spokesman an- nounced. The biggest guerrilla strike of the month, plus a report by U.S. Marine sources that three new North Vietnamese battalions have infiltrated across the 17th Paral- lel border raised a possibility that the Communists are bidding for the initiative as the monsoon rains move north again. The Leatherneck source said Marines fighting in Operation Prairie, just south of the demili- tarized zone, have encountered three North Vietnamese battal- ions not seen before in South Viet Nam. He said tentative identification has been made of a fourth fresh battalion, but confirmation is not complete. Two battalions are from the 324B Division's 803rd Regiment and the other is part of its 812th Regiment. The battalion tentatively iden- tified is believed to be from the North Vietnamese 341st Division. A North Vietnamese battalion us- ually averages about 500 men. The largest Marine operation fought in Viet Nam, Operation Hastings, deployed the Leather- necks against six battalions of the 324B Division. The three new units identified in Operation Prairie account for all nine battalions of the division. The Marines say they have counted the bodies of 595 Com- munist troops killed in Operation Prairie since Aug. 3. Another 899 are listed as probably killed. Identification of the battalion from the 341st Division is ques- tioned because it would mean the entire mission of the division has been changed. The unit previously was a home guard unit. Its move- ment south of the 17th Parallel would indicate the division has adopted an offensive role. High ranking Marine officers are worried about limitations the monsoon rains will impose upon Leathernecks responsible for the 1st Corps area, the military sec- tor which borders the Communist North. The monsoon should reach this area before the end of September. "I'm as concerned as hell about the monsoon," said Col. A. D. Cereghino, 47, of Burlingame, Calif., commander of the 4th Ma- rine Regiment, fighting in Opera- tion Prairie. The cloud level will drop to 100 feet in valleys along the demili- tarized zone when the monsoon season brings daily rains. This will hamper air support. "I know we will overcome these problems," said Cereghino. 11 Academy Award Winning Movie MONSIEUR VINCENT The Story of the Life of St. Vincent De Paul (French Dialogue: English Subtitles) Sunday, September 25, 7 P.M. Wesley Foundation, corner State & Huron Public Is Invited No Charge CHAU DOC, Viet Nam-Flood water that has made an inland sea of four border provinces was waist deep and rising in Chau Doc's main street yesterday. Eighty per cent of the area's rice crop is drowned and the rest is threat- ened. Melted ice from the Himalayas combined with monsoon rains to swell the Mekong, the world's 12th largest river, to its highest level in five years on its way from Tibetan highlands to the South China Sea. U.S. officials in Chau Doc, near the Cambodian frontier said no lives have been reported lost as yet. brought under the law, at $1 an hour minimum to start. *. * * WASHINGTON-P r e s i d e n t Johnson appealed to seven gov- ernors yesterday to help hold down spending while reportedly predict- ing Vietnamese war costs will jump at least $10 billion over the present level. The administration never has said what that level is or what it it may become. Gov. William W. Scranton of Pennsylvania said that in light of the President's analysis "a rise in taxes in the next Congress is pretty clear." LONDON (P) - A British re- search institute says South Viet Nam, which officially claims 317,- 000 regular soldiers, actually has a fighting force of 90,000 men. The Institute for Strategic Studies in its annual estimate of world military power said today that many units of South Viet Nam's army are "known to be be- low their establishment figures." In Saigon, a U.S. military spokesman said Thursday that there are now 311,000 U.S. service- men in Viet Nam. South Viet Nam claims more than 550,000 men in its regular and paramilitary forces. 11 I I i I I 0 I of Yamaha Springtime is swingtime on a Yamaha sportcycle. So come on down and see the new spring swinger, the Twin Jet 100. You'll flip, be- cause the Twin Jet is a lotta sportcycle. 2 cylinders, 2 carburetors, 2 exhaust pipes, double everything in the GO department. The styling is lean and low.-It looks fast...and it is, The precise handling is bred-in from the 250cc Grand Prix Champion Yamahas. Our shop is the home of the Swinging World, so come on in for a ride on the Twin Jet 100. It's so safe ...if you can ride a bicycle, you you can ride a Yamaha.Try one out for yourself and you'll see why Yamaha, with proven oil-injection, is the top-selling 2-stroke in the I I