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September 24, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-24

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US. Peace Proposals

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Windy with little
chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





oua rrssass.ua

'U' Boycott
, Prepares Resolution
Condemning Regents,
Speech by Hatcher
The Michigan AFL-CIO yester-
day postponed any immediate
threat of a boycott of the Univer-
sity's educational services and also
passed a motion authorizing the
officers to prepare a resolution
condemning P r e s i d e n t Harlan
Hatcher's speech in Los Angeles on
Thursday and the Regents for
continuing their opposition to col-
lective bargaining.
The formalmdeclaration con-
demning President Hatcher's ad-
dress and the Regents' stand will
probably appear early next week.
The boycott plan was - directed
as punishment for the University's
opposition to PA 379, a state law
requiring public employers to bar-
gain collectively with employes.
The major facility that was
threatened by the boycott is the
University-Wayne Institute of La-
bor and Industrial Relations.
An AFL-CIO spokesman said
that the University educational
services are "too tied in with
Wayne State" to establish a boy-
cott which could hurt the Uni-
versity but not Wayne.
President Hatcher's speech to
the California Bar Association
questioned the rights of public
employes to use collective bar-
gaining methods.
Old and Weary
"The old and weary bitterness
of labor-management strife and
warfare should not be carried into
the public service or into a mod-
ern university enviornment," Pres-
ident Hatcher said.
There was extensive discussion
of the speech-at the state meet-
ing, and it aroused animosity and
opposition, according to an AFL-
CIO spokesman.
.aUniversity administrators main-
tain PA 379 infringes on the Uni-
versity's constitutional autonomy.
But the University lost a plea for
an injunction to stop certification
of collective units in the Univer-
sity, and its. suit to overturn PA
379 is still pending in the courts.
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
In apparent reference to the PA
379 controversy, President Hatcher
said in his Los Angeles talk that
for legislatures to set a university
budget and then allow bargaining
"is to require frustrating rituals
by the wrong agents, at the wrong
time, in the wrong place, over the
wrong issues."
Injection of industrial union
bargaining techniques into public
employnent, President Hatcher
said, "comes at a time when the
model itself and its wider implica-
tions are being subject to severe
strains, severe misgivings on the
part of some thoughtful leaders
and particularly by the big, long-
suffering but sympathetic general

S-- __ _- _Improvement
1 4riItrigan Baty Of Rackham
NEWS WIRE Is Proposed
-' Dean Spurr To Apply


DORMITORY OVERCROWDING has been relieved substan-
tially, according to John Feldkamp, director of housing. Feld-
kamp reports that the only students presently living in converted
rooms are those who do so at their own wish.
As of Sept. 1, there were still vacancies at both Baits and
Oxford housing. Well over 40 units are, presently vacant due to
"no-shows" or people who have broken their contracts, Edward
Salowitz, assistant to Feldkamp indicated.
1800 new University-owned housing units will be available in
the fall of 1967 with the completion of Bursley Hall and the sec-
ond section of the Baits complex.
ANN ARBOR'S REPUBLICAN City Organization unanimously
endorsed the proposed constitutional amendment for the 18-year-
old franchise, approving the State Republican platform. George
Thorne, chairman of the Ann Arbor body, said, "The 18-year-old
of today is obviously a better educated, more responsible and more
sophisticated citizen than his counterpart of a few generations
ago. Governmental deciisons having a profound impact on his
life are being made almost daily. It seems then only reasonable
and fair that the 18-year-old should be permitted to participate
in those decisions."
THE UNIVERSITY REGENTS agreed Thursday to partici-
pate in an Ann Arbor-University study of the Huron River Valley
Guy Larcom, city administrator, and Ray Martin, city plan-
ning consultant, were named to represent the city and John
McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president, and John Telfer, campus
planner, to represent the University in defining objectives of the
The general purpose of the study will be to survey the present
land use in the river valley and determine needed acquisitions
by both the city and the University to ensure open space in the
area in the future.
sion on "The Draft-Where It Is Going" Oct. 2 at 4 p.m. in Aud.
A of Angell Hall..Captain William S. Pascoe, USN public informa-
tion officer, will represent the Selective Service along with a mem-
ber of the Lansing board. They will be joined by Ed Robinson,
'67, president of 'Student Government Council and John DeLa-
mater, Grad, president of Graduate Student Council.
Open questioning will follow the discussion.
* * * *
PETITIONS FOR the student position on the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications may be obtained at the Student
Activities Building. Petitions must be returned -to the SAB by
Oct. 3.
* *x* *
"THE MARKET," a newly created student merchandise ex-
change, will open Monday. Combining the efforts of UAC and SGC,
"The Market is designed as a go-between for students wishing to
buy or sell anything from motorcycles to books. UAC members will
run "The Market," but no merchandise will actually be handled'
by the exchange.
Offices for "The Market" will be in the Union near the UAC
headquarters. Offers to buy or sell can be placed by calling 665-
3303 between 3-5 p.m.
cently by General Chairman Richard Rattner. The committee
includes Rebecca Rapport, assistant chairman; Steve Goldman,
publicity; Jim Heisler, promotion; Mark Rosenberg, communica-
tion; Bruce Hillman, set design; Nancy Fox, costume design;
Richard Miller, lighting design; Toby Feldman, costumer; Jeff
Davidson, technical director; Bruce Anderson, program design;
Ken Krone and Allan Sweet, program advertising; James Dunn
and Robert Lander, tickets and ushers; Kate Siegel, props; Phil
Doolittle, stage manager; Chuck Robinson, treasurer; Peggy
Morgenstern and Donna Farnum, secretaries; Merle Jacobs,
make-up; and Maureen Anderman, assistant to the director.

Liberal New Concepts
To Graduate School
Dean Steiuhen . Spurr of the
R-kham School of Graduate
Studies discussed "Graduate Edu-
cation in the United States" yes-
xtrday afternoon at the first of a
;series of informnal colloquia spon-
sored by the Graduate School
As the representative of the
graduate students in the Rackham
School, which comprises 25 per
cent of the student body, Spurr's
major concern is attracting the
best graduate students and gradu-
ating them expediently and with
the best education possible.
Spurr said the University is
leading the effort in the national
development of an intermediate
major degree between the Mast-
er's degree and the Doctor of
Philosophy. This degree, the Can-
didate in Philosophy, would for-'
mally recognize the student who
has successfully completed his for-
Imat study, but has not yet written
his dissertation.
He also wants the Faculty Exe-
cutive Board to review "the wealthj
of regulations that are not direct-
ly pertinent" and to simplify the
Spurr is especially interested in
changing the often circumvented:
requirement of a reading knowl-
edge of two foreign languages. In-
stead, he wants to "establish mini-1
mum standards that all graduate
students must meet."
"Well aware that graduate stu-
dents do not live by knowledgea
alone," Spurr said that he is try-}
ing to develop "package plans". t
These would enable graduate stu-a
dents to live at a reasonable stan-
dard of living while gaining maxi- !h
mum work and educational ex-I
SHe said the American Council
of Education rated the Universityr
distinguished in 8 fields and
strong in the other 20 areas. Thed
University and the University oft
California at Berkeley were theC
only two state supported institu-h
tions ranked in the top ten. b

-Daily-Chuck Soberman
The zoology department opens its new Amphibian Laboratory today. The guest of honor for the
opening will be University of Hiroshima President Dr. Toshijiro Kawamura, a world authority on
amphibians. Dr. Kawamura, pictured here (left) with a member of the zoology department, has been
working closely with University Prof. George W. Nace on the new amphibian project. The Amphibian
Laboratory will be an extension of the work that Dr. Kawamura has done in Hiroshima. To co-
ordinate research, a member of the Japanese staff will remain in Ann Arbor.
Pr'o fess tonal uccess
Not Related to Grade

By CLARENCE FANTO pleted their fellowships.
Managing Editor The findings showed students
Research teams in New York who had graduated from college
and Utah have recently come up with honors, who had won scho-
with findings which should prove'lastic medals or who had been
to be of great comfort to many elected to Phi Beta Kappa were
anxious students. more likely to be in the "lower
There seems to be no direct re- professional performance levels"
lationship between high grades in than students who had not dis-
college and professional success in tinguished themselves while in
later life college.
Dr. Eli Ginzberg, a New York: Med Grades
researcher, studied a group of Co- In another survey, a team of
lumbia University graduate stu- University of Utah professors
dents who had won fellowships to found there is almost no relation-
the school between 1944 and 1950. ship between the grades a medical
Ginzberg's task was to find out student gets and his later per-
how sucessful the 342 students had formance.
become 14 years after they com- This finding startled the leader

Student Participants Accord
Knauss Report 'Qualified Yes'

of the research team, Dr. Phillip
B. Price. He called it a "shocking
finding to a medical educator like
myself who has spent his profes-
sional life selecting applicants for
admission to medical school."
He added that the study caused
him to question the adequacy of
grades not only in selecting those
who should be admitted to medical
school but also in measuring a
There are numerous theories
attempting to explain these sur-
prising findings. The most com-
mon one affirms that the over-
emphasis on grades which begins
when a student is in junior high
school and continues throughout
his academic career tends to de-
stroy interest in learning for its
own sake.
Love of Learning
John Holt, an educator and au-
thor of "Why Children Fail," ob-
serves that current school methods
destroy love of learning by en-
couraging students to work for
petty rewards -names on honor
rolls ,gold stars, for the "ignoble
satisfaction of feeling they are
better than someone else."
Among the by-products of grade
pressure are cheating and suicide.
A research project by a Columbia
University researcher, William J.
Bowers, established that a major-
ity of college students cheat on
examinations at some point in
their academic career. The project
was based on a two-year investi-
gation at 99 colleges and uni-
Bowers interviewed 6,000 stu-
dents and 600 deans. He found'
cheating prevalent at every one of
the 99 schools and, statistically, it
turned out to be three times a*
common as the deans believed.

Haber Sees
Delay in LSA
Student Advisory
Groups Planned at
Departmental Levels
Student academic advisory com-
mittees, organized at the depart-
mental level within the literary
college, will not be established on
a full scale basis at this time,
Literary College Dean William
Haber and Robert Golden, '67, of
the college's Steering Committee
said yesterday.
Haber explained that while there
is "much merit" in the concept
of such advisory committees, they
will be difficult to implement at
first. Consequently great care
must be taken in planning and
setting them up to avoid involv-
ing students and department
chairmen in unnecessary meetings
or other unproductive sessions.
In discussing the organization
of the advisory committees yes-
terday, Haber and Golden decided
that the best approach toward
their successful realization would
be the immediate establishment of
the committees in only two or
three departments. These would
provide an experienced base from
which other departments could
Haber pointed out that prob-
lems of size, frequency of meetings,
and agenda planning could be
worked out by these few depart-
ments, facilitating the process for
the others. "We can learn," he
said, "how fast to expand and in
what ways.".
Varying forms of student aca-
demic advisory committees cur-
rently exist within the University
structure, although most of these
are concerned primarily with
graduaate education. Most, as well,
are organized on a school or col-
lege level rather than on a de-
partmental level.
Within the literary college itself,
the psychology department has
experimented with an essentially
undergraduate academic advisory
committee. Golden hopes to re-
vitalize this committee as one of
the three starting groups and
mentioned the anthropology and
sociology departments as other
possibilities because of the interest
they have already shown in insti-
tuting similar committees.
More specific plans for begin-
ning advisory committee organi-
zation have not yet been com-
pletely formulated by the Steering
The program has thus far, at
least in theory, received the active
support of Student Government
Council. SGC President Ed Robin-
son, '67, explained that the phi-
losophy behind the student aca-
demic advisory committees is ba-
sically sound: they will not at-
tempt to effect administrative
changes, but instead will seek to
improve the way courses are run
in each particular department
through co-operative student and
faculty evaluation.
The recently published Knauss
Report on student participation
has also recognized the need for
student academic advisory com-
mittees. Effectiveness of already
existing advisory groups was found
to be contingent upon active sup-
port by the chairman of the school
or department and participation
by the faculty.

The report indicated as well that
the "effectiveness of the organi-
zation depends upon the degree of
their involvement in departmental
affairs, and on the amount of re-
sponsibility they are given by the
The committee which prepared
the Knauss Report found 92 or-
ganizations' at the department or
school level with the University
intended to serve in some aca-
demic advisory capacity. Of these,
only 26 were registered with SGC
as officially recognized student
The report stated that "student
participation in the schools, col-
leges, and other academic- units
has not been widely recognized
within the University.

"Good as tar as it goes" is the
overall judgment of the studentsj
who worked on the Knauss report
on student participation.
After a year and a half of
weekly meetings, hours of debate
and discussion and consideration
of numerous interim reports, the
nine students who wrote the re-

port with four professors, are gen- ing them to take a longer time to
erally satisfied with it, but have complete college with no penalties.
doubts on the extent to which it: The students are very much in
will be implemented. They think favor of the recommendations on
f that in some areas it should have restructuring Student Government
gone further or have made more Council and the Joint Advisory
concrete recommendations. Council.
One area of particular concern Golden called the recommenda
to the students is that of student tion on SGC "perhaps the strong-
participation in academic affairs, est part of the report" and "one
though opinion varies on method solution to making the University
and extent of participation. a real community of all the stu-

Clarify Procedures for 'U' Influence

The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs was estab-
Slished to give members of the fac-
ulty a voice in University deci-
sions. It has operated on a fluc-
tuating basis in the past but with
reorganization it may become a
powerful organ.
SACUA, prior to reorganization,
was made up of 19 members elect-
ed at large by the faculty com-
munity. They were chosen by a
nominating body of the various
colleges but not by the schools;
In the spring of 1965, a pro-
posal of reorganization w a s
brought up before SACUA for ap-
proval but was referred to the
Subcommittee on University Free-
dom and Responsibility to iron
out difficulties.
This subcommittee was formed
in 1961 to probe "the effect of the
size of the University on the fac-
ulty's ability to formulate a con-
sensus and communicate it in time

stronger voice than it had in the
! There was an addition of a
third policy body, a legislative as-
sembly. Its 65 members are nomi-
nated and elected within the
schools themselves. The numbers
of members within the Assembly
are proportionate to the size of
the college.
! The Assembly can initiate
binding action which can only be
rebuked by a called meeting of
the Senate.
The Assembly elects the nine-
man SACUA, the executive body,
which controls the agenda of the
various subcommittees which it
A proposed action is given to
the appropriate subcommittee for
study. The subcommittee will pre-
sent its report to SACUA which
will bring it up before the Assem-

committee meets with A. Geoffrey1
Norman, vice-president for re-
search; the campus planning sub-
committee meets with Wilbur
Pierpont, vice-president and chief
financial officer, etc.
Theoretically the vice-presidents
will consult with these subcommit-
tees on policy questions. However,
this hasn't always worked in the
Last spring the Assembly was
in an uproar because one of the
vice-presidents had not consulted
his advisory subcommittee before
accepting a new institute.
Voting eligibility is a hazy pro-
cess. Only full professors and
assistant professors may be mem-
bers, and therefore vote in the
Assembly, although the literary
college allows people who have
only been here a year to vote for
that college's Assembly members.'

Morgan said that although largej
numbers of faculty members are
involved in research, most have at
least one class which they lecture.
The Universityuadministrators
usually come through the ranks of
the faculty and most hold the title
of professor and can theoretically
Faculty members admit that
while SACUA gives the faculty
representation and a voice in Uni-
versity decisions several difficul-
ties still remain,
-There is the possibility of dup-
lication of efforts; the various
schools may pass similar resolu-
tions such as the education school
and the literary college did onM
HUAC, or possibly different ones.

"Curricula should never be left
entirely to faculty," said Barry
Bluestone, grad. "Students should
sit on faculty academic commit-
tees and have a proportionate vote
on curriculums," he added.
"If students are not given a
voice," Bluestone said, "they go
outside the system to get what
they want, as in the free univer-
Robert Golden, '67, thinks that
student, advisory c o m mi t t e e s
should be set up in each depart-
ment to advise department chair-
men and faculty in their specific
However, he said that a student
voting voice would only be feas-
ible if the committee members
could claim representative status
among students, ideally through
M the election process.
John Tropman, grad., on the

James McEvoy, grad., sees a re-
organized SGC as a "strong base
for student participation."
Golden puts the burden of re-
sponsibility for implementation on
the writers of the report, and feels
it is up to the committee to see
that the report is not shelved.

Revolutionary Data System
Facilitates Job Placement
By DAVID S. HOORNSTRA companies to schedule interviews
Computerization, that perennial this year.
invadofuan, hAmong the additions to last
invader of human relations, prom- year's 1,238 graduate- seeking
ises to be the hottest thing in companies are Inland Steel, Wey-
ices, according' to recent state erhauser Co., American Optical,
American college placement serv- Winkelman Brothers, and the New
ices, according tto recent kstate- York Daily News.
ments by Dr. Evart W. Ardis of More than 640 school districts
the University's Bureau of Ap- are expected to send recruiters to
pointments. Michigan to interview School of
The new "GRAD" (Graduate Education grads.
Resume Accumulation and Dis- Full-Time Staff
tribution) system enables gradu- Dr. Ardis heads up a full-time
ates of Michigan and other Col- staff of over twenty people with
lege Placement Council schools to 14 air-conditioned interview rooms
enter resumes in an electronic and what Dr. Ardis calls "the
data center at Bethlehem, Pa. largest career counseling library

In either case, neither has the other hand, feels that students
weight of a formal faculty state- should not be allowed to sit on
ment. faculty committees and that aca-
Admission demic and curriculum problems
--Certain policy questions, such and changes should be left to the
as admission policies, the pros- faculty.

Tbly for a vote. 'There is also a problem with pective size and growth of aC
Ultimate power lies with the representation of non-teaching school occur within the adminis- Conduct
Regents but as one SACUA mem- faculty. Technically members must trative structure of each college j Student conduct was an area

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