FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER,23,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER' 23, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A caua: laaAC+L 4_, Chinese Turmoil: Will It Aid Vietnam Negotiations? By WILLIAM L. RYAN An Associated Press News Analysis Peking's own accounts and oth- er reports from China make it clear that the "proletarian cultur- al revolution" there is, in fact, a real revolution. Its existence rais- es a question whether prospects for negotiations in Viet Nam might brighten as a result. The irrational violence of the Red Guards, publicly supported by Defense Minister Lin Piao and those who share power with him, is damaging Chinese influence all over the world. Chinese propaganda now attacks Committee Approves Damper Plan Consumer Index, New Auto Prices Reflect Inflation WASHINGTON (C')-The House Ways and Means Committee ap- proved yesterday the double-bar- reled anti-inflation program urged by President Johnson to put a damper on the business boom and hold down inflation. It voted to suspend from Sept. *~9 until Dec. 31, 1967, the seven percent investment credit author- ized in 1962 to encourage business- es to expand their facilities. It also voted to disallow during the same period two of three fast methods of depreciation used in constructing buildings and apart- ment houses not subject to the in- vestment credit. But it overrode the administra- tion's original proposal to deny also a third fast depreciation for- mula, known as the 150 percent declining balance depreciation. Inflation Higher pricesfor food, autos and medical care boosted sharply ris- ing living costs another four- tenths of one percent last month, the Labor Department reported yesterday. The biggest August price hikes 'were for food, up 1.3 percent over- all,rthe Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The increase brought the gov- ernment's consumer price index up to 113.8, meaning it cost $11.38 in August to purchase items that cost $10 in the 1957-59 period on which the index is based. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the index so far this year was up 2.5 percent, more than double the rise in the first eight months of last year and the biggest hike for the period since 1957. Commissioner Arthur M. Ross' announced that the bureau will check closely price increases by the auto industry on 1967 models to see if added, safety equipment represents a real increasein val- ues. The results of this check will not be known until November. In August, it was used cars that showed price increases, rising 1.5 percent at a time when prices us- ually go down as dealers unload remaining new 1966 models. Auto Prices General Motors surprised thet auto industry Thursday by an-1 touncing price increases smaller than those posted this week byt Ford and Chrysler. GM's new sticker prices - those which a customer would find on1 a car at his dealer's showroom - averaged out to $56 more than forE 1966 models.A Ford Motor Co. increase averag-l ed out'at,$113. Chrysler reported a $92 average boost, although oth- er sources figured Chrysler's in- crease at $103. American Motors, fourth largests of the nation's auto companies, in-r dicated it would wait until nextr week before joining the price rais-4 ing parade., It was expected that the increas-k ed price tags would cost U.S. mo- torists in the neighborhood of a1 billion dollars next year. This was based on anticipated sales ofj about 9.2 million cars, with the buyer not only paying a' bigger price for his, basic car, but also digging deeper to pay for the ac- cessories. Canadian automobile manufac- turers are heading for a clash with the federal government if they fail to narrow the price difference be- tween U.S. and Canadian 1967 mo- 4 dels. A federal spokesman made it clear that the government expects a reduction in the differential when new car prices are announ- ced. real or .imagined enemies on all sides: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, to say nothing of the prime targets, the United States and the Soviet Union. In turn, China is criticized by most of the world, including virtually every Communist party. With this progressive loss of Peking influence and the growing disorder inside China, it may oc- cur to others that the Chinese re- gime-main foe of peace talks- might be sufficiently isolated to permit progress toward a confer- ence table in Viet Nam. There are palpable dangers for the rest of the world in what is going on now in China. A mass hysteria has gripped the nation. The deliberate encouragement of violence by powerful leaders could reflect desperation after many foreign policy failures. The current leaders, not wanting to assume responsibility for those setbacks, can hide them behind the noise. It is conceivable that they might even accept wider for- eign policy risks to protect them- selves. But it is plain that the leaders are deeply involved in their inter- nal explosion, and with the nation off balance, they might more like-' ly want to keep the hysteria under a large measure of control. Piecing together what the Red Chinese themselves have reported, here is what is going on in that revolution: There are still people in author- ity contesting for power. Lin Piao called them "the small handful of reactionary bourgeois elements who oppose dictatorship by the broad masses of revolutionary peo- ple." There are dissident elements among party cadres-individual Communist leaders in responsible posts. This is admitted by the the- oretical journal Red Flag, which said recently the "majority" of cadres "are determined to support the Socialist road." These, it said, were those in categories of 'good and relatively good" cadres. Oth- ers were "those who committed serious mistakes," and those who were antiparty. Thus, a serious "antiparty" ele- ment still must be around. There must be a showdown. Red Flag said, "Either the bour-I geoisie or the proletariat will be in power." There is no middle way. Party Grasp! Over Army Not Total New Regulations Hint At Discord Within Communist Ranks Some forces are "trying to stifle lutely." A Red Guard leaflet inj the proletarian left wing." This Peking said: means some oppose current poli- "Why shouldn't we insult? We cies and would like reconciliation shall also do some beating." with Moscow. The current leader- I ship regar ds this as a right-wing In many provinces and cities', outlook. responsible party leaders have been dragged into the streets and beat- There is a wide front of oppo- en. sition to the cultural revolution. The evidence points to an attack The Red Guards have been now zeroing in on "reactionary re- warned not to incite people to visionists," whom the leaders label fight among themselves, and not as the main internal enemies. to insult and beat people. But a What is going on is a titanic Pravda dispatch to Moscow quoted struggle for the allegiance of the a Red Guard leader as saying this young people. The teen-age Red order "need not be observed abso- Guards have proved a potent wea- pon with their flair for reckless cruelty. High leaders have told them they will be supported with all facilities to push the cultural revolution throughout the country: headquarters, special telephone lines, housing, transport, food and so forth. There remain influential Chi- nese Communists who obviously feel Red China's isolation has gone too far. Lin Piao is out to get them. He made an object lesson of Li Ta, one of the few surviving founding members of the Chinese Commun- ist party, who was deposed as a university rector and vilified. RACIAL ANALYSIS: Violence Erupts in Atlanta As Negroes Challenge Police TOKYO-New army regulations issued by Communist China sug- gested yesterday that Chairman Mao Tse-tung's hope of putting the Communist party in total con- trol of the armed forces has not yet been realized. The new regulations gave an- other strong hint of discord in the ranks of the 2.5 million-man army, there were indications of new purges and wrangling in the political ranks and a Japanese -Associated Press Foreign Ministry spokesman said AS CONGRESS CONSIDERED INFLATION, Budget Director Charles L. Schultze met with Presi- Tindicates he no longer has com- dent Johnson in the White House yesterday to relate the budget to the economy. i ndicatsiheno logernas - Ui ol.'r ntrJl ev the ChinA J 1.)- An (A) News Analysis { By DICK BLYSTONE fATLANTA (R) - Atlanta, bust- ling hub of the new South, is a sleek, souped-up '67 model, but it runs too fast for some of its parts, and a crack has developed in its finish. Rioting broke out last week in an impoverished Negro neighbor- hood of the city, which has at- tracted thousands of new Negro residents by its reputation forgfair- ness and opportunity. Over the weekend, violence erup- ted in another neighborhood, and for three straight nights angry Ne- Suppressed' In the same city where acre af- ter acre of upper middle class Negro residential territory stretch- es off to the west, where school integration came early and peace- fully, where there are more Negro colleges than anywhere in the world,gNegroes were shouting that they were suppressed, when not forgotten. Middle class Negro leaders have easy access to Mayor Ivan Allen, groes challenged police and city Jr., to discuss problems of their officials with a barrage of bottles, race, which constitutes 40 percent chunksrof concrete and home- of the city population, and one- made fire bombs.I third of the million-strong metro- Powell Beams After Slash Of Official Prerogatives Slavic Author Pleads Innocent In Case Against Publications ZADAR, Yugoslavia (W)-Mihaj- lo, Mihajlov, controversial Yugo- slav author who once wrote that the Soviet Union introduced con- centration camps before Hitler did, pleaded innocent yesterday at his trial on charges of spreading false information. "I deeply believe that it is the truth what I stated in my. writ- ings," he told a three man panel of judges at the start of his trial. The state prosecutoro has ac- cused the outspoken foe of one- party communlism of violation of the penal code by spreading false rumors aimed at inciting dissatis- faction among the people. Mihajlov also is accused of per- mitting reprints of his article, "Moscow Summer 1964," in which he charged the Soviet Union used concentration camps and practic- ed genocide before the Nazis did. In testimony, Mihajlov insisted that what he wrote was the truth, and there was no intention to vio- late Yugoslav laws. He contended in his writings that the Commun- ist regime should allow formation of opposition parties. Trying to explain his position, he said: "I cannot consider socialist a society in which only 6 or 7 per- cent have all rights and the others none. In America, the Negroes at least have organized bodies to struggle for their constitutional rights." Mihajlov was arrested last month as he was about to launch a magazine opposed to one-party communism in Yugoslavia and to hold a convention in Zadar to form an opposition political party. Possible Martyr President Tito, who has not fac- ed such open opposition since the case of Milovan Djilas a decade ago, appears determined to stop Mihajlov's activities but is hand- ling his case carefully so as not to make him a martyr. Before arresting him last month, the government tried to dissuade him from his plans for the maga- zine and meeting. He was arrest- ed and jailed when it became clear he planned to defy the warnings. He was released after 32 days, with no restriction on his move- ments, to prepare his defense. Regarding the charge of pub- lishing banned material, Mihajlov said that before he permitted a Polish emigree organization in Paris to publish the article, he had taken out the part which included the charge that the Soviet Union used concentration camps and practiced genocide earlier than the Nazis did. Before adjourning, the court announced it would hand down a verdict Friday morning. If con- victed, Mihajlov faces up to two years in prison plus five months from the previous suspended sen- tence. pin conrol over tae nese peo- ple. The regulations, published by the general political department of the army, stipulate that the first criterion for promotion of a soldier will be "whether or not he reads Chairman Mao Tse-tung's books, follows his teachings and acts on his instructions." Care for Troops The Liberation Army Daily, De- fense Minister Lin Piao's paper, said: "The regulations demand that the fighters should respect and care for the cadres, resolutely carry out orders, observe discipline and the regulations, study hard, make steady progress." On the political front, the Hong Kong Star quoted "a highly reli- able and expert source in Peking" as saying Chinese President Liu Shao-chi had offered his resigna- tion to Mao. The English language paper said the source reported Mao thus far had taken no action on Liu's resignation "but it is certain to be rejected." Liu has been supplant- ed as China's No. 2 man by Lin Piao, the new military strong man. Purged Radio Peking indicated that Lin Tieh, first secretary of the Hopei Province Communist party com- mittee and a member of the Cen- tral Committee, has been caught in the sweeping purge. In Tokyo, Kinya Niiseki, direc- tor of the Japanese Foreign Min- itry's public information bureau, told a news conference the violence of the Red Guards movement "has had a most deep and profound ef- fect on the Japanese people," par- ticularly intellectuals, and caused them "to observe China in a differ- ent light." politan area. But violent reaction to the wounding of a fleeing Negro by a white policeman and the shooting -one fatal-of two Negro teen- agers by a white man has demon- strated that some Negroes believe they are not represented, even by members of their own race. A struggle isr developing over who will represent them-a strug- gle in which antagonism between age groups and economic classes among Negroes is as evident as any between the races. Not Communicating "With a few exceptions, I don't think many middle class people, white or Negro, can communicate with these people," said Paul An- thony executive director of the oSuthern Region Council, a re- search body. "The world of the teen-age Negro slum dweller is completely foreign to anyone else in the community." This theme, in different terms, was the message of Willie Ricks of the Student. Nonviolent Coor- dinating Committee (SNCC) dur- ing a noisy rally Monday night in a riot neighborhood. "If we depend on these. Negro leaders and these 'Uncle Tom' lea- ders, we won't have nothing," he told a cheering throng, many of whom waved placards reading 'black power". WASHINGTON (R) - Rep. Ad- am Clayton Powell's wings were clipped yesterday by the House Education and Labor Committee, but he emerged talking like a win- ner apparently flying as high as ever. "I consider this a very progres- sive step forward," Powell said' of new rules adopted by the commit- tee that give a majority of the members a veto over many of the chairman's functions. In three tkey areas, Powell's au- thority would be cut down by the rules changes. He now must get the approval of the majority for any changes in committee person- nel and for his expenditure of any committee funds. And he can no longer exercise a pocket veto of bills approved by the committee. What had been billed as a revolt against Powell ended as a near love feast, with Powell praising the leaders of the rebellion, ac- cepting their proposal and steer- ing it to passage by a 27-1 vote. Only Rep. William H. Ayres, (R- Ohio) the committee's ranking Re- publican, voted against the new rules. Powell, Rep: Philip Burton, (D-Calif.) and Rep. Augustus F. Hawkins, (D-Calif.) abstained. Changes Meaningless Ayres called the changes mean- ingless since they expire at the end of this session of Congress and the Committee's work is largely done. However, Powell indicated he would accept similar rules when the next Congress convenes in January. In theory, the majority of any House Committee has final say in such matters, but it is an author- ity seldom exercised because of the aura of power and prestige that surrounds a chairman. As a result of Thursday's action, that aura no longer surrounds Powell. This should curb the free- wheeling, high-handed actions of the chairman that have embarras- sed the committee and the Con- gress," said one committee Demo- crat. "The rules can be meaningful if the Democratic majority will exercise its powers," said a Re- publican member. "But I'm afraid what's going to happen is now Adam will go on doing just what he has been doing." 11 a'k COFFEE HOUSE 1421 HILL STREET World News Roundup By The Associated Press Chung Hee Park. SAIGON-Navy guns and field The president, however, will not artillery jointly silenced enemy decide until Saturday whether to mortars that opened up twice yes- accept the resignations, apparent- terday against the American Ma- ly to give the situation time to rines who ran North Vietnamese cool off. regulars out of Gia Dinh. All quiet was the report at nightfall from WASHINGTON - The House that frontier bastion. Commerce Committee gave unani- The shipping channel war, in mous approval yesterday to a which Communist mines have truth-in-packaging bill that sub- damaged several allied vessels be- stitutes voluntary for mandatory tween Saigon and the South China standards to regulate the weights Sea, erupted again with an attack and quantities of consumer goods. by a Viet Cong recoilless rifle team The vote came only after sup- on a U.S. mine-sweeper patrolling porters of the Senate-passed legis- the Long Tao River. lation agreed to change the bill's * * most controversial section, which SEOUL, South Korea-An oppo- would have given the government sition deputy threw a ,can of hu- power to standardize packaging to man excrement at fivenCabinet facilitate price comparisons. ministers during a turbulent In its revised form, the provi- session yesterday of Parliament, sion gives the government power and brought South Korea to the to request industries to set volun- brink of a government crisis. tary standards in cases where the Ministers of Premier Chung Il- proliferation of package sizes has kwon's Cabinet said they had been impaired the ability of consumers insulted and submitted their resig- to make per-unit price compari- nations en masse to President sons. PRIME .MOVERS, "Easily the most popular BLUES BAND on campus!" $125 cover charge includes all you can eat. Friday, Sept. 2 30-11:30 I I ISRAELI FOLK DANCING OPEN HOUSE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE i Sunday, Sept. 25.. 2-4 P.M. FOR SENIORS Everyone Welcome 1429 Hill St. I 'ENSIANS ROVING BOOTH FRIDAY EVENING AT GUILD GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe International Dinner and Music of INDIA ARUN RAM-SITAR CONCERT Friday, September 23 7:30 I r CINEMA II pr ese ts EG W r I EDAR presentsNS * I ELKE SOMMER * r DIANE BAKER * r r r ATECHNICOLOR and CINEMASCOPE r r r r A fine international spy thriller in the tra- ; dtion of "Charade" and "North by North- . -ELKE7 SOMMERra WED., Sept. 21-Union Steps TH U RSA Sept. 22-Bus. Ad. Steps FRI., Sept. 23-Nursing School CiHEina qAiP* HE BIRTH OF A NATION" If'youare a member of the class of '67-graduate schools in- cluded-you should make an appointment for your senior picture sitting during the current sale. The photographers have begun work and there's a sitting fee of $2. Sign at the Roving Booth (times listed above) or at any time on the Diag. T (dir. D. W. Griffith-1915) American, silent. Uncut version. One of the greatest American films ever made. With THIS IS YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY !r! I II __ - _....r 11