Seventy-Sixth Year EPITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Hoping for Two Outcomes Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail Nf-ws PI-ONF': 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: NEIL SHISTER PA 379 Stand: To Cause ILIR Boycott? By HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director THE PEACE campaign in Ann Arbor is going to be a costly one to the peace movement - at least on a short-term basis. Motiviations behind the nom- ination of Mrs. Kenneth Bould- ing, as stated Monday night, were that "the war in Viet Nam is the overriding political issue that should confront voters. The best way to raise the war issue in this election is by supporting a 'peace' representative in an electoral con- text." The peace candidate would "educate" the voter and make him think about his obligation to op- pose the war." The candidate would be a rallying point for the anti-war movement and would solidify the various groups which oppose the war." And from this starting point organizers hope to develop a strong, on-going organization to build up, over a period of years, a solid opposition to the war, IN A CLOSE RACE between Weston Vivian and Marvin Esch, Mrs. Boulding's candidacy may make a difference. Perhaps she will even gain enough votes to be attributed as a factor in the p ssible defeat of Vivian. That will be, whether the or- ganizers admit it or not, a cost. Vivian's strong stands on HUAC and on civil rights are well known. He has further advocated recog- nizing China and admitting her to the United Nations Security Council in place of Taiwan. BUT IF ONE accepts, as the peace party does, the tenet that these issues become irrele-ant in the face of the war in Vi. t Nam, then these attributes become ir- relevant. and only Vivian's rec- ord on the war itself is of value. And here Vivian does not score favorably. True, he signed a peti- tion with several other congress- men denouncing Premier Ky and his statements that the United States should invade the north. He has advocated negotiating with the Viet Cong. But he has certainly not done all that is in his power to oppose the war in Viet Nam, just as he did not do all in his power to fight the HUAC subpoena of Uni- versity membership lists. He has voted for war appropriations. He has not gone out of his way to condemn the Johnson policy in Viet Nam. And he has refused to make war the key issue in his contest with Marvin Esch. THE REASON is that he is a politician and is interested in get- ting reelected. This is understand- hlr. The only truly effective voice in Congress opposing the war has been Senator Fulbrght - because of his position as chairman of the foreign relations committee. He has power, Vivian has none yet. So. in accordance with his assess- ment of the political situation, he hedges here, trades there, prom- ises to make the statement "la- ter." Unfortunately I neither like nor entirely trust this process. It be- comes hard to distinguish personal self-interest from advocacy of a cause, and how one reads the data becomes a function of how one ft els about the process in gen- eral. not about how one knows Weston Vivian in particular. AND THIS IS the reason for a peace candidate. But a peace candidacy will not be beneficial to the peace issue in this election. If Mrs. Boulding fails to pull as many votes as an Esch margin of victory, or if Viv- ian wins, then the national me- dia, and ultimately the President. will lower their estimate of the strength of the peace issue. And if Vivian loses it will be a tactical victory-but no one op- posed to the war could argue that it would be better politics to have Marvin Esch representing Ann Ar- bor public opinion in Congress these next two years than Weston Vivian, on the war as well as on the other "irrelevancies." SO EITHER WAY, there is a loss to the peace movement. To offset that loss with a long- range organization dedicated en- tirely to peace may be difficult. In a nation saturated with the war, fully aware of it, not concerned about it to the level of, say, a Negro moving in down the block, there just doesn't seem to be much room to work. Thus the candidacy seems now like a political mistake. BUT WHEN a question such as ' ,is tar comes tip one doesn't en- joy voting for men who have comprenised no matter what their reasons. That seems the real bas- is for the peace party-its ration- ale must ultimately stem from an absolute moral judgment, not political considerations of how best to end the war. Now we can only hope the two motives will somehow meet. ,. IE UNIVERSITY'S stand on PA 379 has brought about unfortunate re- sults. The AFL-CIO is voting today on whether or not it should take action against the University by boycotting its Institute of Labor and Industrial Rela.- tions because of its opposition to PA 379. The University claims its autonomy is violated by PA 379, the law which gives; employes the right to choose their own representatives and bargain collectively with public employers. To fight, the act has, however, proved detrimental to the University. F1RST, IT HAS antagonized the labor movement, a powerful force in the state politically as well as economically. The impending boycott of ILIR has been the result. Second, it has antagonized many state legislators who are pro-union or have pro-labor constituencies. The University, is showing a lack of foresight. This March they will inevitably be asking these same legislators for more public funds, funds they did not get last March. YET THE ANTAGONISMS created by the University's actions are surprising in view of past University history in deal- ing with unions. The University has vol- untarily set up grievance procedures with the public employe unions and have be- gun health insurance programs for them. They also comply with the unions by running a checkoff of union dues for them. IN DOING THESE THINGS, the Univer- sity implicitly recognized that dealing with labor unions is one of the realities of the twentieth century and this will remain a reality regardless of the legal status of PA 379 as decided in court. The University's experts in collective bargaining - in the economics depart- ment, the Law School, business adminis- tration school, and the ILIR - agree unanimously that the University sholld, if it decides to challenge the constitu- tionality of PA 379, at the same time move to set up bargaining on its own accord. Such a move, as Regents Murphy and Brablec pointed out last spring, would truly fulfill Universit4 autonomy. Such a move, far from representing a change in University policy, would in fact reaffirm what is present University poli- cy-the recognition that dealing with la- bor unions is a fact of life. - In fact, the labor unions feel the same way. Don Stevens, the AFL-CIO educa- tional director, has stated that it makes no difference to the unions who sets up collective bargaining as long as it is there. 'They can recognize their em- ployes of their own accord and bargain with them," he says. THE INDICATION Tuesday that the University is considering complying with the terms of PA 379 while fighting it in the courts is one hint that the University is ready to move towards such reaffirmation. And now is the time to renew consideration of an autonomous University collective bargaining arrange- ment. The University's past stand on collec- tive bargaining is unnecessary and has brought unfortunate consequences to the University. The University could have avoided the embarrassing situation over ILIR by being more practical and using considerably more tact in the past. Hope- fully the University's impending reexam- ination will indicate a new course for the future. -MARTHA WOLFGANG IL Youth Creates an Independent China' By ANDREW LUGG TWENTY-TWO new films are being shown this year's New York Film Festival. The general view among the devotees (exclud- ing Bosley Crowther and Judith Crist), is that about eight of these are great films, another five or so are interesting and the rest are fill-ins. For the selectors of the films. the task of choosing is more one of politicking than anything else. Some films which are worthy of a screeninv have to be rulor o-t because they are not suitable. technically for screening in a the- atre as large as the Philharmonic Hall. Some other new films are not available because they have been shown at other festivals, and for "aesthetic" reasons, their di- rectors do not want their work shown twice. THIS IS ONLY half the story, for running concurrently with the Festival at the Lincoln Center is a series of films, lectures and dis- cussions entitled "The Independ- ent Cinema." Here the clientele tends to be younger than that at Philharmonic Hall. They are the new generation of cineastes who have been brought up with the film. In their discussion and an- alysis. they are concerned with the visual aspects of film aesthetics and with new narrative forms, such as that of Jean-Luc Goddard. The older movie-goers seem to be more involved with content, mean- ing and technique. Youth sees films: the Bosley Crowthers hear them. As I cannot refrain from speak- inq of Goddard's new film, "Mas- culin-Frminin" (uremiered Sun- day, I will us- this film as an example of the two prevailing at- titudes. IN "MASCULIN-Feminin," Paul (Jean-Pierre Leaud) is a dour, 21-year-old left-winger. He be- comes involved with Madeleine (Chartal Goya), who is an aspir- ing pop singer with absolutely no views on the things which matter to Paul-the war in Viet Nam, the militancy of the workers, Trot- sky, etc. The film touches on all the taboos apparent film-wise in France today: the color problem, contraception, homosexuality, re- ligion, left-wing politics. We see two men kissing In a john; Paul tells us, "Catholics are punks"; there is a conversation about op- timal female breast sizes; virgins are redeemed by being militant; two dirty old men read a sex story; Paul continually writes on walls "Peace in Viet Nam," "de Gaulle is a . . . (fade-out), -etc. Disillusioned with his personal re- lationships, Paul commits suicide (or was it just an accident?). The old guard despairs. There is no plot to speak of. Rather, we have a theme-a whole series of image-fragments which draw out the nature of the post "teenie bopper." This by itself is not a radical new departure in films. What Goddard is giving us, how- ever, is much more than docu- mentary. TO UNDERSTAND why, one has to know the cinema of Goddard and must accept his very radical use of film space, and his narra- tive style which is the cinema counterpart of Robbe - Grillet's novels. One also has to under- stand his point of departure from and reliance on traditional cine- matic styles. It is these three con- siderations that escaped the older critics. First, let us consider the radi- cal use of film space. Goddard calls "Masculin-Feminin" a film "captured in black and white." The film is divided. into 15 sec- tions and these are clearly mark- ed. The large bold white numer- als which appear on a black back- ground remind us of the reels passing. We are informed in the same manner, of the type of film being used for one particular scene -"4X"-a "fast sensitive film." Goddard's own comments are in- terspaced-"This film might be called 'The Children of Marx and Coca-Cola.' Think of it what you' will!" The film is divided also with subtitles-"Sex and Democracy." Scenes sandwiched between the titles are cinema-verite, or plag- arised from James Bond, or the American "B" film or shot, in any manner which might take Goddard's fancy. THE UNIQUE narrative style results from the fragmentary pa- ture of the scenes. There is a murder ,a suicide and an "acci- dent"-pure gangster scenes-all these are linked with abstract dia- logues on politics or with very much down to earth market-re- search qu 'stioning (on diaphrams, for example). But Goddard is not striving for logic, nor self-con- sciously toward chance. A theme is removed from real- ity; all the myths of the "teens" are played up. Time, organiza- tion or reason are hindrances to the establishment of a confusion which demands some reasoning on the part of 'the audience because ' of its humor, immediacy and frankness. Truth can be ascer- tained only by distorting reality and by conflicting glances at the subject matter. As for his cinematic heritage, Goddard's film is an extension of a gangster movie. In this way he can incorporate cinema - history and become more easily accessible than those avant-garde filmmak- ers, such as the New American Cinema, who completely disasso- ciate themselves from the past. "MASCULIN-Feminin" is a film about the "youth," and it seems that in America only the "youth," who are unfettered by old-fash- ioned cinema styles and who know something about what is going on about them, can take it. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In Support of the 18-Year-Old Vote Sororities: A View from Within YOU ARE NOW GOING through the last hellish days of rush. You are entering houses lit by candlelight, filled with flow- ers, nice desserts and thie incessant hum of the sorority song. And isn't it grand. The sentimental hush of each house will fill you with nos- talgia for the homey conditions of your family or high school. You are about to choose your home away from home. IN THE MIDST OF THIS, stop and think! A sorority is much more than a, home, it is a- way of life. And you must decide whether you are in the market to. buy it. Remember, the price is high, not merely in monetary terms but in spir- itual and mental ones as well. I've watched you going through rush and may even have rushed you, and I probably hate it more than you do. It was a superficial process in which we tried to sell you our sorority and prayed to the God of Quotas that you'd pledge.'But we never told you the whole story. There is a pledge fee. There will be at least one pledge meeting every week in which you will plan your pledge skit, pledge prank and so on. Rush may end, but sorority life never does. Some of you may think that you are made for it. You need the secure feeling of your own little group. You can wade. through the trivia and can afford to de- vote part of your life to the physical structure fondly referred to as "the house" and the 60 "sisters" who live in it. HOWEVER, the great majority of you don't need the aggravation. In most" cases it is academically unsound to pledge. You waste time, which could be spent studying, at the endless meetings or in someone's room. Some of you may want to go to graduate school; a sorority will not help you get there. Contrary to popular opinion, it is so- cially expensive to pledge. Once you've bought the pin, you become stereotyped in the minds of many people, and you limit yourself to a certain class. Social outlets are the almighty T.G., the Pledge Formal and House Events. The Univer- sity definitely offers much more in the line of entertainment-diversions which can challenge your mind rather than your dancing feet. There are interesting people outside the Greek world, too. And, it is usually difficult to meet them outside "the house." You can move into an apartment in two years-the dorm is not a bad interim period. At least you have individual free- dom there. THIS UNIVERSITY may be an imper- sonal place but a sorority is not nec- essarily the answer. The price you pay for the small community may be your growth as an individual. Speaking from personal experience, it's much too high a price to pay. -PAT O'DONOHUE Overflights Provoking China ON MONDAY, the State Department ad- mitted "with regrets" that United States planes flying missions over North Viet Nam might have accidentally violat- ed Chinese airspace. The admission came as a shock to no one; in recent weeks, U.S. forces have been committing increas- ing numbers of mistakes, including at- tacking friendly villages and our own ,troops. While the incidents over China were minor and apparently no bombing of Chi- nese villages took place, the overflights introduce a new hazard to a situation al- ready near the flash point. American pol- icy in Viet Nam has been predicated on the assumption that neither China nor Russia will actively enter the conflict. So far ,neither has played an active role in the war. HOWEVER, there must be a limit to the amount of provocation China is will - ing to tolerate. Although China's foreign' policy actions, as opposed to statements, have been very cautious in recent years, at some point, Peking will feel that its national security is sufficiently threat- ened to make intervention in Viet Nam necessary. It is up to the U.S. to avoid prodding China into action in Southeast Asia. Sus- pension of the bombing of North Viet To the Editor: PERIODICALLY, in the last few decades, the question has been raised whether the legal voting age should be lowered to 18. The debate, I suspect, has neither been so hot,especially among those who stand to benefit from such a re- duction, nor so persistent as in the similar controversy over lowering the legal drinking age. Neverthe- less, the question is asked, and asked, I think, in earnest. I remember signing a petition that was circulated by an orga- nization whose aim was to force a vote on the question in the 1964 state elections. I was a senior at the time and about to turn 18, and it was with considerable interest that I listened as the letter that accompanied the petition was read to our U.S. government class, Then a neatly ruled, numbered sheet of paper was passed around on which we, one after another, placed our signatures. Since then I had given little thought to the question until re- complex personal meaning, a that such a proposal will appear, on the ballot, this November. If, in fact, the issue is to be decided in November, it is as much a mat- ter for serious consideration as it was a matter of interest for me as a high school senior. SHOULD THE LEGAL voting age be lowered to 18? There are probably as many reasons, good reasons, why the voting age should be lowered as there are fingers on the hands of any two people. A list of those reasons might in- clude: the higher educational lev- el attained by the youth of today; the benefit of having the exercise of the suffrage to supplement the school curriculum in government and history; or the fact that 18 is the age at which the youth must take on certain legal responsibil- itties without any direct represen- tative voice. But most importantly there is the fact that at 18 the young man especially ,is obligated to fight and ,if need be, die for his country, to bear arms and provide for the common defense, while he has no means of affecting the de- cisions that may send him off to the other side of the globe to do battle. Although he and his age group form an important econom- A" \U1. ic bloc both in terms of market and tax revenue, they do not con- stitute a voting bloc. Thus they are left to be taxed but not repre- sented, an issue that has brought at least one great country to its knees in times past. They are obligated by law to serve at the government's pleas- ure, but are denied the most ef- fective resource for redress of grievances, the power to approve or disapprove of the government's policies by voting in and voting out. Left without the voice of the vote, the young men and women have recourse only to defiance, civ- il disobedience and, oftentimes, ac- tual criminal acts as a means of influencing the government or in- forming the people of their posi- tion. IF THIS SOUNDS overly dra- matic, it is understandable. It is hard for most of us to see the connection between fighting and dying and ourselves, or therefore between fighting and dying and the suffrage as the right to have some part in deciding for what we are and why we must be fighting and dying at all. It is hard because the only fighting that is going on close enough to home to be felt is the fighting that has in recent weeks, months and years shaken Benton. Harbor or Lansing, or Chi- cago or Cleveland, or Montgomery or Watts. And in that fighting the objective has been reasonably clear. It has been heralded by some and found repugnant by others, but one thing is unique about the fighting itself, The contestants in those battles were not obligated to be there, at least, not obligated to be there by government or by law. There was no law compelling the officers and patrolmen that formed the police barricades to stand their ground in the face of the angry mobs (othef than per- haps a law of economics). Nor was there any statute that forced those that charged the barricades to hold their places charge after; charge, in the face of, tear gas,. water hoses ,or dogs. Whether the rioters or the police were driven on by dedication, conviction or simply wrath unleashed is not so important as the fact that every person, on either side had the per- feet right to say "No!"-to turn his back on the whole business and try something else. THE ONLY other fighting that concerns this country and con- the increased emphasis on the draft. It is possible that that word "draft" has come to have a very complex personal metning, a meaning which includes the real significance of a report of "light" American casualties in Viet Nam. It has that sort of meaning for me at least. Each time I, hear a casualty report over the radio I am set to wondering at the sense- lessness and hopelessness of that war, but more than that, I wonder at the fact that an American youth can be sent off to that war, or to any war for that matter, without his slightest consent. Hav- ing attained the age of 18 he can be shipped off to the most remote part of the globe to fight any- thing from polar bears to China- men, and it really doesn't matter how he feels about it. ,because, you see, he can't do anything about it; he doesn't even vote. NOT THAT it would make any difference if he did vote. But it could! If, for instance, everyone between the ages of 18 and 22,, the prime draft age, was granted the suffrage, it is conceivable that this new locus of political power would be instrumental in revamp- ing the draft law. But that is not the point that needs to be made. The point is that as long as the young man is obligated to fight for his government and for its policies, obligated at 18, and as long as there is the remotest possibility that he may have to give his life for that government and for those policies, then it cer- tainly strains the limits of jus- tice if he is not given at least the privilege of participating in the formulation of those policies; if he is not afforded some handle to control the government just as the government controls him. -Mark E. Glendon, '68 Silence THERE IS NO such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot. For certain engineering # purposes, it is desirable to have as silent a situation as possible. Such a room is called an anechoic chamber, its six walls made of special material, a room without echoes. I entered one at Harvard Uni- versity several years ago and heard I 7 . 1 L -' Lt -4A "J all :' l' i1 )7 .1 'i 1. ", ; ,, ? ! .. ". { ; f'12, A: ky! EW