'U' vs. LABOR: BOYCOTT? See Editorial Page 131fr i ~u :43 tit49 WARMER High-75 Low-55 Windy and warmer, little chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No.18 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES UU, Profits from Dorm Deposit Fee Challenged By ROGER RAPOPORT Ever wonder what happened to that $45 deposit you made when you moved into South Quad, Mar- tha Cook, Markley or one of the other University residence halls? Not that it's any cause for alarm. Almost all the 8000 dorm residents do get their money back when they leave the dorm. Nonetheless, the University still managed to make a total of about $21.000 profit from room deposits last yrear-$15,000 in bond reve- nues gained from investing the deposits and $6 707 worth of for- feitures. First, Controller Howard Cot- trell estilates that the University made about $15,000 from the mon- ey by investing it in short term bonds. ' (In the spring the bonds are cashed back in. Students who choose to leave the dorm are giv- en back their $45.) Second, according to University Housing Director John Feldkamp, 150 students forfeited their room deposits for various reasons. In the process, the residence halls kept $6,707 worth of deposit mon- ey. Feldkamp explains that some of the students forfeited their room deposits because they failed to no- tify the University by June 30 that they wouldn't be living in the d-,rm again this year. . Not surprisingly, a number of University officials are dismayed about the way the University nets more than $21,000 from room en- rollment deposits. Until 1961, the University had a $50 room deposit applied to all dormitory residents. This was abolished in 1961 in favor of a $50 continuing enrollment deposit applied to all students attending the University. A student did not get his continuing enrollment de- posit back until he left the Uni- versity. But in the summer of 1965 the continuing enrollment deposit was dropped in favor of two new de- posits. The first is a $50 refund- able enrollment deposit. This mon- ey is paid by the student several months prior to entering the Uni- versity and is credited to his first tuition payment. At the same time a $45 room deposit similar to the pi-e-1961 de- posit was established. According to one administrator, "Many of the dormitory directors opposed reinstituting the $45 room deposit. They thought the $45 should simply be credited to the students' first bill as is done with the $50 enrollment deposit. The critics contended that by holding the room deposit for the school year the University is prof- iteering from the students. But Feldkamp counters that the University must hold the money to pay off any damages to the room. "To credit a room damage deposit to the first residence hall payment would be a- heck of a way to run a housing operation," he says. Similarly the University business office contends the deposit money is handled normally. Controller Cottrell explains that the deposits are put into the "University's tem- porary investment pool." "The money is then put into short-term bonds that yield about five per cent annually. When we have to pay back the deposits in the spring we sell he says. the bonds off." What happens to the $15,000 in- terest? Since we don't separately identify funds in our investment program, the Regents can use the money any way they want to," explains Cottrell. Is the $15.000 worth of interest actually used for non-residence hall purposes? "Most likely the Regents would use the money for general University capital expen- ditures like plant expansion or ac- quiring new land," says Cottrell. He adds that this revenue from the invested room deposits is "the only money generated by the resi- dence hall program which is used for general University purposes.?' Does Feldkamp mind losing the interest from the room deposit in- vestment to the University gen- eral fund? "The process of having that in- vestment credited to a separate residence hall account simply isn't worth the trouble,' he says. "To justify asking for that would en- title the business office to charge off the administrative costs to the housing office. The net result, would be considerably less than $15,000 to the residence halls." While the residence halls do not keep the interest from the room deposit, they do keep the $6,707 in forfeitures. One University of- ficial contends that the forfeiture arrangement "makes the residence halls worse than a hotel. You can check in, pay your money' and live up to your contract Sand still lose your $45 by not telling them you are checking out." The contention is that the Uni- versity does not give students suf- ficient warning about losing the deposits. A student who forgets to tell the residence halls he is not returning is simply out $45. But Feldkamp contends the ar- rangement is fair. "Students for- feit a lot more in apartment units in Ann Arbor. I don't think our arrangement even covers the cost. "About 100 of the kids who for- feited the deposit were potential freshmen who never showed up," he adds. "The others were stu- dents who broke the terms of the contract. For example, one kid left the dormitory to get mar- ried. Others said they were com- ing back to the dorm and didn't show up. "That's what deposits are for," Feldkamp concludes. "Some place down in Pennsylvania still has my $50 non-refundable honeymoon room deposit." . Israel Tour Counts For U' Credits Near East Serves As Classroom for Bible History Course Ry DAVIID DTWOFF A fiv-week tour of Tsrael Pnd the Mediterranean was topped off with academic credit for sixteen University students this summer. Traveling through Israel, these students were partici sting in thej department of Near Eastern Lan-' guages and Literature's program of "studies in Judeo-Christian heritage."{ "Biblical history can be pretty' dull when studied from a purely academic context," according to the trip's resident instructor, Prof Louis Orlin. "But when it can be seen and really experienced, If only vicariously, it comes alive" Academic Frame. "The trip had a definite academ- ic frame of reference," says Or- lin. Students travelled in all areas of Israel, and were given an op- portunity to see sites of historical: interest as well as modern cities, gaining first-hand experience in archaeological excavation. Students making the trip were given credit for History 403 and 404, historical background of the; Bible. While traveling there was: a continuous program of lectures on Biblical history. The keeping of a journal was also required, in which students recorded their impressions of the trip and how it correlated to their formal studies. "Understanding" "It is small things like this," one of them writes, 'which became more understandable to me- things of everyday life which may seem unfathomable to us. The larg- er concepts of understanding and perception of peoples comes, how- ever, through reading their litera- ture. "Thus, while viewing historic lo- cations can provide keen insights, I think it imperative to under- stand things in a broader context, which can only be gained by read- ing what people have to say about! themselves." Wide Range The itinerary covered -a wide' range of places of interest, from the runins of ancient Hebrew and Roman temples to the modern cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I Their stops included the Hebrew University, the Hadassah Medical Center with Chagall's stained glass windows, the monument to President Kennedy, various syna- gogues, and many other common; tourist attractions. Most of the trip, however, was NEWS WIRE Late World News By he Associated Press SAIGON--U.S. AIR FORCE pilots shot down two Communist MIG17s, probably downed a third and damaged an advanced model MIG21 in a series of aerial battles over North Viet Nam late yesterday, the U.S. Command reported. In the heaviest areial combat of the war, American pilots re- ported seven separate encounters with the Soviet-designed MIGs in "MIG Alley" northeast of Hanoi. The U.S. Command made no mention of any U.S. losses in yesterday's aerial duels. HEALTH SERVICE will hold its. annual "flu shot" clinic for students. faculty and staff beginning today. Individuals vaccinated against flu since July 1963, need receive only a single dose. Those vaccinated previous to this date or who have never been vaccinated should receive two doses about one month apart. Hours for the clinic will be 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to. 4:30 p.m.. * * * A FEDERAL COURT in Denver has ruled that a university can compel campus fraternities to observe nondiscriminatory membership policy on race, religion and national origin. The court upheld the University of Colorado's action in placing on probation the. local chapter of Sigma Chi in May, 1965. The fraternity appealed to the federal court to rule that the university's action was unconstitutional because ,it allegedly denied fraernity members the freedom to choose their associates. The three-judge court ruled that the university's action was within its authority to impose regulations upon students and sudent organizations and pointed out cases in which college of- ficials have abolished fraternities entirely. Action by the university against the local Sigma Chi chapter was not directed against anything the local chapter had itself done. The chapter was placed on probation because the national fraternity had suspended the Stanford University chapter for pledging a Negro. The Colorado regents held that the local Sigma Chi chapter should be placed on probation as an affiliate of a national or- ganization that had denied membership on the basis of race- as in the Stanford case. STUDENT LEGAL DEFENSE FUND is urging students and faculty to contribute to' a new legal defense fund for University students reclassified last fall following a sit-in at the Ann Arbor Draft board.' The students, whose appeal to the Presidential Draft Appeal Board was turned down Monday, must in last resort go to the Federal Courts, according to James McEvoy, Grad, chairman of the committee. Additional funds are needed to support their appeals, he added. The committee has already raised more than $2,000 to finance the students' unsuccessful appeals to the local, state and national boards. -Daily-Ron Holcomb STUDENTS AT THE PROGRESSIVE CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY SCHOOL In Ann Arbor listen as one of their teachers reads at their temporary meeting place in West Park. As sson as facilities are finished, classes will begin in the Friends Center. Children Set Limits or Learning U Students May Face Draft Heat State Boards Issuing Soine Temporary 1-A Reclassifications By CLARENCE FANTO Managing Editor Some University students may receive temporary 1-A draft classi- fications from their Michigan draft boards during the next two weeks, state Selective Service di, rector Col. Arthur Holmes said last night. A change in local draft board policy whereby 2-$ student defer- ments expire at the end of the academic year instead of in Oc- tober may mean that some Mich- igan boards will reclassify students 1-A until they receive information from tle University that the stu- dent is taking a full course load, Holmes said. The University will not send Selective Service forms filled out by students during registration to local draft boards for several weeks, Ernest Zimmerman, assist- ant to the vice-president for aca- demic affairs said yesterday. 30 to 45 Days A period of 30 to 45 days is re- quired to compile the information which is to be sent to the local draft boards, Zimmerman pointed out. There have been reports that increasing numbers of University in-state students have received 1-A classifications in the past two weeks. Selective Service counselor Thomas Clark was unavailable for comment on this last night. Zimmerman acknowledged that there have been some individual cases of students under pressure by their draft boards. In these cases, the University has offered immediate assistance to the stu- dents. Holmes pointed out that the state has been under great pres- sure to supply manpower in recent months. He said he expected this pressure to continue for at least several more months. The October draft call from Michigan is 3,700 men, the highest level since the Korean war. He emphasized that in order for a draft board to renew a student deferment, it must have definite information from the student and the University about the number of credit hours and the class standing of the students. At Liberal Community School By BETSY TURNER ents. Any family with an income children come from varying eco- Sho, sared ls Community of less than $3000 is exempt from nomic levels. About half of thes The 'C h i 1 d r e n' omnt tuition. The top amount chargedchlrn om fomte ide School, started last October, was is $550. About half the enrollment children come rm are fromiddle founded as an- alternative to thepytutn.Piaedtnsre class -while the rest are from lower publicsch lEtenv to the pays tuition. Private donations are a pubic cho Eghteen tot20 also received. income levels. Inter-personal re- children from the ages of 4 to 61 I, ,, ~ ~ ~,, lationships are stressed. will be meeting at the Friend's Center on Hill St. as soon as theI facilities are completed. ClassesI are now being held at West Park. The school is experimental. Al- though it is licensed to teach on three separate levels - pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade -no pre-assigned grade divisions exist comparable to the public school system. The children work at their own speeds doing whatever inter- ests them. Nothing is imposed by adults, only, materials and assist- ance made available. Funds for the supplies, salaries, and rent are raised in several ways. Tomorrow, a bucket drive will be held on campus. A rum- mage sale is planned for Oct. 8. In December, there will be an artj fair of children's work and other donated art objects. Ability to Pay' Tuition is charged according to the income of the children's par- l ly j.JJ. c prIncpe Iki' owe n1 k Iii the school is encouragement of. The curriculum of the school self-development and exploration contains all the standard subjects on thedpart of the child. Teaching -reading arithmetic, social stud- methods of Warner and Montes- ies, and science as well as a pro- sori and the philosophy of child gram in Spanish. However, the rearing as presented by Neill in approach is quite different, from "Summerhill" are employed. the official school system. Empha- Another important point in the sis is placed on allowing the child philosophy is the attitude toward to learn when he is ready-to learn. individual children. "Each child No proding is done or grades given must first realize the skills hefor earnyng'forae.hearndng possesses and be allowed to de-I for learning's sake is the founda- velop them. Growth as a person is tion of instruction. valued above all else. After. he is The reading program is pattern- secure within himself, he will ven- ed after Sylvia Aston Warner's ture out and exchange skills with theory of organic reading. The others and begin exploring," says: children learn how to read and Nancy Frappier, one of the par- write words which are within their ticipating mothers. vocabulary. The words are placed Cross Cultural on cards for the child to study. In The school is cross cultural. this way, reading and writing is About 50 per cent of the children meaningful to the child and serves are Negro. There are also children a real purpose-communication. from many nationality back- New Methods grounds. Both Negro and white The math program employs sev- eral methods of study. Work sheets counting rods and games are just a few. It is important to have many approaches available so that each child can use the method which is most helpful to him. Utilization of authentic mate- rials from foreign countries is part of the social studies program. Some of the assistants, mothers, and the teacher have visited other countries and brought back books, drawings, and other objects. By using these aids, the study becomes more personal and therefore more real to the children. Facilities Telescopes, microscopes, opaque projectors and telegraphs are used in science demonstrations. The kitchen is also available for other experiments. The science instruc- tor is a retired engineer who lives in the community. Trips into the community will be taken about three times a week. Last year, the city hall, botanical gardens, restaurants, farms and dairies visited. were a few of the places1 BAAD GayNewAddition to OSA 'Witiz-Kids Off the beaten path-"in the By NEIL SHISTER Go through the offices and you knew -it , all - the - time, but real rouh and raw." as Orlin put it. . get the feel, guys who came intelligence. Difficulties in moving about and New guy in the Office of Stu- through the system but still Studied politics, economics and t , extremp h y t tal of the trav- deint Affairs, huh? "; ehaven't turned their back on it.: philosophy at Oxford when he was elinT was done in buses. usually Yeah. Went to school here, Sort of like young copy-writers in there for two years in the mid- not air-conditioned) were cited; was editor of The Daily, Rhodes « :;3 >, : , women are fine, but I was looking for something more," says the now married Baad. Faith. He does seem to have a real faith, hard to tell in what. But the years he spent with the international groups were worth- while, he says, since they served as training ground for the young, emerging leaders of many coun- tries. This pleases him. Machia- vellian? No, hardly. After a while, he says, he just got tired of traveling. Names an awe-inspiring number of times he's been to Asia, something like seven or eight, and almost as many times to Africa. He cites the figure easily and reluctantly. he wears it well.