THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1960 THE MICUIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. l9flB R FILMS i ~L es Creatulres' Reees MiXed Retiou1 " F e - r r s . AcrossCampu ± E E EA EL A L E A A A A EE . A :4± ~A AA - ..;;! . , ! ;::, By ANDREW LUG imagination, since he says in the film and again, the music, which is romantic but harsh, simple but WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Special To The Daily pre-crash sequence that his fast is superb. complex, spontaneous b u t ma- 7:30 p.n.-Prof. Brice Carna- Nation" in the Architecture Aud- YORK - The applause driving speeds up his flux of ideas. The film works on various levels.-s han, in the Engineering School, itorium Aechine-like. These paradoxes, how will lecture on "An Introduction es greeted Agnes Barda n afilm nA tu theie fcs ars being filmed with grieat love (the ever, are welded together in such to Digital Computers and the 8 p.m.-The Professional The-7 emier last night was more char- of the ie fii n a mood of the films is similar to a way as to be perfectly consistent MAD Language-II" in the Nat- atre Program presents the APA e tan har-fltoTe a-of the film are imagined. In Barda's earlier film "Le Bon- within the film as a whole. ural Science Auditorium. Repertory Company in Sheridan's the New rflm Festi- complicated game of chess that heur". But this is coupled with: "Les Creatures" is a strange mo- 8 p.m.-The Professional Thea- "School for Scandal" in the Ly- ce a$ the New York Film Festi- Edgar plays with Ducasse (Lucien science fiction, oscilliscopes, tele- vie which demands to be seen not tre Program presents the APA dia Mendelssohn Theatre. 1 loved Miss Barda when she ap- Bodard), Ducasse has control over vision screens, and so on. The film ijust once, but many times. Repertcry Company in Sheridan's 8:30 p.m. - The University Mu- ared before the film started, but the villages for a minute at a -"'School for Scandal" in the Ly- sical Society Chamber Arts Ser- I not seem quite so sure about time and is able to transform them dia Mendelssohn Theatre. ies presents the Chamber Sym- e film itself into monstrous creatures. FinallyTHURSDAY SEPT. 22 phony of Philadelphia with An- e itslf moe ta aoalei. tngs hwea rreesa. Fe ideaslStys ied 7 ad945pm-inm upd hony ofuilacodlphiagwinthe :Iy own .opinion, however, is Edgar wins out over Ducasse and shel Brusilow conducting in uch more, than favorable- ,evil. Things, however, are more D.W~ift' TeBrho Rackham Auditorium. xreat" and 'fmasterpiece" are complicated than the straighthbat- t DWGriffith'sThe Birth of a rds that comec to mind, te will allow.., 'W thft Ieuv JJrfnl s IDesign Nation"toinuhrhietr.uc-- The story of "Les Creatures" re- 'rtephesmam.- stTitina 483h~P-I 4680 lves arouna the life of. a writer 8co prem.-Tdhe ima r rga roessiona c l a-PA lichel Piccoli) and his wife (Ca- complex of the real and the Im(- (Continued from Page 1) student, while not eating there tre Program presents the APA "rine Deneuye), dumb as the gined. We have been prepared for d h lf, d d n be of Repertory Company in Sheridan's Sult of a car crash, and the sci- what has gone before. We are not atr hae oe e his friends consistently complain- "School for Scandal" in the Ly- allowed t osdrtegm sa whatever happens to be in the hi fiedscosstnty omlan ce fiction novel the husband is d to consider the game as a f E about the Commons One un dia Mendelssohn Theatre. a CARPENTER MAD Th imed ihtesymbol (here Barda succeeds coin vending machines o Eaton edaot h oOPs Oeu-E N 6:30 tAP.M. iting. The film ends with.the er a ee and Stanley Houses. dergraduate, while professing sa- FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 OPEN 6:30 P.M 'th of their child, the completion efailed Nothing is qui e Plans for a bus service on Sun- tisfaction with Cedar Bend as a 7 and 9:45 p.m.-Cinema Guild: shown at 7:10 & 10:40 the novel and the wife regainnor can we diisus anything tha day mornings were announced two whole, did attack the "expensive- ___ Bhe speechncaccidentiandsthenyshimag . , weekends ago, but nothing has yet ness of the Commons."-SY happened. Apparently the bus The Commons did recently bow C n D C A K 1 1 7 AT1io" I1fI L I petiioning is i SESQUICEI STUDENT C COMA Petitions available at first floor M ti~f".,..":ti"}:"..... . +....."....'rYyK{:1.t.:s.a'i~n:.'.'L2i.'.}y~a....'.r ow open for the NTEN NIAL ONFERENCE AITTEE sesquicentennial office, ichigan Union SUBSCRIBE TO, THE MICHIGAN DAILY t esolution tertwinin ity occur arts of tl hich part aybe the ent of E s" at the end, a complex But all tnis leaves out the mag- service has just forgotten the hun- to these cries and install a 15 cent g of illusion and re- nificent humor. For instance, there gry residents of Cedar Bend every discount on all full meals. How- s. We don't know which is Edgar's conference with a don- Sunday morning., ever, this still leaves the Com- NOTICES he film are "real" and key and a rabbit, and the slap- The other area of dissatisfac- mons somewhat out of line with s come out of the novel. stick humor of a robbery executed tion most in evidence was the price the student specials in the Unionj whole thing is a fig- by tvo linen sellers. It leaves out of food at the North Campus Com- cafeteria and other main campus USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- dgar's (the husband's) the glorious visual imagery of the r imns. Steve Pleune, a graduate eating facilities ecognzed anrd registered student or- _____~ ~ ~...* ~ganizton s1only. Forms are available ,.: :"::'A.' ~.A '.~..... ,:in Room 1011 SAB. Newman Student Club, Graduate sup- per, Sept. 21, 6 p~m., Newman Center, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUiversity Lutheran Chapel .1511 :A. ..At. ~;';w~~~. ... .. . . . . . .Washtenawmidweek devotion: 10 p.m.. *SS ,* t.. . t . ...5..... . . ....C. SSept. 21. TECHNICOLOR NIGEL GREEN Also Shown at 9:00 Ony GU DON MURRAY ,a.2 GUYSTOCKWELL-ABBY DALTON THE - COLOR PLUS: "COWBOY'S HOLIDAY" 2 Color Cartoons IN COOPERATION WITH UAC announces SALEEM JEHANGI R singing the songs of PAKISTAN plus Dave Arch &'John Miller doing Jazz like you've never heard plus Selected Readings from the SGC minutes G103 S.Q. F R IDAY 8:30 $1.00 '9 4 4 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Utniver- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan -ally assumes no editor- ial responvibility. NotWes should be sent in TV Pt'Witt lIPN form to Room 3519 Administratlon Rido be- fore 2 p m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m Vrlday for Saturday and Sunday. General, Notices may be published a maxi mum of two times on request; hiay Calendar items appear once nny. Student organiratin notices are not accepted for pubicwation.-, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Day Ca'endar d ji a +n n h I E ft d 1S 0 it Mail payments postmarked after due letin of interviewers holding appoint- SEPT. 26-27- date. Sept. 30,-1966, are late and sub- ments on campus. Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Nuclear ject to penalty. Power Div.-BS-MS: AE, ChE, CE, EE, Identify mail payments as tuition POSITION OPENINGS: EM, IE, ME, Met., Naval & Marine, and show student number and name. Rohm and Haas Co., Phila., Pa. - Nuclear. MS: Bioengineering, Const.. Openings in following fields: Mechani- Elect. Sci. BS: Engrg. Physics, Sci. ,n Me .C cal. Electrical and Chemical Engr., Engrg. Prod. Regents Meeting: October 21. Corn- Chemistry, Engr. Mktg., Bus. Ad., In- SEPT. 26- munications for consideration at this dust. Mgmt., and Lib, Arts. Sales and U.S. Coast Guard-BS-MS: EE, ME, mieeting imist be In the President's mktg. junior positions requiring no ex- Naval & Marine. BS: CE, Ocean., Nu- hands not later than October 6 (Thurs.).e ner., and senior positions in engineer- clear. Summer Employment: All 'stu- ing. dents in the same prog. as above sign Announcer Auditions: Auditions are Managemtent Consultants - Extensive regular schedule for interview appt. now being held for the position of traveling throughout the U.S. Coin- Dev., Des. announcer for the Michigan Marching mercial Development' Specialist for * Band. All persons interested in audi- large chemical producer. Marketing an- For - further information call 764- tioning for this position are asked to alysis and dev. for applications of new 8483, Engineering Placement Service, contact Dr. William D. Revelli, con- products. BS in Chem., ChE, or ME, but 128-H W. Engrg. Bldg. ductor of bands, in Room 1318 at the technical degree not mandatory, ex- --- .--- School of Mu-ic on the North Campus posed to plastics, vinyls and use of or call 764-0582 to arrange for an plasticizers and stabilizers. . audition time. Auditions will be held * * * during the week of Sept. 19-23. For further information, please call 764-7460. General Division Bureau of Center for Programmed Learning fors Business Seminar-'"Management of Be-t havior Change": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Association of College and Univer- sIty Auditors Conference - Rackhamc Amphitheatre, 8:45 a.m. College of Engineering Computer Lec- ture Series-Brice Carnahan, professorI of chemical engineering and biostatis- ties, "An Introduction to Digital Com- p uters and the MAD Language-II": Natural Science Aud., 7:30 p.m.t Professional Theatre Program Per? formance-NAPA Repertory Company inf Sheridan's "School for Scandal": Ly-, dia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.. Bureau of Industrial Relations Seim-1 inar-"The Management of Managers": Michigan Union, Bm. 3D, 8 a.m.' General Notices' Woodrow Wilson Fellows and Honor-, ary Fellows who are'working towards a I PhD in therhumanities and social sci- ences in graduate schools within thet United States and Canada and whot expect to complete all degree require- ments including the dissertation no later than four and one-quarter years after beginning the tenure of a first year Woodrow Wilson Fellowship aref eligible for nomination for a Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship. Eligi- ble students should come to Room 1014 Rackham Graduate School to register as nominees for this fellowship not later than October 7. Open Meeting on Graduate Fellowship Programs: For undergraduate and grad- uate students. University and national, fellowship programs will be explained by'faculty campus representatives on Thurs., Sept. 22, at 3:15, p.m. in thei Rackham Lecture Hall. Linguistic Dept., Preliminary Exam-, inations: Will be held on Fri. and Sat., Nov. 18 and 19. Applicants for the PhD must inform the department, sec- retary of their lntentiOP to takde one or more prelims by Tues., Oct. 25. Review Class, Society of Actuaries' Part I' Exaination-. Will organize 4 p.m.,._Thurs., Sept. 22, In 2444 Mason HalU. Fal Term Fees: At- least 50 per cent is due and payable on or before Sept. 30,19 66, Non-paym~ent of at' least 5011' by Sept.0 will result in the assessment of a delinquent penalty of $5. Payments may be made in person or mailed to the Cashier's Office. 1015 Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m.,' Fri., Sept. 30, 1966. Mail Early. A PORT LIMOUSI NES for information call 663-8300 Tickets are available at Travel Bureaus or the Michigan Union "A frank and uninhibited exposition of the onrush of physical desire!" -Bosley Crowther, N. Y. Times 0i "A truly adult love story! It is a beautiful film, finely mades!" 0f.10, Unr vvsv, nrauv Doctoral Examination for Alan Reid Appointments, 3200 SAB. Osborne, Education; thesis: "The Ef- fects of Two Instructional Approaches ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- on the Understanding of Subtraction VIEWS-Seniors & gradstudents, please by Grade Two Pupils." Wed., Sept. 21, sign schedule posted at 128-H West West Conference Room. 2nd Floor, Engrg. Rackham Graduate School, at 1:30 p.m. .SEPT. 26- Chairman, J. N. Payne. Bucyrus Erie Co., All locations (a.m.) -BS-MS: ChE, EE, IE, ME. U.S. citi- Doctoral Examination for Dean zens & non-citizens intending to be- Tritchler Mook, Engineering Mechanics; come a citizen. Dev., Des., Sales, Exec. thesis: "On the Stability of Parallel Training. Flows of Viscoelastic Liquids," Wed., Calgon Corp., National-BS-MS: ChE, Sept. 21, Room 340 West Engineering,, MS:.Sanit., Water Res., ME. -R, & D., at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. P. Graebel. Field Service. SEPT, 26-28- E; I. duPont deNemours & Co., Inc. All locations-PhD: ChE, BE, EM, IE Placem ent, Mat'is., ME, Met., Nuclear. U.S. citi- zens & non-citizens intending to be- ANNOUNCEMENT: come .a citizen. R. & D., Des., Prod. Registration Meeting for Placement, & Sales. Education and Teaching' Divisions - SEPT. 26- Thurs., Sept. 22. Aud. B, Angell Hall, 3 ,Factory Mutual Engineering Div., p.m. or 4 p.m. Bureau of Appointments Detroit, District Office--covering Mich.. and Occupational, Information < regis- Ind. & Ohio-BS: ChE, CE, BE, EM, tration meeting for all seniors and IE, ME, Met., Sot. Engrg. Field Service graduates for coming recruiting season Mgmt. HrIsr of Interviews from government, busi- Racine Hydraulics & Machinery, Inc. ness, industry and all educational in- Racine. Wis.-BS: ME. R. & D., Des., stitutions for teaching and non-teach- Prod., Sales. ing positions. Former registrants or U.S. Bureau. of Public Roads, Any-' those who registered this summer or where in the U.S.-BS-MS: CE, Mat'is. fall before Sept. 15, are not required MS: Qpnstruction. to attend but are urgently requested U.S. Army Electronics Command - to bring their records up to date. In- Any Degree: EE, ME. MS-PhD: Comm. form us as to degrees, courses, em- Sci. MS: Elect. St., Energy Syst., ployment acquired and current campus I Syst's. Eng.-Elec. BS: E Physics. R. & address in order to receive weekly bul- D., Des., Prod. Dial 2-6264 These roles gove LIZ her reputation! M-G-M Presents hof Tiln Roof SSTARRN ELIZABETH TAYLOR PAUL NEWMAN BURL IVES JACK CARSON-JUDIH ANDERSON IN NETROCOLOR at_ Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin--enjoy a French atmosphere every Thurs. from 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. * ** Southern Asia Club, Organizational luncheon meeting, Fri., Sept. 23, noon, in Commons Room, Lane Hall. DIAL 8-6416 ENDING TONIGHT To be idolized, a man must offe" the unusaal. . JOSEPH E Epresent JENNIFE JONES MICHAEL PARKS i THURSDAY "A frank and uninhibited exposition of the onrush of physical desire!" -Bosley Crowther, N. Y, Times "A truly adult love story! it is a beautiful film, finely made !" -Judith CristN.Y.Herald Tribune ~HN AiiU8H The Dave Brubeck Quartet IN CONCERT Presented by the Student Sesquicentennial Committee and The Women's Athletic Association FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 * w 8:30 P.M Hill Auditorium ___________e___._.._ ___ ._...:t: Tickets: $3, $2.50, & $2. Box office open 1OA.M.-4:30 P.M.-Sept. 26-30 7 P.M. night of performance Block ticket sales Sept. 17-23 DAVE BRUBECK WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ WITH FULL COMPREHENSION & RETENTION EASE PRESSURE-SAVE TIME-IMPROVE CONCENTRATION You can read 150-200 pages an hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to comprehend at speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute-3 to 6 times as fast os you read now. And retention is excellent. This is NOT a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjoyment in reading will ble increased. Consider what this new reading ability will enable you to accomplish -in your required reading and in the additional reading you want to do. You'll save many hundreds :f hours. No machines, projectors, or apparatus ore used while learning the ACCELERATED READING method. Thus you avoid developing ANY dependence upon external equipment in reading rapidly. The new reading skill is permanently retained for this reason. Afternoon classes and Evening classes in ACCELERATED READING will be taught each TUESDAY, at the BELL TOWER INN, adjacent to the U. of M. campus, beginning on October 4. The semester ends on December 6. This is our seventh semester of classes in Ann Arbor. Be our guest at a 40-minute public DEMONSTRATION of the ACCELERATED READING method, and see it applied by U of M. students who have recently completed the :ourse. BRING A BOOK! DEMONSTRATIONS will be held at the BELL TOWER INN, located at 300 S. Thayer St. (across from Hill Auditorium). MONDAY, September 19 at 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, september 21 at 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY, September 22 at 7:30 P.M. MONDAY, September 26 at 7:30 P.M. NATIONAL CLINIC OF ACCELERATED READING 18964 Coyle St. Detroit 35, Michigan "A delight! Witty, satiric, with am . marvelous assortment ' of actors'." .-'ue Mggaims t hmm m COIUMBIA PICTURES * Presents BRYAN FORBES1 PROOUCTPON OF ' M-G-M Presents ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY EDDIE FISHER in JOHN O'HARA'S BUTTERFIEW B annN COSA~iGDINA MERRILL. SIN CINEMASCOPE AND METROCOLOR rat 1:30-5:25-9:15 "°1 THE WRONG BX JOHN MILLS* RALPH RICHAROSCI MICHAEL CAINE f& PETER COOK-DUDLEY MOOR9-NANETTE NEWMAN TONY HANCOCK.,PETER SLLERS a tj Detecte as Or - 5 629DIAL (~-wL~uIL'u,.w5-6290 Ua MOMWAIP a THI EK A' awassow"Mm .rr save 10% by ordering your Christmas cards early from Jacobson's "I", I