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September 21, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-21

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See Editorial Page

Sir ig an


Generally fair
with chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Knauss Report Seeks Faculty-Student o
By SUSAN SCHNEPP be fuilly dealt with by this recom- ates and undergraduates, yet at from each assembly including the members of the council would be i action to implement the report by ity - administrators, faculty and r
"The Joint Advisory Council will mendation." the same time realizes the need officers of the two assemblies and drawn. drafting recommendations on the students.
not be a little super-government," He pointed out that his office for coordination on issues of joint others elected from the assemblies. Before such a council can be various parts of the report, includ- As a middleman, said Knauss,
said Prof. Robert Knauss yester- has been "working with SGC on concern. The two assemblies, according to formed, exp2 ained Knauss, a plan ing the Joint Advisory Council. the council would be in a position
day in reference to a recommenda- possible ideas for restructuring. The report, dubbed the Knauss the report, "should express the detailing the number of members, If the final plan for the Joint to recognize problems in all areas
tion proposed in the Report of the But Cutler said any reorganization Report after chairman of the com- official student opinion of their membership qualifications and Advisory Council is approved by of the University and bring them t
Ad Hoc Committee on Student must take into account the "com- mittee Knauss of the Law School, constituencies and . . . exercise manner of selection and the like the Assembly, SGC, GSC and the together into one central cor-
Participation in University Affairs. plicated relationships and differ- recommends that SGC be replaced the powers and functions of the would have to be worked out and council is established, it will take nittee.
A student-faculty advisory coun- ent interests" of graduates and by an Undergraduate Assembly current SGC." approved by the Senate Assembly, over the function of implementing It would then be the job of the
cil and a plan for the restructur- undergraduates' o n-negrdae seblySGC and GSC. IthworldtthentheetKnajob ofptre
ing of Student Government Coun SGC President Edward Robin- composed of about 20 memers -The other major recommenda- To facilitate this process, the council to inform the other areas
oil and Graduate Student Council son, '67, said he would like to see tion calls for the establishment of Senate Assembly Monday night Knauss said that the primary of the University of the problems
constitute two of the major rec- an "all-student one-unit" body of sembly would replace GSC and be a Joint Advisory Council which charged its sub-committee on stu- role of the Joint Advisory Council and perhaps, as suggested in the i
ommendations set forth in the re- g r a d u a t e s and undergraduates composed of one or more repre- would serve primarily as a "com- dent relations to work with these would be to act as a "communica- report, set up special ad hoc com-
port, formally titled 'The Role of rather than the dichotomous sentatives from each department, munications link between various groups and other interested par- tion link between the major units mittees to work on specific prob- i
the Student in University Affairs.' structure recommended in the program and school as in the levels in the University," as stated ties on details of the Joint Ad- of the University at the University; lems, Knauss added.
Vice-President for Student Af- report. present GSC. in the report. visory Council and other portions departmental and school levels." The council, explained Knauss,
fairs Richard L. Cutler, comment- John DeLamater, Grad, GSC To coordinate the work of the The council would be composed of the report, said Prof. William He emphasized that the council's would be more of an "information f
ing on restructuring SGC, said president, termed the recommend- two assemblies the report recom- of students and faculty, and be set E. Brown, chairman of the Senate function would be to act as a group than an action group," sincer
that there are "problems of the ation a "basically good idea." He mends the establishment of a up under the auspices of the fac- Assembly. "middleman." maintaining contact council members would also bea
relationship between graduates said the report recognizes some of S t u d e n t Executive Committee ulty's Senate Assembly, SGC and The job of the sub-committee, and communicating with all three members of the Senate Assem- t
and undergraduates that may not the different concerns of gradu- composed of about six students GSC, the three bodies from which continued Brown, is to initiate groups of the University commun- bly, SGC or GSC and so remain t

esponsible to their constituencies.
t is possible however, that the
ouncil would pass resolutions or
ake similar actions, he added.
Another important function of
he Joint Advisory Council, said
Knauss, would be to serve as a
"consulting body to the President
and vice-presidents of the Univer-
sity on major policy issues.'
Robinson commented that the
Joint Advisory Council as "a step
n the right direction" on the
part of the faculty and students
n realizing the roles they can
play in the University.
If these recommendations are in
fact implemented the Knauss Re-
port will have proved its import-
ance and fuller student participa-
ion in the University may begin
to be realized.

New Group





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To Research-
Immediate Project
Includes Intensive
Study of Ranking
University faculty members and
students last night formed an or-
ganization to "scrutinize" Uni-
versity policies and actions. Re-
search, data collection, and pres-
entation of facts to. the public
are all-a part of the overall plan.
The nucleus of the group con-!
sists of Prof. William Livant of
the psychology department, initia-
tor of the idea, and about other
faculty and students.
Methods of study and size of
the project were discussed last
night. Both short and long range
projects will be undertaken, in-
cluding a study of the draft and.
class ranking as one of the short
range ventures. Answers will be
sought -to questions such as: whof
decides to present ranks; who
will decide the fate of the SOC
referendum if it passes; and how'
many students have requested
withholding of grades and ranks?
Research will include contacting
administrators, and gaining ac-
cess to records of the administra- 1
tion. Another important fact they
seek to discover is what informa-
tion the University releases and
to whom?
Topics for longer range studies
include the locating of the true
center of administrative decision-
This group feels it is important
to know which decisions are made
by President Harlan Hatcher di-'
rectly, which by the vice-presi-
dents and which by other officials.,
Studies in the field of aca-
demics are planned. Careful ex-
amination of procedure concerning
appointments, curriculum, , and
general department policy have
been suggested.
Facts about the economic struc-
ture of the University, the main
sources of revenues, 'and the chief!
areas of investment will be com-
Special independent study class-
es dealing with these problems are
planned to be set up in the Honors
Other studies will be organized
outside the classroom structure. A
central location will be established
where data can be co-ordinated'
and made available.

--r£-an Pleased with 19 IY14) l
NEWS WIRE BiloigBoycott for
Graduates, Trafers
- Cite Adult Approach,



Late World News
By The Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. (P)-Surveyor 2, representing America's
second attempt at a soft-landed photographic mission on the
moon, began tumbling through space last night after a mid-course
maneuver. Scientists said the tumbling posed a potentially serious
REACH POLITICAL PARTY was officially disbanded at an
executive board meeting last night. Reach president, Jim Feeney,
'68, explained that Reach no longer has a unique role to play on
this campus.
Reach's executive board, in coming to this decision felt that
the "function of Reach has been partially fulfilled, its success in
changing the attitude, intent and structure of Student Govern-
ment Council."
Feeney explained that Reach has disbanded to enable indi-
viduals in the organization to direct their efforts toward the
common goals of SGC through SGC itself.
VOICE, THE LOCAL CHAPTER of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, last night elected a new chairman and executive
committee. Michael Zweig, a grad student who believes one of
Voice's primary functions is that of an organizing committee"
among radical campus groups, was selected as chairman.
Student power, especially in the area of ranking, was a signifi-
cant issue in the election of executive commitee members: Barry
Bluestone, Eric Chester, Alice Fialkin and Sandy Kelman were
elected. Other new members include Marti Kemnitz, James
Jacobs, Ruth Taube, Skip Taibe and Howard Wachtel.
Kaufman, '67, announced today that the registration for the Fall's
Men's rush is slightly above 1300 men. Despite an improved pre-
rush program to acquaint incoming freshmen with the fraternity
system, the number of men this year is below the 1450 signed up
in last year's fall rush The major reason for this drop is seen to
be the concern with the draft, and the classification of all in-
coming freshmen at 1-A. Despite the decrease in rushees, some
houses have reported gains in the, number of men seen.
HOMECOMING '66 PLANS, announced yesterday by co-
chairmen Walt Heiser, '68, and Judy Greenberg, '68, based on the
theme "FIR§TOFALL" will include Michigan's first Homecoming
queen contest.,
The contest, planned to run throughout October. is designed
to stimulate interest and increase participation in the weekend,
according to the co-chairmen. Both men's and women's housing
units will have the opportunity to nominate any University coed
for queen.
Judging for the contest will be by qualified members of the
major organizations on campus,. administrative officials, and
visiting celebrities. Maureen Anderman, '68 and Howard Wein-
blatt, '68, Co-Chairmen of the Homecoming special events com-
mittee said. "By having competent judges from student organiza-
tions. administration, and the University community, we are
certain this event will be a success."
- -- - - - -- - -- - --

Like Design, Location
North Campus Bureau I {
A few weeks ago, 600 transfer ::,''
and graduate students were guid- .:::r < } .:" :.. ":::'} : '::v:>:':~
ed by fate and the University
Housing Office into the newly- ... .
completed Vera Baits dormitories}, ** " ...:,;.
on North Campus 4 .:.<: J'
The housing office did its part ti:r.
with a brochure sent out in June
which said the dorm complex had
been "designed with the wishes
and requirements of graduate and .
upperclass students in mind."
Was the high-sounding billing
Except for widespread dissatis-
faction about weekend bus sere- f
ice and dafeteria' Prices, an Infor-
mal poll by The Daily showed that:
it was.
Opinion overwhelmingly endors-
ed the dorms' layouts, location ' r
the liberal student rules andthe
quality of weekday bus service.
"Freedom" was one of the key; i
aspects of Cedar Bend that was t $ {A:}'_s h £{'
consistently brought out. A grad- .
uate studont, who asked to be un-
named,. stressed "the, adult ap-
proach" which permits room visi-:
tors of the opposite sex until cer-
tain hours in the evening. RESIDENTS OF 'ERA BAITS HOUSING appear to be very satis
Baits was designed especially gripes about food services and transportation services from North Ca
for older-and presumably more '--- ----
mature - students on both the
graduate and the undergraduate H UA DEBATE:
Supervision is minimal. The
house directors are there to rep-.
esent University interests and aid,
residents, rather than to enforce F a clS
strict discipline. This is evidently
the most appealig feature of the p
Cedar Bend development, C o -1
The location of the buildings A dvisory
themselves, on a bluff overlooking
the music school, also received its
fair share of comments.
Miss Hurst also mentioned one By JOHN LAGERWEY He adds that items that need,
of the two key gripes that were "Faculty advisory committees attention usually get it. When
persistently heard. She said for ought to be playing the role of a something important, like the
residents without cars-over half counsel of advisors to vice-presi- HUAC incident, go by without
of the 600 residents don't have dents and to participate fully in consultation. something is worked
cars-the infrequency of weekend discussion of all-important policy out to ''stop it for next time."
University bus service, including a decisions," says Prof. Irving Copi As Prof. John Bardach, who
complete lack of buses until noon of the philosophy department. serves as chairman for the sub-
on Sundays, imposes an undue "It will always, in the individual committee on public relations says,
It means those residents without case, be a matter of judgent as the basic problem is "to what ex-
Itrs meas thoereides without to whether a vice-president seeks tent an administrator wants to in-
cars must either do without break-'the consultation of faculty ad-volve the committees he can."
See BAITS, Page 2 visors, says Vice-President for'
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler. Bardach feels that there should,


-Paul Josephson
:fied with their quarters, despite

New Synthesis Aids Insulin Research1

There are now faculty advisory be much more involvement of fac-
committees to each University ulty in administration. He sug-
vice-president, but with the an- gests the rotation of faculty mem-
nouncement of the University's bers in administrative positions as
decision to send student organiza- one way to end the "great dicho-
tion lists to the House Un-Ameri-

ifective ;
tomy between administration and.
faculty in America."
Bardach also observes that the
faculty committees once had more
influence. Copi agrees, saying that
former Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs sometimes even de-
'layed decisions in order to have
"full and free. and frank discus-
sions with his committees."
What the faculty must now de-
cide is whether or not faculty ad-
visory committees can be effec-
tively influential under the pres-
ent bylaws and, if they cannot be,
whether the Senate Assembly can
. force the vice-presidents to con-
sult with them on all important
r icului ln
Under its new leadership the
committee plans to take steps to
increase communication with the
general student. Through open
meetings and discussions with fa-
culty members, the committee
hopes to gather ideas from the
students as a whole and transform
these ideas into positive action.
"The committee discusses issues,
that affect every student on cam-
pus." Chairman Litvin stated.
The committee will parallel its

PA 379 Is
Reason For,
But U' May Decide To,
Comply with Statute,
Continue Court Fight
The Michigan AFL-CIO will vote
tomorrow on a resolution seeking'
Wn AFL-CO boycott of University
ducational services as punishment
for the Univrsity's opposition to
PA 379 a state law requiring pub-
fict employers to bargain -collec-
ively with their employes.
But there were indications last
nightthat the administration may
ecide 'to comply with PA 379's
provisions even though continuing
ts court fight against it.
The resolution asks that the
State AFL-CIO "give considera-
tion" to a boycott and adds that,
if the body finally "decides to by-
pass . . . the University . . . it
then formally ask the Board of
Governors of Wayne State Uni-
versity . . to establish immed-
Lately an independent institute of
labor and industrial relations."
The joint University-Wayne In-
stitute of Labor and Industrial Re-
lations (ILIR) is the major Uni-
versity facility which would be
affected by any labor boycott.
Wayne State is not opposing PA
379 in court, and is complying
with its provisions.
University administrators main-
tain PA 379.infringes *n the Unil-
versity's constitutional autonomy.
But the University lost a plea for
an injunction to stop certification
of collective bargaining units in
the University, and its suit to over-
turn PA 379 is still pending in the
Key administrators last night,
however, refused to confirm or
deny reports from highly reliable
sources that the University is now
considering compliance with the
law while its suit is still pending
In the courts. It is believed any
final decision on thisbwould have
to be made by the Regents.
The TLIR executive board re-
sponded to reports of the AFL-CIO
resolution with a statement, op-
posing "precipitate" action:. The
board's views are being communi-
cated to the AFL-CIO by letter.
The 'letter says the University
has not yet failed to comply with
PA 379 noting that the University
has complied with recent hearings
setting bargaining-unit lines and
other procedures under the law.
Sources close to the ILIR last
night expressed concern that, if
it occurred, a labor boycott "could
ruin the program of the insti-
tute, fo rce the withdrawal of
Wayne from our program and re-
distribute our labor programs to
other schools."
The AFL-CIO resolution criti-
cites the Regents for showing
"open defiance :of the law," for
using "public funds to employ pri-
vate attorneys" to challenge the
law and for refusal to "aoknowl-

. - 1

Despite the fact that the Com-
munist Chinese do not have a
reputation for scientific break-,
" throughs, they recently achieved
the first full synthesis of bovine
This Chinese work complements
rather than climaxes over a dec-,
ade of research in protein chem-
istr'y. It was not a scientific first,
as human as well as sheep and:
pork insulin have previously been
synthesized in the laboratories of
the University of Pittshbur.'h. the
Broo'have' N I '-,}!1l * , r -s
on Long lsland and a resarch
complex in Aachen, Germany.
Last week, Klaus Hofmann, di-

can Activities Committee, a deci-"
the human pancreas, and plays a The pioneering insulin research minute quantities of human in- sion reached without consulting S
vital role in body chemistry. Re- was done by Frederick Sanger of sulin in January. 1965, after mak- the faculty-discussion of th~e role ~i g Co
search to date indicates that this Britain about 20 years ago. In the ing replicas of the two strings. of advisory committees has been
function permits glucose in the late 1940's and early '50's, he Americans have been aware for re-opened. / I
bloodi stream to enter into body deciphered the mysteries of the quite some time that Chinese re- Bylaws of the faculty Senate YU~U il~AU
cells, maketp of the bovine insulin search on insulin was going on. Assembly states that "the Assem-
Donald Hultquist of the biolog- molecule, a feat that earned him Anthony Trakatellis, an associate bly shall establish standing sub- By CAROLYN MIEGAL
ical chemistry department noted the Nobel Prize, of Katsoyannis at Brookhaven, committees to advise and consult
that "the insulin molecules pro- He subjected the molecules to 'said that "the Chinese have been with each of the vice-presidents of Through closer relations with
vide a rnis for the susar to a series of carefully controlled de- publishing in Scientia Silica, a the University on matters within other campus groups, the Literary
permeate the cell memubranes. gradations, breaking down each Chin-se scientific journal publish- the areas of their respective juris- College Steering Committee hopes
While the specific chemical reac- successive fragment until he wased in English, and' distributed diction." to become "a generator of ideas on
tions have not been determined left with recognizable amino acids, freely togresearchers around the "No one tries to hide anything the academic scene," according to
yet, we can study physiological which aregthebuilding blocks of world." Trakatellis noted that the from the faculty," asserts William recently-appointed Chairman Jo-
effects in the immediate cell vi- proteins. His work required the ! Chinese have had full access to Brown, chairman of the Senate seph Litvin 67.
erfcts vmrl othe rmperts of the r pr n of a chemist with the Sinner's :nd all other insulin pub- Assembly and its executive arm, As aliason betwe'n the students,
bon .y. exactness of a cartogrrapher, and liks ons. ihe Senate Advisory Committee on student groups, and various fa-
Aydeficiency results in sugar after several years, he deduced the The Chinese workers, under University Affairs. culty and administrative commit-
'E.. B_ _h_..eI%? r+ - n- CPC ,, ' P University as Sa tees the committee seeks a more

build-up in the blood. To remedy

rector of the Protein Research this, animal insulin is extracted
Laboratory at the University of from the pancreases of cows, pigs

structure ,of bovine insulin His
was the first "mapping out" of
any protein.. i

Y. C. Du, have obtained synthetic
samples of bovine insulin which1
are almost fully active. Previous
I hinese results had been in the i

trown sees Ll llvlb y U j , 1 i1111 iG G~ ava ,.aG v aaaavv :y, ....
big "family," in which vice-presi- influential force in curriculum de- agenda with the agenda of the lit-
dents consult their advisory com- cisions. erary college Curriculum Commit-
mittees "from the standpoint of The group consists of about 20 tee. After arriving at a final re-


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