KNAUSS REPORT: NOT FAR ENOUGH See Editorial Page Y Str i4au Iaity SUNNY High-72 Low--50 Mostly pleasant, chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Senate Calling Assembly Approves Knauss Report for Greater Student Participation Joint Panel Asks Change In Schedule Urges Formation of Systematic Procedure For Faculty Evaluation By MARK LEVIN A joint student-faculty advisory committee yesterday released a re. port asking for sweeping changes in academic scheduling and pro- cedure to facilitate greater stu- dent participation in University affairs., In addition, the committee urges formation of a systematic course and teacher evaluation procedure which would serve Deans and de- partment heads in determining faculty tenure and promotion questions. The report of the Ad Hoc Com- mittee nn Stunt Par i tin i. * * * * * * * * * * * * TEnumerate Protestors Lose Presidential Draft Appeal By ROGER RAPOPORT The Presidential draft appeal board announced yesterday that it has voted to uphold the 1-A classification of six University students who sat-in at the Ann Arbor draft board last Oct. 15. "That's the belt that runs to- ward the induction station," Na- tional Selective Service Director Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey told The Daily in a phone interview. But Ernest Mazey, president of the Michigan Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said he is "confident that the belt will not run smoothly. We think the court will take the use of the Selective -Service system to punish dissenters more seriously than Gen. Hershey does." , Court Order Mazey said the ACLU will "probably seek a restraining or- der," to prevent the induction of the six students; Patrick Murphy, '68; Robert Sklar, '68; Ronald Mil- ler, '68; Eric Chester, '66; Ray Lauzzana, '66; and David Smok- the cases of two others are cur- will be ordered to take their pre- ler, '66. Chester and Lauzzana are rently pending. induction physical examination." not currently attending school. The six students who were de- "Following that there is a mini- nied 2-S deferments yesterday mum 21 day period .before they Smokler is enrolled at San Fran- previously lost appeals to local can be inducted." cisco State University. and state draft boards. In its 3-0 Holmes said the Selective Serv- Thirteen University students vote against the students the ice "probably won't be inducting' were originally reclassified 1-A for Presidential board stipulated they them as long as they have legal allegedly violating Selective Serv- have "No further rights of appeal." action pending in the courts." ice law when they sat-in at the Physical Suit draft board. The students were Michigan Selective Service Di- Col. Holmes said that while the protesting U.S. policy in Viet Nam. rector Col. Arthur Holmes told students "have a right to the suit. Five won back their student de- The Daily he "thinks it will be at I don't know what the suit would ferments through appeals, while least November before the students be about. The federal courts have - SACUA CHARGES: olP I anda HUAC Decision Creates never ordered a draft board to hold up induction." "Besides the law says that the decision of the Presidential appeal board is final." The three man appeal board is appointed by President Johnson. University P r e s i d e n t Harlan Hatcher voiced dismay over the decision. Earlier Hatcher has sug- gested that the use of the Selec- tive Service as a "punitive meas- ure . . . warps and could even de- grade the entire concept of the draft. I don't think you should draft a student because he pro- tests." But Col. Holmes contended yes- terday that, "They've been given all their rights and -benefits. Somebody has got to go into the service. I don't feel these individ- uals are any different than any- body else." Some critics of the reclassifica- tion move have contended that if the students actually violated the law the Selective Service should take them to court, not draft them. Hershey-bars "A lot of people argue you should send these boys to prison instead of the army," says Gen. Hershey. "The answer is quite simple. Congress passed a draft law to get these boys into the armed forces, not into jail." q-' 111it~~txu un otuut -rciun in University Affairs states that the increased pressures due to the year-round operation of the Uni- versity had been "seriously detri- mental to both student and fac- ulty." Participation It asks the University to "take the value of student participation into consideration," when planning the academic year. It outines a variety of alternatives to the pres- ent schedule including shortening of class hours in a term or creat- ing shorter spring-summer terms. The report further calls for greater flexibility in course elec- tions, in the number of hours that a stuent must take inabaigiven term, and in the availablility and use of time permits. "There should be provisions for the student who is heavily in- volved in University activities dur- ing a given semester to take re- duced credit loads for semester. and make up credits at a later time." the report says. Scholarshipi Also included is a proposal for increased scholarship and loan aid to students who must work, but wish to participate in student af- fairs. A second major academic area of the report concerns faculty and course evaluations. The report states that teacher evaluation can serve three functions: to act as a guide to the effectiveness of in- struction for the individual pro- fessor or fellow 2) to measure teaching effectiveness in respect to tenure and promotion questions for Deans and department heads 3) to aid the sutdent body in mak- inz course elections. The report, however, adds that if "Deans and department heads are going to use student evalua- tions it should be done on a syste- matic and consistent basis rather than in an informal questioning of a few students." "There should be an active effort to promote the development with- in the University of the best pos' sible forms and methods for the evaluation of teaching." the com- mittee concludes. NEWS WIRE Serious Problems For 'U' STRIKING MEMBERS of the United Federation of College; Teachers yesterday resumed picketing as fall classes opened at St. John's University in New York City. The strike was called last Jan. 4 after the university dismissed 31 faculty members, of whom 23 were members of the union. All were dismissed without hearings by the administration.t The union has demanded greater academic freedom, a voicef in policy making. higher salaries and firm tenure procedure. The1 university has refused to recognize the union. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY student leaders, facultyj members and administrators -begin meetings today to discuss student rights and responsibilities. The leadership conference was called because of local and national concern over recent student unrest, demonstrations and walkouts. according to a University spokesman. MSU's Academic Council today is also beginning considera- tion of a "student bill of rights" whiche would increase student! political freedom and free the campus newspaper from adminis- trative control. Classes for MSU's 38,000 students begin in one week. CAMPUS AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION may form a local chapter at the University. Several students here including Arthur Collingsworth, '67, are considering establishing a CADA group here. According to Regional CADA director Richard Wiener, CADA is "an independent, liberal. political organization which seeks to advance liberal programs both within the two major parties and within the public at large." To form a local chapter 10 dues paying members must register with the national. * * LITERARY COLLEGE junior-senior counseling office will accept preclassification appointments for seniors only Wed.. Sept. 21 through Wed.. Sept. 28 it was announced yesterday. Beginning Sept. 29, appointments will be accepted for juniors and second- semester sophomores. James W. Shaw, chairman of faculty counselors for juniors and seniors, said that this new preclassification procedure is "something of an experiment." "We're trying to see," he added, "if a priority system is an improvement over the present catch- as-catch can system. We really don't know if this will work a hardship on juniors and sophomores. Welthink not. but' we would appreciate hearing if it does." Shaw sair his office would appreciate students making their appointments in person, as time schedules will be given to stu- dents only as they make their appointments. There will be no mass distribution of time schedules this year. By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE reaction or opinion, according to The committe An interim faculty report on the Prof. James Wendel, chairman of support of the f University's recent decision to sub- the committee. erary college in mit membership lists to the House The committee has met nine Un-American Activities Committee times thus far and has interviewed pressing concern charged that, "the university is administrators, faculty members, sity's decision. TI now undeniably confronted with students and representatives of resolution said I serious problems of maintaining the American C i v i 1 Liberties the freedoms of association and Union. ocosure dissent." The committee plans to propose of Disclosure to The report of the ad hoc com- legislation which will formulate decision on me mittee of the Senate Advisory future policy and to provide the similar situations Committee on University Affairs University community with an released yesterday suggests that account of the University's re- the University also faces "serious sponse to the subpoena. Mr c problems of maintaining mutual The committee was originally. trust among students, faculty and formed at the request of several administration." faculty members in order to clar- The committee will submit a ify the administrative proceedings, final report and recommendations when complying with the HUAC assembly on Oct. 17. SACUA has which would prevent similar By HEAL the power to submit any final occurences in the future. recommendation to the Regents. Under SACUA rules it is not The debate o The interim report was intended possible to take a formal vote on democracy cans to provide the assembly with in- an interim report and thus no ing and develop sformation on the committee's ac- final decision was made at this tries is "merely tivities rather than gauge faculty time. cording to Ferdi ee received the aculty of the lit- its resolution ex- with the Univer- 'he literary college t trusted the ad on the Question reach a proper ans of handling s in the future. os Lauds Viet Takes Degree H. BRUSS n whether or not survive in emerg- ing Asian coun- academic," ac- inand E. Marcos, nRpiil f h Mr.Boulding Candidate In 2nd Congressional District By SUSAN ELAN overriding political issue that Mrs. Kenneth Boulding, wife of should confront voters. The best Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the way to raise the war issue in this economics department, was chosen election is by supporting a "peace" as write-in "peace" candidate from representative in an electoral con- the Second Congressional District text. last night. 2. A "peace." candidate would be Mrs. Boulding was chosen by a one method of educating the voter group of local voters who oppose about the war and would make U.S. policy in Viet Nam and feel him think about his obligation to they cannot support either Marvin oppose the war. Esch, Republican candidate, or 3. A "peace" candidate would Weston E. Vivian, i n c u m b e n t be a rallying point for the anti- Democratic candidate, in the com- war movement and would solidify ing election. the various groups which oppose Reasons for support of a write- the war. in candidate were outlined by Prof. 4. Finally, it would demonstrate Thomas F. Mayer of the sociology that candidates cannot ignore the department: ing the write-in candidate feel it 1. The war in Viet Nam is the issue of Viet Nam. I jt ~luinui ui npuoa oc tn Philippines. Marcos stressed, the realities of democracy in his country yester- day after being awarded anehon- orary doctor of civil laws de- gret in the Clements Library. "From our point of view," Mar-' cos said, "democracy has suc- ceeded in the Philippines." Marcos used the example of the Philippines to refute theories that democratic institutions could notl support "the rapidity of economic growth" in Sautheast Asia. He al- so said that "there is a funda- mental acceptance of democracy by Philippine citizens." Marcos' maximum security stop yesterday afternoon at the Li- brary and the President Harlan, Hatcher's residence next door marked the half-way point on his 15-day visit to America. In New York City Sunday Mar- cos said he felt that Saigon and Hanoi could, mutually work out a solution to the Vietnam War. He said that he favored all possible means of ending the conflict, but bombings of North Viet Nam would be interpreted as a sign of Ameri- can weakness. YesterdaysMarcos guaranteed the current commitment of Philip- pine troops and specialists to the effort and cmmunicating Philip- pine cnfidence in the American "We have complete trust and faith in the American people, in whose hands lies the salvation of all humanity," he said. He said that the special pur- pose of he Philippine people in participating in the Viet Nam war is to provide an example of the commitment of a democratic country. "In 1896," he said, "the Philip- pines were the first of Asian and African nations to mount a revolt against colonialism . . . It has fought for freedom. It is totally committed to freedom. If demo- cracy doesn't succeed in, the Philippines, what are we fighting for?" Marcos received the University's academic cape before the Regents, University officers and guests. He was introduced by U n i v e r si t y president Harlan Hatcher and Governor George Romney. Ideas For Involvement Stronger OSA, Joint Advisory Council, New SGC Body Called For By SUSAN SCHNEPP The Senate Assembly approved yesterday a special report on 'The Role of the Student in University Affairs' calling for greater student participation at all levels of the University. The report, a year and a half in the making, was drawn up by an ad hoc committee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, and recommends that: -A Joint Advisory Council of students and faculty be estab- lished; -The office of the Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs be given status and authority equal to that of the other vice-presidents; -A new, student government structure consisting of Undergrad- uate and Graduate Assemblies and Student Executive Committee be set up; -Student participation in aca- demic matters at the departmental and school level be promoted; -Formal and informal student- faculty interaction be extended beyond the classroom, and; -Effort be made to avoid un- necessary secrecy and to improve the flow of information within the Univeristy. Resolution A resolution passed by the As- sembly charged the subcommittee on Student Relations to study methods of implementing the re- port. The sub-committee will over- see establishment of the new Joint-Advisory Council. The Joint - Advisory Council, composed of faculty and students will "serve as a line of communi- See Text, Pages 2 and 8 cation between the various units and levels of the University." It is expected to aid the SACUA sub-committee on implementing recommendations made by the re- port. Dubbed the 'Knauss Report' af- ter Prof. Robert Knauss of the Law School, chairman of the com- mittee, the report develops a phi- losophy of student participation in which "the student should be al- lowed to take his place as a full participating member of the Uni- versity community," and "help formulate and enforce the rules he is expected to observe, and have the opportunity to influence all phases of the University's life." Student Participation While recognizing the need for student participation, the report states that because the University is widely decentralized and many initial decisions are made at the departmental or school level, the student's role in most matters "can be only that of advisor or consultant." "In certain areas, such as the making of rules governing student behavior, students should engage in the actual decision-making.... The student's role as an advisor must be institutionalized and taken in good faith by all parties, if it is to be effective," says the report. Ad Hoc Committees Rather than appoint students to serve on standing University faculty committees, the report recommends that the council "should have the power to estab- lish special student-faculty ad hoc committees for the most effective student participation" on particu- lar problems. The report says that the office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs has the greatest impact on students' lives. Unrecognized But it goes on to say that, "At the present time the formal or- ganization of the University .. does not recognize this importance. Right People Wowed y First N1ght Scandal By BETSY COHN sketches under the insistence of Walker), and Lady Teazle (Patri- his two nephews is most worthy The carpeting of Lydia Mendels-the dominance of manners." cia Margaret Connolly), are in- of his fortune. sohn Theatre got quite an ele- Hatcher concluded with a show- volved in one of those taunting Investigation gant sweeping last evening as doz- man's bow which turned the stage man-old, woman-young and pret- The result of his investigation ens of taffeta gowns slithered back two centuries to the fash- ty matrimony games. They have a combined with several mor eludi- en ftaft gwssltee crous situations, winds the story gracefully acr oss the floor. ionable home of Lady Sneerwell .. pure young guardian, Maria about mnes into a knot secured by "hap- London. whom the plot begins to revolve. pily ever after".. .well almost. It was the President's Premiere .e.n'h'fo of the Association of Producing With contemporary theatre con- The concentric circles whic 01- "School for Scandal," thanks Artists; for the opening of their ventions abandoned, the audience low are somewhat dazzling: to author Sheridan, has provid - fifth season they presented is ready to become entwined in Charles Surface (Clayton Corzat- ed its audience with some of the "School for Scandal." Aside from the double plot of the great 18th te) loves Maria; Joseph Surface most limber language exercises a choice group of actors, all the -(Ellis Raab) also loves Maria ever enacted on stage and after right" people seemed to be there century comedy, by Richard ( -a200 years. the language has still in their studded tiaras and care- Brinsley Sheridan. They first be- Lady Sneerwell's babbling breth- retained its same agility. Thanks fully pressed first night tuxedos. come acquainted with Lady Sneer- ren is pulling for Joseph, and in to the exquisite performance of I their endeavors they become si- newly inducted APA member President Hatcher made the well (Anne Francine) and her lent penpals for Lady Teazle and Helen Hayes (Mrs. Candour) as opening benediction with praises to elite clique of aristocratic vipers Charles (without the knowledge of well as Clayton Corzatte (all three Marcella Cisney and Robert whose delights were taken in di- either). Joseph is the brother of of him), and Ellis Raab .the play