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September 18, 1966 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-18

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rr WWrr ne wvYVwyxarl r ra xw tiriwrio. ___ ___ __. _. _ __ - _.._

Peking Army
To Protect,
Canton Area
Ask Soldiers To End
' Violence Caused By
Red Guard Youths
HONG KONG (P)-Red Chinese
army troops have moved into Can-
ton to curb a violent group of
youthful Red Guards reported to
have mistreated the aged and in-
firm in the drive to forge a new
Signs from Peking, however,
were that the purge of so-called
rightists from the Chinese Com-
munist party continued, with in-
dications that new heads might
roll from the top echelons.
Travelers from Canton reported
that regular army troops had be-
gun patroling Canton's streets
Wednesday night and early Thurs-
day. Cantonese Red Guards had
resisted efforts from Red Guards
sent from Peking to hold down
violence against persons accused
of bourgeois habits and customs,
the travelers said.
They added there had been
clashes between the Canton Red
Guards and those sent from Pe-
' "The Peking Guards we'e much
better disciplined and reasonable,"
one traveler said. "They tried to
talk the Canton Guards .out of
using too much physical force and
violence. But they failed. There
was a lot of shoving around and
quite a few fist fights' between
the opposing groups.
"Then the Peking group moved
out, and the regular army soldiers
began patrolling the streets."
Others said the army patrols
apparently had come from Peking
because Canton military leaders
had kept hands off the Red
. The Red Guards, compared by
some to the Hitler youth in Ger-
many before World War II, were
formed to protect Chairman Mao
Tze-tung and his leadership and
to help carry out the great pro-
letariat cultural revolution - a
purge decreed by the Communist
Party Central Committee in Pe-
king last month.
Leaders of that revolution or-
dered yesterday that the full force
of the purge be brought to bear
on "the handful of bourgeois
rightists who have sneaked into
the Communist party and are still
clinging to power."
The order, which presages the
removal and disgrace of more
party leaders, appeared as an edi-
torial in the theoretical organ Red
Flag edited by Chen Po-ta, chief
of the cultural revolution.
Apparently written by Chen
himself,, the editorial reiterated
that the No. 1 problem of the
purge was to distinguish the
identities of the friends and ene-
mies of the movement. It quoted
Defense Minister Lin Piao, the
new strong man, on this subject
and repeated his call "to concen-
trate the power of the masses and
the great majority to deal a blow
to the handful of bourgeois right-
ists who have sneaked into the
party and are still clinging to
The editorial appeared two days
after Mao and Lin had reviewed
the third mass Peking rally in a


Wilson Sends Mansfield Endorses Escalation
Top Officials Of Military Forces in Thailand

1 U 11E.i111(.. csia


Seek Acceptance
African Majority
Colony Decisions

WASHINGTON l.'T-Sen. Mike he had little official knowledge of tions .as they actually exist, there
Mansfield (D-Mont), the Senate U.S. military operations in the probably is a need for these bases,"
majority leader who has opposed little country bordering Viet Nam. he said.
expansion of the war in Viet Nam, But he said he accepted news re- The Senate Foreign Relations
gave a qualified endorsement yes- ports that two new large military Committee, of which Mansfield is
terday to the American military bases were under construction a member, starts closer hearings
build-up in Thailand. there. Tuesday on the U.S. role in Thai-

-Associated Press
THIS IS A VIEW OF THE EARTH from the 851-mile altitude reached by Gemini 11 Astro-
nauts Charles Conrad and Richard Gordon who recorded the scene at this record space height.
Pictures from Gemini Flight
Show Smooth Curve of Earth

HOUSTON E1') - Vivid color
pictures snapped by the Gemini
11 pilots from man's record alti-
tude dramatically captured the
earth's curve from horizon-to-hor-
izon bearing out their awed de-
scription: "Boy, it's really round!"
However, officials revealed yes-
terday that smudged windows and
exposure problems cut into the
quality of most of the movie film
that Navy Cmdr. Charles Pete
Conrad Jr. and Lt. Cmdr. Richard
F. Gordon Jr. took during their
three historic. days in space.
Gemini 11 used a captured
Agena rocket to soar to a lofty
orbit ranging upwards to 851 miles
Wednesday, farther from earth
than any man has ever ventured.
Yet pictures taken from the high-
flying outpost showed earth's
smooth, sweeping curve clearer
than on any other man-made
There were breathtaking pic-
tures of Australia, the Indian
Ocean, the. Bay of Bengal, the
Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the
Gulf of Aden, Ethiopia and So-
mali-all with amazing clarity de-
spite Gemini 11's dirty windows.
Movies again emerged as a prob-
lem area for a Gemini mission,
although technicians processed
over 1,000 feet of movies brought
back when Gemini 11 splashed
home Thursday. A spokesman
said: "We got a lot of very badly
underexposed film that required a
special development job. You've
got to remember that it's very
difficult to take pictures up there.
And, remember, Pete had that
stuff on his windows."
One brief color movie sequence
did show, with striking sharpness,
Gordon astride the nose of his
spaceship as he tied Gemini 11
to an Agena rocket during his
shortened 44-minute walk in space.
His companion aptly described
the scene when he barked to Gor-
don during last Tuesday's stroll:
"Ride 'em, Cowboy!"
Officials said a second 80-foot
roll of Gordon's excursion was so

badly exposed it could not be
printed. And, on a third, the
camera, mounted on the spacecraft
hatch, was aimed in the wrong
direction, missing Gordon com-
Similar problems struck the last
two missions. On Gemini 9, Navy
Cmdr. Eugene A. Cernan ended
up with only a few poorly exposed
frames of his long walk. Air Force
Lt. Col. Michael Collins' stroll
outside Gemini 10 failed to show
on a single piece of film mainly
because one roll was lost in orbit.

Meanwhile, the two astronauts
continued telling the story of their
exciting flight to officials at Cape
Kennedy, Fla. A spokesman said
the two would fly to Houston to-
morrow morning for more discus-
sions and a reunion with their
Gemini 11, lauded as one of the
nation's most successful manned
spaceflights, was the next-to-last
in the Gemini series, forerunner
of Appolo man - to - the - Moon
flights. Gemini 12, a four-day mis-
sion to begin Oct. 31, will be the

LONDON () - Prime Minister lvuansiied said in an interview In view of the present condi- land.
Harold Wilson announced last Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
night he was sending two top men FArk) has raised the issue that the
to Rhodesia. They are expected to WAmerican build-up might convert
seek some way of bringing that re- + F B I I Thailand into "another Viet Nam."
bellious white-ruled colony to ac- He said Congress ought to know
ceptance of eventual African ma- ' " "what we are getting into."
jority rule. u 'gregationiss But Mansfield said he doubted
An announcement from Wilson's inquiring senators, who will hear
office said Herbert Bowden, new Asst. Secretary of State William
secretary for Commonwealth af- OXFORD, Miss. (P) - The FBI lence Monday and Tuesday in P. Bundy as the first witness,
fairs, and Sir Elwyn Jones, attor- arrested 12 white men and alerted Grenada, 45 miles to the south, would learn much that is new.
ney general, would fly to Salis- its agents for another arrest in was "the shame of all who occupy "I doubt that we will find out
bury tonight. yesterday's crackdown on leaders leadership, both official and civic, any more in the hearings than we
The announcement added that of segregationist attacks on Negro in the county and city of Gre- already know from credible news
they would "visit Rhodesia for children and newsmen in Gre- nada." reports," he said.
purposes indicated in the com- nada. The ruling came after two days Mansfield said Thailand opera-
munique on Rhodesia issued by the Still being sought was Justice of testimony in which witnesses fan tad"ringd'"ite.
Commonwealth prime ministers' of the Peace James Richard Ayers had said that in many instances House briefings on Viet Nam. He
meeting." of the first district of Grenada police had taken no action while added that so farVa he knew,
That communique stipulated County. A ranking federal source white men beat Negro children Congress was Informed about ac-
that "all sections" of Rhodesian said authorities did not believe with ax handles and chairs out- Cingtes th s fom a it ai
opinion - four million Africans Ayers was trying to evade arrest, side the n e w 1 y desegregated theipati there from what it read in
against 200,000 whites-should be but thought he was out hunting. schools.IThe aor tynly.
consulted on a majority rule Eight of those arrested were Failure by Grenada officials to chief factor behind the American
agreement. arraigned here before U.S. Com- obey the injunction would expose build-up seed te for ad
Prime Minister Ian Smith seized sionr e n the them to contempt of court action. fense against the threat of Chi-
indpnec o Roei atote orwr'bigbog~ Judge Clayton emphasized the nese subversion of northeast Thai-
Nov. 11 and since then has scorn- from Grenada for a second ar- gravity of such action by sentenc- land." He noted that this area
ed diplomatic and economic pres- raignment. ing Grenada Constable Grady had a large population of North
sure to bring the African colony None of the arrested men en- Carroll to four months in prison Vietnamese.
back into the fold. The problem tered pleas. Mansfield said he was not pre-
is that Britain and African mem- Special agent Roy K. Moore,.
bers of the Commonwealth want head of the Mississippi office of The judge signed an order Fri- pared to challenge published re-
Rhodesia's black Africans to have the Federal Bureau of Investiga- day night requiring Carroll to sur- ports that the United States had
a say in the colony according to tion, said the 13 men would be render to the U.S. Marshall here 25,000 troops in Thailand and was
their numbers, in other words, charged with conspiracy to violate before noon next Saturday, Sept. building big bases at Sattahip, on
power; and th~e white minority the civil rights of the Negroes who 24. In court Friday the judge said the Gulf of Siam ,and at Nam
says the majority is not ready to were attacked Monday during the Carroll would have to begin his Phong.
rule. first day of desegregated public term at noon yesterday. But the He noted, however, that Thai-
After this week's Commonwealth schools in Grenada. later date was stipulated when he land would retain title to these
session ended here, Wilson called Among those arrested were: signed the order. and other bases built there if hos-
on Smith to mend his ways and Doyle Cleveland Vance, Gre- Carroll remained free under his tilities ended and the United States
return to British control before nada, truck driver; original $3,000 appearance bond. withdrew its troops.
the end of 1966 or face the warth Donald Bain, Grenada, factory The case against him had been He declined any comment on
and compulsory sanctions of the worker; pending since he pleaded guilty whether U.S. air strikes from
United Nations. Many black Afri-- Leland McBride Belk, Grenada, at a hearing last month involving Thailand against North Viet Nam
can nations want Britain to use service station operator; Negro claims that law officers and Communist-contolled areas in
the force of arms to bring Smith Archie Larry Campbell. were ignoring the court's orders Laos could be classified as opera-
to heel. This Wilson has- refused The arrests followed a U.S. Dist. to protect legal civil rights demon- tions to defend Thailand from at-
to do. Court order that Grenada offi- strations. tack.
He announced the Bowden- cials protect Negro children from- --
Jones mission to Salisbury after "savage and senseless" attacks by
having rejected a demand by white men.
Conservative Opposition Leader Judge Claude Clayton issued the GUILD HOUSE
Edward Heath to recall parlia- order Friday night, saying the vio-
ment from its summer recess for -02 Monro
an emergency debate on the ex-
plosive Rhodesian issue. Wilson!O rder Monday, Sept. 19 Noon Luncheon
claimed this wasn't necessary.
He congratulated himself and BUFFET 25c
the country, in a television broad- r
cast, on saving the Commonwealth Y 0ur
from blowing up over African- Prof. Frthjof Bergman:
Asian demands that Smith's re- SubTHof.GRiThjof B erien
gime be toppled by tighter eco- Subscription "THE GREAT SOCIETY" (c series)
nomic sanctions or military force.

World News Roundup

By Tihe Associated Press
SANA, Yemen-President Abdul-
lah Sallal once again took over
full control of Yemen's govern-
ment yesterday after spending 10
months in virtual exile and nearly
four years after his revolution un-
seated the Arab nation's mon-
Department announced yesterday,
that Secretary Dean Rusk will fly,
to New York tomorrow for a week
of meetings with foreign ministers
attending the opening of the U.N.
General Assembly's fall session.
Rusk slated an important ses-

sion Thursday with Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, the
first such high-level U.S.-Soviet
parley this year.
MONTPELIER, Vt. - The na-
tion's director of Selective Serv-
ice indicated yesterday that draft
regulations should have a defer-
ment provision for part-time col-
lege students.
Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey said
the number of full-time students
who have been inducted is small
and "I feel badly our law makes
no provision for part-time stu-

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