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September 18, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-18

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California .... 21 Michigan St. . . 28 Purdue . . . . . . 42 Iowa...
Washington St. 6 No. Carolina St. 10 Ohio U. . . . . . . 3 | Arizona

.0.. 0.04

31 Miami (0) . . . . 20 Wisconsin . . . 20 Missouri . . . . . 24 I'Waynesburg . . 31
20 Indiana . . . . . .10 Iowa St. . . . . . .10 Minnesota . . . . 0 Slippery Rock . 0

See Editorial Page




Partly cloudy,
little chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom









associate Sports Editor
Dick Vidmer's hands were still
shaking a little as he answered
the endless post-game questions
yesterday, and the only time that{
they stopped was when he dia-
grammed a play on an invisivle
blackboard. As Vidmer relived and'
related his calls, those hands sud-
denly, stilled ,and they mirrored
the .deftness, confidence and au-
thority that the still-unshaven
quarterback had demonstrated
Much of the pre-game buildup
had centered around Vidmer whoI
had to answer two questions: could
he move the Michigan team, and
how good was the untested Ore-
gon State secondary? "Vid" an-
swered those queries and quite a
few more as he engineered a 41-0
thumping of the young Oregon
State Beavers.
More important than any score,
statistic, individual permormance,
or new record that came out of'
yesterday's rout was the knowl-
edge that Michigan has a quar-
terback-more than just "a" QB,
Michigan has a signal caller that

will have to be feared and respect-

was - - stlrorisPd. niPasantty Cnr_ ' thr ir .znfp#v hart mp onvprprt fliprp ;

il111VC LMlu u b - a. . . u , ,,- L - cu llIuJ 1Iu.U ± aetVnamecoe LeIer
ed by all future opponents. Vid- prised." Elliott added some more so I ran more of a flag instead
mer beat Oregon State yesterday, general praise saying that every- of a post pattern and Dick didn't
but he won a battle with himself one did "a real good job," but his expect me to be where I was."
that is going to mean a lot more confession, along with Vidmer's "We tried to get a little too
for Michigan football than just testipnonial, that the team has fancy later on," Vidmer comment-
one lopsided score. more power and balance than even ed, "and there were two passes in
SDave Fisher summed up the he had expected, has to be re- a row where it looked like there
thoughts of the team when he garded as a very positive, very was no one there, but Jack chang-
said, "Vid has always been sort "pleasantly surprising" sign for ed the pattern and I had to let
sa, Vdhsay, b eenhisorjust1966 Michigan football. the ball go before he cut.
of a nervous guy, but this is just A part of Vidmer's success must ,
the kind of game that he needed. AdsJack has to be one of the
Undr Dck he eammigt hvebe attributed to Captain Jack Jakhstbeoe fte
Under Dick the team might have Clancy who put on a spectacular greatest ends in the country," he
jelled right out there today. I ys added, "and he can always get
guess we'll have to wait and see sure-fingered pass receiving show loose but occasionally that means
about that, but anyway we al- that almost pushed the Michigan a variation in the play. Sometimes
ways knew he could do the job quarterback out of the individual it works. and sometimes I have
and now he knows he can, so look spotlight. Clancy picked off 10 to throw too soon."
out." flips for a total of 197 yards, as
he set new Michigan records in 'Great End'
Repetition both those departments. Some writers felt that Vidmer
When Coach Bump Elliott was Besides tremendous moves, great favored Clancy too much in his
asked for the fiftieth time what hands and good speed Clancy passing, but Vidmer explains, "We
he thought of his team's perform- possesses an uncanny knack of have got to make the defense re-
ance he said (as he has said so "reading" the opponent's defenses. spect Clancy to set up our other
many times before), "I was en- "I try to stick with the patterns receivers as well as the running
couraged by our play today." A when I can," said Jack, "but . . . attack. Besides, Clancy is a great
reported said, "I should hope so," well, that first pass I caught (49 end."
and suddenly Elliott's traditional yards) looked like Dick had un- Among those "other receivers"
post-game facade slipped off, and derthrown it, but he didn't. If I is tight end Clayt Wilhite who
he beamed a tremendous grin and had run the pattern, it would called his own play late in the
laughed as he said, "All right, I have been right on the nose, but See WARD, Page 7

Daly-Lennie Austin
A Record-Setting Pass (12 of 18) . . .

... Catch Combo (10 for 107 yards)

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first installment of what we hope will
become a regular Sunday feature of The Daily. Its continuation, however,
depends on the use students have for it. If you have questions you
can't get answered elsewhere, call The Daily at 764-0553 weekdays be-
tween 3 and 5 p.m. or address your queries to 420 Maynard St., Ann
Can I participate in spring commencement this yearif I still
have six more credits to fulfill in the spring half -term?-J.S.
Yes, you may participate in the commencement exercise, al-
though the literary college dean's office notes that you won't
get your degree until you complete your credit requirements.
I have just moved to Ann Arbor and am enrolled as a full-
time student. I'm married, over 21 and not supported by my
parents. I'll be a student here until April, 1967, will work in Ann
Arbor next summer and attend the University again next fall.
By that time, I'll have lived in Michigan for one year. Will I be
able to register next fall as a Michigan resident and pay only
in-state tuition?-F.J.
Sorry about that. The Registrar's office says you must be
over 21 and live in Michigan while not enrolled in the University
for six months before you can qualify for residence status. Your
four months next summer won't be enough.
I've received a 1-A classification from my draft board. How
can I get the University's help to get my student deferment
You probably forgot to fill out the Selective Service form
distributed during registration. Call the University's Selective
Service counselor at 764-1575 for the form and further help with
your specific case. Current guidelines say you will get a defer-
4 ment if you scored above 70 on the recent draft deferment exams
or rank above either the middle of your freshman class, the two-
thirds mark of your sophomore class or the three-quarter mark
of your junior class. Graduate students must have scored at least
80 on the draft exam or have ranked in the top quarter of their
class in their senior undergraduate year.
If you're a freshman from Michigan, don't worry. All in-state
freshmen are 1-A until next fall, because the state Selective
Service says they must have a year of school to establish their
right to a deferment. But they also say you won't be draft-
eligible until the end of your first college year.
All this assumes you're a full-time student, that is, one who'll
complete the 120 hours required for graduation within four years.
The absolute minimum for full-time status is 12 credits per
trimester. You should average 30 credit hours for each full
calendar year to play it safe.
Can someone not in the Nursing School take the nursing
anatomy course during the summer trimester?-N.S.
Theoretically it's possible, with the permission of the in-
structor. However when several students not in nursing tried it
last summer, they were turned down because the class was already
filled just with nursing students. To find out about the situation
this year, contact Prof.. Russell Woodburne, anatomy department
chairman, in the spring. His office is in 1006 East Medical Bldg.
and his phone number is 764-4359.

Sees Future
In Education
Lehmann Predicts
Increase Emphasis
On Auto-Instructioi
With an increasing emphasis on
technological changes and the
liberalizing of attitudes on indi-
vidual rights, the disciplines in-
volved in educating America's
youth will undergo significant
changes in the future, :according
to Charles F. Lehmann, assistant
dean of the school of education.
Lehmann predicted that the
non-verbal approach to teaching
and auto-instruction, such as in-
dependent s t u d e n t laboratory
studies, will become more preva-
lent in the years ahead.
Such devices as closed circuit
television, language laboratories,
audio-visual centers, computer-
teachers that check student re-
sponses to questions and type-
writers which will not allow spell-
ing errors to be recorded are al-
ready on the educational market
and are indicative of future trends,
Lehmann said. Inevitably, classes
of all kinds will make use of these
techniques, he added.
This does not mean, said Leh-
mann, that instructors will be eli-
minated from the classrooms.
What these new innovations doj
indicate is that the idea of a school
being just a collection of students
in a classroom is archaic. There
will always be a need for inter-
change between students and in-
structors. However, under the pro-
jected educational system, the in-
structor will be more than a teach-
ing machine; he will function as
an expert consultant in his par-
ticular subject area, Lehmann
Many of these changes, said
Lehmann, will result in an exten-
sion of the educational years on
both ends. Earlier elementary
schools and a growth in commun-
ity colleges will stretch the school
ages from 3 to 20, before one en-
ters a university.I
A diversity of types of highers
education institutions is necessary
to present the technological edu-
cational devices of today and theI
future to all students, regardless
of their class standings.
See EDUCATOR, Page 2


Vew Relations
By NEIL SHISTER . "a healthy system" trying to im- purpose of the University, intel-
"I keep hearing rumors that prove itself. He sees general lectual growth and development.
Vice-President for Student Af faults in the system, but none He does not specify ways in
fairs Richard Cutler doesn't be- which he calls dramatic defects. which this irrelevance can be al-
lieve in fraternities and wants to Last year nearly 3,000 'nen were leviated nor does he outline steps
tighten his rule over them," says affiliated with fraternities, and his office might take to do so.
Richard Van House, Inter-Frater- rush registration so far this fall But it is interesting to note
nity Council President. "But al- is the second highest in IFC his- that last year IFC raised the min-
though I'm not sure whether he tory. imum grade-point needed to
really understands what fraterni- 'Irrelevance' pledge from 2.0 to 2.2 although
ties are about, we have no com- Perhaps the biggest thing pletely internal decision not
plaints about the relationship le- wrong- with the system, accorcting prompted by OSA.
tween us and the OSA." to Cutler, is its "irrelevance." Last spring the grade-point av-
Duncan Sells, director of Stu- In Cutler's opinion, many fra- erage of undergraduate fraterni-
dent Organizations, characterizes ternity functions and activities ties was 2.64, below the indepen-
the campus fraternity system as are not consistent with the true dent men's average of 2.75 and

the all men's average of 2.68, and
only .04 above the men's resi-
dence hall average.
OSA has direct control of fra-
ternities through two offices, stu-
dent organizations and University
housing. Prior to this year the
office of University' housing did
not exist and all fraternity policy
went through only Sells' office
Increased Contact
But this increased administra-
tive contact with the system does
not frighten Van House. 'Tdis is
partially because John Feldcamp,
director of University housing, is

Proposed Data Center May Solve*il mao o nigSaitc

American researchers and psy-
chologists may soon be overwhelm-
ed by the flood of statistics that
pour in from our multifaceted
The problem has been brought
sharply into focus by recent pro-
ppsals for a federal data center to
coordinate under one government
agency all the separate bodies of
frets on personal income taxes,
ci edit ratings and Social Security
In the private sector, under the
auspices of universities and legiti-
mate scientific survey agencies,
researchers also face problems in
data collection stemming from the
average citizen's distrust or sur-
veyors and "snoopy" question-
For example, according to John
Scott of the Survey Research
Center, "Primary and secondary
schools are being swamped with
survey requests. Parents object to
all the forms being pawned off on
their children. In one Bronx high
school, students were asked to fill
out a questionnaire relating to
sexual adjustment-unfortunately
the test had been designed for an

older population and many parents he is deluged with samples of
raised a stink." 'greasy kids' stuff.
Scott, assistant SRC field serv- One housewife refused to speak
ice director, maintains a staff of to a field worker from SRC be-
some 300 interviewers stationed in cause 'she suspected that he was
all parts of the country. They a private detective hired by her
conduct about 20 studies a year estranged husband. Despite an em-
for other sections of the center, phatic denial, she was so upset
interviewing approximately 2000 , that she packed up and moved
subjects per study. The research down the street. Thereupon-in al
areas include, among others, fer- one-in-a-million-chance-she was
tility rates, consumer debt, and randomly selected for a second
religious intensity. center study and felt her initial!
"Interviewers meet most resis- doubts confirmed.-
tance from young married couples Once an interviewer has reas-
in the suburbs of large cities," sured the respondent, and has re-
Scott noted. "Bogus research firms ceived the necessary facts and fig-
may have previously canvassed a ures, the task of interpretation re-
typical area with reputed scientific mains.
questionnaires." Strict confidentiality must be
However, the operation is only maintained; great pains are taken
a come-on for sales-the survey is to shield the identities of the in-
for commercial purposes, a fact dividuals interviewed. Then var-
the interviewer sadly learns when ious departments of SRC analyze

the data with sophisticated sta-
tistical techniques, mathematical
simulation models, and computer
Great care must be taken not
to overgeneralize. "Cohort" studies
which deal with individuals having
a common identification trait (say,
middle-class Negroes) usually pro-
vide the most valid information.
-Scott observed-a bit whist-
fully-that this problem of data
collection was less acute in Euro-
pean countries (Denmark, for ex-
ample) because the governments
maintain centralized, comprehen-
sive files.
While centralized data collec-
tion may be more efficient for a
few social scientists, there lingers
the feeling among a large segment
of the public that a comprehen-
sive identification system smacks
of a totalitarian regime.

felt to be very favorable towards
fraternities, being an active alum-
ni of a local chapter himself.
Feldkamp's office is responsible
for enforcing the conduct code
for students living in University-
approved housing, which includes
fraternity houses. There has been
talk, according to one OSA
source, to abolish University-wide
regulations 'and let each 'housing
unit set up his own standards of
conduct. Such a move would give
great freedom to the fraternities,
loosening administration author-
The University's new policy of
assuming ownership of fraternity
houses in order to help the fra-
ternity raise money is viewed as
a good move by Van House.
Housing Problem
"Housing is the biggest problem
facing fraternities. Last year al-
though there were 2,900 men in
local chapters only 1,400 were liv-
ing in houses. I'm really excited
about the University's apparent
willingness to help us out here"
But with University ownership
of houses, presently proposed only
for one ,professional fraternity,
comes increased power over the
fraternity. Upon assuming owner-
ship of a house, the University
will grant only short-term jeases
to the house, for periods of five
years or less.
University Control
Thus, in effect, the University
maintains control of the frater-
nity, for theoretically it can re-
fuse to renew a fraternity's lease
and thereby force it to vacate its
Feldkamp calls such University
action highly unlikely since "we
couldn't really pull that kind of
stuff." He does concede that his
office would have such power, but
claims they have it now since
they can refuse to approve a fra-
ternity house because of basic
housing violations.
Van House is enthusiastic about
the support he gets from the ad-
ministration. "If Cutler were re-
ally out to hurt the system he
would have to do it through Feld-
kamp or Sells, and both have
been really good to us."
Feldkamp emphasizes the im-
portance of fraternity housing,
which provides what he calls "an
almost ideal" way of living. "The
University could never afford to
build a group of small living units
comparable~ to the fraternity
houses, and it seems as if the
houses, with 40-60 men, are about
the best size to have as a unit."
Thus it is important, in Feld-
kamp's opinion, to keep the sys-
tem strong and viable. One move
which he advocates is the institu-
tion of resident advisers in some
fraternities. One house is current-
ly experimenting, with this, but
Feldkamp is quick to say that not
all houses need such a person.
Van House is also pleased with
the' aDnintmpent of Daniel Fitz-

Public Sentiment Sways War Decisions
By PETER ARNETT unset, and explanations were de- The argument against destroy- homes. They appeared more an-
manded right up the line to ing villages is that this will de- gry than upset as they watched
THE CROW'S FOOT,.South Washington. stroy the hope of ever getting co- their flimsy dwellings go up in
Viet Nam ()-When and why In a few short hours the reality operation from the people. This smoke.
does an American troop com- of the war struck home. argument often has been dropped. Realizing newsmen were pres-
mander in Viet Nam order the Several tons of rice had been however, when U.S. troops have ent, the division high command
burning of an enemy village? found in An Huu, and New- operated in incorrigibly hostile ordered all burning to cease.
"Not today, for any reason." combe's platoon asked permissioni areas. The lesson that Newcombe, a
said Capt. Nelson Newcombe as to burn it. The company con- Such an area was the Crow's studious officer from Auburn, Me.,
he noticed wisps of thin white mander asked for an okay from Foot. U.S. planes dropped millions learned, was that the burning of
Asmoke spiraling over a cluster Of hi:.her up the line, then tie re- of leaflets on the hamlets, warn- a village must not only satisfy


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