Seveuity-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIV-RSTTY OF MICHTGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER JT)pniron= Are Free. Lh Will Prevail M IQR A \w 20 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. NFws P-roNE: 764-0552 :ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex pres the mindividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This pnuts t be no/cd in all reprints. ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS 'OR THE L- I Hatcher's HUAC Rationale: A Big Disappointment / ;, /1 , 1 / / , 7 / / W~HO Ie: THE MOBSa OF 'CG . - N ,/' I {7/ ; / ;, 4? r // / / U . ' PRESIDENT HATCHER' "report" to the Regents yesterday on the University's response to the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee subpoena-admittedly little more than a warmed-over version of his statement to the faculty-is dis- maying and disappointing. It misstates the issue it discussed, and it avoids other issues altogether. At the heart of Hatcher's defense of the University's compliance with the sub-* poena is his conclusion that "the Univer- sity must obey the law. It cannot sup- port those portions of the law which it is willing to accept and discard the others." Although Hatcher did not state the prem- ise on which this conclusion is based, it clearly seems to be this: that any Uni- versity attempt to overturn the subpoena would disobey the law, or "discard" a portion of it. B UT THIS IS as ironic as it is fallacious. As a number of distinguished faculty have already pointed out in these pages, the University has been changing its building procedures to avoid a state law setting requirements on the use of state capital outlay funds given to universities; and (the University has been challenging in the courts a state law which requires t to bargain collectively with its em- ployes. Under Hatcher's far-fetched definition, these two actions "disobey" the law or. try to "discard" part of it; and, follow- ing his wobbly logic, one might, indeed wonder why a third such action isn't en- tirely consistent with the two which pre- ceded it. YET THE UNIVERSITY is not trying to "discard" the law in the first two cir- cumstances, despite Hatcher's inconsist- ent logic; it is in fact following the law. The requirements of the state's capital outlay law, PA 124, apply only when the University uses state money; by not us- ing state money, the University-in an entirely legal and proper manner-avoids PA 124's restrictions. And by opposing the collective bargaining law in the courts, the University is not "disobeying" the law; on the contrary, it is using its rights under the law to protect what it regards as its legal autonomy. The same is true of possible attempts to overturn the subpoena. Had the Uni- versity gone into court to have the sub- poena declared judicially void, the Uni- versity would, here, too, have been doing nothing more than exercising its legal rights. Hence Hatcher's comments on the law miss the whole point of the argu- ment. IF THE STATEMENT misses the most crucial issue, it ignores most of the others. Hatcher yesterday had no expla- nation for the administration's failure to consult the students and faculty before its decision, even though the education school recently criticized this communi- cation failure and the literary college voted a statement expressing "regret" that the University had responded to the subpoena. He did not say why the University failed to inform the students involved, though this would have enabled them to get an injunction to restrain the Uni- versity from complying without involving any University move' to the courts - a course most administrators now think was the best: And Hatcher did not explain why he personally took no part whatsoever in the decision to comply-which is prob- ably why he does not understand the is- sues involved-or to defend what can only be called an appalling abdication of mor- al leadership. The Regents roused themselves briefly from their torpor to accept President Hatcher's report; perhaps the matter got slightly more discussion during the Re- gents' private meeting - although one Regent has indicated it took great ef- fort even to place Hatcher's "report" on the agenda of the public meeting yester- day. IT IS 'ASTONISHING to see the most important members of the 'University community. give so little scrutiny to such an important question; and it is sadden- ing to study President Hatcher's inade- quate defense of a decision most admin- istrators now admit they wish they had. not made. It thus appears that the major responsibility for studying this whole in- cident-and recommending reforms to insure it does not occur again-falls on the special subcopimittee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- fairs. It is a great responsibility; and one can only hope the subcommittee meets it bet- ter than President Hatcher and the Re- gents did. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor, 1. oQK, THIS !;S'T MY OPIkJI2M EXACTLY- BOT T' P fOLL;DOW POPRLARITY s C5&AT- AM ATONI'Hi& PRP I r/ 71111 PPe5I060T AMMOUKC&$ LWITH R oT flE SVL2QUM !RESIMA14O1 OF W54 4AG6.U. A ERIE A W! A (251F5E To RETUPO To PRIVATE.. NPUSYWEEC 0 O ES-~'' A .t Uty Cycle Law Makes, Sense By ROBERT BENDELOW THE ANN ARBOR City Council is presently considering a new ordinance controlling motorcycles. This ordinance is well thought-out and should, with minor changes, be passed into law. Under the ordinance, any driver or passenger of a motorcycle or motorscooter would be required to wear a safety helmet. That vehicle would need special lighting if it is to be operated at night. In addi- tion, many road antics would be rendered illegal, Wearing a helmet is sensible. It not only protects the cyclist di- rectly, but it also makes him more easily visible to drivers of auto- mobiles. The ordinance states that each helmet "shall have at least half of the exterior surface colored white, and shall be equipped with a reflexive badge or surface on the outside of the back portion of such helmet which shall be no less than two square inches in area." This provision seems reasonable. If the intention is visibility how- ever, why the exact stipulation of a white helmet. Other, common, colors are easily as visible, such as silver magnum, or light metal flakes. A change in the ordinance to read: "half of the exterior sur- face shall be of a light, visible color" would be advisable and rea- sonable. MOTOR SCOOTERS, under a section of the new ordinance, would be restricted to a maximum speed limit of 35 mph in the city. Motorcycles (defined as having engines of more than 50cc dis- placement) would not be affected. The reasoning behind this is sound: the stability of a small- wheeled, light Vespa going over a bump at 40 mph is at best a chancey thing. Another provision, regarding the required lights or suitable reflec- tors (which would need the ap- proval of the police department) seems sensible. On most Ann Ar- bor streets, it is suicide to venture out without some means of seeing and being seen. "Every person riding a motor- cycle or motor driven cycle . . shall be grantedall the rights and be subject to all the duties . . of a motor vehicle under Michigan Law . . . except as provided to the contrary." This may get some opposition from the average auto- mobile driver who discriminates between human beings and motbr- cycle drivers. It needs to be said. IN REGARDS TO safety equip - ment, the rider and driver must both wear helmets and "a safety eye shield, safety glasses, safety goggles" etc. The idea of eye protection is vi- tal. Driving over 30 mph, or behind a large truck results in an impair- ment of vision either from eyes watering or dirt and dust. With- out something covering the eyes, driving a motorcycle at any high speed becomes a squinting, head- turning affair, usually with only one eye functioning. Other safety conditions refer to the number of people allowable on a vehicle (the number it was built to carry), also concerns carrying anything that will prevent the ri- der and driver from holding on with both hands. This will make it harder to get the groceries back to the apartment. In the case of the passenger, one handhold is enough. To most motorcyclists, it's be- coming practice to shoot up the curb to the head of a line of cars stopped at an intersection. Under the ordinance, the motorcycle would have to stay in its lane. The ordinance also prohibits pass- ing between lanes of moving traf- fic. This is very sensible, as it helps to keep the motorcycle where turning traffic expects him to be. Generally, little can be said against the sensibility of this or- dinance. It contains provisions that may be bothersome for the motorcyclist and passenger, but which are needed for safety con- sideration. Now, since the city is so worried about the safety of its motorized cycle riders, it should be willing to offer to all licensed owners a training program in how to han- dle their machines. Statistics show that a disproportionate percentage of novice drivers are involved in accidents. Driving a cycle and learning how to handle it in traf- fic is quite different from driving a car. As yet there is no separate licensing program for cycle riders --a city with as many cycle riders as this one might save itself quite a bit of service cost and its citi- zens a few problems by filling the gap. CITY COUNCIL needs also to remind the drivers of Ann Arbor that motorcycles do belong on the roads, that they are there and that they should be treated with all the respect (hopefully) given another car. Such an increased awareness could lower motorcycle accident rates as much as any list of safety features. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- Grading System Fairer Than Draf1t Test To the Editor: IT IS WELL KNOWN that the Selective Service exam fails many excellent liberal arts stu- dents who have insufficient math- ematical training. VOICE has properly criticized this..The pres- ent unfair Selective Service Sys- tem has only one saving grace: The better liberal arts students are exempted from taking - and often failing-the exam if their school record is sufficiently high. A glance at current Selective Service procedures shows that preventing release of class rank will force all these good students to take the Selective Service exam which is unfairly slanted against them. It is a shame that VOICE, which has brilliantly led the op- position of this campus to John- son's blundering war, should tar- nish its record with an anti-liberal arts position. One can only hope the Univer- sity's liberal arts students will be able to outvote the students in science and engineering who are preparing for careers in the de- fense industry. ONE CAN HOPE that most stu- dents in science and engineering will put the good of the Univer- sity before narrow self interest and vote with the liberal arts stu- dents for continued release of the rankings which exempt at least the better students from taking an unfair test. -Thomas H. Westerdale, Grad M ichigun Poltics To the Editor: IN AN ANALYSIS of Mr. Okrpnt's , article of September 14, we can see some obvious contradic- tions which I feel show his lack of understanding about the Mich- igan political scene. In reviewing the past successes of Governor Romney in 1962 and in 1964, Mr. Okrent equates these successes with short term influ- ences and poor Democratic gub- FPA:AvoidinttheIs sues THE ORGANIZATION that presents the most favorable impression to the en- tering freshman is the Inter-Fraternity Council. Before a freshman is even reg- istered at the University, the council is busy organizing picnics in his home town area, and showing slides that acquaint him with the projected fraternity image.' Then, once registration starts, our un- affiliated freshman is met with a flurry of lawn dances. and other assorted social events. With the end of Rush, so ends the great services performed by our IFC and its affiliated members. Their image has been presented, and with that their job except for their sing concert and a few internal services is done. rfHE IFC IMAGE is clearly one that emphasizes social and athletic events, while giving little recognition to aca- demic and cultural aspects of student life. The recent IFC Mass Rush Meeting fea- tured a film narrated by Ronald Reagan, a true leader of intellectual ferment, on fraternity life. The theme centered around social and athletic events. Also featured was a member of the athletic department who tied in the history of fraternities with the University's great sports tradition. By the end of his speech, things sounded more like a pep rally than an informative meeting. Thursday nights Fraternity Presidents Assembly provides us with an interesting insight into what they view as their role in our multiversity. ONLY TWO PROPOSALS from the IFC Executive Committee were brought to a vote before the presidents. Both dealt with social aspects of houses. The first resolution was regarding regulations con- eeirni wnmen in hons The TFC has ing conflicting parties, and from seeing that these parties didn't get out of hand. A weakened version of a section regard- ing the policing of events was passed. If one is to measure by the intensity of de- bate on the measure, this was an issue of paramount importance. NEAR THE END of the meeting Nelson Lande, president of ZBT, moved: "That the IFC Executive Committee take a ser- ious look into IFC's becoming an active party to any SGC-sponsored referendum on the question of University release of student class rank to local draft boards, and it report its findings at the time to the next FPA meeting." Dick Van House, president of the IFC Executive Commit- tee, banged his gavel and asked for any seconds to the motion. The answer to the FPA's interest in this issue was dead. There was no seconding of the motion, no debate whatsoever. It died there on the spot. WHY DID THOSE 45 campus leaders refuse tc even investigate this mat- ter? Some argued afterwards that they were leaders of houses with diverse opin- ions on the matter, and they didn't want to commit their members to any policy concerning the referendum. This is a poor excuse. The motion called for a fact- finding committee, not a committal., The real reason for the FPA's inaction was that they considered'it none of their concern, and this is the rub: if this issue "isn't their concern," then what is? The concerns of this organization, that repre- sents itself to incoming freshmen as one of the most prestigious on campus should extend further than matters of housing and social functions. THEIR APATHETIC rejection of an .. :. f .;Y \ il? w ,,, '"* J-- "",r L. . ,:> <,K .T" ..r ..--'."3 5 YY A l ry P f { r pF ' 6Y y r q' lik Ir. 'J r ernatorial candidates who; have failed to obtain enthusiastic labor support. He fails to note that John Swainson was the hand picked candidate of Governor Williams and Gus Scholle in the Democrat- ic primary of 1960, and through labor's strong support, Mr. Swain- son defeated Micl igan's most pop- ular D e m o c r a t i c officehold- er, James Hare, for the guberna- torial nomination. Neil Staebler was co-founder with Williams of the Michigan Democratic Party and financed Williams' first campaign in 1948. Furthermore, Staebler ran for congressman-at-large in 1962, a statewide post that gave him am- ple opportunity to meet Michi- gan's electorate. Staebler was also the only Democratic loser in Michigan and was unaided by Mr. Johnson's 700,000 vote sweep that brought Democratic control to the Michigan House and Senate as well as to our congressional dele- gation. WHAT THESE FACTS point out is that the electorate refuses to judge a candidate solely by party or personality, but it votes on the basis of proven service to Michi- gan. Governor Romney has that rec- ord. Michigan was $134 million in debt in 1962. We now boast a $150 million surplus. Without in- creasing taxes, his administration has increased expenditures for ed- ucation by 70 per cent and for higher education by 90 per cent as well as providing improved- benefits for workman's compen- sation, homestead relief, and in- creased mental health facilities. Governor Romney has proven that he can lead both a friendly and an opposition Legislature-some- thing his "speckled attired" pred- ecessor could never do. As for Bob Griffin, he has completed a record of accomplish- ment in his 10 years in Congress -again, in spite of being a mem- ber of the opposition party. He hails as his greatest accomplish- ment his authorship of the Na- tional Student Loan Fund which enables many qualified students throughout the country to con- tinue their education. THE POINT that must be made is -that Williams and Ferency are not the darlings of the union man, but the stooges of the union boss- es. If either man should be for- the Democratic Party, G. Mennen Williams, could have done more for the party by using his "tre- mendous popularity" to defeat Governor Romney, but Williams shied away - realizing that his popularity is not all that "tremen- dous.'' The Democratic Party has a pair of also-rans - a gubernator- ial candidate who talks big but cannot even get his own party to listen, and a Senate candidate of a former generation who has cre- ated more problems than solutions from Lansing to Algiers. THE ROMNEY-Griffin Action Team has a proven record of prog- ress that I think will have more appeal to Michigan voters than a faded bow tie. --Robert M. Stuart, '69 State Youth for Griffin Chairman Unchanging Committee To the Editor: ONE UNCHANGED model of the House Committee on Un-Am- erican Activities (HUAC), estab- lished by Congressman Dies in 1938, remains with us after almost 30 years of existence. While its activities .give HCUA some resemblance to a court, yet rumor, hearsay and even anony- mous letters were relied on by Congressman Dies when chairman Rankin of Mississippi bulldozed some witnesses and promised leni- ency to others, if they would be- come "friendly witnesses" in the public hearings. THIS PATTERN of conducting hearings prevailed in 1964, when the names of some professors were taken from the catalog of Jeffer- son School and others from the organizations on the list compiled by the U.S. Attorney General. At this time two members of the Uni- versity of Michigan were punished. When an alumnus queried one of the Regents on the injury inflict- ed-to professors in mathematics and pharmacy-for political belief, he replied that "the climate of 1954 will never be repeated." As in 1954, namesof sponsoring professors and of students belong- ing to the organization appeared in the press a few days before ap- pearancehwas scheduled before HCAU, this summer, leaving little W 00 4 I ..