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September 17, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-17

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.1 V I {+ 1 1 L 4 1-+ 1 s


War Mishap
Follows Radio Charge
By Peking; Rusk Says
UN Policy Remains
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk said yester-
day the United States is looking
into a Peking charge that U.S.
planes strafed a Chinese village
near the Vietnamese border on
Sept. 9. But he said he had no in-
formation on any such action.
Rusk told a news conference
that the only information he had
been able to find on the incident
alleged by Red China was a Sai-
gon announcement the next day
reporting an encounter between
American planes and Communist-
built MIGs.
He did not identify the national-
ity of the MIG aircraft.
No Comment
Pentagon sources .had no imme-
diate comment on the Radio Pek-
ing report of a strafing attack.
Peking said two houses were dam-
aged and an ox was killed. One
American plane was damaged by
Red Chinese planes the report
'Rusk told his news conference
that "we will be checking further
into the matter."
In discussing a variety of other
questions, Rusk said:
'Major Obstanele' .
Communist China "is a major{
obstacle to settlement" of the Vi-
etnamese war and for this and
other reasons, such as China's
generally aggressive attitude, he
"was confident that 'a bid to seat:
China in the United Nations would
be defeated.
Rusk said he believed the pro-
Red Chinese move in the forth-
coming session of the U.N. Gen-
eral Assembly would be a turn-
back by "a substantial majority"
of U.N. members.
The United States is known to
have decided, following a prolong-'
ed review of its own opposition to'
a Red Chinese seat, to stand firm
on its policy in the General Assem-
bly meeting opening Tuesday in
New York.
Holding Stand
Rusk said the United States is
holding to its long-time stand and
this does not represent any new
4 decision in the sense of a major1
new policy determination.
On other subjects, Rusk said7
there is still no evidence of any
readiness in North Viet Nam tol
move toward talks on ending the
Vietnamese war.
French President Charles de
$ Gaulle in a recent speech in Cam-
bodia on the Vietnamese war fail-
ed to make "any suggestion" aboutI
what North Viet Nam and Red
China might do for peace inI
Southeast Asia.

Defense Cut
Says Cost Program
Has Adverse Effect
On Defense Structure

U.S., Britain Consider Actions
To Bar France fronm Secrets

LONDON ( --)
British authorities

American and growing impatience with the atti-"
are pondering tude French President Charles dea


moves to bar France from sharing
the strategic and planning secrets
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
In reporting this, diplomats said

Gaulle is taking in the wake of
France's withdrawal from NATO
military activities.
Issues involve the defense of Eu-
rope and West Germany's dual,


-Associated Press
CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY CHAIRMAN Mao Tse-tung, left, is shown with Defense Minister
Lin Piao; surrounded by the Red Guards youth movement during a recent rally in Peking. Lin Piao
has moved to consolidate his position as second man in the party by channeling the energies of the
Red Guards from their street rampages of past weeks into party cells.

Pravda Attacks 'Red Guards'
Overturning Chinese Culture

WASHINGTON (A) - A House yesterday that officials of the two and sometimes conflicting attach-r
subcommittee endorsed the Penta- countries also are considering ur- ments to France on one side andt
gon's cost reduction program but gent action for the transfer of to the Americans, British and oth-t
said that it has made "inflated NATO's political headquarters er allies on the other.t
and unrealistic reports of savings"., from Paris to Brussels, Belgium.Speculation
It charged that some cost reduc- Washington and London were said One result of all this has been
tion has "had an adverse effect to want this switch quickly. They to touch off speculation among
on our national defense struc- favor holding the year-end session mm
ture.' of NATO foreign ministers in some Western diplomats aboutthe
Brussels rather than in Paris as need, ultimately, for high-level
In a report issued last night BtAmerican, British andi West Ger-
after a study of the Defense De- usual. man talks
partment's cost reduction program, Decision
the House Armed Services Special A decision was to have been tak- As American and British offi-
Investigations subcommittee said en by the foreign ministers of cials see things, De Gaulle is try-
many reported savings "result France's 14 partner states at a ing to lead France nto a special
from ordinary routine decisions special meeting in Brussels next and privileged position within the
expected of management" and month. This meeting now seems alliance. They fear the process
others "merely ended practices unlikely to take place and more could upset NATO concepts of
which were grossly wasteful." probably will be held immediately fair burden-sharing and tempt
in advance of the regular Decem-- others to copy France's example.
Saves $7.6 Billionj ber 15th gathering. Rougher Attitude
The Pentagon claimed that dur- The American-British studies Washingtonand London are
ing the fiscal years 1964 and 1965 are taking place in a mood of i moving to the view that a rougher
it saved $7.6 billion of which 52.6
percent was credited to a cate-
gory of 'buying only what we
need." The subcommittee examin- Report Neutral Zone
ed cases from that category cover-
ing $1.25 billion in total claimed
The report said the Pentagon Site of Fierce Fighting
program has produced significant
savings and added:
"The true accomplishments SAIGON, South Viet Nam - South China Sea, where enemy
of the cost reduction program are Fateful moves on both sides have gunners had fired on troops of
its best recommendation and are now enmeshed the demilitarized the 1st Cavalry, Airmobile, Divi-
sufficient reason to endorse and zone-the DMZalmost as fully sion, and others nearby downed
support it as an imaginative and a helicopter and a fighter plane.
effective tool of management." in the Vietnamese war as the cen- Newsmen in the field said they
But it said "grossly inflated tral highlands. About the only had seen U.S. soldiers setting
claims can only detract from its thing lacking is an infantry bat- some of the huts afire with mat-
effectiveness. tie. ches. For some reason the divi-
Questions Effectiveness sion's command denied this. It
It called the present validating U.S. B52 jet bombers dropped issued a statement Thursday sug-
procedure used to police the pr- tons of explosives over Communist gesting the ,flames were set by
gram of questionable effective- troop concentration and storage preliminary air strikes and artil-
areas within that border territory lery.
nes.. ,,.yetrdyaugmenting attacks by
"On numerous occasions," it yesterday g
said, 'the opinions of service audi- lighter planes aimed at wiping out American pilots flew 121 mis-
Red nests and damming further sions Thursday over North Viet
tors questioning savings have been infiltration from North Viet Nam. Nam. They said they blasted three
overruled by the office of the se- surface to air missile sites, along
cretary of defense." The allies got wind i July of with 59 barges, 11 bridges, two
Along the same lines, it said military trials, supply dumps and oil storage depots, 21 railroad box-
that top Department of Defense gun sites built up within the zone
I cars and, important to the airmen,
'management pressure on the and reacted to the violations of five conventional antiaircraft po-
services to meet savings quotas the 1954 Geneva accords which sitions.
has resulted in inflated and un- neutralized the DMZ.si

attitude is needed to deal with the
French, even if it means expelling
France from NATO's top-secret
strategic and planning groups.
Informants listed in connection
with French withdrawal from NA-
TO's military network that France
no longer intends paying a share
towards NATO's military costs and
that it has pulled its men out of
the chiefs of staff committees in
Washington: Supreme Hpadquar-
ters, Allied Powers, Europe: the
staff of Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer
who is supreme allied commander,

MOSCOW (/)-The Soviet Un-i
ion sharply rebuked the Commun-
ist Chinese for their culturalt
crackdown on everything foreign.
"The more backward a country1
is technically, economically and
culturally," Pravda, the Commun-
ist party paper, said, "the more
she needs to draw on the best1
achievements of other peoples to,
overcome her backwardness."
Pravda said a true cultural rev-<
olution builds on the best of the
past, rather than rejecting it. The
article did not mention China by7
name but it clearly was aimed atI
Peking's "great proletarian cultur-
al revolution," especially its anti-
Soviet overtones.
Pravda said Soviet Communists
had rejected extreme leftist ele-
ments and implied that Chinese
Communists should do the same
in their own country.
It was the first direct comment
by the Soviet press against the
Chinese cultural upheaval, al-
though the press has reported,
without comment, on events in
Peking and reprinted anti-Chinese1
statements by other Communistt
Continuing this pattern, the So-t
viet government paper Izvestia
quoted a Spanish Communist pa-1
per as calling the Chinese cultural1
revolution "a scandalous attacki
against the Soviet Union and a1
stain on the history of the Chinese
revolutionary movement."E
In Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Prem- s

ier Chou En-.lai warned Peking's
Red Guards yesterday to halt at-
tacks on Dr. Sun Yatsen's widow,
who has been made a heroine of
the Chinese Communist revolution,
Tanjug news agency said.
Sun founded the first Chinese
republic in 1911. The Communists
have lionized the widow, Soong
Ching-ling, making her vice presi-
dent of the nation and heaping
other honors upon her.
The Tanjug dispatch from Pek-
ing indicated the rampaging young
Red Guards had also been dis-
respectful to the memory of Sun.
T a n j u g 's correspondent said
Chou's address to the Red Guards


Sun never had been published
Peking but its contents could
learned from posters pasted up
the Red Chinese capital.

By these accounts, Chou met
with Red Buards in the Parlia-
ment building Sept. 1. He told
them first there was no need to
remove busts of Sun from various
buildings. Then he admonished
them against pasting up posters
against Mrs. Sun.
By the Tanjug account, Chou al-
so demanded that the Red Guards
stop beating up Chinese and
throwing them out of their apart-
ments, and told them to quit des-
troying objects of art.

Cider and Donuts

Met Opens To Musicians'!
Strike; Iiaz, Price Star
NEW YORK (R')-The Metropol- Voted last Tuesday, it already
itan Opera opened its palatial new has forced the postponement of
home at Lincoln Center last night next week's schedule and may af-
to present the world premier of fect the Met's whole fall program.
composer Samuel Barber's "An- The Musicians have been working
tony and Cleopatra." without a contract for more than
Bass Justino Diaz and soprano two years.
Leontyne Price were in the title For .the principal event of the
roles, before one of the most gla- New York cultural season, Mrs.
morous audiences in the Met's long Lyndon B. Johnson came up from
history. the White House. Attending as
The debut came in under the her guests were the president of
shadow of an orchestra musicians' the Philippines, Ferdinand E. Mar-
strike. cos, and his wife, who are on a
tstate visit to this country.
The , opera was commissioned
I especially for last night's opening,
in with Thomas Schippers conduct-
ing and Franco Zeffirelli respon-
sible for the stagingsenand
costumes, as well as the adaptation
practice yesterday and crashed on of Shakespeare's text.
the Nevada desert. The orchestra players, members
The pilots, Capt. William B. of Local 802 of the American Fed-
eration of Musicians, agreed to
McGee, 31, La Jolla, Calif., and Lt. play Friday night despite their
Chris Patterakis, 31, Modesto Cal- strike. They seek a new contract,
ifornia, ejected and parachuted I including a new rotation system
unhurt. so that each musician will have
S;only five performances a week. At

EWorld1 News Rot

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senate ap-
propriations subcommittee has ap-
proved $7.5 million to revive the
fledgling national Teacher Corps,
it was learned yesterday.
The House had refused to vote
any funds for the corps in the
current financial year in passing
the money bill for the Labor and
Health, Education and Welfare
departments last May.
WASHINGTON - Production
of American industry climbed dur-
ing August to another record, the
11th straight month, of advances
in this key indicator of economic
LAS PALMAS, Canary Island -
A Spanish airliner with 21 persons
aboard ditched in the Atlantic Fri-


off Tenerife, one of the Can-
Islands. All but one boarded
rafts and were rescued.

* * *
Gemini 11 pilots flew back to Cape
Kennedy yesterday for a hand-
shaking, back-slapping reunion
with fellow astronauts. They des-
cribed their daring flight as "ab-
solutely fantastic."
Spacewalker Richard F. Gordon,
Jr., showing no sign of the physi-
cal fatigue which cut short his
space stroll, pronounced their re-
cord-shattering three-day mission
"a lot of fun."
F100 jet planes in the Air Force
Thunderbird flying demonstration
team collided during formation


WASHINGTON - Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen R-Ill., yesterday pre-
dicted Senate approval of a pro-
posed constitutional amendment
to permit voluntary prayers in
public schools. But he conceded
the House may not act this year.
Dirktsen, the Senate Republicar
leader, announced he will call up
the prayer proposal-designed to
nullify Supreme Court decisions-
after the Senate votes Monday on
a motion to limit debate on the
civil rights bill.

present they play seven, except
that every third week they have
one session free.
They also demand an arbitra-
tion procedure for discharges and
higher pay for rehearsals.
Friday night, the "old Met" on
Broadway at 39th Street was dark
and silent, but still intact. Origi-
nally the wreckers were to have
attacked it last spring, to clear
the site for a 40-story office
building. Efforts to preserve the
old structure have stalled the ac-

realistic reports of savings." A reinforced battalion of more
In addition, it said, "savings than 1,200 U.S. Marines, landed
claims have been overstated be- Thursday by ships and helicopters
cause of inappropriate devalua- in South Viet Nam's adjacent
tion of assets or complete disre- Quang Tri Province, pressed ahead
gard of asset values," and that with Operation Deckhouse Four
"several claimed savings were bas- practically within rifle shot of the
ed on actions taken prior to the zone. The Marines haven't found
establishment of the cost reduc- many infiltrated units of North
tion program. IViet Nam's 324 B division..
Notes Cutback
The subcommittee noted that Briefing officers, with fresh de-
over the strong objection of the tails of the first significant con
secretary of the Navy, Secretary tact, said a Marine patrol killed
of Defense Robert S. McNamara nine men of a platoon or more of
had cut back sharply the Navy North Vietnamese troops encoun-
force of F4 aircraft for fiscal 19- tered on a jungle trail Thursday..
65, and the cost reduction program The Marines were reported to have
was credited with a saving of $32,- s u f f e r e d moderate casualties,
575,000. which means the patrol was pun-
But it added that "the sum was ished severely.
more than offset by the cost of in- The U.S. Command, entering a
creased procurement of F4s in the controversy over the burning of a
regular and supplemental fiscal hostile village Wednesday, made
year 1966 budgets." it clear that U.S. cavalrymen were
The subcommittee said "the con- indeed responsible. A spokesman
clusion is inescapable that certain suggested they were acting within
cost reduction actions have had a their rights under unwritten rules
significant, adverse effect on our of guerrilla warfare.
national defense structure in terms The village was Lien Hoi One,
of degraded combat potential." in the Bong Son area near the
Announcing the
Presented bA
The Student Sesquicentennial Committee
and the Women's Athletic Association

SUNDAY, SEPT. 18 ... 10 A.M. t6 12 Noon
at new location-218 N. Division
See New Quarters
Meet Teachers
Discuss Program
---- ----- -

U.S. airmen over South Viet
Nam left smoking craters in and
around enemy trenches and other
fortifications while flying 382 sor-
ties in support of ground troops
or hitting positions defined by
intelligence reports.


__ .1I

ARK Coffee House
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SAT., SEPT. 17

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