C, r tr tan Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom iaiiAi VOL. LXXVII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1966 Committees By LEONARPPRATT University President Harlan H. Hatcher is retiring from 15 years of University service in 1967, and finding a replacement for him is turning out to be a long, difficult job. The University's eight Regents are charged with finding another man to head the administration within the next few months. To advise them in their crucial task, they have appointed three advisory committees-one of faculty, one of students and one of alumni. Authority in the selection pro- cess is like a three-cornered pyra- mid. At each lower corner is one of the advisory committees. They are due to pass their conclusions up to the peak, to the Regents, in some form this fall. The operation of the selection process, however, is more like a ring, with the advisory committees all doing their own investigating and passing around their results and tentative conclusions to one another and to the Regents. There are two basic tasks In which the committees are engag- ing. They are, to different degrees and fairly independently of one another, analyzing the University in an attempt to better under- stand what sort of a man its next President should be. In addition they are screening candidates' re- cords to provide the Regents with Work a list of recommendations some- time this fall. "What you get is a continual process of adding new names to the list and taking old names from it," says the English depart- ment's Arthur M. Eastman, chair- man of the faculty advisory com- mittee. It is this process that will eventually result in the commit- tees' lists of their "ideal" candi- dates. To aid the advisory cominit ee in their research on candidates' backgrounds the Regents have set up a staff office under the direc- tion of Prof. Howard Peckham, head of the Clements Library. There, a secretary and a research assistant prepare preliminary dos- To Select Next siers giving bibliographical and biographical sketches of anyone in whom committees are interested. Peckham's staff also passes in- formation which one committee has requested to both other com- mittees and to the Regents, thus ensuring the ring-like approach to the selection process. Life for the committees so far has been full of what Alfred Con- rad of the Law School, a faculty advisory committee member, calls "growing pains." When the Re- gents set up the committees they purposely gave them very general goals and structures to ensure that they could advise in any way they wished. But along with freedom came a batch of what Robert Briggs, chairman of the Regents' working committee, calls "five-minute problems." The relationships of the advisory committees to one an- other and to the Regents had to be worked out pretty much by trial and error. To be sure, there are no major grumblings from anyone. Yet, as advisory committee members read- ily admit, no actions of a really controversial nature have been taken. What will happen then is a problem which one faculty mem- ber says "we haven't really faced up to yet." Briggs feels his major function currently is ironing out such areas of disagreement which he says "we may well expect." What sort of a man do the Re- gents want to come out of all this? Briggs emphasizes that any pros- pective president must be an edu- cator, preferably with a PhD, who is good at public relations work. Many advisory committee mem- bers are interested in a candi- date's health and his age-it takes several years for a president to learn just what his job entails, and he has to be in condition to run the University for many years aft- er that. Marriage also enters the pic- ture. A candidate with a socially capable wife is clearly preferred to a bachelor. There are a number of (ues- tions still facing the Regets and their advisors. Foremost in every- one's mind is just when the next president is to be appointed. The Regents want to name a man early enough to have him here for several months before President Harlan Hatcher retires in Decem- ber, 1967. They realize that do do this they must appoint a nlan sometime around this coning spring. In order to do that the c o m m i t t e e s' recommendations would have to be completed by this fall No decision has yet been made on what form those recomimendi- See SEEK, Page 10 Presi ent Regents Approve Residential College Plan, Pre-Doctoral Certificate, 1966-67 Budget New Program First in Big Ten r [Construction To By MEREDITH EIKER At the recommendation of Dean Stephen Spurr of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the Regents approved in May the granting of a Certificate to grad- uate students who have completed all doctoral requirements except, the dissertation. The Certificate is the first step toward the establishment of an intermediate degree between the masters' and the Ph.D. Spurr commented in that "there is a great need for this degree. The proposed Candidate's certificate is designed to give not only recogni- tion to the many students who OSA CHANGE: SName, Feldkamp Housing Director have completed all their require- also to meet the needs of students who wish to become thoroughly ments except the dissertation, but exposed to the subject matter of a particular field of specialization, and yet who are not interested in the type of detail and extended scholarship required by the doc- toral dissertation." Wait for Acceptance Both Spurr and Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith observed, however, that the University should not create such a degree until it becomes accept- able elsewhere. While the Univer- sity is the first of the Big Ten schools to adopt a certificate pro- gram, Yale and Berkeley among other institutions, are considering Begin in Sprintg, Work on New Cotllege U der Way After Passing Planning Obstacles By MICHAEL HEFF ER The Regents at their June meeting approved a building and site plan for the residential college. The action climaxed years of planning for the college, and months of negotiations on the final costs. The college, scheduled to begin with temporary classes in East Quad in 1967 and move to North Campus in 1960, is planned to cost - $1A50,OO for 'nconstruction of By SHIRLEY ROSICK In line with a suggestion made by the President's Blue-Ribbon Commission on Housing last No- vember, the position of Director of Housing was created by the Re- gents this past summer. John C. Feldkamp, former as- sistant to Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs, Richard L. Cutler, was appointed to the post, at Cut- ler's suggestion. But, while the commission had called for a director under whom all housing operations would be coordinated, Feldkamp in his new post will not have jurisdiction over off-campus housing. That remains a separate ad- ministrative unit, under the Of- dice of Student-Community Rela- tions in the Office of Student Af- fairs. At the same time, Feldcamp's appointment was announced, it was also revealed that Residence Hall Director Eugene Haun was resigning. Because no successor was named for Haun and because Feldcamp's position covered essen- tially the same, responsibilities Haun's had, some observers were led to speculate that the creation of the Housing Director's office was merely a move to quietly ease Haun out of the administration- and the University. Students who nave attempted to gain a major role in planning Uni- versity housing have expressed disappointment over Feldkamp's appointment and with the ad- ministration of the off-Campus Housing Bureau during the past year. A booklet on off-campus hous- ing prepared by the Bureau of Off-Campus Housing was publish- ed late in the winter semester, The Bureau's much heralded at- tempts to induce landlords to of- fer eight-month lease options f in- ally resulted in University Towers and a few smaller apartment own- ers offering the option, in Febru- ary6-with a 25 per cent rise in rents. Yet, when several rental man- agers opened a summer subletting service, charging a $10 fee for as- sistance they previously offered free, an off-campus housing offi- cial hailed the new venture as be- ing beneficial to students. University administrators have consistently maintained a policy of non-interference with the pri- and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont. Dne too.; This move came after Voice po-I Spurr noted that since May, litical party and Graduate Stu- when the Certificate was first an- dent Council housing committee nounced, "favorable reactions and protests, including a threatened good publicity have appeared sleep-in on University President across the country." He cited re- Harlan Hatcher's lawn, against cent articles in Time Magazine high-cost, poor quality private and the New York Times as well ADMINISTRATORS SAY CEDAR BEND (above) has not -beeni housing available to students. as in numerous education journ- kept from opening in September. After initial complaints of a .als. He said, too, that response "lack of communication" between from the University's faculty itself itself and administrators, the has been equally encouraging., committee was able to influence As soon as there is agreement Administrators have credited stu- among institutions as to some of' married student housing plans. the specifics-such as the name-- dents with doing the major plan- of the degree, Spurr will ask the ning for the 400 new "townhouse" executive council to recommend style units that will be built on that the Regents formally institute Nrth Campus by the spring of the program at the University. N o 97 I ol edmrlznsi 1967. "It would be demoralizing, said c tDl yd b Building specifications will al- Spurr, "to begin using the degree 'I low for more quiet and privacy and then have to change its name The construction workers strike III will provide 1200 spaces. Those than availae iothedpniver- ntwo years later." of this past summer for a while buildings, along with Bursley Hall, than available in other Univer- I r is opti. thad $71 million worth of Univer- to house 1180, should be completed sity - operated married student Spurr is optimistic that the Uni- sity construction projects held up. within the coming aacdemic year. housing. Committee members also But, the four-week strike did not Since no food service facilities asked that the project, Northwood graduate degree program in June, seriously delay construction plans, are available at Cedar Bend, stu- IV, contain some unfurnished un- 1967 according to Vice-President for j dents living there this fall will be its and apartments with more bed- Education School Business and Finance Wilbur K. accommodated in the cafeteria rooms than other Northwood un- The education school also an- Pierpont. and dining rooms of the North its contain-elements that surveys nounced in June the establish- Campus Commons until they can indicate married students desire. i Student housing composes a us ti t ey rnent of a new doctoral program use dining facilities at Bursley With married student housing in educational research. Program large share of current construe- next year needs expected to be sufficiently director Byron G. Massialas. said tion projects, with new living These new housing facilities r met for several years, the com- that the Social Science Education spaces for 600 upperclass and North Campus, along with Resi- mittee plans to push for Univer- Doctoral Program will prepare re- graduate students in the Cedar dential College housing for about sity-operated single student apart- searchers in social science educa- Bend complex scheduled to open 1200 should provide sufficient dor- ments this fall. tion at elementary and secondary this fall. initory space for University stu- See STUDENT, Page 7 school levels. Eventually, Cedar Bends I and dents for a long time, according to housing administrators, since un- dergraduate enrollment is being strictly limited with a freezing of Join T Michigan Dail-- the freshman admission level at the level of last fall's admissions- about 4700. Signficant construction projects Chance for .Eaoutside of the student housing area include a new dental building, sev- --n T t.., a.4. m,,, - , T., r eral parking structures, a Univer- delayed enough by strikes to be HoldTu*ition,~ Room,. Board Rates Steady In the face of rising costs and a less-than-hoped-for increase in state funds, the Regents decided to hold tuition and room and board rates steady as they ac- cepted the 1966-67 budget. Initial acceptance of the bud- get was made at the June meeting to prepare the University to en- ter the new fiscal year July 1, but at the time a final breakdown of residence hall buildings, an office building and a classroom building. The Regents had approved a general plan for the college in April, but ons te condition that costs be cu.t sufficienrtly so itha differential tuition and room and board rates would not be needed. Reduce Costs The plans were sent to the ar- chitects to makQ changes and re- duce costs by over $1 million. When the faculty planning com- mittee for the residential college saw the changes that resulted, they strongly protested that such alterations threatened the Mccess of the college. They objected, for example, to the separation of offices and class- rooms into two buildings. It was even believed that certain com- Open ing I A new University Events Build- ing, to be completed in 1967, is be- ing built with "athletic revenues." This project has been criticized by students who object to the using of money taken from student fees for intramural programs, for the Events Building construction. The Charles S. Mott Children's Hospital, scheduled for compie- tion by 1968, is being jointly fi- nanced from a gift and University funds. Final estimates for the building submitted last winter in- dicatedcosts wouldbe greater than first expected and that the University would have to supply more funds than it had planned to. A new graduate library, fi- nanced by a federal grant and pri- vate gifts, will be constructed south of the General Library, at the site of the old West Physics Building, which was torn down this past summer. the budget was not ready. mittee members might resign from The general funds budget came working on the college if changes to $77,783,516, of which $57,994,- then proposed were accepted. 886 came from the Legislature. However, committee members, This represented an increase of architects and adminitrators were $6,739,000 over state funds re- able to work out a cotp;'omnise. ceived last year. The University had requested an increase of about $15,600,000. Gov.1 Romney had recommended an in- crease of about $5.5 million, which the Legislature raised. A major cut in the budget was the elimination of funds for ex- pansion of the Center for Re- search on Learning and Teaching Last year the Regents decided that cuts in the budget necessitat- ed raising tuition and room andj board rates. That year the Uni- versity had requested an increase in state funds of $13,250,000 but received only $7,160,000 more. This year the Regents have de- cided to cut $7,733,535 from plan- Their plan, the o «i'-[proved by' the Regents, reinsated $350.000 of jhe costs cut after the Aptil Re- gents meeting, Most of this money w, ill go to- ward excavating most of the b e- ment space under the buildings. Much of this space will be le tuin- nifished until funds, possibly irom the donor campagn that xas al- ready started, are provided. University architects envision about six months more work of drawing up detailed plans and taking bids on the constructipn, which will probably start next spring. Final Plan The final plan may be summnar- i f I - -- - - -..- - -- --- - - - - -- : - , - - --- I - ned expenses. ized as follows: In making their cuts the ad- -There will be two tyues of See FEES, Page 6 See REGENTS, Page 6 By PATRICIA O'JtNUE j You may have worked on your high school newspaper or year- book. oYu had "a ball" as the say- ing goes, your teachers patted you on the back and you now have vis- ions of yourself writing a syndi- cated column for the country at large. Or, you got an 'A' in Eng- lish and have been told by "every- one" that you should be a writer by trade and tradition. Or you've never considered joining a news- paper at all. When you come to 420 Maynard Street, home of The Michigan illusions shattered, or reinforced Daily, you may have some of these papers during the summer. The person regardless of his rank, racej Daily is a business-it has $200,- or creed. 000 in~ annual revenues, $17,;000 in Night desk will haunt you until student payrolls, all existing in you lock-the deadline is 2:00 complete financial and editorial (a.m.). "Crit Sheets", glorious independence of the University. sheets of paper published by the The Daily is also a service-it senior members of the managing has an estimated readership of I desk, will be posted daily, inform- 25,000, the latest deadline in the ing you of the joys and sorrows of state, and is one of two morning your writing. papers in Michigan. You will be expected to read In other words, it is regarded The Daily every day and stop in at as a good paper, one of the best, least once a day to check the as- and demands a tremendous signment sheet. amount of work, loyalty and res- However, Sunday is a "day off" ponsibility. It also involves time. because the paper isn't published As a trainee you will be inten- on Monday. sively trained, asked to write In your dreams of publishing headlines, pick up press releases, you may not have bargained for sity events building, administra- tion building, medical science building, a children's hospital and a graduate library. Theddental building is being fi- nanced by a combination of state appropriations, federal funds and gifts. Both parking structures-the Washington Street structure to accompany the dental building and the East Medical parking structure-are being financed from parking program revenue. Medical Science II construction is being financed from state ap- propriations and federal funds. The construction of a new ad- ministration building, which is go- in tin adiacnt+ +othe Student Class Rankings Sent to Boards In response to a University an- nouncement that it is compiling and sending the class ranks of all male students to their draft b o a r d s, Student Government Council is sponsoring an all-cam- pus referendum on the policy. In this vote students will have a chance to express their opinion of the University's decision to comply with the Selective Service System, but the result of the vote will not effect University policy, according to Vice-President fcr that boards expected to receive! class ranks for a classification re- view in late July. At that time, Smith said, "We must do this to protect the stu- dent." He added that students had two weeks to request the Univer- sity not to send class ranks if they so wished. The University was in the same position as every other school in a move "to defeat the *use of class rank for draft deferments" not to compute an all-male class rank list as required by Selective Ser- vice officials. The college regis- trar then followed the instructions of the motion and compiled the usual list of men and women. 0 Yale University revised its policies by asking students if they wanted the information sent in- the nation with draftable males. stead of going ahead and sending But they have not all made the the information without asking. I I I same decision as the University. I I 1 Hairvard colleg Te Dan .John