FREE UNIVERSITY: OPPORTUNITY LOST? See Editorial Page Yi e Ink~i a ~IaitP MILD Iligh--7 0 Low-42 10 per cent chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedomt VOL. LXXVI, No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES EDUCOM Linking the Country's Universities By DAVID KNOKE Would you like to attend a lecture, viewed by" 10,000 students, given by a professor with a na- tional reputation, in the comfort of a small classroom? Or directly search the catalog of a library 2000 miles away for a bibliography of hard-to-get books? Dreams such as these may be- come tomorrow's educational reali- ties and the credit will be largely due to the initial endeavors of a University-based organization call- ed the Interuniversity Communi- cations Council, or EDUCOM for short. EDUCOM is a non-proft organ- ization promoting the use of sev- eral comunications media .among the nation's universities. It was created in response to what one of its founders, Prof. James G. Miller, director of the Mental Health Research Institute, calls "the Second Industrial Revo- lution-the revolution in informa- tion." "A number of forms of elec- tronic 'hardware'-computers, light pens, graphic displays-and 'soft- ware' - computer programs - are now available and applicable to university functions," said Miller. "Each of them, however, needs to be evaluated carefully as to effec- tiveness and costs in human time and money in comparison with more traditional methods." One advantage of EDUCOM's emphasis on computer networks is that several universities may share time and costs of operations they might not be able to afford sepa- rately. "However, we wouldn't want the students and faculty to get the idea that these innovations would replace the teacher and exploit the student," cautions Miller. "I strongly feel the opposite is true. Much of the time spent at rote teaching can be taken up by the machines, leaving student and orofessor with more time for meaningful interaction." The idea for a technical facili- ties network for the health sciences grew out of a 1964 con- ference of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Miller. Medical School Dean William Hubbard and Associate Dean Al- exander Barry originally incor- porated the organization. They re- signed as incorporators when most of the presidents of the eight char- ter universities expressed the de- sire for the institutions to become direct members and to expand the program to cover all professions and disciplines. "During our first year, member- ship shot up from 8 to 42 univer- sities with 150 campuses and a third of all university students," said Miller, "and it should go up again at next month's council meeting. Membership is open to any university or college in the U.S., Canada or Mexico, although no colleges have applied as yet." EDUCOM is largely supported by a five-year $750,000 grant from the Kellogg Corp. of Battle Creek. Member institutions pay $250 an- nual dues and appoint a repre- sentative to EDUCOM. An organizational change re- cently occurred which should en- able EDUCOM to greatly increase its membership and accelerate work on its many pressing prob- lems. Edison Montgomery, vice chan- cellor for planning and general affairs at the University of Pitts- burgh, was elected president dur- ing the summer and he will take over the administrative duties that Miller held as executive director. Miller will act as principle scient- ist in charge of technical affairs such as research and development of i in p r o v e d communications media. The selection of a permanent location for the organization will probably be made within a month. The University has offered to con- tinue as host: the universities of California, Pittsburgh, New York and Duke are also bidding for selection. With a full-time staff and offices, EDUCOM will attempt to contact more universities and colleges about joining. Planning for a prototype com- puter network linking several cam-, puses across the country has al- ready begun. Miller indicates that a request to the federal govern- ment for the necessary develop- ment money will shortly be made. "Task forces, of which there are five, are inter-university technical committees ,located on the cam- puses where their chairmen are," explained Miller. The task forces do research on basic problems which the communications net- work will face, such as continuing education after leatng the uni- versity, clinical applications of medical information storage and retrieval, and copyright laws. Prof. Arthur Miller of. the Uni- versity Law School is co-chairman of the copyright task force with Prof. Benjamin Kaplan of Har- vard. "The immediate aim of the copyright task force is investiga- tion of the proposed revision of U.S. copyright laws which is now before the Congress," said Miller. The bill in its current stage pro- vides for a sweeping revision of the 55-year old , laws and would be very protective of authors' and publishers' rights. "The bill is rather insensitive Jo the new technology of image reproduction by electronic means. It may actually act as a restrain- ing device on computer use for in- formation transmittal if passed in its present form," said Miller. "A new bill will be introduced soon and we have every reason to believe it may be more charitable to electronic reproduction." The University Computer Policy Committee combined with an "Intercom" committee, for EDU- COM affairs a few weeks ago. Committee chairman Prof. Nor- man Scott, associate dean of the engineering c o 11 e g e, comments, "The computer policy committee studies such aspects as diffuse and concentrated computer termi- nals, location of computers on the campus for easy access and var- ious other responses the Univer- sity should make to fit into EDUCOM's networks. U.S. To Fight Admission of China to UN' - Iw1~1i~~Camptj4hI ~Liu s m -N.r WI- opinio -w - SGC Vote l' . rWW %f VEEUl ® Administration Asks U Thant To Continue To Preside over UN ; WASHINGTON (Al) - After re- viewing its China policy, the Johnson administration has de- cided once again to oppose an ex- pected move in the United Nations. to seat the Red Chinese. In reporting this yesterday, U.S. officials also said America will join in backstage efforts to persuade U Thant to take another term as U.N. secretary-general. The interpretation h e r e of Thant's announcement that he ' will not offer himself for a second five-year term is that he can still be drafted. Sd eBig Problems The U.S. officials listed the sec- retary-generalship, indirect con- sideration of the Viet Nam war, and African issues as the three biggest items in store for U.N. General Assembly as it opens its annual fall session next Tuesday. The China issue is expected to be a secondary matter compared with the attention likely to be focused on several other items, but the Johnson administration has been paying close attention to what might happen if the peren-j nial subject is raised once more. The U.S. officials said it appears that the same group of countries which last year sponsored what is known as the Albanian proposal will come up with it again this fall. Under this proposal, Red China would be admitted to the United Nations in place of Na- tionalist China. Close Vote The vote last year on the Al- banian proposal was 47-47.. From their preliminary head count, the U.S. officials anticipated that the comparable vote in this fall's. General Assembly session would' a be at least as strong against giv-. ing Peking a seat at Formosa's expense. Passage of the Albanian resolution would require a two- thirds majority. The Washington authorities do, not anticipate a two-China pro- posal will be put forward-calling for U.N. membership for both Communist and Nationalist China. The U.S. officials said that the United States will oppose Com- munist Chinese entry on the grounds that Washington cannot abandon Nationalist China and! that Red China has shown an ag- gressive militancy which should not be rewarded by a U.N. seat at this time. r Be Polled by LANSING (GP)-CIVIL RIGHTS leader Whitney M. Young yesterday urged Michigan business leaders to hire more Negroes and to support "responsible Negro leadership." Young, executive director of the National Urban League, told members of the State Chamber of Commerce: "Our problem is not good will or ill will but no will. If responsible people do not lead, irresponsible people will. Thus we have our Black Muslims and you have your John Birchers and Klans and these Nazi groups." THE GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL last night adopted a resolution asking for a Michigan Higher Education Assistance Corporation designed to improve the financial ability of high school graduates to obtain an advanced degree. The Council also asked for a comprehensive Blue Cross- Blue Shield program which would enable students to cancel indi- vidual policies. DR. RONALD LIPPITT, program director for the Center for Research on the Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, has been appointed to a four-year term on the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. * * * * GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY said yesterday he was confident that "barring considerations other than those directly related to the project itself," Michigan will get a proposed $1 billion atom smasher currently sought by six areas throughout the nation. "We've put the full force of our state behind the effort to gain approval of the Northfield Township site, north of Ann Arbor." EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY officials yesterday estimated that fall enrollment there would hit a record 13,000, an increase of more than 25 per cent over last fall, when 10,187 students were enrolled. While EMU's budget for the 1966-67 year is based on an enrollment of 12,000 students, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Ralph F. Gilden said Eastern has a policy of accepting, as far as possible, all qualified Michigan high school graduates who apply. BEGINNING ACT. 3, THE University Extension Service will offer the Six Evenings With the Professors lecture series with topics ranging from African race relations to human organ trans-. plantation. Each of Michigan's three major universities, Wayne, Michigan, and Michigan State, contribute two professors for the six wegk series. "OUR MICHIGAN," WRITTEN by prominent University alumni describing life at the University since 1893, is the first of three books prepared in honor of the University's 150th anni- versary in 1967. Edited by Erich A. Walters, "Our Michigan" reveals what the University has meant to 39 former students who have made their marks in science, government, literature and business. Contributors include John Ciardi, poetry editor of the Satur- day Review, Lt. Cols. James A. McDivitt and Edward H. White, Arthur Miller, and Richard L. Tobin, managing editor of the Saturday Review. Police Deny Reports of Crime Wave Officials Call Rumor Of .Campus Violence Greatly Exaggerated By NEAL BRUSS Contrary to reports circulating the campus, local police and Uni- versity officials deny that a crime- wave is sweeping Ann Arbor and' the campus area. Sgt. Donald Carnahan, dispatch officer for the Ann Arbor police says "there is no real problem here. "There may be an increase in the number of crimes this year over last year, but that's true in all major cities." Carnahan used the city's strong- arm robbery total as an index of violence in the city. He said that in the month since students be- gan returning to the University for fall semester, there were five such robberies, not an unusually high iumber. Carnahan also says general crime throughout the city has been scattered and the campus area has not had an unusually, high crime rate. Reports of violence appear to Urge, Result Deter mine 4 'U' Policy Referendum Outcome Not To Be Binding On Administration By STEVE SHAVELL Student Government Council last night voted unanimouslyto hold a two-part, all-campus ref- erendum on the draft, specifical- 'ly the extent to which the Uni- versity should cooperate with Se- lective Service in its demands for class ranking. The survey will also sample overall student reaction to conscription. Council wants results of the election to be binding on the ad- ministration, but the administra- tion is under no institutional ob- ligation to accept any rendered decisions. SGC decided to hold a referen- dum, convinced that "compilation of class ranks by the University directly affect the educational process and that a survey of cam- pus opinion on the general draft question would be welcomed na- tionally." Education An extensive, balanced campaign to give the students "education in the broadest sense of the word" -Daily-Jim Hassberger ARJAY MILL ER president of the Ford Motor Co., delivered the first McInally lecture yesterday, emphasizing a closer co-operation between industry and universities in solving common problems. 'Help Society Be Flexbe have developed out of several in- ~ on the draft issue will precede cidents early this month. the referendum, which will be held A freshman from Detroit said®? simultaneously with regular fall he was beaten near the Law Quad V r E U TI SGC elections Nov. 16. on a Saturday night and reported 7The first part of the referen- having his "face kicked in." He dum will ask the student whether said police told him he was the he agrees that the University eighth citizen in five weeks to By NEIL SHISTER porate management is responsible creased societal function, Miller, should cooperate with Selective report an assault. Arjay Miller, president of Ford solely to the shareholders must told of plans for the ,production Service and comply to its de- Another student was beaten on Motor Co., said here yesterday that be enlarged. Under current condi- of battery-operated automobiles mands. the steps of the Union when he preventing "individual obsoles- tions, management cannot effec- which will not pollute the air. The second part will sound out was mistaken for a member of a cence" is the critical p}oblem con- tively discharge its long-run re- Ford's Steps campus reaction to various alter- gang by rival gang members. fronting American education to- sponsibilities to shareholders un- He also outlined steps Ford has' natives to the present system of William Steude, director of ! day. less it also behaves responsibly taken to co-operate with the anti- conscription. For example, the stu- community relations for the Uni- "Schools must turn out people toward employes, customers, gov- inflationary policies of the gov- dent might be asked to choose versity, does not know of any inci- able to stay ahead of the acceler- ernment, education and the public ernment, institute a Job Corps between a universal draft, a sys- dents near the University Law ating pace of change in business at large," emphasized Miller. Training Center and provide for tem of draft by lottery at 18, or school or the Island Dr. residential and other aspects of life." As an example of how Ford the removal of old cars from road- a system with no conscription and area, where other outbreaks were Delivering the first McInally Motor Co. is performing an in- side junkyards. a voluntary base. reported to have occurred. Lecture, a series named after the - --- --------Choice -_ "- - late William K. McInally, business- | He would then be asked to choose man and University Regent, Miller t B oard R eacts Calm l among suggested ways of fulfill- devoted his speech to emphasizing L FI ing his own service obligations. the critical need for individual Students alone should make de- flexibility in today's world. cisions which solely affect stu- i A o n ey"Difficulties in the world stem ToSU Law School Plandents, said Robinson, defending from the uneven pace of change. his proposal that results of the Our values, our institutions, and referendum be binding on the ad- CONTROVERSY ENDS: Legal Aid Cinic Gets -Feder By MICHAEL DOVER community to be served, in this University students. however. The Washtenaw County Legal case representatives of the poor. will be eligible for assistance if Aid Clinic ,after a year of contro- Criteria for Eligibility they have a resident status. versy, has been appropriated $96,- James Hiller, president of the The allocation of the federal 000 by the federal Council of Eco- board, explained those eligible money will enable the clinic to hire nomic Organizations to continue, for aid may not earn more than two full-time lawyers to supervise with the help of University law $200 per month for one dependent the students and handle the diffi- students, legal aid for those un- to $480 per month for those with cult cases ,to open an office in able to pay counsel. 10 dependents. Ypsilanti to supplement their pres- The controversy was over alleg- Prof. White said a Michigan Su- ent one in Ann Arbor, and to ac- ed under-representation of the in- preme Court decree requires the quire secretarial help. digent population on the Board of state to supply a public defender, Purely Volunteer Trustees of the clinic. The CEO when financially necessary, to all * did not allocate funds to the clin- defendants in priminal case an. Before the CEO appropriated Y though a clinic lawyer m present at all times Allowed To Plead Case "The law students are mor lay advisors," he said, "b lay advisors cannot plead< before the court. But the st are allowed only to repre client of the clinic to the which the presiding judge a] He explained that the st were given this privilegeb U.S. Supreme Court in a i mandate Mnt of the ind ust be our ways of thinking about man and society are constantly chal- e lenged by the rapid- advance in e than scientific knowledge and techno- because logical achievement." a case Cultural 'Catch-Up' udents EurWe are gaining mastery over sent a our environment faster than we extent are learning how to harness that [lows." mastery to human purposes-and udents we haven't really decided what by the ;purposes we want to serve." recent Thus, Miller concluded, it is the aes in function of universities and indus- By LAWRENCE MEDOW lishing a fifth one must also be Thomas Brennan, president of investigated. the State Board of Education last Brennan said he didn't feel any night expressed' surprise that the rush in establishing a new law propsal of a law school at Michi- school or expanding existing fa- gan State University had come up cilities. The proposal for an MSU, so soon. law school was originally pushed Brennan joined Board "member by legislators last spring and wasj Edwin Novak in predicting that opposed by the Board then, Bren- the application authorized Wed- nan said. nesday by the MSU Board of The law school has been close- Trustees would "calmly" be re- ly linked to MSU's College of Hu- ferred to a committee within the man Medicine, which is enroll- State Department of Education ing its first students this fall. ministration. "It is not our intent that the referendum be brought back to us to have to decide among our- selves," declaredsRobinson, "but we want its results to be the final answer." Administration Resistance Administration reactions to the idea of a binding referendum will likely be negative. According to Robinson, vice-presidents Smith and Cutler will probably not ac- I