STUDENT RIGHTS AND THE DRAFT See Editorial Page Sir itgau 47IaitJ SHOWERS LIKELY High-65 Low-40 Partly cloudy, cooler Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGE r SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Ann Arbor's Free University - Will it Return?; By BETSY TURNER The Free University experiment in Ann Arbor may be coming to an end. Established last winter, the Free University of Ann Arbor was de- signed to offer interested students an informal educational experi- ence where small group discus- sions and personal contact was the rule rather than the excep- tion. Like similar groups at sev- eral other campuses, it was com- pletely separate from the main University. But, though approximately 300 students registered for its pro gram last term, there are as yet no specific plans to re-establish the Free University this fall. Many of the school's organizers have other commitments this year which prevent them from spend- ing a significant amount of time working on the Free University. However, there is still a chance that something will materialize. Prof. William Livant of tre osy chology department, who was in Poland when the Free University was first formed, has expressed in- terest in the idea and organiza- tion. He has called a meeting ten- tatively scheduled for early next week for people interested in re- juvenating the Free University. Where to hold classes was also an important question last semes- ter and will have to be considered this year. There was some effort made last year to obtain facilities where classes could be held and a gen- eral headquarters established but none was secured. The meeting locations were decided upon by the individual groups. Some of the classes met in co-ops, some in individual homes. No attempt was made last year to contact the University. for fa- cilities. The reasons for this were: first, more informal settings than the traditional classroom were de- sired; second, since the Free Uni- versity was a counter movement to the University, it wished to es- tablish itself without University help. Funding was another problem. A tuition of five dollars was ask- ed of those who could pay it. The policy on tuition as stated in the prospectus was, "If some find it impossible to pay this fee, it will be waived," If tuition wasn't paid, where was the needed money to come from? Another hope which the Free University had when it originated was to establish interaction be- tween the different groups so that they could also learn from each other. Very little inter-contact was ever established. Activities as a larger group were non-existent. Participation in the Free Uni- versity was entirely voluntary. There was no system of grading established and no credit of any type given. None of the teachers kept any records on the individ- ual students. Data concerning the first se- mester of the Free University, its weaknesses, strengths, participa- tion, and satisfaction of goals was never collected. There is no record of how many students continued to the end of the courses and how many courses themselves ran to completion. The statement regarding cur- riculum in the original is vague. It states, "some of the courses de- scribed will perhaps prove dead- ends, and those will be discontin- ued by common consent." How- ever, there is no way of knowing how the students liked the courses, what changes were made, which areas were dropped, and which ones were retained as originally conceived. ' Many of these problems are ones of administration, many of pre-organization, Neither of these has been worked on this year. One of the main questions concerning the future of the Free University is, can an effective administra- tion, the type of administration the Free University needs, emerge from the group expressing inter- est now, or any other group on campus? Courses at the Free University were offered in 18 different areas. Modern political economy, con- temporary music, historical theo- ry, and poetry were just a few of the subjects covered. People who wished to teach a course volun- teered and wrote short course nrospectus. There was no selec- tivity concerning teachers. Another important question which will determine the Free Uni- versity's future is, are there enough people interested this year and informed about pertinent sub- jects who will take the responsi- bility for organizing a reading list, composing some basic questions and leading study in a given area? The Free University idea orig- inated on the Berkeley campus when a few students met together during a student strike to hold in- formal classes. Free Universities now exist in Chicago, Philadel- phia, Los Angeles, New York and Boulder, Colo. Universities of this type are also being planned for other parts of the country. i 'U' Ma Buy Fraternity Residences Office of Housing, Greeks Negotiating ' Sale and Transfer j By NEIL SHISTERj Informal negotiations are cur- rently being held between the newly created office of Univer- sity Housing and four undergradu- ate fraternities concerning the prospects of the University assum- ing ownership of each fraternity's house. The University's acquisition of fraternity houses, sanctioned last January when the Regents ap- proved plans for the University taking ownership of the Nu Sig- ma Nu medical fraternity house. is a move intended to make it easier for fraternities raising money to improve or renovate their physical plants. Under this program, deed to the ownership of a fraternity house is presented by the fraternity cor- poration, to the University as a gift. Thus subsequent money do- nated to the fraternity for build- ing projects is non-taxable, since the gifts actually go first to the University to be put in a special fund for the fraternity. Thus, under the plan where the University owns the house, dona- tions to a fraternity for building projects can be deducted from in- come as a charitable gift, dona- tions to the University being tax deductible. University ownership of houses will not be "merely a tax dodge" according to John Feldkamp, di- rector of University Housing. 7 MSU Asks Lipp irii~3tt t t t Board for LawNEWS WIR Scho of Late World News, By The Associated Press GEORGIA-ELLIS G. ARNALL, a liberal former governor, grabbed the lead last night in the Democratic race for governor. In the November elections he will face Rep. Howard H. Callaway, Georgia's first Republican contender for governor in history. Arnall led from the start in a battle with five other Demo- crats, who jockeyed around for a runoff spot Sept. 28. With three strong candidates bunched behind Arnall, it was unclear whether the second runoff man would be James H. Gray; Lester G. Mad- dox, whose battles for segregation won national attention; or State Sen. Jimmy Carter, a racial moderate. WASHINGTON-A U.S. DISTRICT Court jury made up of nine whites and three Negroes convicted Robert M. Shelton, Im- perial Wizard of the United Klans of America, of contempt of Congress for refusing to produce Klan records for the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Shelton and his attorney, Lester V. Chalmers, said immed- iately that they would appeal. "I'll take it to the top," Shelton told newsmen. THE GIRARD COLLEGE TRUSTEES voted unanimously yesterday to fight a federal court ruling opening the doors of the previously all-white institution to Negroes, the Associated Press reported. Girard College is a Philadelphia school for elementary and secondary. school students founded under the will of Stephen Girard, Revolutionary War era merchant. Girard stipulated in his will that the school was for "poor, white, male orphans." The latest in a series of attacks by civil rights organizationsr and individuals on the all-white policy resulted in a decision last Sept. 2 that the school comes under provisions of the State Public Accommodations Act of 1939, which provides that no one may be barred from public institutions or accommodations by reason of race. PANHELLEN IC ASS CIAVAT1A N ERT~nvcaelv+n Trustees Point Out Need for Extended State Legal Education Citill- an Unmet nep for w- jimnS atf'g ardi of dirnldiran to 9.- tule th- pctP1-iz hment of a A 0e-'rPntin't law- s' hol at Tfirl said MSUT h'Ts a'eeyr v he- njn nrplirninary plannino for a jIv s-hool. Th n1rolnosal for an MTT, W s'heol first came un befor the tatp last snrinz when a stake )-oislator nonosed the annronrn'- tion of money to start such a college. The nronosal failed. Authorize Request MSTT trustees then authori:-d John Hannah. MSU president, to make a formal application to the state board-the state's coordin ating agency for higher education. One trustee. Clair White of Bay City. said he hopes the school wfill be able to focus on the trainin of lawers in specialized public service areas, such as local school problems. The law school pronosal has been closely linked with MSU si College of Human Medicine. li-hich is enrolling its first students this fall. Both have long been favored by the college's administration. Medical School The College of Human Medicine is presently a two year institution. but last summer the MSU trustees Cutler Gets Final Plans For Boards Advisory Committees To Vice-Presidents Proposed by Students By SUSAN SCHNEPP Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler received yes- terday a formal proposal for establishment of student. advisory boards to key University adminis- trators. Developed in part during a ser- ies of meetings between Cutler and students last summer, the plan was presented by its co-sponsors, Student Government Council Pres- ident Edward Robinson, '67, SGC umber of recommendations con- memb?r Neil Hollenshead, '67, and aw County traffic fatalities over Mamb reeHmanse,',n condition he is illustrating above. Marvin Freedman, '67. Cutler will now review and re- write the. students' version and then send the proposal to the Uni- ,, u Lversity's other administrative offi- cers for further study. The proposal as it now stands calls for immediate establishment rita if of advisory committees to the president, the executive vice-presi- dent, and the vice-presidents for tire." He also thinks students academic affairs, student affairs should have more than the normal and business and finance. "six hours" behind the wheel Selection Process driver training experience. According to the plan, a five- In addition to legislation on the eight man committee will be se vehicle and the driver (such as lected to advise each vice-pres- motor vehicle inspection laws and ident. Any student will be eligi- tougher penalties for drunken ble to serve on one of the cote- driving), Huelke advocates legis- mittees; selection will be through lating safer highways. a petitioning process conducted 'Death Valley' by a combined committee of Stu- During the four year stud 40 dent Government Council and Prof. Donald F. Iluelke of the anatomy department has made a n cerning auto safety. Huelke, who has conducted a study of Washten, the past four years, is concerned with putting an end to the type of c Says'67 CrF Won'tReduce Ii By ROGER RAPOPORT New safety features on 1967 cars will avert virtually no traffic fatalities, says a University pro- fessor who has devoted the past four years to investigating 177 fatalities in Washtenaw County. "Excepting the collapsible steer- accidents between Oct. 31, 1961 and Nov. 1, 1965. Greatest Advance Huelke calls the collapsible steeringcolumn being installed in all 1967 models "the greatest safety advance since the seat belt," but added that he is unable to determine how many of the 177 fatalities could have been avert- propsoed that the state board au- ing column, new safety equipment ed with the device. He suggests, thorize expansion of the sch' on the 1967 cas would have saved however ,-hat some of the 9 vic- I ,_ I Ll Ui1119 Ll1C lUtll YCdl Niltltiv Iit/ { +. O YEPOR DAI L E L- h JIt J. yesterday that uYy Feldkamp is emphatic in claim- 800 girls remain in rush at the start of the third set. Twelve-hun- program to a full four years. This only a few of the 177 victims," tims who died after striking the people died on an eight mile ing the University will own houses d- plan is still awaiting board act on. column might have lived had the stretch of I-94 between Romulu i fact as well as theory, and to .PHState board members could notcnew device been installed. and Ann Arbor Huelke calls assure that the following steps will registered for rush at the beginning of the fall, but roughly 400 be reached for comment on the anatomy department. "tya ey." be taken under the program: have since dropped out. The rushees must complete five rush sets MSU law school proposal last In a final report on his four year Houclais "hervativeai its He criticizes the narrow 30 fool -the University will lease before bids are given out. night. The board is presently in investigation delivered to an an- estimate that 5,000vlive cod be median and the use of pine pillars houses to the fraternity on a the process of developing a master atomy seminar yesterday, Huelke se to guard the roadway at steep short-term basis, for periods of 5 IFC PASSED A RESOLUTION LAST NIGHT liberalizing the plan for post-secondary education said, "All of the padding and re- saved wver yeabelts. ar t at embankments, years or less; hours for upperclass women in the communal areas of the fra- in Michigan. The plan, which will cessed knobs installed in the 1967 least 15,000 could be saved; any- Twenty fatalities were produced -charges to members living in ternities. Previously restricted to the hours of freshman-sopho- probably be ready early next year, cars will be a help in minimizing one who doesn't wear a seat belt by cars that, crossed over the med- the house will be comparable to more curfew, junior and senior women will now be allowed i is intended to provide guidelines non-fatal' accidents. But in the is a fool," says Huelke. About ,ian. He says that a "car going five those charged by other fraterni- the communal areas at any time. for decisions on expansion of fatal accidents we are dealing 50,000 people died in American to ten miles an hour can break ties; higher education, such as the pro- with tremendous impacts, which through the pillars." In one fata The fraternity's non-communal areas will be open to all posed MSU law school can not be avoided by simply mov-traffic last year. the University is final, never re - women on Friday and Saturday nights from 5 p.m. until women's Student Wages ing back the instrument panel." Huelke's Washtenaw County the pillars. veting back to the fraternity un- closing hours. It was emphasized that these regulations are only I H associate Dr. study shows that 40 per cent of Huelke wants metal guard rails e the fraternity n- minimum standards set by the IFC, and the individual fra- In other action at yesterdays Huelke and his at D the 177 victims would have lived at the site. As a result of these terniiesae freettefurhertighenpheseruleoastheydee meeting, the MSU trustee$ raised Paul Gikas of the pathology de- if they wore seat belts. Another 13 findings the state highway depart purchases it at a competitive ternities are free to further tighten these rules as they deem the minimum wage for student partment made a detailed study e wo a b n h a t i t market price. necessary. workers from $1.25 to $1.40. into 139 fatal Washtenaw County per cent would have hlved . by ment has agreed to improve the _ .. wearing belts and shoulder bar- highway in 1967, two years ahea ness. In 10 per cent of the cases of schedule, IM PROVED EFFICIENCY: there was no indication of the ef- The owner of 1966 Ford with fectiveness of belts, while the re- "six seat belts and every safet maiming 37 per cent would have option offered," Huelke notes thai died even with belts. Dutch Elm disease has been ay 'U' To Use Computers for Central Data File sa oeuepce se otafcsft "The 37 per cent should have forces of late. just stayed home that day," says . One Washtenaw County traffic Huelke. victim Huelke studied died when By MICHAEL HEFFER fice, but it may be a long time ment over the old tapes. Wasson and Richard L. Cutler of the Of- massive file to be compiled in the He also suggests that the Volks- his car struck a tree on a rura The University is acquiring two before other offices find out. With explained that when the informa- fice of Student Affairs. first place? wagen as something of a "metal iroad. Huelke asked county offi of the latest model IBM computers the master file, the office which tion is on tape, the entire tape Under this committee are two These are, at the moment, un- coffin." fus claiming they cold afr as a first step toward the estab- first received the change in in- must be played to reach informa- other groups studying the speci- der study. fused, claiming they couldnt af lishment of an "integrated central formation will forward it to the tion in a certain section. The fics of two proposed files, one on Zimmerman sees the master file "There would be nothing wrong ford it. file" of information to end dupli- computer, which would therefore disc system, however, is like a students and one on faculty. Zim- system as doing away with a num- with a Volkswagen if everyone About a year later the tree con cation and to speed up and ex- be up to date. jukebox, allowing for direct access merman said there are "several ber of repetitious paper files that drove one. But when I see Cadil- tracted Dutch Elm disease and i pand information retrieval. Other problems that could use to the desired information. hundred" categories in which in- are repeated in many depart- dre a bigChevrolets,eI'd pefer to w rsut 5,000 t healthazardou What University administrators master files are those of space Administrators also hope to have formation might be stored about ments. It will lower the volume of spAots in Michigan have been re and computer experts hope to de- needs, budgeting and planning. terminals to the computer stored about a student. The committee paper work, he feels. Huelke also says that, A Volks- mots in Micase be ted velop is a central file of informa- Zimmerman says. For example, in several of the offices that w is trying to decide which are "ap- It will allow for the pro'ision wagen can turn over on its own movedsalately Huelke tion that is presently stored, with the OAA is currently working on a be using the information on master propriate," realizing, said Zim- more up to date information, accord if you jam the wheels too sese,"H varying degrees of up-to-dateness. study of space needs, work that files. merman, that not everything can more quickly, and the information hard." Huelke does consultant- in dozens of administrative offices. requires information from all Ibe stored. will be more complete, he said. work for American auto makers. As By gathering central files, ad- i areas of the University. For example, the OAA and the Zimmerman said it will be sev- Zimmermann added that some- Huelke says that in at least miistrators will be able to go di- . . the payroll office might have ter- eral months before such a list of times information is not sought half of the accidents the driver Theinivesitystmater will mbelsableiltoi tgofodi -I rectly to the computer-which will The Unversity's master file minals, possibly information to be stored is fin- for because of the time and ener- had been drinking. He suggests be given the latest changes in plans center around, the acqi- typewriter-like equipment, right n ished. Wasson predicted that in gy involved in researching some- that one way to avert the problem ofio se r h ng f rafeatm n ht wI3 0s o e numb ers, Iand '40. i d fir ,e c nactligth te c m i n w ud ei h pter" or mk it e se ofn h t i - r g lto s a a n t b r n t e Shl r h p information immediately-instead sition of two new computers. IBM their offices, enabling them to be about a year some of the informa- thing. This system, he feels, will locally might be to rescind zoning of searching for a department that36',md nmes3an4.indrtcnacwthhecm tion would be in the computer, "for make it easier to find that in- regulations against bars in the has the information, and wonder- These have capabilities that pres- puters. inquire only." He added that it formation. central campus area. LANSING (A')-The State De ing if it is correct. ent University computers lack. Zimmerman said the OAA is not may be three to five years before Zimmerman said he did not Bars Too Far partment of Education said yes The development of these files Harry Wasson, manager of sys- sure yet about exactly what kinds all the files are set up and being know how much money it will h dt terday it received 2,538 applica Graduate Student Council. S The SGC-GSC committee will recommend a slate of students to fill the committee positions which tmust then be approved by ma- jorities of SGC and GSC. If the councils reject the slates, they will be sent back to the combined committee for re-evaluations and changes. The presidential advisory board will include the presidents of SGC 1 and GSC, and the chairmen of the vice-presidential advisory boards. Regular Meetings The plan calls for regular bi- weekly meetings of the commit- tees with the vice-presidents. After each meeting the chairmen will submit a report to the chairman of the ;presidential advisory board 1to keep him informed of, the pro- ceedings of all the committees. The proposal sets up a snecial procedure - for handling privileged yinformation. All privileged infor- mation will be relayed by the com- mittees to the executive commit- tees of SGC and GSC. which will decide whether to release it to Council members. If it is released, the information will be disclosed All open information will be given in closed sessions of SGC and GSC. t directly to Council members. 1 .Robinson said last night that s Cutler was in""general agreement" - "things look good for the estab- with the plan and that he thinks lishment of the proposal." Optimistic Freedman and Hollenshead said ( they were "extremely pleased with development of the whole pro- posal" and at this point were "ex- tremely optimistic about the pos- sibilities for complete success." Freedman and Hollenshead first - submitted the proposal at a meet- - ing of students and University ad- - ministrative officials last spring.