.. Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Sept. 14: Orson welles Revisited I iionh Are Free 42O MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER NSA Membership:* Neglected Opportunities By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor MONDAY at the University was the War of the Worlds. On the one hand the literary college faculty passed a resolution expressing its "regret that the namestofrstudents and faculty were turned over to the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee." On the other University Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher called such sentiments a "mischevious perver- sion" of the facts, stating the University "cannot support those portions of the law which it is willing to accept and discard the others." (By the way, is this not just what the administration is doing in its squabble with the Legisla- ture over who has the right to controlethe University's building program? Evidently President Hatcher does not think so.), In any case, the HUAC split is a manifestation of the'dual so- ciety which operates among the permanent members of the Uni- versity community: there is a re- markable contrast, between the goals and knowledge of the administration and that o fthe faculty. There's a good deal inevitable about the contrast between the two groups, though it would be mistaken to think they split along traditional liberal - conservative lines. But the contrast has harmful ef- fects and should clearly be mini- mized. IN THE FIRST PLACE, no ad- ministration interested in a qual- ity institution can permit a good- sized gap to emerge between it- self and its faculty-witness the recruiting problems at Michigan State University. In the second, the faculty often has a great deal of current information which can be important to an administration that can use it. The University at the moment is sufferingserisrously from both gaps. The HUAC issue, the con- tinuing spat with the Legislature and the administration's over- bearing concern with the Sesqui- centennial and the $55 Million Fund Drive have all$created a serious disenchantment with the administration among many fac- ulty members . A lack of current information. and fresh viewpoints is the sec- and gap. It's not as serious as the first-the faculty's vice-presiden- tial advisory committees help some, as do the Center for Re- search on Learning and Teaching and the Center for the Study of Higher Education. Moreover, in- formal faculty contacts--especial- ly with the Office of Academic Affairs-have helped out the ad- ministration a good deal with budgeting and internal reorgani- zations. But th information gap is still there. No evidence indicates that, for example, work done at the In- stitute of Labor and Industrial Relations is being brought to bear on the University's handling of the attempted unionization of its non-academic employes. THE PROBLEM with President Hatcher's speech was thus that it was just what it was supposed ,to be-a ritual report to an increas- ingly emasculated faculty, a fac- ulty whose talents his administra- tion has not utilized to full ad- vantage. Charming it was, but signifi- cant it was not. As a means of faculty communication it merely furthered the split between what the administration and the facul- ty think, and confirmed the sus- picion that they are at logge'r- heads in many cases. Problems that exist between the University's administration and its faculty will not be solved, not even be affected, by such convo- cations. They are essentially so- porofics which allow the faculty to pretend the "War" isn't in ex- istence, that the administration listens carefully and frequently to their advice about the future of the University. And that, unfortunately, is not the case. The faculty does have a voice here, but, it, is a fairly diminutive one on many major policies. There is clearlya ten- dency-as manifested in the HU- AC case-to ignore the faculty on matters concerning those very large issues in which they are most interested. THINGS WILL probably get much worse gefore, if ever, they get better. The University is get- ting larger and more complex monthly. Faculty members are be- ing pushed farther and farther from the central administration which so immediately affects all their lives. It is not inconceivable that they will at some point be pushed so far that they lose all ability to affect its activities - something neither faculty nor administration can afford. Some sort of reform in the cur- rent faculty governmental system is clearly needed to keep the two together, a reform which the re- cent reorganization of the old Fac- ulty Senate did not accomplish because it did nothing to create a powerful locus of faculty power within the administration. The locus is there now---all the vice-presidents have faculty ad- visory committees. The problem is they aren't powerful enough. All the faculty would really have to do is to emphasize the work of these committees, for strengthening them is the only way the faculty can now hop to act on policy other than after the fact, SUCH AN administration-fac- ulty union-not speeches which are rationales for past decisions-is the only long-term solution to the problem of the two groups' rela- tions, to the University's War of the Worlds. $4t THE NATIONAL Student Association may be the biggest bargain on campus. For the minimal cost of about 10 cents each, the multitudinous services of NSA, ranging from an information service to travel discounts abroad, become available to every University student as well as to Student Government Council. Unfortunately, few students are even aware of what NSA is, let alone the serv- ices and programs it has to offer. More unfortunate still is the fact that many Council members, those who should be making the greatest use of its services, are only vaguely acquainted with NSA and seemingly unaware of its potential usefulness. THE ANNUAL summer Congress of NSA is the focus of the year's activities. Through 10 days of seminars, workshops, committee meetings and plenary ses- sions delegates and auditors are made aware of national student interests. Con- tacts with student government ,leaders from across the country give them insight into the functions and techniques of oth- er student governing bodies. The Student Government Presidents C on f e r e n c e, which meets the week before the regular congress, gives presidents the opportuni- ty to meet and discuss common problems, learn new techniques and establish con- tacts for the coming year. NSA also provides year-round services in the form of an information service, a "lending library" of documents on over 400 areas of campus problems available for the asking, a discount service and travel tours (Educational Travel, Inc.) for students traveling abroad, and a stu- dent life insurance plan. EACH SCHOOL also belongs to one of the regional divisions (our region is the state of Michigan) of the national organization, The regions provide an or- ganization through which member schools in the region can work togetheron IPtob- lems of particular interest to their areas. While the importance of the regions in issue-oriented areas, such as the 18-year- old vote, has been recognized, this does not exhaust the possibilities of a region- al organization. The region could also be- come a pressure group on the state leg- islature and state board of education, lob- bying for such items as increased state aid to schools and free public higher edu- cation. This is what NSA offers locally. question is-Has SGC been using it? The THE UNIVERSITY has been well repre- sented at the summer congresses. As probably the most respected national or-' ganization of students in the country, NSA's policies and resolutions are ac- cepted as the "voice of college student America" in Washington and are cov- ered in every major newspaper in the country. Through the congress the Uni- versity can make its opinions and ideas known to colleges across the country, and, as one of the leading universities in the U.S., play a major role in shaping NSA's policies and determining what the "voice of college student America" says. But the duties of the NSA delegates and SGC do not end with the congress. Returning to campus, the delegates have a responsibility to give an account of their voting and activities to the students to let theim know just how they were represented. Clearly then, if the student is to be informed and accounted to there must be an effective communication link be- tween SGC and the student body. AND THIS IS exactly what is missing. There has been no NSA coordinator here for two years-any correspondence with NSA has been added to the duties of one of the SGC vice-presidents. As a result, NSA has been mostly shoved aside and forgotten, except for the summer congress. The first step, then, in making good use, of what NSA has to offer this campus is for SGC to appoint a good NSA coordi- nator. An interested, hard-working per- son with an aptitude for public relations would be ideal, and at any rate more ef- fective than the present set-up. NSA, THEN, is an organization which can offer the University enough serv- ices to make it, in fact, one of the keys t6 the effective existence of Student Government Council. SGC has handled it in the=past, however, in such a way as to make one wonder why there haven't been more attempts to withdraw before now. The proper handling of the services and vehicles to power offered by NSA on the local, regional and national level would make it obvious just how valuable it can be. -SUSAN SCHNEPP November Election: Two-Headed Race By DAN OKRENT WITH THE PASSING of Labor . Day and the traditional offi- cial start of the Michigan election campaign in the past, voters and observers across the state can now look forward to what may prove to be the most significant off-year election in Michigan po- litical history. A multi-faceted entity, a non- presidential election year often presents a greater spectrum of issues and candidates than those occurring in the years divisible by four. Michigan's 1966 election is no exception. From the bottom up, starting with the local positions and state legislative offices up for grabs, through the bitterly con- tested congressional battles, and culminating in the gubernatorial and senatorial races at the head of the ballot, we have been. of- fered import and significance at every stop. And ,there exists right at that top of the slate a double- headed contest that may deter- mine the outcome of the big one for the Presidency two years from now. ONE OF THE RACES in ques- tion, of course, is that pitting ap- pointed incumbent Republican Senator Robert P. Griffin against former six-time governor G. Mennen Williams. The other is the underrated clash between Demo- cratic State Chairman Zolton Fer- ency and incumbent Gov. George' 'Romney, bidding for his third term in Lansing, and, say many veteran observers, a shot at President Johnson in 1968. The implications of the Romney- Ferency race are clear: should Romney lose, or should he not win by the more-than-comfort- able margin that many are pre- dicting for him, his chances to head the GOP nationwide ballot two years hence are slim. Sim- ilarly, the Griffin-Williams con- test holds an equal significance: if Romney cannot prove he is a team man, if he cannot bring in the lesser-known ex-congressman from Traverse City, he again would be challenged should he try for party leadership at the '68 convention. WHAT IS NOT so clear, how- ever, is exactly how the two races will shape up in the two months between now and Election Day. It may not be that the races will be Griffin-Williams and Romney- Ferency, What is perhaps a more likely, if not a more palatable prospect, is that it will, in effect, be Williams against Romney. Romney, who has built up a massive base of support through- out the state in his four years in Lansing and before that as a chief sculptor of the current Michigan constitution, is,. nevertheless. fighting for his political life, He realizes he has to win and win big, as well as bring home Grif- fin. On the other hand, tried-and- tested trouper Williams spent 12 years as governor amassing what is perhaps the greatest party loy- alty to be found anywhere in the nation. Father and moulder of the Michigan Democratic Party, the man who left Lansing six years ago to hobnob with heads of state in Africa as assistant secretary of state for African Affairs under both Presidents 'Kennedy and Johnson, Williams can proudly look to a multitude of the faith- ful that hold him in highest es- teem. And this is where Romney might have some.problems. BECAUSE HE SPENT 12 years cultivating it, Williams commands the votes of a vast majority of the labor unionists and ethnic groups-particularly Negroes. Yet it was precisely these groups among whom Romney made such great (and, in Michigan, neces- sary) inroads in 1962 and 1964. It must be remembered, though, that two years ago Romney faced only ex-national Democratic com- mitteeman Neil Staebler, . well- known in his home Washtenaw County and in the actual card- carrying membership of the Mich- igan Democratic Party, but a poli- tical non-entity among the vot- ing masses. Also, Staebler suffered from a poor popular image (no graying temples, no polka-dot bowtie) and further from the crip- pling Detroit newspaper strike that was- in effect for the dura- tion of the campaign. The lack of exposure through the mass me- dia in the heart of the Democratic stronghold only hurt Staebler more. Again, in 1962, Romney's vic- tory was over then-Gov. John B. Swainson, a current Wayne Coun- ty circuit judge and, at that time, a lackluster governor. In addition, Swainson had alienated suburban Detroit, an area normally neces- sary for statewide Democratic Vic- tory, by vetoing the Bowman Bill, a piece of legislation that would have prohibited cities from impos- ing an income tax on non-resi- dents who work in that city. To- day, the Detroit income tax affects hundreds of thousands of com- muting suburbanites. SO, IT MAY BE concluded that Romney's two-time support may well have been entirely dependent on temporary circumstances, while Williams' is of a far more endur- ing nature.' Additionally, many are failing to recognize Ferency as the cam- paigner that he may be. While the completely unknown Hungar- ian who likes to relate that "peo-. ple used to say 'What's a Feren- cy? Now they say 'Who's a Fer- ency'?" could almost assuredly never beat Romney on his own (at least this year), he is a far more appealing and exciting candidate than either Staebler or Swainson ever were. Dark, handsome, and with an acute, biting tongue hon- ed for years on Romney's temper, Zolton Ferency, given the full sup- port of Williams and the rest of the Democratic Party, could well pull within a surprisingly small margin of Romney, if not upset him entirely. THUS, IT IS NOT the battle be- tween Romney and Ferency, nor is it that between Williams and Griffin that will be the key match of this Michigan election year. It will be more a battle of coattails, a joust between one whom many term "the only Republican in the state of Michigan" and the bow- tied crusader ;or the labor way of life. When G. Mennen Williams walks into the cramped churches in Detroit's Negro inner city and says "Zolton Ferency is my friend and I hope he'll be yours, too"; or when he approaches the Ford workers at the Dearborn Rouge complex to shake their eager hands and flashes an "I Want Ferency" button from his lapel, the success of these efforts will determine the shape of Michigan -and perhaps national - politics for years to come. 4 BARRY GOLDWATER: Soviet Medics. Ahead' By BARRY GOLDWATER YTHS AND POLITICAL lies die hard. Some can't even be beaten to death with a stick. Take, for instance, the one about Soviet superiority in the field of medi- cine. Any number of liberal apologists for the "Communist experiment" have used this myth as part of their general argument. "No mat- ter what else you say, communism can't be all bad because look at how well it is developing medical care for all its people," the liberal apologists report. Bunk. It is now a fairly obvious fact of life, for everyone except the poli- tically biased, naive, innocent or hopeless, that there is not one phase of human welfare that the Communist system has been able to handle as fairly or as effective- ly as capitalism. THIS MEDICAL FIELD is a prime example. Communist pro- Coal Mission to Newcastle pagandists have been barraging the West for some time with raz- zle-dazzle stories of advanced me- dical discoveries-keeping the head of a dog alive, transplanting all sorts of limbs. From these few grandstand performances h a s come the notion that all Soviet medicine must be far advanced and that socialism, therefore, must have some medical merit. Again, bunk. Medical headlines every bit as big as those made in the Soviet Union are made in this nation reg- ularly. Just recall the stories of recent heart surgery in Texas as an example. But the real measure of medi- cine goes deeper. It must include how well the practice of medicine in general is coming along. Does socialism have anything to offer in that respect? ONE GOOD ANSWER has Just been delivered by a group of Am- erican physicians who have re- turned from an extensive tour of Soviet hospitals. These men, some 42 of them from the state-of Ne- braska, were appalled by what so- cialism had done to medicine in the Soviet. Dr. Hiram Hilton, of Lincoln, put it this way: 'Some of the equipment and procedures we saw were almost be- yond belief, defying any stretch of imagination in comparison to Western standards. Impressions of surgery in the Soviet Union par- ticularly showed evidence of iso- lation from the mainstream of surgical progress." He noted that there was hardly any stainless steel equipment in the hospitals, but mostly painted enamel. Dr. Russell Gorthey, an obste- trician also from Lincoln, had this to say about his colleagues in the Soviet: "The gynecological department used equipment and procedures that by any Western standard were outdated and abandoned 10- 15 years ago. I was told that this was the best maternity hospital in the area." AND SO IT WENT, These men had no political ax to grind. They were just visiting and sympathe- tic professionals. Most mentioned how depressed the Soviet doctors seemed by the conditions under which they have to practice and gave them high marks for persist- ing, as do doctors everywhere, in trying to do the best under the cir- cumstances. The point, however, is obvious. Socialism, which has failed even adequately to feed people, also, in the homeland of socialism itself, has failed to treat their ills. Capi- talism. on the other hand, has done 'both abundantly well. When will the political hacks who keep harping on collectivist "accomplishments" wake up to the simple truth? COLLECTIVISM'S ONLY accom- plishment is to chain people in a gray worold of mediocrity and conformity. It has been capitalism that has liberated them. I pray that, this simple truth will be kept in mind 'in our own country even though the present adminis- tration obviously has forgotten it. * MONDAY, Barry Sadler, soldier, singer and incredibly representative Clean- Cut-Young-Man, appeared on the late afternoon "Mike Douglas Show." The ap- pearance would have slipped by, without remark, were it only the usual volley of war songs of many lands. But the ever-so Public Relationable Sergeant had an- other trick up his muscular sleeve. It took the form of the grammar school epic, "Show and Tell Time." Sad- ler produced a rifle once possessed by the VietI Cong. After explaining that the weapol had been a favorite souvenir "around the officers' club," he went on to point out its more insidious features to an audience of appreciative house- wives. FIRSTLY, THE RIFLE was hand assem- bled. (Group laughter at the primi- tive mind which must have resorted to such an outmoded production tech- nique.) But, the sergeant went on to warn, these backward minds can still be dangerous. (Audience and Mike respect- fully freeze in terror.) The rifle had been diabolically designed to fire broken glass, rocks, or pieces of metal. ("Golly," says Mr. Douglas, "a guy could get hurt.") If we are to believe Robert McNamara, the United States Army should be con- gratulated for its strivings to educate the American public. And efforts like those . made Monday by Sergeant Sad- ler must be applauded as an integral part of this process of learning. From even such a simple demonstration, a vast American audience has learned two things. One, that a rifle-represented as a 'typical weapon of the Viet Cong-is a hand made effort. Not a single part was labelled "Made in Red China." And, two, that the American Army is struggling forth to fate a battehry of broken glass the United States Army. Sergeant Barry Sadler, armed only with his, guitar, is a more potent instigator than half the Communists in the world. His appear- ance, no matter how ingenuous, display- ed a bigotry of;American technology and an ethic of righteous violence. Yet, 'he is put forth as the finest, pink-cheeked ef- fort of the American military. If the Defense Department fears that college students are misled by false pic- tures of the Vietnamese struggle, let it first "clean up" its own image. Suspicion is already rampant that "something is rotten" in the state of American inter- vention. Do we need Sergeant Sadler as a one-man coal mission to Newcastle? -LIZ WISSMAN * I Schprtiz. . 's " WATER, WATER everywhere, and ne'er a place to sleep. The one aesthetically relieving seg- ment of the University's architecturally disastrous Diag has always been the col- lege of student bodies which decorate it in the fall and spring. Now, alas, even that is in danger from the plant depart- ment's new sprinkling system. At 2:20 yesterday afternoon, this writer was gently falling asleep on the lawn next to the south end of Angell Hall over a copy of Bradford's "Of Plymouth Planta- tion." Gentle breezes, cars muttering in the distance, blue skies and suddenly "GURGLE - GURGLE - GURGLE - PFFT- SHOOSH": a solid stream of water, two feet overhead. Hazy mist, wafting down from the blue. Ten minutes and ten pages later, this time beside the bushes next to Mason Hall, "SNICKPISHSHSHSH." Hazy mist, r A A u Y ,, , _ .- a ,'=. 4 E1" q Political Abuse of Death By HAL R. WILDE Collegiate Press Service THIS SUMMER, President John- son awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously to Pvt. Mil- ton L. Olive, 3rd, a Negro, at the White House. Pvt. Olive was a brave man, in a sense that none of us can understand : he dived on a grenade to save his buddies. A simple act. But it makes you wonder. Did he know what he was doing? Why did he do it? How do you define a hero, a brave man? The President found in Milton Olive's death a lifting of "the mist of confusion," over.why we are fighting in Viet Nam, a time when "the basic principles emerge." He also found time in his memorial address to comment on the new equality of the Amer- ican Negro. PERHAPS I am not as wise as the President, for I found no les- A brave man, a brave American has died. What is sad is what he died for, and how his death was used. (Wilde is chairman of the Am- herst Student.) The 'Also WILLIAM B. BUCKLEY, Jr., editor of the conservative Na- tional Rview, sent the following telegram to the Conservative par- ty convention last week in Sara- toga Springs: "I cannot imagine better aus- pices for a conservative candidate. The opportunity simultaneously to reject Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Nelson Rockefeller and Frank D. O'Connor is a conflunce of his- torical opportunities that dazzles t'h itnnzinnlno+r. ov.A 1~aue a 4