WET NESDAX, SEPT '' 14, 1966 ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T E WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE DIR KSEN S TA NDS FIRM: M Exhaustion Cuts Short Space Walk Astronauts Still Plan Morning Ride to 863 Mile Altitude Record By The Associated Press CASE KENNEDY, Fla.-Rich- ard F. Gordon Jr. tried to walk around the world yesterday but' became exhausted along the way. He did manage, however, to hang from the Gemini spacecraft for 44 minutes, riding a rocket like a cowboy. Hot, sweaty and panting. Gor- don cut his exotic excursion more than an hour short when perspi- ration poured down his face into his right eye, temporarily blind- ing it. It was the third straight U.S. space walk to run into trouble. 4rGordon and his command pilot, Charles Conrad Jr., still have many feats ahead of them in their bold three day voyage, sched- uled to end tomorrow morning. Today, they plan to trigger the Agena rocket linked to their nose for a jolting- ride to a record 863- mile altitude. And Gordon hopes to stage a second excursion out- side-a 140-minute stand in his seat to take scientific pictures. "I'm pooped," Gordon told Con- rad minutes after he slipped into the strange, eerie world of space, 135 miles above Southern Cali- fornia. He breathed hard and quickly as he tried to work. Word that the two pilots de- cided to end the walk 71 minutes early came as they flashed over the Tananarive tracking station, off the east coast of Africa, Several major objectives of the walk were lost. Gordon did not have time to experiment with a special power tool that would have qualified him as the worldl's fixst space mechanic. He also did not get, a chance to dart to and fro with a jet gun. He did straddle the Agena rock- r et linked to Gemini's nose, loop- ing a loose end of a 100-foot cord to the spacecraft. This set the stage for the Agena and Gemini 11 to stretch apart, the cord tied between them, to see if it might be a fuel-saving way to fly in formation. A Gordon seemed to have diffi- culty from the start. He found, as three other American space- walkers did that even though you're in weightlessness, where things are light as a feather- simple tasks are hard to do. A man in orbit is hampered by a bulkwy pressure suit and also has nothing to brace against. Youth Battle DIRKSEN STANDS FIRM: Red Guards Housing Bill Failing in Senate; I', In China Cloture Vote To Decide Fate Ton LeatPrc-p C'lhai ITT A C+vTT7!^, Td-%%T tlM ml-- - 13 . -4- --4 4 - -- - I- 3-- " -, ju ux w ASHINGTN up w - Tne ac- not getting -strong leadership And Lin Demoted ii ministration's civil rights bill ap- from the White House." pears headed for the Senate scrap- The President holds the key to New Party Shakeup !basket and a scramble was on passage of the civil rights bill of yesterday to fix the blame. 1966 in his own hands," Griffin MOSCOW p)-Resistance to the said in a statement relayed from militant young Red Guards of Republicans reacted sharply to Detroit. Communist China was reported in President Johnson's statement Dirksen's chief objection to the eastern and southern sections of that "whether it passes or fails bill is its Title IV provision which the country by Communist press will depend largely on what" Sen- would ban racial discrimination dispatches yesterday. y ate Republican Leader Everettt M. in the sale or rental of about 40 In addition. J DirsanenofIllino per cent of the nation's housing. Sen. Philip A. Hart. (D-Mich.>, floor manager for the bill, told a reporter he believes there is a "good chance" that a majority of the 100 senators will vote for cloture to end the filibuster which has blocked action to call up the bill. He made no claim, however, to the necessary two-thirds. -Associated Press WILSON PLEDGES ACTION Prime Minister Harold Wilson is shown leaving last night's session of the 22 nation Commonwealth Conference at Marlborough House in London. Nonwhite leaders at the conference called for a total United Nations embargo of the Smith regime in Rhodesia to bring African rule to the white-ruled country. Wilson rejected the demands for strong and immediate action set forth by 17 of the nations, but offered a three point pledge to work toward African rule. VIET NAM ROUNDUP: New Buildup of Ground Units, Strong Air Strikes Continue, 1 i t t C J l 1 - ik it _ 1 ,i t I, 1 , 1 1 7 1 SAIGON, South Viet Nam (R) -- The U.S. Command is quietly building up armored power in Viet Nam as if for more extens- ive use of tread tracked weapons against the Viet Cong when mon- soon-soaked trails dry up this fall. An air assault on North Viet Vam' drew top attention in military briefings yesterday while Saigon authorities exulted at the turnout of 80.6 per cent of South Viet Nam's registered voters in the Constituent A s s e m b1y election Sunday as a political blow at the Communists. With little fanfare, a communi- que disclosed the landing of an- other armored outfit, the second in less than a week. The 2nd Battalion of the old 34th Armored Regiment, about 750 men equipped with 50-ton M48 medi- um tanks, arrived at Vung Tau, 45 miles southeast of Saigon. Four of North Viet Nam's mis- sile sites were among targets of U.S. air squadrons in 170 mis- sions Monday and pilots said they damaged all of them. Two mis- siles were reported hit in attacks on a site 30 miles northwest of Dong Hoi. One exploded in the air and the other zigzagged er- ratiecglly across the ground. A spokesman said that, though the missions were one short of the record 171 flown Sunday, there was one more plane flight in- volved. Though precise figures were withheld, the action involved' between 400 and 500 individual' strikes. B52 jet bombers from Guam struck at North Vietnamese troops and infiltration routes south of the zone, a six-mile-wide belt on the frontier that was supposed to be a neutral buffer territory un- der the Geneva agreement of 1954. Viet Nam Elections Provide Support for Military Regime ports said a crowd of 100,000 had Dirksen said he isn't doing any? battled the Red Guards at Kwei- thig.1 aP lin, capital of Kwangsi Province "Nothing has changed," he said., ' in the- south, and the army had "My position is just the same." to be called in to restore order. Backers of the measure concede The Soviet news agency Tans that without Dirksen's support Indicate R isin said leaflets on Peking walls told they have little chance of win- of clashes between 30,000 metal ning a key vote on the question WASHINGTON UP) - Wholesale in workers, students and others of bringing the bill formally be- food prices climbed 1.3 per cent f against the "revolutionary nmasses" fore the Senate.lastfoodhprice clim er.3pement ad -puresumably the Red Guard- Sen. Jacob K. Javits, (R-N.'Y.), last month,tin catigvhouswiv tai Aug. 31 and early this month at who advocates passage of the bill, had a tougher time stretching their Kweiyang, a city in Hunan Pro- said Johnson should not try. to dollars at the supermarket. vince. use Dirksen's opposition to blame Ir wilenoterw - h s The Red Guard authors of the the Republicans if the measurem It will not be known just how s lefe eaddta h r.fails. much of the wholesale increase 01 leaflet demanded that the pro-!fals.waspasd logtthreilw vincial party committee stop at He contended Dirksen does not s passed aoat t e w once "political reprisals" against speak for all Republicans on the'level until the Labor Department f the "revolutionary masses" and civil rights bill, and protested reports its August consumer price ri free those arrested. that it is unfair to characterize index later this month. - a: Correspondents of both Tass opposition to the measure as Re- But wholesale food price in- and the Hungarian news agency publican opposition. creases usually show up in family bu MTI in Peking told of Red Guard Javits said Johnson has the living costs more quickly than oth- ri violence' in Shanghai. power and prestige of the presi- er items. All signs point to an- Tass said visiting Red Guards- dency, plus a two-thirds majority other hike in living costs, which ca men from Peking had forced their in the Senate, to put behind the have been rising at the sharpest fl way into the building of the bill. rate in eight years.' Shanghai city Communist party A similar sentiment came from The Labor Department reported c committee Sept. 4, "smashed win Sen. Robert T. Griffin, R-Mich.), a four-tenths of 1 per cent riseel dows, climbed onto the roof and who said advocates of the bill are in August in its wholesale price s thrown stones into the street." ca Some persons were injured, Tass T7 TJ ICX added. o G o/ % athen the visiting Red Guards attended a mass rally, cut short ,yoout h A tiiiAae and engaged In a series of fist Acpr h i Ti-chiu, beat up the deputy MayorL/ co fights, MTI reported. CAPE TOWN, South Africa P)- deviate from his purpose, Vorster . Meanwhile, the Red China party Tough, extremist Balthazar Vor- promised stern opposition. 2 leadership appears to have been ster was unanimously selected He held out little hope for those, c quietly reshuffled with Premier prime minister yesterday and the such as U.S. Sen. Robert F. Ken- c Chou En-lai still in a strong posi- prevailing opinon was that South nedy (D-N.Y.), who during his tion, Tanjug news agency re- Africa will swing even farther to recent visit here appealed fora a ported yesterday in a Peking dis- the right. some sort of gesture indicating a a patch. The 50-year-old justice minister, move away from apartheid to 2 This would be a middle course interned during World War II for give a ray of hope to the repressed solution to avoid a public demot- his'Nazi sympathies, met with oth- nonwhites. ing, Tanjug said. er Cabinet members and assured The Nationalist party, dedicated The agency noted that Presi- them that he will follow the apart- to stringent enforcement of apart- dent Liu Shao-chi, who was the held line of his predecessor, Henrik held and stonewall opposition to party's first deputy chairman be- F. Verwoerd, assassinated a week any kind of outside interference hind Mao Tze-tung, no longer oc- aimed at changing that policy, cupies that position. Liu's influ- ago.haitaningrtaplick, ence has been reported diminish- Shortly after the Nationalist has virtually given Vorster a blink ing. There were five deputy chair- pa r t y parliamentary c a u c u s check to carry on or even to in- men In all. elected him, Vorster told a wel- tensify the Verwoerd line. Instead, only Defense Minister coming crowd gathered outside Lin Piao, the new strong man, was Parliament: Phone 482-2056 The given the title of deputy chair- "I promise you that as far as it cas man after a meeting of the party is humanly possible, I will strive W Central Committee last month. for the security of South Africa. " Tanjug said this led to belief that As far as it please God Almighty ' there was a change in the organi- to allow man to work out his own - OCARPENTER hAS L zation setup and that the five future and decide on his own des- First Run-NO deputy chairmen have been re- tiny, the destiny of South Africa placed by Lin. will be decided by ourselves."S THE W( Chou also was a deputy party Vorster was speaking of South chairman, but this title was omit- Afica's three mill1i o n r u 1i n g ted when he received a function- whites. He made no mention of ary of the Communist party of the country's voteless 12.5 million Australia as reported in today's Africans, who lay under severe re- Peking press, Tanjug observed. strictions because of South Afri- SECRETS OIFTFHE FORBIDDEN WORLD F Tanjug also noted the rise in ca's policy of racial segregation. Shown at 7:10 & 10:30 the party of Kang Sheng, promi- Vorster told the crowd his po- ALSO. nent in Red China's cultural rev- litical tenet was complete belief olution. in the Nationalist party and its STRMf EFR i N6 A candidate member of the Pol- principles and "the full imple- "' * itburo, Kang was promoted to full mentation of them in every re- membership at the Central Com- spect whatever the consequences." mittee meeting. Today's press in The challenge to internalcritics Peking, for the first time, called was clear. To anyone overseas who him a member of the standing might seek, by persuasion, pres- Shown at 9:00 --y committee of the Politburo, Tan- sure or aggression, to ma-ke him - h--n-----0 --O-- jug said re Increases g Food Costs ndex-which measures prices of arm products, processed foods and long list of industrial rawe ma- erials and nanufactured goods. The consumer index, which mea- ures not only food prices but al- o those of medical care and many ther services not covered by the wholesale index, doesn't always llow the wholsale trend. But a se in one is usually followed by 4n increase in the other. The whoesale increase is often, )ut not always, larger than the se in retail prices. The two indexes are major indi- ators of price movements and in- ationary warning signals. Food has shown the biggest in- reases in the past year of rapidly [imbing living costs. It is also ubject to sharp fluctuations be- ause of weather conditions and rop yields. Government economists, noting ast week's higher crop estimates or many foods, hope bigger yields 'ill help slow the rise in food osts. The wholesale index has climbed .6 per cent so far in 1966 and ,he consumer price index 2.1 per Bitt. Over the past 12 months, the wholesale index is up 3.8 per cent nd the consumer price index up .8 per cent, with the August con- ,umer price figure still to be re- ?or ted. Read Daily Classfie~ds An AP News Analysis By GEORGE McARTHUR SAIGON, South Viet Nam OP)-- The four million South Vietnam- ese who voted in Sunday's election have given their country a bright- er political outlook than at any time in almost a decade. The election gives the political initiative to the military regime of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky for the first time in his 15-month rule. i [ World News Roundup LONDON-A major crisis split the British Commnonwealth con ference last night after Prime Minister Harold Wilson rejected demands by 17 nations that inde- pendence be given to a Rhodesia ruled only by Africans. In a take-it-or-leave-it mood, nonwhite leaders at the 22-nation conference also called for a total comp'ulsory United Nations em- bargo on all trade with Premier Ian Smith's breakaway white re- gime-complete with powers of' enforcement. -nA statement presented to a se- cret session of presidents, pre- miers and ministers insisted on immediate release of African poli- tical prisoners in Rhodesia as soon as Smith's white supremacist gov- ernment is toppled. The British had sought to defer this move until a transitional caretaker gov- ernment is formed. s . . a felony, but the jury reduced the charge to a misdemeanor. Under the misdemeanor charge, Carmichael's bond was lowered from $10,000 to 01,000. NEW YORK-Dow Jones and Co., Inc., announced yesterday that in conjunction with The As- sociated Press it is exploring cre- ation of a new business and fi- nancial news service that would be distributed outside of North America. The joint study is based on the premise that Dow Jones would as- semble and edit a minute-by-min- ute global economic news report. The report would be delivered over- seas, by teleprinter service to bro- kers, banks, newspapers, business- men and other subscribers. Dis- cussions have begun with the hope of starting such an overseas ser- vice early next year. BOGALUSA, Ala.-Negro leaders called off plans for a protest march here last night that would have defied the city's ban on such nighttime demonstrations. The cancellation came shortly after Mayor Jesse Cutrer warned that his police would not allow an after-dark march. O. Z. Young, president of the Bogalusa Voters League, said the march was called off to give offi- cials a chance to act on Negro grievances. If this. initiative slips back in- to South Viet Nam's political quicksand, as has so often hap- pened in the past, the disillusion- ment of the nation's weary popu lation could easily be final. In the eyes of many voters, their. ballots marked the beginning of the end for South Viet Nam's mili- tary rule. Whether the generals will totally accept this is problem-1 atical. But the schedule calls for election of a Legislative Assembly and transfer of the helm to civil- ians in 1967. It is questionable that the new assembly, with constitution-writ- ing as its sole official duty, will ask the military men to withdraw from government. After all, the nation is at war, is badly rent by economic troubles, and evidently needs strong direction. It is certain, however, that the: assembly will demand that the military men become responsive- to outside direction reflectingr popu- lar wishes. The assembly is almost certain to write a constitution embody- ing a strong presidential form of government. That evidently would be acceptable to the soldiers. The assembly has six months m which to write the constitution. The military regime must approve it or make revisions. These reds ions, in theory, can be rejected by a two-thirds vote of the assembly. Box Office Open 6:30 W SHOWING rDi n im TUG 6bkwl t Area's Newest - Drive-In is y to reach-2 miles South of ashtenaw Rd. and Carpenter Rd. PLUS "CHEYENNE DAYS" In Color 2 Color Cartoons "ASSAULT & PEPPERED" "RUSHING ROULETTE" Fs Kang is believed to be one of the creators of the Red Guards. AL EXPERIENCE.DOES CE LECTURE Political Science Dept. 4:15 P.M. E ROOM, UGLI KN T BANDS1 TR RGE Di RECO CENT SEND WE R SEND REC3 1 FIVE LEVELS pow HE UTH OF HEAR CONSCIOUSNESS T EXPANSION HE FACTS / about LSD by LSD IN SUGAR CUBES SPOIL THE TASTE OF' COFFEE? r. Timothy Leay, Ph.D. )RDED LIVE AT THE CASTALIA FOUNDATION-DR LEARY'S ER FOR RESEARCH ON CONSCIOUSNESS-EXPANDING DRUGS. $3.00 PER RECORD CHECK OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY. AY POSTAGE! ME COPIES OF DR. TIMOTHY LEARY'S LP )RDING ON LSD. lf .- --f . WA t F .tM~ V w ann rOanS I II