TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1966 THE MTCHIG A N DA Ti.V ipAelv Irrim ". It l ..aLR% lUilM ilV H1\ L[tl1 V.l £ VIV 5 For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-00 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. 557 ROOM AND BOARD PERSONAL HELP WANTED UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES USED CARS BIKES AND SCOOTERS LINES 1 day 2 .65. 3 .85 4 1.05 5 1.20 6 1.40 7 1.55 8 1.70 9 1.85 10 2:00 INCHES 1 2.00 2 3.75 3 5.35 4 6.85 5 8.25 2 day 1.25 1.65 2.OQ 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 10.40' 13.35 16.25 3 day 1.80 2.40 2.90 3.35. 3.80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.50 10.60 15.20 19.65 24.15 4 day 2.30 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7.15 13.75 19.60 25.75 31.85 5 Joy 2.80 3.75 4.55 5.30 6.05 6.80 7.50 8.20 8.75 8.75 16.75 23.95 31.50 39.35 6 day 3.25 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8,00 8.80 9.60 10.25 10.25 19.55 28.20 37.15 46.55 add. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1 .40 1.40 1 .40 1.40 1.40 1.40 ROOM AND BOARD for lady or married EXPERIENCED Rock and Roll Drum- couple in exchange for, light house- mer looking for work. Call Ken, 761- work and helping mother care for 5 6070. FA children in daytime. Home in coun- try, 10 min. from campus. Transport. APT. 6 wishes to announce its first can be arranged. NO 5-5917, E7 annual All Campus Mixer. For further details, call 761-4807. FF PERSONA L REWARD! For the return of one olive brown wallet. There is no money in- PETITIONING NOW open for two va- side, just my I.D. Call Michael Wolk, cant SGC seats. Petitions are avail- 761-8472, or stop by 543 S. Fourth able in 1546 SAB through Sept. 16th. Ave., bottom floor. FF P32 F.B.I. BLACKLIST. DOCUMENTED. B. Stein, The F.B.I. Security Affair" Bob Marshalls-Overbecks STRONG STUDENT to assist prof. using THE TRIUMPH TR-3, British racing MUST SELL '65 SUZUKI 150. Good. wheel chair, go on auto trips occa- green, a classic. Restored. 761-9796. cond. Best offer. 761-5384. Z44 sionally and usually within city. NO B22 -- ----.- . --.-- - 3-4743. H4 -- - - -----1964 YAMAHA, 250 cc 5-spd. excel. cond. 1966 VW SEDAN, red, 6,000 mi. perfect Best offer. 761-5236. Z45 SOMEONE TO HELP with yard work, condition. 662-4272. N39 ---_-_-------- ---- _-_ Own transportation and own hours. - ----- - --- LAMBRETTA 1964. Clean, fully working, 663-2256. H5 AUSTIN-HEALEY for sale-"63" blk., two-seater. $230. 662-6741. Z46 ----- wire wheels, overdrive, radio, exc. FIGURE MODEL cond. $1850. Call 517-784-9028. N40 '65 BLUE YAMAHA 80 with autolude BIKES AND SCOOTERS '65 YAMAHA 250cc, 1600 miles. Like new. 495. Also avail., cycle trailer, windshield and helmet, 761-0364. Z32 '66 TR IUMPH Bonneville, 650cc. Best offer. Ask for Bob, NO 3-5480 eves. Zil FOR SALE-Men's English Bike, Nearly new, $30. 665-9273. Z21 11965 HONDA 160. Good cond. $400 or best offer. 5-7 p.m. 525 Walnut, No. 6. Z22 Female-$5 00 per P.O. Box 2012,. MEN EARN $2.5 two consecutiv study subject.I 764-0430 before Ads maybe run on a "till canceled" basis, i.e. the ad runs until you notify us to stop it. Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are of 1 /, 2/, 31/2, etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rate. FOR RENT- COVERED PARKING State St.-St. Poseph's Hospital $90 for 12 months, 761-76001 C431 WANTED: 2 ROOMMATES to fill out 4 bedroom apt. Presently occupied by 2. 761-1523. Bill or Jim. C44 EX-SERVICEMAN student desires 1 or 2 other students to share apt. 107 S. Sttae. 761-9463. C45 4th MAN NEEDED for mod. apt. close to campus. Call 665-2707 or come to Stockwell Manor Apts. 1341 Geddes, No. 6. C46 APARTMENT FOR RENT (4-man) 1 to 3 men needed. % block from campus. Air-cond. All utilities pd. (exl. elec.) $55/mo. 8 month lease. See Dan Coughlin, No 12, 608 Monroe or No. 206, 406 Packard. C47 WE WANT A ROOMMATE (female). 761-7166. C42 2 BDRM. APTS. New buildings. $165- $195. 665-9405. C36 4TH MAN for new 4-man apt, near campus. Air-cond., disposal, dish- washer, free parking. Call 665-2817. C37 NEW FURNISHED 1 bdrm. apts. for 3 at State and Packard. Will be avail. in 1 or 2 weeks. Call 662-7961 after- noons and eves. C32 ROOMMATE NEEDED. Three men in house need fourth. Low rent, near IM and Wines Field. Good condition. Call 668-7564. CE ONE FEMALE wanted for 4-man apt. at 1335 Geddes, Apt, 9. C38 FOR MALE-Single and double sleep- ing room. $15 and $24. Available until Jan. 1st. 1012 Barton Drive. C40 MY LOVELY furryished campus apt. and . II still need a roommate. My phone was broken so you couldn't reach me, Call girl grad student, 663-9752. C39 4TH FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share mod, apt, at S. U. and Wash- tenaw. 761-2499. C26 FOR RENT. 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES wanted forl fall to share mod 4-man apt. at 5. U. and Washtenaw4 Call Sydney, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 342-4659. C27 FOR SALE SEASON FOOTBALL TICKET - One set of tickets, for all games, on 45- yard line. (Sect. two). Call Dan, 761- 2785. BE FOLLOWING ITEMS FOR SALE: 1 hide- a-bed, mattress in good cond. but' needs cushions. 1 blac kwaln'ut chest-settle circa 1860.. 1 black walnutbed frome head board, foot board and side boards circa 1880 1 pumpkin pine commode in excell. cond. circa 1860 Call in morning or after 6 p.m. 665-5025. B26 tvrs..w rcmr cs errsr rnxr eV . ___ ''__ Can a freshman in med school f happiness with a sophomore in c lege? Woody THE IN CROWD is coming to Apt. first annual All-Campus Mixer. 'I don't want to miss thisugreat so event. For details and further inf mation call 761-4807. LAST CHANCE LECTURE. Professort ganski of the Poll. Scl. Dept. S 15, 4:15 p.m. Multipurpose Roc UgliI DON'T MISS the next issue and j the fun!! Dating service.] UAC's International Affairs Commit is sponsoring international enterta ment at the Ltitle Club Friday, S tember 16, in the MUG. Admiss free. Time: 9-12. Saleem Jehan sings Pakistani and American f songs. Jazz Band entertainment a COMING NEXT ISSUE! Applicat form for dating system.7 EVERYONE FILL OUT an applicat In the next issue! Don't forget!7 OPTICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FILLE CAMPUS OPTICIANS Ind col- JOEL ISAAC GREENBERG MEAL JOBS. C FC GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE Steward or Coo Will Read from Their Poetry 6's 16 September 1966 SOC.-MED. AGE You WESLEY FOUNDATION time typist s octalj 8 F.M. work in a ci for, FC field. 663-3306. FC - - A POETRY READING COUls Or- Open to the University Community MALE ept. JOEL ISAAC GREENBERG FULLE : om, GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE MUS F33 16 September 1966U 8 P.M. and able to meet oin Wesley Foundation/across lence necessary F37 from Frieze Bldg. on-campus lo ttee Admission without charge rateyand perle ttee PC Apply in pers+ in- ---- .Univ., afterno ep- WELCOME BACK NANCY! Greene's Clean ion In honor of our first anniversary I --__ agir hereby present you with a gift sub- MOTORCYCLE N olk scrption to The Daily, Details when ENCED MANl iso. I see you. Auf Wiedersehen. TIME WORK F -B M.O.C. FC WASH. ion SE A EMALE-Part tim F35 M ELLANEOUS day and evenir ----- --- Co., 1935 S. In ion OTIS BINGO-$1000-need Bl, 02, N3, F36 W5, S4, share prize. 663-8140. M5 HELP WANTED- 5145. FRESHMAN GIRLS have carrots for --4-. D phantom rabbit. Call 764-4920 or 764- WAITERS - WAIT 4919. Just ask for Bunny. M6 Union maind ~--- - able to work LONESOME? Contact Mr. Cr Take the guess work out of dating. Mich. Union. F12 hour, part time. Reply - - - - Ann Arbor. H47 PORSCHE, '59, silver coupe, 1600N Lucas" - ----- driving lights. Michelinx tires. exc. 0 for 45 minutes on cond. 761-1480 after 6 p.m. N41 ve days. Be a psych Easy and painless. Call 1963 CORVAIR Monza convertible, 41 5 p.m. H39 speed, radio, $800. 662-8869. N34 all 761-5413. Ask for VOLVO 1961, radio, heater, good run- ok. H1 ning cond. 665-9859 after 5. N37 NCY needs good full FORD FALCON, 1962. Excel. cond., low ecretary over 21, for mileage. $500 or best offer. 663-9188. hallenging, interesting N38 '53 BLACK MG. T.D. exc. cond. Call NTER HELP 761-6473. N32 OR FEMALE, 1963 F85 OLDS station wagon, good R PART TIME, cond. NO 8-7725. N25 T BE NEAT t the public. No exper- 1966 OPEL KADET sport coupe. 663- ,y. We train you. Two 5480. N27 cations, good starting odic increase in salary.199FR,6clsadrtanm- on mornings, 1213 a 1,ion.Good cond. $225.dCall 761-7097. ons, 516 E. Liberty. N28 iers. H41 CORVAIR Monza, 1963, 2 door, 4 speed. MECHANIC - EXPERI- Best offer. 663-5671. N29 DESIRED FOR PART- 1959 TR 3 GREEN Roadster with wire APPLY AT 310 E. wheels, engine completely rebuilt by -H-- - garage, spring of 1966. 663-3270. N30 HONDA 50 for sale. In very good cond.j Call 665-2482. Z41 '66 HARLEY DAVIDSON scooter. 50cc. 2 mo. old. $225. 668-6620. Z43 1966 HONDA S50, white. Call Dan 6-10 p.m., NO 8-6766. Z34 1965 HONDA Scrambler, ex, cond., hel- met, gloves, mirrors, rain cover, paid up ins. Call 761-6763. Z35 1965 SUZUKI, Sport 80. Best offer. 761- 3885 after 7 p.m. Z36{ "66 TRIUMPH Bonneville. Excellent condition, new over-sized pistons. Call 761-0915. ZF '64 750 ROYAL Enfield Interceptor. $900. 665-4249. B19 1965 YAMAHA 305 cc, 105 mph, exc. copd., reasonable price. Call 665-5469. Z38 Good cond., les than 3500 miles. Hel- met, rack and cover included. Will' bargain. 663-7616. Z39 YAMAHA twin jet. 100 c.c. 2000 miles. 3 Enos. old. Call NO 3-4775. Z28 1966 HONDA 160. 1200 miles, just like new. $475. Call ¢62-3430 eves. Z13 HONDA 66, 305 cc Super model. 8 weeks old. Low mileage, exc. cond. $650. 539 Packard, No. 3. Z18 1965 HONDA Scrambler. Exc. cond., hel- met, gloves, mirrors, rain cover. Paid- up ins. Call 761-6763. Z8 Available Now! Yamaha Sportscycles from 50 cc. to 305 cc., including the unbeatable YL-1 twin cylinder Yamaha. Bank financing. NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First 662-7409 BARGAIN CORNER i . I r ,1 ne help. Any part of ng. Coca Cola Bottling dustrial Hwy. H42 -Meal jobs. Call 761- H43 :TRESSES - Michigan dining room. Must be' Mon.-Fri., 12:00-2:00. ramton, 7:30 a.m.-12:00, H44 60 VOLVO 544. Good running cond. Clean,3radio, good tires. Best offer. NO 3-3943. N22 '62 LE MANS. Good boot std. New tires. $395. 665-2229. N13 1963 MG 1100 Sedan with separate AM- FM radio. $750. See at 331 Catherine or phone Norm, 665-4396 after Sept. 5. IN THE NICKELS ARCADE MUS.ICrA MDSE SUZUKI ARE HERE! GUARANTEED To Give You More for Your MONEY! For instance: The X-6 Hustler-WORLD'S FASTEST STREET 250 Best warranty in the industry. See them NOW Now have 1-day service on repair work SUZUKI Cycle Center 4040 Washtenaw SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS--$4.50 "White" and 5 Colors "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-ITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing CHEMISTRY STUDENTS make chem- istry problems a go go with an acid base calculator, All "mod" scientists are using it. For direct answers to 1,512 problems incolving: pH (H plus), pOH and (OH-). The low low price is only 49c each at Ulrich's Bookstore. B24 MUST SELL 4 SEASON APA tickets. Excell. seats. Second Saturday series. Contact Rosemary, 663-7332. B 25 GREEN HORNET, Long Ranger, L.P.S. NO 3-4347. B23 ROYAL SAFARI Typewriter for sale- Barely used,4negotiate price. Call Nancy, 761-3747, BF FOR SALE: Scuba diving equipment. For information call 761-9577. B16 ARVIN AM-FM RADIO and matching amplifier. Reasonable. 662-0552 after 6. B17 BUSINESS SERVICES FRENCH & GERMAN - Tutoring and special courses for grad exams by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J21 CHILD CARE-Have openings for chil- dren in my licensed home. 663-1157. J3 PSYCHOLOGY GRAD, student with Spanish native language offers tu- torial help in psych and/or Spanish. Joseph Lamas, 764-4022 after 2 p.m. !Call 482-4898 or Box 441, Ypsilanti, ----- - - -M VJ 1AL M VJC., 240 Nickels Arcade Mich. M4 BUSBOY MEAL JOBS-Must be reliable. RADIOS, REPAIRS - ---Call 761-7660. HA THE ONLY PLACE in Ann Aror to buy FRATERNITY & SORORITY PART TIME or FULL TIME-Lawn up- SPINET PIANO BARGAIN a diamond engagement ring. Check BANQUETS keep in large apt. project. Call Mr. Wanted: Responsible party to take ov it. Austin Diamond. 1209 S. Univ. For your dinner meetings, dances, or Mercier, 665-4574. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. H34 low monthly payments on a spin 663-7151. F banquets. . .s excellent food and ac- ANIMAL CARETAKER to work 15 to 20 piano, Can be seen locally Wri commodations for up to 140. Reason- husdrn ekado ekn,3Cei aaePO o 7,Seb DEAREST BETSY C.: ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- hours during week and on weekend rville,Indianar P Mere words alone cannot begin to ex- tor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M Call Dr Butter days, 764-0438. H27 press my desire for you. If 'twere pos- --'WANTED: STUDENT COUPLE to live A-1 New and Used Ir struments sible I would feast my eyes in your WANTED TO BUY in. Stable and yard work in exchange beauty for a thousand decades. The ________ for furnatAluiiie.Pfr BNJSGUTRNDOGO tomes and verse of all time I would OLD COMIC Books, big little books, farm background, Call NO 3-1327, 6-9 PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR ty, My heart awaits, receive it .e . Pulps, Sunday comics, Tarban books. p.m. H17 119 W. Washington - An Avid Admirer NO 3-4347. -K3- -.- FF WANTED - 2 tickets for Mich.-MSU USED CARS SPINET PIANO BARGAIN L -- _ ne football game, Will pay top dollar. -- - -- Wanted: Responsible party to take ov check book. Please call Mike, 761- Contact Steve, Apt, 1OP, U. Towers. TRIUMPH TR-4. 63: 44,000 miles. Call low monthly payments on a spin chc LBH Eecl WD_ 663-1747 after 6:30 pm. N42 piano. Can be seenlocally. Wri2 56.P___ -- -------- FBI-_ Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby ______ __HELP WANTED x'62 OLIDS CONY. 44,000 miles. Very ville, Indiana.. DEAR MARLY: -- 6-clean. 684-6195 evenings. N43 , Ind-ana.- In. Sunday night's confusion, I never SALESGIRL for Sportswear shop, full . ____ Inunday nighs cnfusio, n I er time, permanent position. Apply in AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE 1960. Snow - ~ caught. your last name. How can I person.. tires. $625 or best offer. Call John, ca-i youCollins Shop 665-0829. N441 -Jim 224 South State --I C T T B E RS H6 '65 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE; good cond., R - - -assume payments. Call 665-2827. CULTIATED LUEBERIES LAB ASSISTANCE wanted. Background 4 For freezing and canning. Large and in biology, chem., or physics. After- -- -- - -- - -- plentiful. You pick, 25c lb., 7:30 a.m. noons. 764-4430. H7 1961 TR-3, body and eng. excell. New o 7:30 p.m, Mon. thru Sat. Phone - tires and battery. Best offer. Call 662-2625. PD SERVICE STATION attendant part- 761-5236 evenings. N45 time. Call NO 2-5848 or NO 8-7717. - D *V,.- ....AITAt- Ask for Jim Hickey, H8 er et" ite XI LEVI JACKETS "White" - Denim $6.98 1128 1966 HONDA, CB160, blue, 1700 miles, X insurance transferable. $450. 665-4249. Z29 er 1961 BSA Super 4ocket. ' Completely et rebuilt. $775. 663-0391. Zil ite - )- 1964 YAMAHA, 250cc, good cond. Will X1 bargain. 663-9948. Z33 and Use 3illy Claszsifieds$ IEVI'S Superslim's--$4.98 $7.00 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White"-$5.98 Sto-Prest Slim Fits $5.98 COTTON TURTLENECKS-$1.79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S', STORE 122'E; Washington ' 11 PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad Is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. OPTICAL REPAIRS CAMPUS OPTICIANS in the Nickels Arcade 240 .Nickels Arcade 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho- graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES. INC. 334 Catherine LOST AND FOUND LOST ON CAMPUS-Envelope contain- ing papers and white football card. Call Lynn, 663-3171 or 761-0800. Al Rent Your IV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F CULTURE BAT. First meeting Monday at The Daily. 7:00. Anyone interested must attend. Ann L. Marchio, 764- 9633. FF DURING your stay in Ann Arbor, have your prescription on file at: The Village Apothecary 1112 S. University' A POEM: To the one T.C.T.- Happy Anniversary. M'e. FF HAIR REMOVAL by electrolysis. Information thru U. Hospital Derm. Clinic. 764-5140. P31 WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD, and TLC for two timid but affectionate Persian cats during winter tri-mester. Call 668-8193 or write Box 20, this newspaper. P18 BORED? Dating by computer is a national rage. 482-4898. Box 441, Ypsilanti, Mich. F30 RESPONSIBLE college man to learn framing. 3 hour blocks of time. 15 hours per wk. min. Phone 663-0918. Forsythe Gallery. H9 BABYSITTER WANTED Mon., Wed., Fri. 8 to 5 p.m. Own transportation necessary. NO 5-5566. H10 EXP. TYPIST WANTS letters, manu- scripts, lists, papers to be done at home 761-9128. Hll EVENING EMPLOYMENT If you are free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can maintain your studies and still enjoy a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average weekly income of $67. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker, call Mr. Freer at 761- 1488, Monday-Friday bet. 10 a.m. and 1 P.M. H 2 . Ar.l :t.1V LV." .Vl{N hh"J "t tf {.YX.VItA"t YI J!!"M JlJ.1Yt:.YJIIJ{f^Yf rl1{f1{R":'OJ!! l.Vlttff ".114Y"h^.1YJlIl.Y :V"1LY. " "."^" :y "t" " ^^{^.""""" .^.r"" ..s.r .........................."......... ..... ..... ....... .. J . t ..4 ............. t. r..{.................".... J.. . .. A.... J: . .. }."Sff.J4:h. J4 J:." {V. JlhV.hh{' 1".MJR{"J!!."1.11h".'If!! "f :Yf : f: !! ". ".11Y1 i."fl: l.".hY.'!!!t r" "ti [ . !! tt. ^". ..1.. ..h '.5.. ^ ^... ^ t "t.W:"{ :Vf :YJtlIfIXN ::"..". ...1 ..1".'. . J.. ......... ..1........ a, L ! . . .{J{ . Yf. t. . ...L f.:ti:::>tirS titi'iY.4:ll VlJ{J "J. r . .!. .. :'A^V!. .. . . . . ;"Sir .45{V}. SJ}Y1 'S J'f!. '}~ " " .r .M1."J "S! .. J. hl.'shL.S"'i". 1"' V' {Yh r r VJ:4'L"Ati'JA;'.VS{ALVJhr1h'A...h.{1'YYt1fJ::"}J.S'}}}}AY"1Y."tl.L{'LJStSS:{:.::1hh:".'.1{"S{ttttS}} JtS SSS}S:1tiV}}SS.:"O:'i'i ~}:{ : "" - UBIVERSITY PLAZA DOWNTOWN I I F SIX-O-EIGHT MONROE SHORT TERM LEASES AVAILABLE * Sound Conditioning * Decorator Furnished * Private Balconies * On Site Parking * Air-Conditioning " Master TV Antenna System " Laundry Facilities o GE Appliances INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL and PANHELLENIC ASSN. PRESENT / FERRANTE AND TEICHER IN DOUBLE PLAY HILL AUDITORIUM ii 11 II ,I 11