AGE TWO Cineum By CLARENCE'FANTO Managing Editor Cinema Two, "the student-run ilm organization now In its sec-' nd year of operation, inaugurated new season Friday night with ne of the finest American films- ealing with human rights and ignity, "Raisin in the Sun." This 1962 classic, starring Sid-, ey Poitier and Ruby Dee, des-; ribes the plight of a: Negro fain- y living in Chicago and its at- empt to redeem self-respect and ignity. THE MICHIGAN DA II.V c7vraxr w cr cnvrufrrr,+wrn ratir... .....,., a as L t- a v is iV h ± Lt 1aL 1 SNA, SPTMBERu g11 196 3 FILMS Ir Two Offers Poignant 'Raisin in the Sun' ti TON IGHT ~ Sunday, Sept. '11 at 7:30 P.M. 1429 H ill Street (One Block West of Woshtenaw) year real has give his live styn roar nany Poig role som+ Nega Sime .'b'.'n 'i++ },'"Yx"' 't~:;:Y r . ti>' r DAILY OF I -- - - r N{.v Tile. Daily Official Bulletin is an nual official publication of the Uittver- on sity of Michigan for which The P.. Michigan Dally assumes no editor- Alls Wii uesponsibility. Notices should be invit sent in TYP'EWRITTEN form to Achl Room 33f9 Administration Bldg. be- tingti fore 2 p.m. of the dayt preceding -.tors, publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Assoc for Saturday and Sunday. General at V Notices may be published a maxi- held mum oft two times on requ'est; flay 1mmi Calendar items appear once only. meet Student organisation notices are not accepted for publication. Let ertiea SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I11 From chefs Da Ca e d r ap1inema Guild -Tony Richardson's WC Te L~oneliness of the Long Distance 'Sept, cnner" Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 Roon m. Sarri General Notices U School of Nursing - Freshmen-Ad- 7:30 ission X-Ray: All freshmen in -the chool of Nursing report to Depart- Let ent of Radiology, 4th level, Univer- cand' ty Hospital, Wed. evening, Sept. 14, throl om 6:30-9:30 p.m. for admission X-ray. amo The department will stay open until Sept p.m. for students in evening psy- Lane hology class. All Teacer's Certificate Candidates: e application for the teacher's cer- ANN ficate is due at the beginning of the mI nior year. It should be turned in to e School of Education.. 1431 Univer- ty School, by Sept. 15. University Faculty and Staff Meeting: resident Hatcher will give his an- ORGAN IZATrON NOICES USE OF THIS COLUMN: FOR AN - OUNICEMENTS is available to officially' gnized and registered student or- zations only. Organizaations" who re~ planning to be active for the Fall rmmust bey registered in the Office f Student Organizations by Fri,. Sept. 6Forms are. available' in Room 1011 AB. Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. tForest Ave., Sun., Sept. 11, 9:30 and 1 a.m. worship services. 6 p.m. sup- followed by program at 7 p.m. Dr. rge Mendenhall o. fthe Dept. of ear East Studies will be the speaker: Christian Faith-An Inheritance or Experience." s Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Board eeting, Sun., Sept. 11 ,2 p~nm., at 2528 AB. All officers and advisors please ttendi. Baptist Student Union ,Brief devo- onal period, Tues., Sept. 13, 4:30-4:50 .m., Conference Roon,. No. 1. Michigan eague. Gamma. Delta, Regular meeting, Sun., et. 11, 6 to 8 p.m.~ university Luth- ran Chapel, 1311 Washtenaw. Supper flowed by informal student-professor lwmtssion led by Lutheran faculty hers at 6:45. otier superbly portrays a 35- role played by the chauffeur's mo- ie camera's unique ability to em- half hour late, and the cartoon -old chauffeur who gradually ther until Poitier makes the cu- phasize emotional peaks and cre- was drowned out by inadequate lies that "he's nothing" and cial decision to move his family ate vivid visual images, volume and late-arriving patrons. nowhere to go. His dreams--to into an al-white suburb, despite Although in this case, the con- The first reel of "Raisin in the his family and in particular the opposition of the community's tent of the film outweighed the Sun" suffered from a disconcert- young sonl a decent place to residents. severe technical deficiencies, it has ing lack of synchronization be- and a hopeful future-are The film, based on Lorraine been demonstrated in films such tween picture and sound, and nied by his own confusion sur- Hansberry's .h ig hl1y successful as "Who's Afraid of Virginia transitions between subsequent riding what should be his domi- Broadway p I a y, unfortunately Woolf?" that even a static stage reels of the film were handled t, masculine role in his family, lacked- t h e technical virtuosity production can be greatly enhanc- abruptly and most unprofession- nantly 'delineating the sexual and cinematic inventiveness so ed by imaginative use of modern ally. Focussing was less than sat- Sconflict which, according to vital to a great film. For the most techniques and artistic creativity. isfactory, and the projectionist ie sociologists, plagues many part, it resembled a photographed Also on the program is an Aca- was apparently unable to center ro families, the film empha- theatrical production. There were demy Award-winning cartoon by the picture properly on the screen. s. the matriarchal, dominant few attempts to utilize the mov- Jules Feiffer, "Munro." A biting These technical problems de- .l:4; {,<"; yc{f/v,;.+ '? ..: satire on Army life and the un- tracted from the overall enjoy- bending power structure to be ment to be gained from the show, . BL LET N syfound there, the cartoon is one of and it is to be hoped that Cinema the best of its types-and well Two will overcome these difficul- Despite the high quality of Cn- fully with the long-established Ci- .'... .......s....~'~"~ "'"' ema Two's initial offering this nema Guild as well as Ann Arbor's 1address to the faculty and staff Seniors: Any student with a minimum weekend (which will be repeated three commercial movie theatres. Monday, evening, Sept. 12, at 8 o f 12 semester hours at the university in two shows tonight), we must Next week's Cinema Two offer- ,in the Rackham Lecture Hall. may register at the Bureau of Appoint- register our dismay with the ama- ing will be "Breakfast at Tiff- taff members and their wives are ments for services in teacher place- ed. The five Distinguished Faculty manen r general placement, including teurish pr6jection of the films. any's," starring Audrey Hepburn, evement Awards and the six DIs- business, government, industry, and Friday night's second show, sched- to be seen twice nightly Friday uished Service Awards for 'Instruc- overseas. You are welcome to browse uled to begin at 9:15, started one- through Sunday. ,Assistant Professors, and Junior through listings of current openings, _______________________________________ ciate Professors will be presented employers in all areas of the U.S., :his meeting. A reception will be 'schools, government, and industry. In the Michigan League Ballroom 'Hours: 8:30-12:00 and 1:30-4 :0 Monday #4j Lediately after the conclusion of the through Friday. I ~ g~(15 DIAL 8-64 16 ing. _ ITOOPNGS Continuous Today from 1 P.M. cture: "Electrical and Optical Prop- Material Service, Division of General I~ .% of ZnS Semiconductors," Dr. Dynamics Corp., Chicago, Il, - Young ik Matossi, professor of physical woman for personnel management. 25 "Everything about 'A Shop on Main Street' is just right. nistry, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany, to 35 yrs., 2-3 yrs. bus. exper., pref. Wamoeanbsadiprse _- ihga al 13, at 3:30 pm. Coffee preceding satme personnel exper.Whtmrcnbesiinp ie! M hgaDil p.m., 'Room 1042 East Engineering. Ridgewood Osteopathic Hospital, Ypsi- lanti, Mch.-Part time registered phar- 'amen's Research Club: Meets Mon., macist, two days per week. _________________ 12I at 8 p zm. in West Conference Local Marionette Studio-Young man rn of Rackham Bldg. Prof. Rosemary 18-30, free to travel, consider adven- of social Work wll speak on turesome married couple or exceptional°ACDM [performance In the Public Schools." young woman who enjoys working with teachers and children for marionetteACDM Ofversity Activties Center: Mass programs in elementary schools in mostAW R ing will be held Sn., Sept. 11 at large midwestern cities. Excellent school Inr the Union Ballroom, and 'work references and good di-~W R -ri- g record. All phases of training in cture: William .6. Irons, doctoral puppeteering offered n the Job. Wiate io the Department of An- Grham ocrp., Providence, R.I.-Two WNE rpology, will lecture on his research 'positions. 1. Grad in Actg.. to train BS OEG ng "The Yamutt Turkoman~"" Toes., in phases to backup controller. 1-2 "BS FOEG 13. at 4:15pa.., in Room 200, yr. exper. 2. Grad in 1E for future top.FIMO TH eHi mgmt. 2-3 yrs. exper. and some trng. FIM FTH in Bus. Ad. Administrative Engineer YEAR" Placement position. rrr Plac Tn For further information please call 'OtINCMENT:74-7460, General Division, Bureau of itation to Al December Grads ,and Appointments, 3200 SAB. "Masterful ! One of the great films of our time !"-Cue Magazine ______________________________________________"Marvelous to behold! One of the important films of this year!" --N.Y. Daily News CINEMA II presents Only one picture has been made this year that is absolutely off its rocker and positively out of its A RA SINmind -and we've got the nuts to prove it - What a way IN TH SUNto lose. Sidney. Poitier's finest film! marbles. r By far his most, dramatic,' versatile performance. Sean Connery SATURDAY AND SUNDAY JToanneaoowd AUD. A, ANGELL HALL Jean Seberg Sept. 9, 101 11 Admission: )A Fine NM ad e os" 7 and 9:15 P.M. 50C A JERtOME HELLMAN Productio SWfRT: Jules Feiffer's 'Munro" (Academy Award, 1961)! I.D. Required Program Information: 663-5832ShwatDA W-~ILl 1'JI N3,9:5PM.5-6290 i a a t C S Members Free Nan-Members-$1. HILL .EL REFRESHMENTS and DANCING Music by THE MARK IV ORCHESTRA MIXER - ----. ---------.-- ______________ 'II vr. Ir ; i -Julie Snow this is MICHAEL COONEY and gandoif, we need say no more ! See him this weekend 4 sat., sun., 8:30 p.m. 1.27 per person r2ous B, 330 Maynard across from the arcade and down the alley A Phone 482'-2056 AL.5;- Shown at 1:0-01:4l In METRO COLOR 10YJ)L~L~ F LUSB: "They Fly Through the Air" 2 Color Cartoons Order Your Subscription .. Ga Meal iBi TODAY! T A4 Feature Times : 1:00-3:10 0 ~5:15-7:25-9:40 PHOTNE NO 4-6264 The dreamers and the schemers .. , the hustlers and the hopefuls ... the free-loaders and the phonies ... the fakers and the famous.. all fighting for the highest possible award! JOSEPH EEIE Presents JOSEPH COTTEN STEPHIEN BOYD I KE SOMMER MILTON BERLE ELEANOR PARKER as KENNETH REGAN JILL ST. JOHN TONY BENNETT ERIE ADAMS ERNEST1 as FRANKIE FANE as KAY DANTON as NAPPY as SOPHIE He knows Fane's as LAUREL as HYMIE KELLY as TRINA as BARNE Hfe'll do anything... Fane's wife - the only He got Fane into Discovering new worth as a star-and Life with Facie turned, He did lots of jobs She uses the right kind Hle never use anybody. just to time they're together good parts - and talents is her business how little he's worth from heavenly into an for Fane-miostly of curves-to play the name ofa wintI is in prin' ot fba sees nd also hr per e! as apIman eternity of hepII dirtyones.,wron in fa d ngles!, less the ... AUDITIONS if you missed our mass meeting you can still sign up for an audition or committee position CALL 1 i T ORONINE NEY YALE 'divulges the fa client - un. r rie is tight! mrr .a ... y..... uuru.uauaL"CW env mau ner VIC4Wso: as a man creiuny us nen" u1fly vies Arai am p for orchstra for cast ji bruce fisher 665-8528 jack rouse 663-6055. for central committee richard rattner 662-3484 auditions Sunday, Sept. 11 .. 2:00-5:00 and 7.00-11:00 Monday, Sept. 12 ............ 7:30 to 11:00 Friday, Sept. 16.............. Results Posted -* QT[OLJMlF~i .[I /F QCMw1FDQ.!W ImI RFlM FD! A 1.111 AQfl DD!1I. W'QU (1TM I