FAXON INVESTIGATION: FULFILLS NEED See Editorial Page Sir 431U :43 a t Ig WARM High-S0 Low-5 Partly cloudy, little chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Freshman Seminar: Close Student-Facultj By MICHAEL HEFFER take the seminar. The college will and performing than has been ex- in teaching this, he must have a would utilize readings in fiction working well, we would talk about but not ready to learn from each While the Residential College is open in East Quadrangle next pected of traditional freshmen," lot of freedom." and non-fiction. what was happening on campus, so other." still a year off, professors here are fall and is expected to occupy its reported Prof. Wunsch. The four professors teaching it The course also emphasized writ- that our conversation had a chance On the other hand, "the seminar1 6nthusiastic about their experi- own building by the fall of 1969. Proponents of the course see it now "are all pretty free in what ing, for the professors saw the to be better than casual or desul- was not a true seminar. The stu- ments with a key innovation for Total enrollment is projected at as an opportunity for more free- they want to talk about" in a course as giving the student, "for tory, and could even at times be dents definitely wanted a teacher the school called freshman semi- 1.200. dom for both the professor and his course that could be taught "with the last time, programmed assist- more substantial than the semi- in the center and did not enjoy nar. The residential college is an at- students. With the emphasis on almost any kind of subject." said ance in learning to write well." nars," says Gaylord. working together and were not The two English professors who tempt to combine the educational exposing the student to differ- Thuma. The seminar serves as a substi- 'The course was exciting. The overly impressed with each other taught a pilot project version of environment of warmth and inti- ent "intellectual committments Gaylord taught the first sec- tute for the freshman English re- students felt privileged to be ac- as scholars." the 12 student seminar last se- macy in a small college with the and values." and increasing the tion of the seminar last fall to quirement, but is not an English corded our special treatment and mester offer a unanimous ap- facilities offered by a large uni- student's understanding of his pilot project freshmen. After course. responded with the best they had. Gaylord says "most students praisal. versity. place in the world, topic selection teaching another section last win- Gaylord's seminar met twice Despite the inevitable dead spots seemed to go deeply into them- "At the end of the course I Burton Thuma. associate dean becomes secondary ter, he and Thuma wrote reports each week for lunch, and stayed and blunders through one's first selves, d;Ien srislyedt knew more about those twelve as of the literary college and direc- "The subject matter isn't es- on the course, giving opinions on together until 2:00 p.m. Thuma time through an improvised into the world; I am satisfied that students and as people than did tor of the residential college. sees sential; they can discuss any- its success and recommendations said he expected that in the resi- course, I felt morale was high," in this seminar they began to have any other 'adult' in the Univer- the seminar as part of the stu- thing," Thuma said. "The topics for changes. dential college, most professors commented Wunsch. some sense of what the examined sity." says Prof. Ellis Wunsch. dent's orientation into college, a are to serve as frames for the stu- "The American College" and teaching the course will probably Some of the criticsm of a course life" would entail. Prof. Allan Gaylord reports that course where the professors try dent's introduction to college life." "the American City" were the eat at least once each week with like the freshman seminar is that Yet Gaylord says that thesemi- his students were so anxious for to get the students to "think of said Prof. Alan Gaylord of the topics Gaylord and Wunsch chose their seminar students. Residential it tends to become a "bull session." nar was not ideal for all. "There more time to meet with him that their own problems,examine their English department. to use in their 12-student four- college planners hope that such Gaylord, who considers participa- were a few students, however, for they had an all day retreat on a own prejudices and clearly think In the residential college al- hour section. contact will bring students and tion in "bull sessions" an import- whom the freedom in the seminar Saturday to continue their discus- things through" most all faculty members will Gaylord, in introducing the professors closer together. ant part of college life, said stu- was threatening. They needed sions. "Most of us see the seminar teach a freshman seminar each course to his students, emphasized The luncheon part of Gaylord's dents considered "bull sessions" grades, shrunk from open ends, All freshmen students in the as an orientation to a more de- year, said Thuma. "But if we that the approach to the sub- seminars were not formal discus- at another level in their education; wanted to be told more definitely residential college's first class will manding way of thinking, feeling are going to interest a professor ject was interdisciplinary, and sions, "but when things were they were willing to argue with, what to do and think." They were EIGHT PAGES K Ties "not ready for independent work.' To residential college planner this raises the question of whom t. admit to the new college. The3 plan to admit students of compar- able quality as the literary colleg has (i.e. the same proportion 0: honors students) but they mighi not all be prepared to take ad- vantage of the college. The question is raised says Gay- lord, "whether some students wil never do as well in a freshmar seminar as in, say, freshman En. glish." In the residential college, the freshman seminar will be part : a "core" program all students mus take. The other courses will b the history of western man, logi and language, the science of be havior, and aesthetics, and, fo non-science majors, a general sci ence course. 'MACHIA VELLIA N': Ex-Berkeley Professor Hits 'Student Tyranny' By MARK LEVIN A new form of student "tyran- ny" has caused freedom of speech to vanish from what was once ad- mired as the "best-balanceduni- versity in the country," a former professor of philosophy at the University of California's Berk- ley branch charges. In an article appearing in the current Atlantic Monthly maga- zine, Prof. Lewis Feuer labelsthe new concept of free speech which has appeared on t he Berkeley campus since last year's student revolt as "unilateral, a freedom for the New Left which the latter has denied to others." Feuer claims that, since the acceptance of the Faculty Resolution on Free Speech by the university adminis- tration," "Political dialogue on the Berkeley campus has tended to become merely one between factions of the New Left." "Freedom of speech, freedom of debate have never been at a lower estate in any major American uni- vberisty in the last generation," Feuer writes. Feuer, who left Berkeley this year to take a post at the Uni- versity of Toronto, refers to Chan- cellor Roger Heyns as "a praction- er of adjustment" who "approach- ed the maladjusted with the spirit of a humane scientist." Heyns formerly University Vice President for Academic Affairs, left the Uni- v N EWS WIRE (2 A MEETING TO DISCUSS selection of a write-in "peace" candidate for U.S. representative from the Second Congressional District, which includes Ann, Arbor, will be held at 7:30 tonight in Room 3-RS of the Michigan Union. Local groups who oppose U.S. policy in Viet Nam and feel they cannot support either Marvin Esch, Republican candidate or Weston E. Vivian, incumbent Democratic candidate, are spon- soring the meeting. STUDENTS WHOSE ADDRESSES and phone numbers were not recorded on registration forms have been asked to report the information to 2226 Student Activities Bldg. by Tuesday in order to make it available to this year's Student Directory. A UNIVERSITY ECONOMICS professor, Paul McCracken, says an income tax hike may be necessary despite President John- son's anti-inflation proposals. "One of the limitations of this action is that the real bite on the business industry is apt to come around the second quarter of next year," McCracken said. "What we should have had is tax action which would take hold immediately with the possibility that you could let your foot off the brake pedal by the middle part of next year." But, he said, Johnson's action in suspending the 7 per cent business tax credit on plant expansions is a "good policy in a time when some of our economic problems were clearly becoming rather severe." versity to become cancellor at Berkeley a year ago. Feuer goes on to say that the Berkeley administration has ac- quired a "Machiavellian reputa- tion," one no university adminis- tration can afford. Suspicion and mistrust have become the norm in the Berkeley community," he contends. Feuer adds that "a process of political selection has begun at Berkeley. He claims that this can be shown by the fact that several of the leading moderates and liberals have recently resigned - most notably, Seymour Lipset, di- rector of the Institute for Inter- national Studies, Dwight Walko, director of the Institute for Gov- ernmental Studies, and Paul Sea- bury, a former national officer of the Americans for Democratic Ac- tion. Feuer predicts that in the future Berkeley could become a univer- sity "whose tone will be set by the students and teachers of the new left." Feuer places the blame for the deteirioration of freedom of speech at Berkeley on the adoption'of the faculty resolution last year. He claims that "perhaps in a less crisis - ridden atmosphere the Berkeley faculty could have con- tributed constructively to defining freedom of speech for the univer- sity setting. The faculty resolution stated that the only regulations concern- ing political activities on campus- es should be those of "time, place, and manner." j He added that the faculty prom- ulgated a charter which could be used to safeguard the advocacy and planning of immediate acts of violence, illegal demonstrations, terroristoperations, interferences with troop trains and obscene speech and action." Feuer reports that Berkeley's experimental college, begun under the immediate impact of the stu- dent uprising and comparable to the proposed University residential college, is on "the verge of foun- dering. "This latest quest for an educa- tional utopia, to which so many students had attached a touch- ing faith and hope was by spring in a sorry pass." he concludes. Report Hanoi Approaches Soviet Side Increased Flexibility Toward Negotiations Seen as Possibility MOSCOW -North Viet Nam moving reluctantly into the SoviE sphere of influence and away fror Communist China, the New Yor Times reported yesterday. The result could add flexibilit to the Communist strategy to en the Viet Nam war, according t Western sources here. In the past, Soviet efforts to en courage the North Vietnamese t negotiate with the United Stat were rebuffed, and the hard lii of the Communist Chinese' domi nated North Viet Nam's Presider Ho Chin Minh's approach. Diplomats now judge the Rus sians to be in a stronger uositio than ever to presstheir counsel o the leadership in Hanoi. The change in Hanoi's positio came last month, according to tli diplomats. China's erratic interni politics is believed to have die illusioned the North Vietnames with their Chinese alliance ani consequently, increased their dc pendence on Moscow. North Viet Nam's Premier Phai Van Dong conferred with Sovi4 leaders last month in a signif cant meeting. Several days ago, high North Vietnamese officu met with Soviet Communist Pan Leader Leonid Brezhnev. An indication of the meeting sensitivity is that neither side hi officially acknowledged that ti meeting took place. There is widespread speculatic that last month's high-level mee ing between Soviet and Nor Vietnamese leaders concerned a ternative courses of action. The analysts considered th new interest in negotiations cou have arisen from either side. . North Vietnamese could have i formed Moscow that they= we; now interested in more serioi peace feelers, or the Russian newly confident in their positi with regard to Peking, could ha renewed suggestions that mo could be gained by negotiate than by fighting. Either way, the diplomats sai the Chinese are no longer in position to make their argumen against negotiations stick Hanoi. However, it is apparently st against President Ho Chi Mint policy to allow North Viet Nan be tied irrevocably to one Con munist power or another. A COLD, GREY COMPUTER SEEKING UNIVERSITY STUDENT S to match up with other University students has been seen wan- dering around campus, but these students surveyed by The Daily did not seem very anxious to respond to its questions. They are. (top row, from left to right): Karen Kartheiser. Bob Kraft, Ricki Graff (bottom row): Jan Supovitz, Bob Ross and Karl Schneider. Com uter Datixng Service Viewed By tudnt with Mixed Reactions By PHIL BLOCK What did you think of your computer date who was scienti- fically chosen for you by the most modern techniques? "I would rather have gone out with the computer!" is the com- ment of Jerry Grossman, '70. This comment expresses the feeling of the majority of students whose opinions were sampled on campus yesterday. "The problem which arises with computerized dating is not the fault of the computer but rather it is the fault of the students who fill out the quesionnaires," says Jan Supovitz, '69. "Therefore, any mismatches which arise are due to exaggeration or outright lies made by the students." Mimi Bales, '70, agrees: "Some boys fill out the. forms as if they were the ideal date just so they could go out with a neat girl." Blonds don't seem to have more fun in computerized dating. "My date called me and all he asked was what color my hair was," ex- plains Karen Kartheiser, '69. COMPARATIVE STUDIES: Sociologist Bendix Inaugurates Lecture Series, Part of New History Masters Degree Program "When I told him it was blonde, he said I hate blondes' and hung up!" Even though the boy event- ually - did take her out, Karen vows, "I'll never go on one of those computer dates again." Ricki Graff, '69, feels that the computer dating system puts the girls at a disadvantage which the boys can avoid. "When a boy receives his date's name, he can check her out to see what she is like; that way he only takes out the girls whom he thinks are good enough for him. The girl can't do this and must accept whomever decides to call her up," she said. How do the boys feel about com- puter dating? Sandy Levison, '70, "would like to examine the com- puter system before he would ac- cept the results." Karl Schneider, '70, believes that the computer dating takes all of the fun out of looking for a date. Sometimes mismatches occur which are difficult to explain. "I called my date to find out what time I could pick her up," relates Dave Willard, '70, "and I found out that she was two years older than I was and hadn't even filled out the form. It turned out that she and the girl I was sup- posed to date had the same name and that I was given the wrong telephone number by the dating service." What type of person signs up for a computer date? Many boys like that her date will be someone with whom she might not be comfort- able," she said. Computerized dating services for college students vary greatly in accuracy and selectivity. The Collegiate Dating Game, which most students are familiar with, operates through the mail and re- lies on the honesty of the appli- cants. Questionnaires, which were distributed throughout c a m p u s, were the basis of matching of dates. Not only is specific information sought about the students' phy- sical appearances, hobbies, etc., but also about the applicant's so- cial and moral attitudes. NSA Services to Students Lack Sufficient Publicity By DAVID DUBOFF Prof. Reinhard Bendix, reknown sociologist at the University ofj California at Berkeley, will give the first of a series of collo- qpia on comparative studies in history tomorrow night. His talk will mark the establishment of a new Masters Degree Program in Comparative Studies in the his- tory department here. The program culminates several years work by the history de- partment toward integrating com- sented during the semester in conjunction with the history de- partment's new program. Also es- tablished as part of the program is a special seminar for faculty and graduate students to be offer- ed in the winter term by Bernard Cohn, professor of anthropology and history at the University of Chicago. "The establishment of a degree of MA in Comparative Studies is the logical outcome of the depart- ment's commitment," John Bow- students whose training cuts across the normal chronological and geographical divisions of his- tory while using the methods of at least on other social science," says Bowditch. "At the same time, the require- ments for the degree have been carefully designed to fit efficient- ly into work for the PhD. Even the special theme of comparison for the Master's degree in compar- ative history can be developed in- to one of the fields for the gen- the formal master's degree pro- gram and a series of activities made possible by funds from a portion of a grant for finterna- tional studies given to the Uni- versity by the Ford Foundation last spring. In addition to making it possi- ble to bring specialists from oth- er campuses to the University to participate in the colloquia and the special seminar, the grant will provide funds for the development of cooperative research programs istence. "More important, each year, sev- eral graduate studies courses and seminars have been offered. A great deal of practical experience has been gained by the faculty and student reaction has been en- thusiastic. Participation in courses offered by the department and personnel from other departments in the social sciences and the hu- manitis has steadily increased." He noted the key role played by Prof. Sylvia Thrupp, interna- 4.4...,.l,1v Imnwn mp.ivP V a4.a1 1h 4cf,nri n By SUSAN SCHNEPP Every spring, near the bottom, of the Student Government Coun- cil election ballot appear the names of several candidates run- ning for "National Student Asso- ciation delegate." Often this is the last anyone hears of these people. Yet every year four elected and four or five appointed delegates are sent by SGC, at a cost of from $1000 to $1500, as repre- cifically, whether the Universi is making the fullest possible u of NSA. NSA can be most directly ben ficial to the University throu the general services it offers all member schools. The Stude Government Information Servi is a lending library of documer on over 400 topics which anal3 common problems and suggest tablished solutions to them. It designed to help member scho solve specific problems by provi