WRITER-IN-RESIDENCE: CONTROVERSIAL? See Editorial Page Y 5k. igau :43 it# FAIR AND WARMER High--8p ow-53 -- Light, variable winds with little chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 7 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDIAY, SEPTEMBER 9,.1966 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES ' Seeks $24 Million Capital Outlay from State By ROGER RAPOPORT in the literary college. A request With a hat in one hand and for a $4.8 million General Class- rabbit's foot in the other, Uni- room building submitted as sixth. versity officials prepare to make priority in new construction last their annual trek to Lansing in year was dropped from this year's search of millions of dollars for list. It is replaced by a request for new classrooms, offices, laborator- a $7.5 million chemistry building. ies and hospital beds. But unless "The literary college thinks it the University and the state Leg- can more easily postpone class islature can resolve a bitter poli- needs than a new chemistry build- tical feud, the administrators may ing," explains Assistant to the Vice return home empty-handed. President for Finance James Mc- The Regents have approved a request for $24,151,000 in 1967- 68 for capital outlay (construc- tion) funds and will send it to Gov. George Romneyin about two weeks. But until they settle the hassle over public Act 124, which essentially deprives the University of its right to design and plan its own buildings, there is a slim chance of getting new money. The request,,released today, re- flects a key change in priorities Kevitt.! Still bottled up from last year's request are $28 million worth of high priority University construc- tion projects, all covered under P.A. 124. The University refused! to take the Legislature's offer to finance state studies for six build- ings. The studies are the key step toward actual appropriation of construction funds under P.A. 124. At the moment, the prospects for this year appear dim-the $28 mil- lion worth of buildings looks far might extend control to other as- from assured, Vice-President for pects of the University. If the Business and Finance Wilbur Pier- state can put conditions 'on capi- pont says, "Planning on the six tal outlay appropri'ations it might projects is being held up pending be able to put them on operational resolution of P.A. 124. appropriations as well. (The state has appropriated The funds for projects already money for only one of the seven underway, such as the Dental projects covered by P.A. 124 last School, are not in jeopardy: P.A. year--the heating plant. The state 124 has not been applied to works gave $500,000 for the building.) in progress. Briefly the problem is this: As a result, the University did The state refuses to appropriate get about $5 million for capital money for the buildings unless it outlay this year from the Legisla- gets to approve the University's ture out of a request of $18 million. choice of architect and watches But, according to McKevitt, "In planning as specified in P.A. 124. the past the Legislature has ap-t The University refuses to comply, propriated as much as $9 million." viewing the law as a threat to its Niehuss says that if it wasn't autonomy. for the 124 hassle "some of our According to Executive Vice- projects would have been approved President Marvin Niehuss, one and we would be further ahead reason the University refuses to in our construction plans." let the state plan the buildings Last summer the Legislature of- is, "If we submit to this, the state fered to give the state budget bu- reau $170,000 to finance planning University would employ the arch- the fall" to try to resolve the mat- dream shopping list by state leg- and studies for six University itects," says Niehuss. ter. "I'm hopeful we can settle islators. Appropriations generally buildings. The University actually went be- this by the end of the year," he fall far below requests. The money would have paid for ' fore the state's joint capital ap- says. Currently the University has planning the new $4.3 million propriations committee with the But Pierpont says, "I just don't $74.4 million worth of construc- Modern Language building and Classroom and Office Building know when it will be resolved." tion projects underway with all studies for the $5.1 million Science proposal. They explained to the The total University capital out- funds. I building, $6.2 million for the committee that the University ar- lay request from the Legislature Engineering and Law School pri- Architecture and Design building, chitects had already completed for 1967-68, $24.1 million, is nearly orities were affected by the re- $4.9 million for the Math and plans for the structure, But, ac- $6 million above last year's request. quest. A $10.7 Engineering build- Computer building, $5.2 million cording to Niehuss, the Legislature The request is to be sent to the ing and $4 million Engineering for the Residential College library refused to appropriate the money Legislature as part of a five year library have been elevated to sev- and science facilities, and $2.7 mil- because presumably the building projection. enth and eighth priority this year. lion for General Library renova- was covered under P.A. 124. tions. . In 1968 the planned request is The engineering people have The catch was that the Univer- "Until the planning is done by $26.7 million. In 1969 the Univer- verified the fact that we have to sity had to comply with P.A. 124 the state they don't want to sity is asking for a record $42.6 start doing something about meet- to get the projects moving. "They move," explains Niehuss. "The de- million which is topped by the .ng their space needs," McKevitt wanted a recommendation of ar- cision was made more difficult by 1970 request of $42.7 million. The explained. chitects from us," says Niehuss. the fact that all other state schools 1971 request is a relatively small A $10.1 million law classroom The University refused and sug- are complying with P.A. 124," he' $12.6 million. and office building has dropped gested that it be allowed to plan adds. For the 1967-72 period the to- from eighth priority last year to for itself; as had been done in Niehuss says that he has been tal request amounts to .$149.06 10th this year. "This was prompted the past. "The Regents objected in contact with state officials aid million. The capital outlay request because of insertion of other high that the state rather than the hopes to set up a meeting "during is generally viewed as a kind of priority projects," says McKevitt. Critic Fiedler Chosen for Writer-in-Residence Post SGC Revokes Required By MARCIA WICK The Residence Program Com- mittee has announced that social and literary critic Leslie A. Fied- ler will be the University's writer- in-residence for a three week per- iod beginning January 5. Fiedler was selected from a field of thirty writers, lecturers, and men of letters. The committee searched. for a man who, in the words of committee chairman Sam Chafetz, 67, "will provide provok- ing ideas and integrating perspect- ives and will stimulate further ex- ploration on the part of individual participants and the community at large." Fiedler is a controversial critic once labeled "the wild man of American literary criticism," by Granville Hicks of the Saturday Review. According to committee Publicity Chairman Paula Cam- eron, '67, "Fiedler offers one of the newest and most vital out! looks on society today; he finds ideas where many never thought to look before." The thing immediately apparent about Fiedler's writings is the variety of expression. In penetrat- ;-" nifini mo Ila 199Z 011 llm r V Although Fiedler is predominately recognized as a literary critic, his writings have included such di- verse subjects as political analyses, essays on race relations and stud- ies of voting behavior. Fiedler's own career exemplifies this extensive variety. Born in New Jersey in 1917, he recieved de- grees from New York University, the University of Wisconsin, and Harvard. During the war he served in the Naval Reserve as a Japanese interpreter. Membershi List Filing ing criticismsn e nasE erything from the Hi case to the possibilit sexuality in "Huckleb anarnbeaev- In 1941 he became affiliated ss-Chambers with the English department of berry Fi n. Montana State University, where b nry n.'he remained as chairman of the department until 1964. During this period he spent two years as a Fulbright Fellow and lecturer at the Universities of Rome, Bologna, and Athens, in addition to being a resident fellow in creative writ- ing and Gauss Lecturer at Prince- ton. Most recently Fiedler has held REavisiting professorship at the State University of New York in Buffalo. u l iJrAK Wt 'I c 1116WWoO WWI Lc ATLANTA, GA.-, of the Student Non arrested late last nigh tion with Tuesday's rio Detective Supt.4 arrested at SNCC hea ing held under $10,004 duct-inciting to riot disorderly conduct-dis "He offered no res a hearing at 8:30 a.m. 4 The arrest came the riot area and May threat of further disorc Scheduling Lectures .-- - - .The Residence Program Com- mittee, presently in the process of scheduling Fiedler's upcoming vis- ate Bulletin it, is planning several formal lec- tures in which Fiedler will speak Stokely Carmichael, national chairman on subjects of concern not only to violent Coordinating Committee, was himself and the student body, but t and jailed on two charges in connec- also to the faculty and interested t in southeast Atlanta. members of the Ann Arbor com- Clinton Chafin said Carmichael was #munity. dquarters He said Carmichael was be- Tentatively, these lectures will 0 bond on a charge of disorderly con- introduce such topics as the im- and under $1,000 bond on a charge of portance of drugs in today's youth strng tnepeace.hrgculture, the irrelevance of a uni- sturbing the peace. versity education and the shifting sistance," Chafin said. "He will be given values of the male and the fe- today." male in a technological society. as police relaxed rigid restrictions in These lectures are designed ror Ivan Allen Jr. said he believes the to serve as a catalyst to foster di- ,der is past. rect contact between Fiedler and e' . .. ethe individual student through in- -.formal discussion groups, lun- ? World NIews - cheons, classroom visits and per- y The Associated Press sonal consultations. These will be t cnh luld UrthroLu houts Fiedler's -Daily-Thomas R. Copi STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT EDWARD ROBINSON. '67, makes a point at last night's meeting. On Robinson's left is his executive vice-president, Cynthia Sampson, '67. He gave a "state of the Council" speech, touching on his plans for the year. He spoke of an upcoming all-campus referendum on the University's compliance with draft laws and SGC's policy of requiring mem- bership lists from all accredited student organizations. Lists were recently subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee. - ----------- EMPHASIS ON FACULTY: Steering Pane1, To Coordinate 'U' Negro RecruitmPrograms Action Stems From HUAC Investigation Faculty 'SponsorStill Remains Responsible For Group's Activities By AARON DWORIN and STEVE SHAVEL In a move prompted by the Uni- versity's recent disclosure of stu- dent names to the House Commit- tee on Un-American Activities, Student Government Council last night freed student organizations from- the requirement that they file a list of their membership with the Office of Student Affairs. According to the new procedure accepted unanimously, all that is necessary for a student group to be officially recognized is a state- ment of objectives, a copy of its proposed constitution, a letter from a faculty adviser and a state- ment of contemplated affiliation with off-campus groups. Previously an entire membership list was required by SGC before a student group was officially rec- ognized and allowed to use Univer- sity facilities. There was no real debate on the proposal, the only question being whether there was some way to prevent faculty members from having to file their names, but this was ruled impossible since some- body must assume responsibility for calendaring events. The draft issue-the extent to which the University should co- operate with the Selective Service -also dominated the year's first meeting. Claiming the draft "causes a dis- tortion of the educational process in forcing students to be more concerned with grades than real educational achievement," SGC President Ed Robinson asked for a campus referendum on whether the University should release class rankings. SGC did not take conclusive ac- tion on this motion nor on one made : proposing speakers repre- senting both sides of the draft is- sue appear before the student body. Robinson continued with his outline of the basic problems con- fronting SGC this year by de- scribing the action to be taken on the 18-year-old vote. Saying that "students can near- ly control many districts in Ann Arbor if they're given the vote," Robinson described the program to get the 18-year-old vote, which will be coordinated in the state by NSA. Jim Graham, president of the Michigan State student body, will head the state program. An hon- orary committee, consisting of Walter Reuther, Henry Ford and George Romney among others, will serve as an advisory committee for the campaign. "Major changes only come about when people take major Late~ a3 TOKYO-COMMUNIST North Korea has proposed a confer- ence of the powers involved in the Korean War "for the peaceful settlement of the Korean question." The North Korean proposal was made in a speech by Vice- Premier Kim Kwang Hyup and reported by the Korean Central News Agency monitored in Tokyo. North Korea has for years insisted that the only solution to the Korean question is through bilateral talks between North and South Korea without outside interference. But he did not say that the United Nations troops must be pulled out before an international conference is held. The words he used were that the U.N. 'must decide" on their withdrawal. FREEDOM OF SPEECH on Michigan college campuses- including the admission of Communist speakers-will result in "a stronger and better nation," Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley told a group of lawyers yesterday. According to the Associated Press, Kelley urged Michigan citizens to "rededicate themselves to the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech on this eve of the new academic year." GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY rejected Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zolton Ferency's invitation to a series of fall debates, the Associated Press reported last night. Ferency had proposed a series of debates "in the historic tradition of the Lincoln-Doug- las and the Kennedy-Nixon debates." STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL will make interim ap- pointments to fill two seats made vacant by the resignations of Al Goodwin and Donald Resnick. The appointments will be made by means of petition and. interview, and will extend only until elections. Petitions for in- terested students will be made available by SGC early next week. THE UNIVERSITY has expanded its Opportunity Award Program to include 91 new freshmen for the current fall term. three-week period of residency. Requests for individual or group. meetings with Fiedler will be' handled through the Residence; Program Committee.} The Residence Program was re- vived in 1964 for the first time since poet Robert Frost's vis- it during the years 1921-23. Last year the committee had selected Louis Lomax, author of "The Ne- gro Revolt," as guest writer-in- residence for January, 1966. Un- fortunately, due to obligations in! By MARK LEVIN The newly formed University' Steering Committee on the De- velopment of Academic Opporttfn- ities, created to coordinate the University's efforts in attracting Negro students and faculty, has succeeded in organizing the Uni- versity to move in the right direc- tion. Los Angeles, Lomax was forced to According to Committee Chair- cancel his engagement here.