Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATION! 1 FEIFFER 7 Whe~~t Op411lfls AN rV' 420 MAYNA ARD ST.. ANN ARBOR, MICH. NFWS PHONE: 764-0552 Th-r Editorials printed in The Michigan )aily e press the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER The Education School's View of HUAC yIou KnJott WH4Y y~ou RI YOU KMOWu CHAeW-E ? 11Op) THEE OThEk 'AMP,, TOOK iVUYNI)5S Z M-ap, A01? TIE K LOopL-p C&U&P bLbo&) UP TI MOP?{2U3- 16WO&) 0$ 15 prr6Q. MAO~ I ' cOPRT' ;XF15 WPS 4X Alp THE iGOR}-P COut-PD o~W UP TOMOPROU), I Y'OUR A F 5CST l" E7IM Ali OQTM1$T. P V ep st CxsP WRY~2 THE EDUCATION SCHOOL'S resolution expressing concern over the adminis- tration's failure to consult the Faculty Assembly and the students and faculty involved before complying with the sub- poena of the House Committee on Un- American Activities is a commendable one. As its proponents pointed out in Tues- day's debate, after which the approxi- mately 90 faculty members present ap- proved the resolution by about a two-to- one margin, the resolution is carefully worded and, if anything, mild. It deals with the process by which the administra- tioijdecidedto comply with the subpoena --the failure to consult students and fac-, ulty-rather than the decision itself. FOR WHILE THERE ARE many possible conclusions about the validity of their decision, it is unquestionable that admin- istrators committed a serious error when they failed to consult faculty and stu- dents. It is perhaps unnecessary to argue that a university in its 150th year, which talks of "Knowledge, Wisdom and the Courage to Serve" and which likes to think of itself as great, should base its decisions at least in part on the views of its students and faculty. Not only is there the benefit of added insight and assist- ance which increased consultation can gain; there is the simple principle that, in a free society, the people who are to be affected by a decision should be con- sulted about it before it is made. Although the University has made great strides in this area-from the establish- ment of vice-presidential advisory com- mittees to the inclusion of student and faculty advisory groups in the selection of its next president-a number of events prompt grave concern that such oppor- tunities for greater participation in Uni- versity decision-making are still more il- lusion than reality. ['pE ADMINISTRATION has, for exam- ple, completely ignored the advice its labor-relations experts have been offer- ing on the University's misguided resist- ance to employe unionization. Last spring the administration failed to consult the Senate Advisory Subcommittee on Uni- versity Affairs (SACUA) before accepting the auto industry's $10 million grant for a highway safety center. Hence the most recent episode is scarce- ly unique. When SACUA protested to Vice- President for Research Geoffrey Norman about the highway safety decision, Nor- nan apologized, and later put a SACUA research subcommittee member on the center's planning committee. Evidently only further strong action to protest this latest failure to consult students and fac- ulty about the subpoena will produce similar results. FOR THAT REASON, resolutions like the education school's - or stronger ver- sions--should be considered and approved swiftly by each of the University's schools and colleges. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor lb P C 3 . Secret Research and Higher Education By DAVID KNOKE THE ACTIONS of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania last week in banning classified research raise questions about the rela- tion of secret researchto the pri- mary purposes of institutions of higher education. The student newspaper at Penn- sylvania last year uncovered in- vestigations into the use of biolog- ical and chemical weapons for Viet Nam at the Institute for Coopera- tive Research there. Activist anti- war faculty members organized an effort to have classified research removed from campus. Their ef- forts resulted in a faculty senate resolution last April calling for an end to secret research con- tracts with the government. Last Sunday, Penn President Gaylord Harnwell said the university would henceforth decline to take con- tracts that did not permit the faculty researcher to publish the results of his investigation. AT MICHIGAN State last year, as almost everyone must know by now, Ramparts magazine uncov- ered a classified defense contract with the Central Intelligence Agency for the training of a po- lice force for Premier Diem's South Vietnamese government. The ex- pose evoked criticism from fac- ulty and state legislators, denials by the MSU administration and cancellations of similar contracts at other universities. Even the Office of Research Ad- ministration at the University ran a routine check of research con- tracts of its Area Studies programs to find out if the University were involved in any such contracts with political implications. The re- sults were negative, but the fact that the University showed enough consternation over the MSU-CIA affair, demonstrates that the Uni- versity is not insensitive to the ef- fects of secretive research on its public image. A LONG tradition in academic freedom, brought to this country through the Germanic university concept of lehrfreiheit, considers as a fundamental function of the university the right of a faculty member to pursue research of his own choosing and publications of the findings. The University has adhered closely to this tradition by allowing classified contracts to be initiated by the interested faculty member and by requiring the sponsor to permit publication of basic new knowledge discovered. University of Michigan research contracts stipulate that the facul- ty member must have the right to publish "fundamental and gen- eral principles" of his work, ex- cluding any specific details of his investigation which might endan- ger the national security. But the furor over the MSU-CIA affair, and the University's own concern that its image not be sim- ilarly tarnished in the backlash, was not centered around a pica- yune point of right to publish. THE QUESTION of classified re- search, aside from pragmatic problems of security procedures and information leakage, carries with it greater implications about the University as an educational institution in society. In the cases of Michigan State and Penn, the implications of the secret research have a potentially great effect on the relations be-, tween the universities and the so- ciety to which they are supposedly responsible. "Germ warfare" and "political intrigue" are charges carrying nasty connotations; yet they are concise .descriptions of exactly to what the fine print in the contracts boiled down. For a university, presumably constituted for the education of its constituency in the highest ideals, engagement in partisan activities of such damaging import is in- consistent with the spirit of aca- demic excellence. These were the accusations of the MSU and Penn critics and they require some deep consideration, for they bring into focus fundamental questions about the nature of education and hon- esty in a democratic society. THERE ARE great pressures on public universities to become "service stations" to the society, and on multiversities offering di- verse benefits to the citizens of the state. At universities strug- gling to, build their reputation, contract money-never mind what it is to be used for-and the facul- ty it can attract are quick ways to build prestige. Even the older, established universities are not above such temptations; indeed, they are the most guilty of gob- bling up the research grants wav- ed before them. The result of such a situation is that the educational function of the universities lag behind while the research facilities bound off into the distance. The armed forc- es need the universities to do the basic research; they can then turn the knowledge from this research into tangible results by technolog- ical development. Yet the condi- tions under which the research is required, critics of classified re- search contend, is antithetical to the role of the university in so- ciety. CLASSIFICATION, however lit- tle it may actually affect the re- searcher's right to publish, is a potential source of restriction on the public's right to know. This was a central criticism of the Penn institute; the fact that some of its 892 projects were studies of rice crop poisoning in Viet. Nam was uncovered by a bookstore employe who was subsequently fired. Such evasiveness, as exhibited by the MSU administration when con- fronted with a charge of duplicity, is the type of behavior which cre- ates a crisis of credibility in a university's image and policies. The University has been remark- ably astute in drawing little sub- stantive criticism of its classified research contracts. At the same time, there have been secret re- search projects going on for years at University research facilities, particularly, at Willow Run Lab- oratories, about which little fac- tual information is available. HOPEFULLY the University keeps tabs on exactly what is go- ing on in its own backyard and will not have to face a "crisis in classifieds" as Penn and MSU did. A Losing War on Poverty? THE INITIAL BRIGADE was a fine one. In its struggle, it had all the advan- tages of warfare since it is a country of abundance, and, most important, the con- flict was to be fought on the home front and not in far away rice paddies. But there are no reinforcements in sight. The battle has scarcely begun, yet, the war seems already lost. Why? The war is the War on Poverty. Liberals have praised President Johnson's domes- tic measures which he skillfully pushed through as legislation. But now, due main- ly to the expense of the perpetuation and escalation' of U.:S. involvement in South- east Asia, the community action section of the anti-poverty legislation is in grave danger.. THE ECONOMIC Opportunity Act de- fines a community action program as one which "provides services, assistance, and other activities of sufficient scope and, size to give progress towards the elimination of poverty." However, H.R. Bill 15111, the appropriations bill for community action and other projects, currently being discussed in Congress, would provide far less funds for commu- nity action than had been requested. H.R. 15111 would slash the administration's re- 4uest of $944 million to $832 million na- tionally. Should this bill pass, cutbacks would be necessary in community action programs throughout the country. If this cut is effected, important new programs would be aborted in the planning stage. Equally significant would be the dam- age done to programs on the local level, where federal and local government work hand-in-hand. Such projects are vital catalysts for motivation and self-help in poverty areas. THE MAYORS' Committee on Human Resources has proposals for new and present programs amounting to $111/2 mil- lion. Last year these programs provided employment and educational opportuni- ties along with health, social, legal, and house improvement urban renewal serv- ices' for millions of this country's poverty- stricken. The vital additional '$4 million the mayors' committee is requesting now seems out of reach. But the House committee was not sat- isfied with strangling such relevant proj- ects. It has amended H.R. 15111 to nec- essitate the doubling of local contribu- tions (from 10-20 per cent) to render an area elegible for joint local and federal aid. Worthy recent projects and the ini- tiation of new ones will be asphixiated. AS THE U.S. spends billions on "defense" and to give the Vietnamese a "choice" (Nguyen Cao Ky), thousands are shackled to their shacks and ghettos in the U.S. Should H.R. 15111 be passed, the internal war on the home front will .go on, and "long hot summers" will continue. The Great Society, this Affluent Society, must help its ill-fed, ill-clothed, and ill-housed masses to help themselves, or it will sure- ly lose its most important war. -DAN SPITZER i* LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Course Evaluation Validity Q uestioned Successors To Tragedy To the Editor: THE STUDENT evaluation book- let printed in last Tuesday's Daily gives a few students an op- portunity to write anonymously summary comments, based on grossly inadequate data, which may do serious damage to the pro- fessional careers of University teachers. I am one of those who received an essentially "negative" rating (for Sociology 430). I am in a better position to comment than many others receiving such rat- ings, because I have been teaching at the University for 20 years. I have given considerable attention to this particular course, and I have had many sets of rather com- plete and systematic, anonymous student ratings over the years on this course. I ADMIT FREELY that the course and my teaching could be greatly improved. I revise the course every year in an attempt to mend my evil ways, such as they are. However, I don't think that the published ratings as col- The Great Society? ALL THAT I HEARD had the effect of arousing the strongest antagonism in me. Everything was disparaged-the natioi because it was held to be an invention of the capitalist class; the nation be- cause it was held to be an instru- ment in the hands of the bour- geoisie for the exploitation of the working masses; the authority of the law because this was a means of holding down the proletariat; religion, as a means of doping the people, so as to exploit them aft- erwards; morality as a badge of stupid and sheepish docility. There was nothing they did not drag in the mud. Then I asked myself: are these men worthy to belong to our great society? The question was pro- lected, summarized, and published are either helpful to me in this difficult task or informative to students. More than 80 students took the course, and only 13 wrote the evaluations on which the sum- mary is based. Since 13 is a very small sample, the haphazard man- ner in which the raters were self- selected for this task makes the data suspect initially. It may be relevant that the 13 who wrote the evaluations in this particular course were drawn disproportion- ately from those receiving the low- est grades. Since I felt that this class was unusually good and since al- most all of the students were eith- er graduate students or seniors, I gave unusually high grades. Only 10 students received grades of C or D. Four of these 10 students -40 per cent-were among the raters, while only 10 per cent of those receiving grades of A and B were in the rating group. The students who didn't do well may have legitimate complaints. They have every right to have their views represented-in an adequate proportionate sampling. This bias between grading levels is in addi- tion to the bias that exists when students are self-selected for this kind of evaluation within grading levels. An additional crucial question is how the results were summarized. We are told that "there were mix- ed feelings" about the course. It was favorably received by "some.'' Presumably, this is a minority. Let us guess that four students were in this category. The remaining nine, then, would be those who found ". . . the lectures dry and dull ..." and the instructor ". insensitive to and unconcerned with student reactions . . ." The last phrase, in particular, hits me at a sensitive spot, because I have prided myself on having some in- sight into student reactions and a concern for student needs. STUDENT evaluations in the past have given me rather high ratings in this department. Per- haps, this year, I slipped serious- 1v -r . lA notri-n- th t n .cc must also be left in doubt as to whether they should avoid a course in which the instructor is described as "dull" and "insensi- tive." I imagine that most instruc- tors receiving negative evalua- tions will remain silent. A reply like this one only calls the nega- tive evaluation to more general attention, and, after all, the rat- ings may be correct. I DO NOT DENY that the re- port about me may be represen- tative of student opinion (al- though I doubt it). I do deny that that evidence used and the meth- od of summary can produce a val- id evaluation. I think it is scandalous that The Michigan Daily should lend itself to the dissemination of this kind of product, without even making an initial statement about the questionable quality of the evi- dence. As an older and seasoned aca- demic campaigner, I receive the evaluation with reasonably good humor. For some of my younger colleagues, the results may be much more serious, both for their self-esteem and for their profes- sional reputations. Shouldn't stu- dents who are so concerned about the rights, development and pro- tection of individual personalities, have a little humane concern in this area too? Shouldn't the stu- dents managing this enterprise and The Michigan Daily have some sympathetic concern for in- suring at least a careful and sys- tematic sampling and summariza- tion of data which may be so im- portant to the individuals involv- ed? -Ronald Freedman, Professgr of Sociology and Director, Population Studies Center EDITOR'S NOTE: The exact status of last semester's Course Evaluation Booklet has been hard to determine. There was an agreement between Student Government Council and The Daily, and the task was under- taken by a former Daily staff member, but he was no longer a Daily editor at the time. Except for sporadic part-tim labor' and the fact that the shop of the Student Publications Building did the printing, there was no on-going connection between the booklet and the staff of The Daily. BARRY GOLDWATER: I~ Labor-and-Learning Camps DESPITE THE TRAGIC assassination of South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd yesterday, that country's lead- ers still fail to see that racism and repres- sion merely breed more violence and ter- ror. Verwoerd offered his apartheid policy of total separation for 13 million blacks and 3 million whites as a panacea for ra- cial unrest in his prosperous nation - the ultimate result being that it estab- lishpd white supremacy. His assassin, a 45-year-old messenger, reportedly stab- bed the prime minister to death, ironical- ly, because he believed Verwoerd was do- ing too much for the blacks and not enough for the poor whites. EXPERTS IN WASHINGTON think Bal- thazar J. Vorster, the country's minis- ter of justice, is Verwoerd's most likely successor. Vorster was imprisoned in World War II for leading the Oxwagon Watch, a pro-Nazi group. VQrster drafted and enforced many of the country's rigid security regulations. Among them is a pass system where a Negro was to have a passbook stamped to move, travel or take a job in another city. Blacks can be arrested and jailed for prolonged periods without benefit of any judicial process. Observers think that, since Vorster drafted the law, he would "resort even more readily than his pre- decessor to harsh use of it at the first sign of unrest." Moreover, Verwoerd's followers have pledged to uphold apartheid. His nation- alist party announced its "unshakable determination to maintain his policies," yesterday. T TNFORTUNATELY. Verwoerd's succes- EDITOR'S NOTE: While Wal- ter Lippmann is on vacation, Barry Goldwater and Robert M. Hutchins are filling in for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. Mr. Goldwater is, for those of you who are shaking your heads in disbelief, the former senator from Arizona who once advo- cated bombing Hanoi (the war- monger). -H.W. ROBERT Strange McNamara, our disastrous secretary of de- fense, has added a fourth great issue to the forthcoming elections: new evidence of his admiration for the extremist powers of totalitar- ian government. Prior to McNamara's recent bombshell, there were three basis issues: 1-This administration's failure to successfully conclude the war in Viet Nam and its half measures, its predictable disposition to give away at the conference table ev- erything that might have been wonin tha e P. amounts to government labor- and-learning camps. THE SECRETARY'S announce- ment of this scheme, completely bypassing Congress and complete- ly distorting the purposs of the selective service law, says that he will, by the power of his office alone, grab 100,000 young men a year as a new step in the admin- istration's war on poverty. These young men, he says, would ordi- narily be rejected for military service because their schools, their teachers, their doctors and, pre- sumably, their parents are not fit to educate them for a useful role in life or to keep them' healthy enough. McNamara barely makes even a pretense that this sweeping new program will benefit the military services. He would be lying in his teeth if he pressed that point. McNAMARA has consistently op- posed every measure that would raise miliarv nav aidmiltary to cover every young man, assign- ing some to some other types of federal service where not needed for military service. No, the McNamara scheme is a pure and simple expansion of the old Civilian Conservation Corps idea or the Job Corps idea. It is a reflection of every totalitarian regime that has used the raw pressure of its power to force peo- ple into government molds and to "retrain" them as the central government wishes. IT IS A SCHEME, purely and simply, to bypass every local school system, to bypass every private training effort, to bypass every parent, every doctor, every hospi- tal, every charity and every local welfare effort. It uses the vast power of the military organization for purely political purposes, in absolute defiance of our tradi- tional separation or balance of military and civil power. Fears of a military take-over of U 1 Business Staff ATTRA-A .7 RUT 'ADlVT Business Ma4,nage7r *