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5 i au
Gentle breezes with
little chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
'U's TFO
In Demands
Teaching Fellows Get
Pay Increase, Faculty
Library Privileges
The University's teaching fel-
lows, united for the first time las
spring under the Teaching Fellow
Organization, made headway i
their demands this summer an
were granted a pay increase, fac-
ulty library privileges, and clari-
fication of their eligibility for fac
ulty Blue Cross and Blue Shiel
While the TFO will continue t
function this fall, efforts will b
concentrated primarily within in-
dividual departments. Working to.
ward ultimate across campus fed-
eration with one another, depart-
mental organizations have alread
been established in economics and
history and are expected soon ir
anthropology, political science
and philosophy as well.
Michael Zweig, an economics
teaching fellow, commented las
night that he felt sure the pro-
gress over the summer had re-
sulted almost directly from TFC
activities and pressures on th
administration. Originally told b3
administrative officials that nc
pay increase was possible, teaching
fellows delegates pursued their de-
mands well into the spring ses-
Salary Raise
The result was a salary raise of
5.5 per cent for first level (first
year) teaching fellows and an 11
per cent raise at the second level
bringing salaries to $2600 and
$2750 respectively for the next
eight month period. Teaching fel-
low salaries are based on a half-
Stime teaching load which in the
economics department, for exam-
ple, is six class hours per week.
The differentiations in the indi-
vidual status of teaching fellows
is also a summer development de-
signed to recognize those with
greater teaching experience and
longer association with the Uni-
versity. First level teaching fellows
are those new to the University.
Advancement to the second level
is theoretically based on tenure-
length of service at the University
-and superior teaching abilities.
Formerly having only student li-
brary privileges, the teaching fel-
lows gained their long sought after
faculty privileges in May. Faculty
privileges, however, have been re-
duced: whereas in the past faculty
members could borrow books for
unlimited periods, their borrowing
is now limited to an eight week
period and they are subject to
fines, as students are, for overdue
Faculty Blue Cross and Blue
Shield benefits enable teaching
fellows to participate in group
plans at the inexpensive rates en-
joyed by faculty members. Accord-
ing to one clerk in the administra-
tion, this privilege has always
been extended to teaching fellows,
though few if any were previously
aware of it.
Perhaps clarifiedonly because
of heightened TFO pressures, the
privileges provide an unmarried
teaching fellow with comprehen-
sive coverage at a rate of 87 cents
per month since the University
itself pays the remaining $8 a
month for every policy.
The teaching fellows' decision
to emphasize and strengthen de-
partmental organization f i r s t
stems primarily from the fact that
different departments demand dif-
ferent responsibilities from their
fellows. The degree of academic
freedom in the choice of subject
matter, books, and grading poli-
cies varies greatly from depart-
ment to department.
Hoping to solve many of the
teaching fellows' problems within
the particular department itself,
the economics department has es-
tablished a committee which will
meet at least twice a semester
with faculty members as well as
with an executive faculty commit-
tee if the need arises.
The history department's teach-
ing fellows will soon extend a for-
mal invitation to those in eco-
nomics to affiliate with them and
begin the process of departmental
Interested in establishing a bar-
gaining and negotiating liason
with the administration, the cen-
tral TFO will seek toiact likeha
union though it at this time has
no plans for unionization as such.
The TFO will provide 'support for
the departmental organizations
4 and at the same time pursue de-
mon Axuir, nn" na i n n - n. aor.?a
Late World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Fire raked across two U.S. military warehouses
near the Saigon suburb of Nha Be last night, completely de-
stroying one and causing minor damage to the other.
- American sources have indicated that the fire was not the
work of Viet Cong saboteurs, but was due to a short circuit.
Still, an investigation will be made into the exact cause of the
The warehouses were stocked with expendable supplies such
as insecticides, paper towels, and paper cups. Total damage was
estimated at $750,000.
ATLANTA - Calling Student Non-violent Coordinating
Committee National Chairman Stokely Carmichael "an albatross
around our neck and a parasite to the community," Atlanta Negro
leaders have blamed the controversial Carmichael for the Tues-
day night rioting that rocked this Southern city and scarred its
popular image as a racially progressive community.
Pleading for calm, Rev. Samuel Williams, president of the
local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, asked that "all residents do not allow others
to use them as pawns. Atlanta is not, by far, a perfect com-
munity, but it is too great to be destroyed by simple-minded
bigotry." (See related story, Page 3.)
* *
NEW YORK-The New York Liberal Party Policy ,Committee
has announced its endorsement of Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. as
the party's candidate for the Albany state house. Official nomi-
nation by the party's convention is expected today.
Meanwhile, Democrats nominated New York City Council
President Frank D. O'Connor as their candidate on the first ballot
at their Buffalo convention. O'Connor easily defeated plastics
millionaire Howard Samuels, the last contender among a flock
of candidates who originally set out to unseat Republican Nel-
son A. Rockefeller, who is running for his third term.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-Eric F. Goldman, special presidential assist-
ant and liaison with the academic community, has resigned from
his Johnson administration position, it was reported last night.
In a copyrighted story, the Washington Post announced that
Goldman, whose chronicle of the post-war period, The Crucial
Decade and After, is considered a necessary primer for all stu-
dents of the Truman-Eisenhower years, revealed his resignation
himself, stating that he plans to return to his teaching job at
Princeton, a post he abandoned three years ago to go work for
President Johnson.
THE FORMATION, in St. Louis, of a National Student Com-
mittee for Victory in Viet Nam was announced Tuesday by
Michael Thompson, chairman. Thompson, a junior in business
and public administration at the University of Missouri, said his
group plans to publish and distribute 100,000 pamphlets on 750
campuses stressing the need for victory in Viet Nam. The group
will work closely with Young Americans for Freedom, he added.
Other plans include an "honest survey of the academic com-
munity on this issue," a national campaign to aid South Viet-
namese orphans, and a "victory in Viet Nam" parade next spring
in Washington.
* * * *
REGISTRATION for men's rush this semester will begin
Monday, Sept. 12, keynoting the start of the IFC's two-week rush
Pointing out new facets of this semester's rush, Chairman
Donald Kaufman, '67, noted such innovations as a pre-registra-
tion familiarization program, in which an optional fraternity
house tour was included during summer orientation periods. In
conjunction with the tour was an IFC sponsored question-answer
Rush will begin on Sunday, Sept. 18, following registration
week, and will run through noon the following Sunday, except
for the 24 hours between 7 p.m. Friday and 7 p.m. Saturday,
during which there will be a temporary adjournment from the
rush schedule in observation of the occurrence of Yom Kippur,
a Jewish High Holy Day.
meeting tonight at 7:30 on the third floor of the SAB. Council
will consider alternatives to its present rule requiring submission
of membership lists by student groups, SGC President Ed Robin-
son, '67, said yesterday. The consideration is prompted by the
recent HUAC subpoena of membership lists of several campus
political organizations.
In addition, Council will likely hold preliminary discussion on
the establishment of a mechanism for maintaining closer contact
with the Regents, the 18-year-old vote in Michigan, and a pos-
sible all-campus referendum concerning the question of the
draft, Robinson added.
WILL GEER, winner of the D'Annunzio Award for his per- j
formance in "An Evening's Frost" in New York, will replace
Melvyn Douglas in the role of Walt Whitman in the APA Reper-
tory Company's "We, Comrades Three," a Fifth Fall Festival
production of the Professional Theatre Program.
Douglas is recovering from surgery.
Geer will be seen opposite Helen Hayes in the revised version <
of the new play which first premiered in Ann Arbor in 1962. Fol-
lowing the University performances, "We, Comrades Three" will t
be presented on Broadway.
Faxon Plans
lent Housrng
'Of Si
Polley's Role
Candidates Charge
State Superintendent
Has 'Knowledge' Lack
LANSING ()-Ira Polley. the
theoretically non-political State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion. is about to be caught in the
political crossfire of an election
campaign for the State Board of
While professing respect for
Polley's abilities. Republican board
candidates Leroy Augenstein and
James O'Neil challenged his
knowledge of elementary and high
school problems.
In a joint news conference Wed-
nesday, Augenstein. chairman of
the Michigan State University de-
partment of biophysics, and O'Neil,
a Ford Motor Co. executive, so
criticized the all-Democratic eight-
member board for:
-"A lack of comprehension of
its primary responsibilities:
-"A lack of organization;
-"A lack of action."
Polley, former state' controller'
and former full-time director of
the State Associations of Public
College Boards and Presidents, "is
a capable person with a broad
range of experience," said O'Neil,
a former board member. "But he
does not have experience on the
lower school levels."
"Our potential trouble spots in
the near future will be in the ele-
mentary and secondarygrades-
and that's the guts of our educa-
tional system," Augenstein said.j
"Many local superintendents in
Michigan have the kind of experi-
ence needed for this job," O'Neil
said, and they should have been
given more consideration."
Two board members, Donald
M. D. Thurber and Peter Op-
pewal, had voiced the same argu-
ments in the 9%/2 month search for
a new superintendent, which end-
ed in Polley's appointment earlier
this year.
Augenstein and O'Neil, who will
oppose Thurber and Leon Fill in
the 'Nov. 8 election, blamed the'
board for failing to head off prob-
lems that are now facing schools.'
-Daily-Andy Sacks
REP. JACK FAXON (left) announced yesterday his plans for an investigation of student housing
by his subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations.
'U' Delegates Discuss
Role of NSA Con1gress
As voting delegates to the con-1
Nine University students are back gress, the University students
on campus this week after spend- worked on committees drafting the
ing 10 days at the National Stu- resolutions, participated in the de-
dent Association's 18th summer bate, and voted on the final reso-
congress at the University of Il.. lutions.
linois. Five of the delegates worked ex-
The congress passed a series of
basic policy resolutions on a va-
riety of issues, including several
calling for the abolition of con-
scription in the military service,
an end to the bombing in North
Viet Nam and a repeal of pres-
ent laws governing LSD and mari-
tensively on the subcommittee on
the draft. Mark Simons, '67, ad-
ministrative vice-president of Stu-
dent Government Council, was the
chairman of the subcommittee.
He explained that the resolution
that was finally passed by the
congress is not the one which
originally came out of his sub-4
SDS Radical Education Project
'To. Enlighten Self, Community
Education, one of the key con-
cerns of Students for a Democratic
Society, is the sole purpose of one
of its newest programs, the Rad-
ical Education Project.
The project's immediate goal is
a program of internal education,
now being implemented in local
SDS chapters throughout the
country. Its long-range objectives
include the education of people
outside of the organization.
The four main areas of the
study in the program include:
values and utopia, myth and real-
ity, including five distinct areas of
study; strategies of change, and
students and faculty on university
campuses, as well as laborers and;
professionals outside the univer-
According to the REP prospec-
tus, "as the project develops, it is
hoped that other programs will be
formulated to help relate the
movement to workers and trade
unionists, to liberal religious
groups and to anti-poverty and
c o m m u n i t y organization pro-
Ann Arbor CenterI
REP's national headquarters are
located in Ann Arbor. During the
fall, study groups will be set up
by Voice, the SDS campus chapter.
The national staff at present
consists of eight full-time staff
members. Most of the members are
either in graduate school or have
completed advanced degrees. The
only undergraduate is Carl David-
son, national vice-president of
SDS and a student at the Univer-
sity of Nebraska.
One of the immediate tasks of
REP is the compiling of study
guides on such topics as Marxism,
the New Left and decision-making.
Pamphlets are also being written
on how to research a community
power structure and foreign policy.
Books which are pertinent to
the subjects under study will be
reviewed. Book reviews, along with
original research, issue analysis,
short papers, seminar outlines, and
REP program is correspondence
among individuals interested in the
same area of study but who live
in separate parts of the country.
This correspondence will be ar-
ranged by the national office, and
it is hoped, coordinators in each
area can be provided. These co-
ordinators will be people in the
fields of interest who could fur-
nish direction to the people inter-
ested in participating.
REP is an especially important
part of the SDS program this year
since it is attempting to re-orient
much of the membership. Since
1963, much of the activity of SDS
has been demonstration rather
than analysis. As a result, the SDS
drew public attention without
changing the minds of the public.
By educating its own member-
ship and others interested in par-
ticipating, it is hoped some true
radical change will result.
committee. The final resolution
says that the government should
not have the right to conscript
men for military service, but that
until the draft can be abolished
some method of alternate service
should be put in force.
The original resolution propos-
ed by the draft subcommittee ad-
vocated "the abolition of the pres-
ent selective service system" and
opposed in general "any system of
forced service to the government."
He explained that his committee
supported a strong abolitionist
stand on the principle that a gov-
ernment has no right to compel
men to fight. The subcommittee,
said Simons, knew its resolution
wouldn't pass the congress, but felt
the opportunity to present and dis-
cuss its views even more impor-
SGC President Ed Robinson, '67,
who also worked on the draft sub-
committee; explained that he did
not support the final resolution be-
cause he is firmly opposed to con-
scription even as modified in the
Another delegate, Bruce Wasser-
stein, '67, executive editor of The
Daily, said he favored the final
resolut ion, but did not think the
draft could be abolished complete-
ly at this time.
Rather, he said he would favor a
system of universal service under
which "those who would rather
build than burn" would have an
opportunity to do so. This would
make the draft more democratic.
Delegate Ronna Jo Magyn '67,
explained that she voted against
the draft resolution because it was
"not congruent with my ideal" of
abolition of the draft.
The resolution on Viet Nam call-
ing for an end to bombings in
North Viet Nam was debated be-
fore the congress for nine hours.
Robinson termed the resolution
"not explicit and neutral in tone."
To Examine
Committee Studies
Need for Off-Camps
Rental Regulations
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
announced here yesterday that he
Is planning hearings by the :House
Higher Education Appropriations
Subcommittee into student hous-
ing at Michigan universities and
Faxon. chairman of the subcom-
mittee, said the hearings would be
concerned not primarily with
housing provided by the schools
but rather with "what is available
in the private sector."
Unlike previous hearings held by
the subcommittee investigating
tuition increases and university fi-
nances, the hearings on housing
will not inquire directly into uni-
versity policies or administration,
he added.
Although no date for hearings
has been set pending notification
of the full subcommittee, Faxon
said that the hearings would be
held at several schools, including
the University, sometime after the
November election.
Last February, Faxon and sev-
eral other members of his subcom-
mittee introduced a bill to the
Legislature which would have set
up a State Higher Education
Housing Authority.
The authority would be empow-
ered to issue bonds, condemn
property, and build housing for
students at state colleges and uni-
versities independent of those
schools' dormitory systems. No ac-
tion was taken on this bill.
The proposed hearings would be
persuant to a modified version of
the housing authority bill, to be
introduced at the next session of
the Legislature.
Existing Housing
The investigation is designed to
ascertain the availability and qual-
ity of existing student housing and
will seek to arrive at a projection
of future housing needs.
Faxon . said his subcommittee
will attempt to "document the sit-
uation and determine needs for
legislation in the area."
Following an investigation' by
the Higher Education Appropria-
tions Subcommittee into the re-
lationship between Michigan State
University and the Central Intel-
ligence Agency, Rep. Raymond
Pettipren (D-Inkster), chairman
of the Committee on Schools and
Colleges, challenged the subcom-
mittee's authority to conduct hear-
ings on matters not pertaining di-
rectly to appropriations.
Those Affected
Faxon defended the proposed
,hearings, saying, "Inasmuch as the
Higher Education Housing Author-
ity bill was sponsored by our sub-
committee and referred to our
committee, it would seem appro-
priate that we continue to show
our interest by getting the advice
and counsel of those who would be
most affected by the legislation."
Public hearings on student hous-
ing will probably be held by the
subcommittee in Ann Arbor some
time this fall. Witnesses will In-
clude, according to Faxon, repre-
sentatives from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
The hearings will be open to
student testimony on the housing
situation; "we have always had
Man open door policy towards stu-
dents," Faxon said. Representa-
tives of local realtors will also be
invited to present testimony on a
voluntary basis.
The Higher Education Housing
Authority, if established, would in
effect provide a form of public
housing for students. Rep. William
Ryan (D-Detroit), a member of
the subcommittee who has been
6 - Qf__a n rnlrdfn hlthn-
programs toward
cies. In forming
cies, REP hopes
new constituen-
new constituen-
to reach more
Ferency Hits Strike Issues
Pentagon Announces 3,000
Increase in October Draft
| Associate Managing Editor
special To The Daily
DETROIT -Michigan's Demo-
cratic gubernatorial nominee Zol-
ton Ferency attacked Gov. George
Romney's criticisms of the teacher
strike at Dearborn Junior College
less on the fact that there is a
strike and more on the reasons for
the strike," he said.
Education figured heavily in the
half-hour televised conference,
which ranged from the status of
the state Democratic party's lead-
ership to state aid to publicI
Replying to a question, Ferency
said Bichigan's racial disturbances
are only symptoms of "underlying
But he criticized Romney for
asserting that the state's Civil
Rights Commission could handle
those problems. "They're not
nm- _"" A fnrid r _-anftstt fh +h
gon announced yesterday a draft
c l of 43,700 men in November
and a boost to 49,200 men for
Octobere, 3,000 over the original-
The Defense Department also
Peak calls during the Korean
conflict reached 80,000 a month.
All men drafted in October and
November will be assigned to the
The Pentagon said it expects a