WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 THE MICHIGAN JbAii.V 9 A +MM ...r...r .. ., _....-- _ .., . ,u- ira l~aai NFL l1 N.J i PAGE FIVE r; For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. - --- mm1 PERSONAL MOVE UP TO BAROQUE! - Arts Chor- ale rehearses 3:00, And. C. FC WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD, and TLC for two timid but affectionate Persianrcats during winter tr-mester. Call 668-8193 or write Box 20, this newspaper. F18 PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES! N. O. T. FB ATTENTION TALENTED SOPHS. Audi- tions for Soph Show, Wed., Sept. 7, 6 p.m. on, Thurs., Sept. 8, 4 p.m. on. Call backs on Fri. F19 BOARD-Memberships for men, NAKA-i MURA CO-OP. $12/w1+ and 3 hrs. work. Hill and State Sts. Color TV.S Call Jim McKinney or Mark Gingold, 662-3219. F6 CINEMA GUILD MEMBERS send name, address, phone No. to Ellen Frank, 725 Haven, Apt. 6. First meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13, 3524 SAB 8:00 p.m. F18 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univ. 663-7151. F LESLIE R. A nose is a nose, of {course, of course, except when you talk to Mr. Nose. Friend Lee FA SEMINAR Sept. 8 at 3:45 p.m., Room 1057 of Mental Health Research In- stitute. Dr. M. R. A. Chance of the University of Birmingham, Uffculme Clinic, Ethology Laboratory, Birming- ham, England, speaking on "The Structure of Social Behavior in Dif- ferent Mammals." F13 NAPPY BIRTHDAY to the All-American boy; he even drinks milk! Love from all of us., DailyFB FB i MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES USED CARS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 60 VOLVO 544. Good running cond. MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC - EXPERT- SALESWORK Clean, radio, good tires. Best offer. ENCED MAN DESIRED FOR PART- Ladies' dept. of Camelet Bros. Co. per- NO 3-3943. N22 TIME WORK. APPLY AT 310 E. manent, full-time job, fringe benefits, WASH. H38 opportunity for advancement. Apply in FIAT ROADSTER 1960, exc. auto. 663-- person, 1119 S. Univ. H4; 9831. N23 . SHOE SALESMAN - Part-time. Experi- -_. - R ---8 t - --ence preferred. Above-average com- HOUSEFATHER - COUNSELOR 1957 FORD-2 dr., V-8, auto., power mission., ." THE SECOND COMING of COFFEE HOUSE G 103 South Quad FRIDAY NIGHTS THRILL to the Music of the THREE AMERICANS PLUS ONE 7 5c LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 3.00 3.75 4.35 steering and bra kes, R and H. Mustv sell, best offer. NO 5-5656. N20 Mast's Campus Shoes 619 E. Liberty St. FALCON 1962, excellent cond. 34,000 mi. 1835 New muffler, shocks. Price $550 or .. best offer. Call 761-0362. N8 GIRL TO HELP HANDICAPPED collegej student weekends. Sat. noon till Sun. VW, 1965, sunroof, red, low mileage, at 6. $15. Call 665-2482. H9 good cond., extras. $1350 or offer. 761-6177 No AT '7i !nr'TTTTR I - ., wanted: Mature male student with in terest in working with small group emotionally disturbed children. Pri experience in camping, recreation, counselling desirable but not manda tory. Evening hours totaling 26 eac week Room and board plus $100.00 month. Methodist Children's Village C nll KE 4_na i o n- of - or or a- ah a Figure 5 average words to a line. Cal Classified between 12:30 to 2:30 Mon. thru Fri. PART TIME or FULL TIME-Lawn up- 1' -4 in Det. Phone 764-0557 Tkeep in large apt. project. Call Mr. Mr. McCoy or Mr. Burand 1958 TDIUMPH TR-3, British Racing Mercier, 665-4574. 8 a.m,-4 p.m. H34: Green, completely restored, a classic. r ,4-m ._ .m. $945. 761-7238 eves. N10 WAITRESSES for Canterbury House: WANTED: BABYSITTER for Tuesda Fri., Sat., or Sun. evenings for coffee I nites. Sept. 12-Jan. 1308 Linwoo( BIKES AND SCOOTERS FOR RENT OLDS 1961, 4-door, 98 Holiday Deluxe . hous Inquire about our liberal em- t-.662-7082. -~Factory air-conditioned, full power ployee benefits. See Ed Reynolds Mon. -- - '66 TRIUMPH Bonneville, 650cc. Best KOREAN LADY prefers American stu- excellent condition NO 8-8180. NI and Wed, 10:07-11:58, Tues. and SECRETARY FOR SYNAGOGUE offi offer. Ask for Bob, NO 3-5480 eves. Z11 dent or married couple to share spa- Thurs., 1:09-2:51, or call 665-0606. of Beth Israel Congregation. Shu ---- - ------.---- cious four-room apartment. Central '59 NASH Metropolitan. Needs work. $90 Tr H33 be familiar with activities of Jewis FOR SALE-Men's English Bike. Nearly ly located. $70. NO 3-4555. Mrs. Blood. or best offer. 482-5887 arter 5. N12 community. For interview call 66 new. $30. 665-9273.Z21 C31'd hn BABYSITTER for 5 yr. old Sat. morn- 9897. H -. - '~~~~~~64 VW. Mod. 10. white walls, opening ing and Wed. nite weekly thru Decr,. --------- --- __ 1965 HONDA 160. Good cond. $400 or HOME FOR RENT. Fully furnished, rear windows. Exc. cond. Must sell Also Sept. 9, 12 and 16 afternoons$. 75 MEAL JOBS. Alpha Rho Chi, 665-371 best offer. 5-7 p.m. 525 Walnut, No. 6. during school season only. Please call $1000 or best offer 761-8014. N14 per hr. 665-9842.. H37 HI Z22 Logan 5-1794. 3721 Loderview Dr. off________ --- ---------- M-36. Cordley Lake. C30 1964 FALCON, 4-door, stick, 6 cylinder. WANTED - Intelligent secretary for NOW TAKING applications for wai 65 HONDA. 305 Super Hawk. Elec. good cond., snow tires. Call 665-0837. part-time work Fall term. (20-25 hrs resses, 18 and over. Apply in person starting, mech. perfect. $475. Call 761- 1 OR 2 FEMALE GRADS wanted to N4 per wk., hrs. flexible). Typing, dicta- Tues.-Sat. after 5 p.m. Pretzel Be 9124. Z19 share house. Own room. Call Marlene tion, and variety. Ideal position for 120 E. Liberty. ~ or Nancy, 665-2397. C27 62 LE MANS. Good boot std. New tires. part time student or student wife. - 125 c.c. GILERA. Superb handling. 1000 $395. 665-2229. -N13 Phone 764-3378 (if no answer, 663- BABYSITTING for football weekend miles-driven only 4 mos. Show room 4TH FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to TRa b 8132.) H36 Excellent pay. 2 pre-school childrei cond. New $525, asking $390. Call Mike, share mod. apt, at S. U. and Wash- IU Ts ,1 , dC..H NO 8-8178. Z23 tenaw. 761-2499. C26 and engine exc. Radio, and heater. ANIMAL CARETAKER to work 15 to 20 Michelin tires, wire wheels. Call Allan, hours during week and on weekend. WANTED' ORGAN AND BASS guitE 305 HONDA Scrambler, 1800 miles, 3 mo. FOR RENT-'66 Corvette Coupe. '65 662-8183 N6 Call Dr Butter days, 764-0438. 27 players. Call HU 3-1425 or HU 3-442 old, competition stripes, never raced, Mustang Convertible. Call 482-7427. -_-.H2 baffled, must sell. $675. Call NO 2- Mr. Fulton B. Eaglin. C5 1966 PONTIAC TEMPEST SPRINT. 4 OLDER GRAD STUDENT with exper- 9616 to see. Z20 Bhl.. std. trans., posi.. H.D. suspen- n ice with teenagers to work with STUDENT IN ENGINEERING wit '64 HONDA Dream. 305 c.c., like new. Shield and bags. Must sell. 761-5668. Z24 MEAL JOB available. Phone George, HONDA CM, 91. 90 c.c. 600 miles. Best 761-7420 FD offer. Call 662-2748. Z25 THREE'S A LIMIT! LAMBRETTA. Used 125 c.c. Good cond. No. 17 FB $110. Mark Petty, 663-3888. Z26 F.B.I."The F.B.I. Security Affair" 64HONDA. CP. 77 Hawk. $400. 663- Bob Marshalls-Overbecks4 JOEL ISAAC GREENBERG GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE Will Read from Their Poetry 16 September 1966 WESLEY FOUNDATION 8 P.M. F12 YAMAHA twin jet, 100 c.c. 2000 miles.' 3 mos. old. Call NO 3-4775. Z28 1966 HONDA 160. 1200 miles, just like new. $475. Call 662-3430 eves. Z13 GRAD. STri ENT with car. Room and beard with private bath. New house, AA. 482-2069. C17 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES wanted for fall to share mod 4-man apt, at S S. U. and Wasntenaw. Call Sydney. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 342-4659. C27 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted Roomy. 3 rooms and bath, fireplace, 3 blocks from campus. Contact 761-0156 after 5 p.m. C24 JUNIOR OR SENIOR needed to fill' brand new 4-man. Rent $60/mo.. fur- nished. air-cond., quiet bldg. 813 E. Kingsley, No. A-3. 029 GARAGES YEAR'S LEASE, may beE locked. 723 Packard nr. State.y 02 CAMPUS- -Clean, quiet single room for female student. 631 E. Univ. $55/mo.. 761-3688 or NO 5-4480. C22 1 COED ROOMMATE needed for 4- man. $60/mo. Call 761-9238. C23 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Mod.j 2 bedroom, 4-man apt. Dishwasher, 2 sinks, air-cond. Call 761-7463. C10; Sion, special paint. other extras. Get- ting drafted. $1750 Call nights. To- ledo. Ohio. 49 478-1796. N5 .63 FORD Hdtp. Has everything. Perfect. $1095 482-2069. N17 1963 MG 1100 Sedan with separate AM. FM rad.o. $750. See at 331 Catherine or phone Norm. 665-4396 after Sept. 5. N18 FOR SALE - 1965 HONDA 250 Scrambler. Call Lee at 761-3878. Z14 1959'ALLSTATE motor bike. Exc. cond. adolescents in residential treatment (recreational and supervisory). Full or part-time, prefer live in. Call 663- 5522 after 5. H30 WAITERS WANTED-Part time, Omega Restaurant. H29 WANTED: STUDENT COUPLE to live' in. Stable and yard work in exchange for furn. apt. All utilities. Prefer farm background. Call NO 3-1327, 6-9 p.m. H17 DELIVERY BOYS. $2.00 hr Daily and A DECORATOR'S DREAM come truel Sun. Car necessary. Student News- Spanish manuscripts "9th-17th cen- turies. Beautiful when framed. $10- paper Agency, 761-3187. H16 $25. 761-5579 after 6 p.m. B14 NEED A MEAL JOB? Bus boys andi 1955 kitchen h elp needed. Call 761-6133, ask 195 CHEVY. good running cond. X465.1 for Steward.1H31 Call NO 3-5861. B15 FOR SALE: Scuba diving equipment. NEW CARS For information call 761-9577. B16 ----__ 1965 CORVAIR MONZA. Automatic ARVIN AM-FM RADIO and matching trans., bucket seats, carpeting, in! amplifier. Reasonable. 662-0552 after exc. cond. State 4-3219 in Jackson. 6. B17 V1 FC practical experience in solid stat wanted as laboratory assistant in bic logical experiment. Permanent part time either mornings or afternoon Interesting working conditions. Du ties involve maintenance of an elc tronic apparatus. 764-4430, ask fc Dr. Olds. H2 EXC. MEAL JOB. Lunch and dinner Short hlvurs. Contact Les at Ph Epsilon Pi, 1805 Washtenaw, 761-318 or 761-6541. KEEP IN SHAPE. Run Pizzas. Domino' physical fitness program. Call fc appt 761-1111. HI KITCHEN HELP - Lunches and dir ners. Call hse. mgr. 761-5857. Hi EVENING EMPLOYMENT PART-TIME WORK If you are free 4 evenings per week and Saturdays, you can main- tain your studies and still enjoy a part-time job doing SPECIAL INTERVIEW WORK that can bring an average of $50 a week. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker call Mr. Arnold, 761-1488 Mon.-Fri. - - --I- - - F11 I 18 ATTENTION lCe [d sh 22 STUDENTS [9. 18 l, Al changes of address or telephone 11, 2 numbers (this includes numbers 3s. 1a not recorded on registration forms) 8. must be reported at 2226 Student 21 h Activities Bldg. by September 13, e, . if it is to appear in the 5. I- r '66-67 STUDENT DIRECTORY 24 hi 5 s or 19 ARK coffee house 1421 H ill Street H Happiness! We're Open THURS., Sept. 8 -8:00 P.M. PROF. A.RNOLD KAUFFMAN Ik of the Philosophy Dept. A very informal discussion on 'BLACK POWER" - Come and enjoy the informal, open atmosphere of the campus' most popular COFFEE HOUSE 1 Open every Thurs., Fri., Sat. NITE... 8-12:30 Ti Try Daily Classifieds SEE CHINA Low miteage Call Hamilton 6-2096. Chinaware displayed in Blagdon Rm. of Z16 League on Thurs. 9:30-3:15, sponsored by Scroll. Free! F17H ONDA 66, 305 cc Super model. 8 weeksE BELATED GREETINGS to the birthday old. Low mileage, exc. cond. $650. 539 bay-Harry B. Love from all of us. Packard, No. 3. Z18 Daily FB -- FREEI 1961 VW Sea Green, Sun Roof, Radio, Heater, white sidewalls, low mileage. $750. 764-5562 or 668-8547 after 6 p.m. FREE HOUSING ADVICE Off-Campus Housing Bureau Student Activities Building F1 MEET THE FUN-LOVING STAFF generation the inter-arts magazine Mass Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 7, 7:30 p.m. Student Publications Building 420 Maynard F16 A POETRY READING Open to the University Community JOEL ISAAC GREENBERG GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE 16 September 1966 8 P.M. Wesley Foundation/across from Frieze Bldg.j Admission without charge PC WELCOME BACK NANCY! In honor of our first anniversary I hereby present you with a ,gift sub-I scription to The Daily. Details when I see you. AUf Wiedersehen. -B M.O.C. FC 3 I . k I ANY HELMET with purchase of OSSA HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 Z5 NORTON NOW HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 8B&-9281 EDINBURGH APTS. 912 Brown St.-A B18 few 2 bdrm, 4-man units left for the, B C Fall. Carpeted, furn, .air-cond Ren- GIRL'S BICYCLE, fine cond. CosterE tals from $225. Call Liberty Land Co. brake $10. 764-1370. B 662-3358. C15 bae 1. 6-30 - TRATLER - Compact hard-top. $285. FOR RENT-New bi-level, deluxe, new- Sleeps 2 adults, 2 children. 663-5718 ly furn. 2 bdrm., balcony, carpeted, B10 dishwasher, disposal, air-cond. Avail. now for 3 or 4 students. Call 761- STEREO K L.H. Model 15. Almost brand 0053 or 663-4594. C18 new, $190.00. NO 5-8720 B3 WANTED TO RENT 1961 BSA Super Rocket. CompletelyM rebuilt. $775. 663-0381. Bl1 I BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS--$4 50 "White" and 5 Colors "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTSI Never Needs Ironing $7.00 Z6 WANTED - Large i-man apt. immed. Call 764-9003. L2 1965 HONDA Scrambler. Exc. cond. hel- - __ met, gloves, mirrors, rain cover. Paid- WANTED TO BUY up ins. Call 761-6763. Z8 -__ -__-- -- URGENTLY NEEDED. 4 box tickets for Available Now! Mich. and Ohio State game Nov. 19. Yamaha Sportscycles Call collect Akron, Ohio 434-2810. from 50 cc. to 305 cc., Frank Leo. K13 including the unbeatable YL-1 twin cylinder Yamaha. MISCELLANEOUS Bank financing. I T M T inrr .,.flmtOfl AT.Vc- _- _ ._ - - AR-2 SPEAKERS for sale. One for $60. Two for $110. Call 663-9555. B12 FALL SALE SPECTACULAR SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTION ON POPULAR HONDAS HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281' B7 YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM MASS MEETING THURSDAY, 7:30 P.M RM. 3-C MICHIGAN UNION LEVI JACKETS "White" - Denim $6.98 NiV~UU5N MTURSALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW, 224 S. First 662-7409 HONDA 50 and helmet. 1700 miles. $200. TCal Jerry, 761-5857 after 6. 212 TD A LIDIan~RTA T3#f RADIOS, REPAIRS MUSICAL MDSE., VN. 4 TRACK, stereo tape recorder, $85. exc. cond. Call Ned 764-4447 or 665- 2667. X4 BANJO FOR SALE. Vega, 5 string, long neck. Pete Seeger model. Case. 663- 6885 eves. X2 SPINET PIANO BARGAIN Wanted: Responsible party to take over low monthly payments on a spinetj piano.. Can be seen locally. Write! Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby-! ville, Indiana. Xi PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD 1 ^N-)VKI AP1 IVN~ CAR POOL OR RIDE, Livonia to cam- pus. 427-4251. 03 ANYONE DRIVING TO BERKLEY in next 2 wks? Will pay to transport some items. 663-5391. G4 hi FRATERNITY & SORORITY IMUST SELL 1965 YAMAHA 250 cc. Exc. BANQUETS cond. $475. Call 665-7228 daytime. Ask For your dinner meetings, dances, or for Wayne Z1 banquets . . . excellent food and ac- I----- ---- ------___ commodations for up to 140. Reason- ROOM AND BOARD ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- tor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M WALK-T--- AMPU_ . - m___ -____ ____________WALK TO CAMPUS. Room and bd. for LOST AND FOUND coed in exchange for some light #housework and babysitting. 662-3889. LOST ON CAMPUS-Envelope contain- E51 ing papers and white football card. Call Lynn, 663-3171 or 761-0800. Al ROOM AND/OR boarders. Call House mgr, 761-5857. E3 ROOM AND BOARD avail. Call 665-1 3719. E4 4TH MAN NEEDED for a modern, lux- urious apartment. Air-cond., stereo, carpeting, balcony and dishwasher. 3 blocks from campus. $47.50/month. Apt. 5, 913 Mary. Call Bill, 663-5832. Your ED 4 For RESULTS Read and Use Daily Clossifieds LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White"-$5.98 Sta-Prest Slim Fits $5.98 COTTON TURTLENECKS-$1.79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington ]I I .------ ------------ -._ The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask. therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p m. We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. Subscription Today 764-0558 Yes, I would like to be a subscriber to I geobbillegd later. s I S$4.50 for fall term ($5.00 if by mail) $8.00 for fall and winter terms ($9.00 if by mail) MAIL T0: 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 i I Please Pr int ) Lost Nome First Name Middle Initial I r i Street No. or Room No. Street Name or Dorm Apt. No. s I g City State Zip Cbdei t $8 f Fall & Winter Termfe Fall Term r I WOULD YOU LIKE TO R EAD WIT H F U LL COMPRE H ENSION & R ET ENT ION EAST PRESSURE--SAVE TIME-IMPROVE CONCENTRATION I I r {1 f SUBJECTS WANTED for simple experiment involving sensitization to a chemical. No drugs or shots; drops of the chem- ical are put on the skin. THE BLACKS Genet's provocative and frightening play . . . pro- duced by the Department of Comparative Literature with an all-Negro cast. This Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 8, 9, 10 Trueblood Auditorium 8:00 P.M. Tickets at box office ($1.50, 1.00, .50) Open 10-5 and till curtain on performance days DELTA UPSILON LAWN DANCE I Hear the great 11 You can't find a better sport I The spunky Honda S-90 is designed with the distinguished T-bone frame. Unique and tough as a fullback. A narrow 24" at its widest point, it fits in most anywhere. And fits into slimbudgets, too. A gallon of gas goes farther than 140 miles. The high performance 90cc engine tops 60mph. Join the team. Come in for a test ride soon. State sr. DOWNTOWN HONDA S4N . .N Chemistry Must be 2 be in town students not 1 or over, and for at least 61 eligible. plan to months. You can read 150-200 pages an hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to comprehendat speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute-3 to 6 times as fast as you read now. And retention is excellent. This is NOT a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjoyment in reading will be increased. Consider what this new reading ability will enable you to accomplish - in your required reading and in the additional reading you want to do. You'll save many hundreds of hours. No machines, projectors, or apparatus are used while learning the ACCELERATED READING method. Thus you avoid developing ANY dependence upon extenal equipment in reading rapidly. The new reading skill is permanently retained for this reason. Afternoon classes and Evening classes in ACCELERATED READING will be taught each TUESDAY, at the BELL TOWER INN, adjacent to the U. of M. campus, beginning on October 4. The semester ends on December 6. This is our seventh semester of classes in Ann Arbor. R------- .. . ...- . A .....+, -.31- ~frkCA,'sL1er, AT~n1,t +L.,A.rn1DAr Male subjects only at this time. Pay: $1.50 for each weekly visit lasting about 5 minutes. That's $ RA 'i 1I U I