Seventy-Sixth Year EDJTED AND MANAGED $Y STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICAT1ON ona Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN ARBo, MiCvi. Nrw-;Pfthoxr : 764-0552 Editorirss printed in The Michigan flail ex/ ess the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the edst ots. This mut he noted in all re prnts. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS The $55M Drive -- flow Much Real Benefit? Sept. 7, By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor W HO SAYS you can't teach an old dog new tricks? You can, of course, Just so you're careful to do it gradually and not brag about it. Try it like that and you can even teach a university's a'dministration new tricks. There are evidently some pretty sharp teachers around this Uni- versity's administration, because they've come up with a new ap- proach to handling tuition money that could open many previously closed doors for the University's growth and development. TUITION .- administratively known as "student fees" - weigh- ed in at $15 million last year, the second largest portion of the Uni- versity's "general fund", the oper- ations budget. That's a crucial amount of money, for the rules which govern its distribution have a limiting effect on the Univer- sity's goals - they define what it can financially do in many im- portant areas. Traditionally those rules were fairly conservative. Student fees were generally regarded with a semi-mystic financial awe, as though they were too good to be used for anything less worthy than paying professors. Other uses were, of course, made of them from time to time: the Student Activities Bldg., and parts of the Music School and the North Campus Commons were paid for with tuition money. But even then the use was either partial or the building financed-the SAB-was an entirely student building any- way. These cases bent the tuition use rule, but didn't really break it. BUT NOW IT'S evidently bro- ken to the point where it doesn't exist anymore. New projects use tuition for purposes far different from what would have been con- sidered in the past. Chronologically, the financing of the University Events Bldg., now under construction, was the first project to involve tuition in "unorthodox" uses. About $5.8 mil- lion of the building's total cost was raised by selling bonds, bonds which are to be paid off primarily SOld Dogs and Pandora's Box with tuition money. The Regents have promised the bondholders that the University will keep en- rolling a minimum number of freshmen yearly and that their tuition will be available for paying off the bonds. Second in line to get the use of tuition money was the new Ad- ministration Bldg., now under con- struction right behind the old one. The bonds which are financing that building will be paid off en- tirely with tuition money. In the past, such a building would have been financed by the state Legis- lature. NOT ONLY BUILDINGS are profiting from the new largesse. A plan is now in the works which will use student tuition to help bol- ster the University's sagging intra- mural sports program. The IM program, long complete- ly financed by profits from inter- collegiate athletics, is finding that cupboard bare just when it needs money most. The cost of maintain- ing Big Ten athletic teams is ris- ing, and the resources of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics-which is now responsible for financing both IM and inter- collegiate sports-are also being drained by the Events Bldg. Yet the IM program sorely needs mon- ey if it is to provide facilities for the burgeoning student population on both the central and North campuses. In order to get the money for them, IM sports will-in a plan whose details are not yet clear- be moved from the jurisdiction of the Board in Control of Intercol- legiate Athletics and placed under that of the Vice-President for Student Affairs. The board will fi- nancially forget about it and the vice-president will support it out of student fees allotted to his of- fice for that purpose. THE UPSHOT of all this is clear. Tuition money is now con- sidered fair game for diverse pur- poses by an administration harder pressed for resources than it would like to be in this growth period. It's difficult to say precisely what this change of heart means. Immediately it means more help- ful financial flexibility for the ad- ministration. But where does the flexibility lead? Just about any- where the decision-makers-who- ever they are at the time--want it to. It's very much a Pandora's Box. There are some specific implica- tions here, however. If student money is going to be used to sup- port more and different projects, that suggests pressure on both en- rollment and tuition-total stu- dent fee income being proportional to both-to gradually rise. And this is one element of the Michi- gan State University syndrome- more students paying more to ob- tain more money to build more buildings to take in more students. ADMINISTRATORS SAY their change of heart won't affect their plans for either enrollment or tui- tion. Still, the pressures are cer- tainly there and can clearly mani- fest themselves at some future date. Other, unforeseeable, pressures may also be created by the new approach to tuition funds. The University community should be- gin to look out for the surprises that crop up when an old dog starts playing new tricks. 4 THE UNIVERSITY'S $55 million fund drive is rough to figure out. How can anything bringing that much money to the University, and right now it looks as if the drive is going to go way over Its quota, be bad? And yet, in the same breath, one is hard-put to say just where all the money is going. The drive, instituted to insure the Uni- versity's Vital Margin, its qualitative ad- vantage over most other universities in the country, is going along well. Indeed, at present, it is close to $50 million and heading on schedule towards its target date of spring commencement this year. Boat -beneath the aggregate figure, be- low the periodic statements coming . out of University News Service with the lat- est total or heralding a recent million dollar gift, something is missing. What should be the high priority proj4 ects, the things that really give the Uni- versity its vital margin that the PR men are touting, don't seem to be benefiting greatly. ONE CANNOT DENY that many sub- stantive gifts have been received from the campaign, almost all of which add to the University's stature and national prestige. Some of the major gifts the University has received via the fund drive are: $6.5 million from C. S. Mott for a Children's Hospital, another $2.4 million from the Mott Foundation for an addition to Flint College, $10 million for the Highway Safe- ty Research Institute, $1.25 million from Chrysler for a Center for Continuing Engineering Education, $1.75 million for a Center for Continuing Medical Education, $1 million for a theatre, $1 million for a Clinical Pharnacology, $1.5 million from the Ford Foundation for international programs in law, business administration and-education .. and so on. But one must ask how vital, if it is indeed a Vital Margin we are preserving, are these things? They are appreciable assets to any campus, but are they what the University really needs? THE REAL PROBLEM so far with the campaign is that almost no money has been donated without being earmarked for specific projects. One administrator, reports that of the present total, only about $2 million has been given to a gen- eral, uncommitted fund. Thus donators are giving the University money, but only to be spent in a certain way, conducive to their wishes. The University has been saddled with only one: real white elephant so far in the campaign, the $10 million Highway Re- search Institute which has been describ- ed by one official as the automobile manufacturers attempt to get Congress off its back. Still this lack of uncommitted funds is reducing the possible benefit of the campaign. The fund drive has become a kind of panacea in the minds of many, here. The feeling is that when National Director Paul Goebel presents the mas- sive check to President Hatcher (if that's the way it is going to work) there will suddenly be an upsurge of building, re- laxation of demands on faculty, no over- crowding of the library, and a general blooming of flowers. The attitude is that the, drive will get the University out of whatever hole it now is in and allow it to become what everybody things it should be. BUT IT ISN'T GOING to work this way. The benefit the fund drive will have to the undergraduate student body ap- pears to be negligible. There will be more available student aid, but other than this it is unlikely, if the undergraduate will sense much of a change in the Univer- sity after the drive is over. One of the big reasons is the lack, at present, of enough uncommitted funds to give the University some kind of flex- ibility with the mony it is getting. Even though President Hatcher has re- portedly made the Residential College his number one priority for gifts, he has been generally unsuccessful in getting funds for it. The same can be said about endowed professorships, which cost $500,000. The fund drive is yet to produce its first en- dowed chair, although Goebel reports'that two are in "the later process of solicita- tion." THE MONEY received thus far from the fund has been allocated pretty much where the University wants it, according to its list of objectives published at the beginning of the campaign and recently revised. But it still seems as if many offi- cials here, expected more uncommitted funds to be coming in, money which might make the Vital Margin more visible. The brunt of uncommitted funds must come from the general donors, those who giv less than $50,000. The endowed chairs, residential college buildings, a University concert hall, additions and air conditioning of Hill Aud. all look like they are going to come from general funds if at all. THUS THE $55 M DRIVE is a long way from home. -NEIL SHISTER Lyndon Johnson 's Day-and Rome' By STEVE WILDSTROM DETROIT - It was President Johnson's day. Along the road he took in from the airport, someone had set up a huge billboard say- ing, "Happiness is LBJ." Good weather, clear and just warm enough for shirtsleeve com- fort. and there was a parade- middle-a-red veterans of labor's nearly forgotten great battles. True, the militant unions like the Federation of Teachers and city employes put on a goodbshow, they are still on the make, but most of the marchers looked sad and tired. The paraders marched a mile and then piled into Cobo Hall where the rally was held. About four thousand people gathered to hear the President. Just the setup for Lyndon Johnson, just his style, consistent with his taste, every- thing perfect . . . until George Romney stole the show. This year's Labor Day rally vas officially a memorial to the late Sen. Pat McNamara. His widow was introduced, she looked like she would have much rather been spending the day at home in peace. The late Senator was duly eulo- gized by a succession of politicians and the audience yawned in bore- dom. The preliminary speakers tried hard, but it was obvious they were only curtain raisers for the main feature. Before The Man announced he was making an appearance at the rally, Roy Wilkins, executive di- rector of the NAACP, was to be the main speaker. With LBJ on the program, Wilkins became dust another appetizer. back of the platform. They re- mained pretty much unnoticed un- til Johnson introduced the gov- ernor. Reuther finished talking. The rally chairman had took taken the podium and had absolutely nothing to say. It was obviously time for Lyndon Johnson to =ake the stand. For a short time that seemed to last forever, nothing happened.: Then someone came dashing over to the Secret Service agent at the door, whispering loudly, "Bring him in!" A few seconds later, Lyndon and Lady Bird, looking vastly better than they ever do on television or in the papers. The band-soundimg like they belonged to. some union other than the Federation of Musicians -struck up "The President's Honors" and the crowd rose to their feet cheering. There he was, their President . .. In the flesh! LBJ's speech was really dull routine. He said nothing new. He added to the discomfort of local Democrats by introducing Rom- ney, the unwanted guest, and hopelessly mangling the last name of Zoltan Ferency, the Democratic candidate for governor. Once the crowd saw their man they were happy. They listened politely through the speech. There was some excitement when an anti-Viet Nam heckler was given the bum's rrush by the Secret Ser- vice. Johnson finished his speech un- perturbed and was given a stand- ing ovation. The rally was over. t I, He, too, gave it a good try, but his speech was exceedingly tame and besides, no one was listening. Wilkins was followed by Welter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers. Even under the most trying circumstances Reu- ther, a labor leader with the fire of a Southern evangelist, can still command the attention of an au- dience. And they listened, even though they have heard the speech many times before. While Reuther spoke, the Presi- dent's press entourage arrived, an impressive group of pros. The magazine and wire service photo- graphers looking like they would sink under the weight of their equipment. All to get a couple of pictures of Lyndon Johnson. The arrival of the Washington press corps signified that the ar- rival of the President was at hand. The audience in the vicinity of the press section forgot Reu- ther's speech and strained to see the door through which The Man would enter. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of La- bor, made a surprise appearance' and was properly introduced and applauded. Until then, it had been a dull day for labor and the Dem- ocrats but everything had gene smoothly. Then things started to happen.. Reuther was wrapping up his speech and everyone knew Lyn- don Johnson would soon arrive. The audience began to stand up, trying to see over the flock of re- porters and photographers cluster- ing. And then the uninvited guests stole the show. George Romne accompanied by Republican Sen. Robert Griffin, who had his re- quest to speak at the rally de- clined, entered the hall just as everyone was expecting the Presi- dent. Actually, only the reporters and the people sitting very close to the door saw Romney enter, but the reporters are the people who count. They were impressed by the governor's entrance and their reports showed it. After some prodding by White House staff men and Secret Ser- vice agents, Romney and Grif- fin managed to find seats at the Wayne 's Answer to the Selective Service Moralty Play: of Cyeles and Freshmen IT WAS GREAT, Black jacket, black boots, black bike, long, unruly hair. Ripping and roaring down Washington Heights, screeching to a screaming halt. Waking up the whole dorm. It was great. Sitting in front on a warm September afternoon, kicking sand in the face of the Hondas, polishing the gas tank, getting hardly lovable glares from visiting parents. But it is no more. Not for men, anyway. the fresh- Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERS'IEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE PANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JOHN MEREDITH........Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT.......Associate Managing Editor BABETTE CORN . ........ . . Personnel Director CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY . ... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE........... ..... Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER . ...Sports Editor JAU4E8 LaSOVAGE.........Associate Sports Editor JAME TINDALL ..........'Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMSIUG o... Assistant Sports Editor NIGHT EDIORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob- ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister. SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bob McFarland, Howard Kohn, Dan Okrent, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern, John Sutkus. Business Staff It can make a grown man cry. I remember arriving here last August, king of the hill on the big, black Tri- umph, free for the first time in my life to live on my own, to run my own affairs. It was tremendous, the feeling, cruising out on Huron River Drive, scrambling out on North Campus' few undeveloped acres, doing wheelies on the driveway at Ann Ar- bor High. I haven't lost it, but there are plenty who haven't found it. They've castrated the freshman. He's never been able to impress the girls with his elan, his class, his cool, Nor has he been able to get an easy escape from stifling dorm life. He's gotta use his bike, if anything. But they've taken it away. HOW MANY MIXERS where they oohed and aahed!! How many times the "Oh, so you're the kid with the big, black Tri- umph!" And the rides out of town or to the Arb. Away at last from the little dorm room, the stifling central campus. But this year you can't do it, frosh. You've gotta spend your time walking, booking, or playing football. You can't roll without wheels. They can't do it!! We won't let them!! Like hell. That's what Ann Arbor's 1500- plus motorcyclists said last year when laws were going to be passed. This year, they've cut the decibel limit, are requir- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a reprint of part of a statement by William R. Keast, President of Wayne State University last June explaining the decision by that school's administration to refuse to compile and release class rankings to Selective Ser- vice local boards, THE CHANGING guidelines for student deferment under the Selective Service System, and the widespread concern over the op- eration of the system in general, especially as it involves the uni- versities, make it urgent that we review the policies under which Wayne State University's relations with Selective Service System are conducted. This statement is confined to the role of the University, under current legislation and national policies, in providing information to be used by Selective Service Boards in deciding upon the defer- ment of students. ItI Idoes not at- tempt to deal with national service policy as a whole. I hope that this statement will not only clarify Wayne State Uni- versity policy but that it will con- tribute to general discussion of an urgent national problem. UNTIL THE SPRING of the cur- rent year, Selective Service guide- lines for student deferment requir- ed local boards to determine whe- ther a registrant was enrolled in a regular academic program, and whether he was making satisfac- tory progress toward completion of that program in the time nor- mally required. Wayne State Uni- versity has supplied to local boards, when requested to do. so by its students, official statements on these questions. It has also sup- plied, at the student's request, transcripts of his course record and grades to supplement the statements concerning enrollment and progress. Wayne State University will con- tinue to provide these categories THE REVISED Selective Service guidelines on student deferment issued this Spring introduce a new element. Selective Service Boards are now directed to consider not only the student's status and his progress toward a degree, but in addition his class standing or, al- ternatively, his performance on the new Selective Service Test. These new factorsare intended to provide local boards with a basis for selecting, from within the group of students making satisfac- tory progress toward degrees, those to be called first as draft quotas increase. Students are eligible for defer- ment, in general, if they rank in the upper half of the full-time male students in their class at the end of the freshman year, in the upper two-thirds at the'end of the sophomore year, and in the upper three-quarters at the end of the junior year. Graduate students are eligible for deferment if they rank- ed in the upper quarter of their undergraduate senior class. Stu- dents falling below these ranking points are eligible for deferment if they score 70 or above on the Se- lective Service Test as undergrad- uates and 80 or above as gradu- ates. CLASS RANKINGS may be de- termined in any way an institution sees fit, provided the ranking in- cludes only full-time male stu- dents. Rankings may be determin- ed by colleges within the Univer- sity or on a university-wide basis. They may be based on cumulative grade averages or on a term- by-term analysis of grades. Currently, Wayne State Univer- sity practice is to determine and record the class rank, by college, for men and women together, only for students completing an under- graduate degree program, on the basis of the student's total record. Class rankings are not recorded for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. The questions of Univer- sity policy, therefore, are whether the conclusion that it is unsound educational policy to establish class rankings of Wayne State University students prior to the completion of their undergraduate programs of study and to make rankings available for use outside thethe University. (I have serious reservations about our present po- licy of making senior class stand- ing a part of the student's final transcript, but I am not prepared to modify this policy without fur- ther study.) THE EDUCATIONAL arguments against class rankings are num- erous and in my judgment compel- ling. Many of them have been put forward in the public discussions of selective service during recent months. I have space here to list only a few of the more important of them. 1. Grading practices and stan- dards vary widely among members of the same faculty, among units of the same university, and be- tween institutions. Inferences as . to comparative aptitude, applica- tion, and progress based on such variable measures are highly un- reliable. Institutions also vary greatly in their selectivity, in the quality and intellectual homogen- eity of their student bodies, and in the rigor and difficulty of their programs. Comparisons among students of relatively equal abil- ity or promise enrolled in differ- ent institutions will almost cer- tainly be untrustworthy, even if we could assume that grading standards were comparable. 2. IT MAY PERHAPS be pos- sible to make tolerably accurate discriminations between the very best and very poorest students in a class on the one hand, and the great bulk of students on the oth- er. But fine distinctions based on grade-point averages among stu- dents in the large middle range -and this is the zone where such distinctions must be made for Se- lective Service purposes-are im- in the upper half of the class is found to have an average of 2.435, and the top student in the lower half of the class has an average of 2.429! A selective service board, in- formed that the first student stood in the upper half and the second student stood in the lower half of his class, might well believe it was making a rational decision if it continued to defer the first and drafted the second. But a univer- sity would surely be remiss to mis- lead serious citizens in this way. Its culpability would be the great- er if it were to follow the advice of a national professional organiza- tion on how to break ties between students who have identical aver- ages: "date of birth and alphabe- tic sequence," we are informed, are "reasonable" ways of breaking ties. 3. THE EMPHASIS on grades and class standing produced by these selective service procedures will surely intensify several un- desirable features of our present system of higher education. Many educators are troubled by the em- phasis on conventional academic achievement in the form of high grades already pronounced in our colleges and universities, and in- deed in our secondary schools as well. Competition for admission to colleges, competition for graduate places and for scholarships and fellowships, and competition for :employment opportunities often distorts the normal patterns of in- tellectual growth, curbs the im- pulse to experiment and explore, which should be encouraged in col- lege students, and suggests to stu- dents that immediate and obvious evidence of achievement, whether or not accompanied by other evi- dences of personal development, is educationally and socially desir- able. These pressures are also like- ly to inhibit needed experimenta- tion in colleges and universities. work for a living will place our students at a disadvantage. 5. The awareness on the part of both student and teacher that grades are to be converted into class standings. for a purpose not directly educational may well in- troduce into their relationship an element prejudicial to fruitful ed- ucational experience. Some in- structors will be too lenient. Some students will substitute compliance for serious inquiry with the risk of being wrong. In any event all will be aware of a new and disturbing presence. THESE ARE SOME of the rea- sons that have led me to conclude that the determination and publi- cation of detailed class rankings is educationally undesirable. The University Council has recom- mended that the University should not provide class rankings on its students. I have attached the Council's recommendation on this and related topics. I am directing the University's administrative officers to inform selective service boards that class standings will not be provided for students before the completion of their undergraduate studies. We will of course review this policy continuously. We will conduct dis- cussions with student 'representa- tives to assess its impact. I am aware that the policy an- nounced here is at variance with the current practice of most in- stitutions in Michigan and else- where, and that it runs counter to the recommendations of cer- tain national educational associa- tions. I hope to see a widespread reappraisal of current institutional policies. ACCORDINGLY I am forward- ing copies of this statement to my colleagues on the Michigan Coun- cil of State College Presidents and in the Michigan Association of 4 T ,.*f w