WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DA1LV PAGE R Verwoerd Rule: Strict Enforcement ofApai theid The Man . CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, stub- born champion of segregation in a citadel of racialism, was de- nounced by much of the outside world and hailed by his South African followers as the last great hope of white men's privilege in Africa. "Uncle Henny," as his Nation-' alist party followers often called him, firmly ruled the Union of .South Africa as its prime minister for eight years. Six feet tall, silver-haired and affable-appearing, he nevertheless displayed granite-like determina- tion to keep the races separate in South Africa, / and employed stern measures to insure his goal. The son of a Dutch Reformed Church missionary, he applied missionary zeal to show that South Africa's three million whites and 10 million blacks should "live apart like the lion and the elephant live apart." Often he claimed divine protection and guidance in car- rying out this policy. Verwoerd - pronounced "fair- voort"-was struck down by an assassin's knife two days in ad- vance of his 65th birthday. In May, 1960, he survived an assas- sin's attack, despite two bullets in his head. His attacker, a mid- dle-aged white farmer, later com- mitted suicide in a mental hospi- tal.I To Verwoerd, white was white. He had rigid criteria to distinguish between races, such as shapes of noses and kindiness of hair. Un- der his direction, nonwhites were classified as blacks, mixed-bloods -coloreds-and Asians. Each was alloted a place in society and Ver- woerd's government would deter- mine where each lived, worked or traveled.1 An astute politician, trained so- ciologist, former newspaper edi- tor and one time professor, Ver- woerd became prime minister in September 1958, after the death of Johannes Strijdom. Immediate- ly he undertook measures to strengthen segregation. I 1 1 Africans had to carry passbooks white man. He virtually crushed His Influence contribute to a solution of south- which determined where they the small Liberal party led by ern Africa's agonizing problem. might work or travel within the author Alan Paton. He insisted on An AP News Analysis It can only create more bitter- country. This brought rioting in laws which made it almost im- EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer of ness and harden the determina- March 1960, in which scores of possible for Africans to advance this analysis, formerly chief of The tion of the whites to maintain Africans were killed. 1.politically or in the economy. He Associated Prss bureau in South their position. Verwoerd, who could smile eas- threatened churches which show- Africa, later won a Pulitzer Prize Veroed, hoC~l~dsmle as [for his reporting from the Congo. It can offer no encouragement ily, shrugged off denunciations as ed liberal tendencies. He warned emanating from the "ducktails"- the opposition press of possible By LYNN HEINZERLING to the Africans. Verwoerd's poli- juvenile delinquents-of the "poli- action. He even boasted that his cies were backed by the over- tical world." children - five sons and tw'o LONDON-The assassination of! whelming majority of'the 3.1 mil- Schemes daughters-never were bathed or Hndrik F. Verwoerd, who promis- lion whites in South Africa and cared for by a Negro nurse. ed South Africans immunity from by the much smaller white min- He went on devising more Barney egro the violence which periodically orities in Rhodesia, Angola and schemes to keep the Africans apart Banned Negro shakes Africa, spotlights one of the Mozambique. while attempting to improve their Verwoerd's race policies were world's most troubled regions. Rhodesian Aid lot within their prescribed con- carried so far that he told the fines H ovedmany out ofshan- United States no Negro pilots from South Africa, Rhodesia, Angola It was Verwoerd, indeed, who tytowns near white residential the aircraft carrier Independence and Mozambique are the princi- made it possible for Smith of Rho-I areas to quarters outside the could land. pal areas of non-Arab Africa still desia to defy the British govern- under white rule. It was the pur- ment and declare Rhodesia with towns. He introduced laws to en- Verwoerd was born Sept. 8, 1901, pose of Verwoerd's life to keep it its 225,000 whites and four million force separation as the only racial in Holland. He was brought to Af- that way. Africans an independent nation solution. By this year he had rica as a child and was educated under white rule. more than 3500 persons under de- later in psychology in Germany With Prime Minister Ian Smith unde whit re tention for political opposition. and in Britain and the United of Rhodesia, he shared the dis- The South African government h The Afrikaners who followed him States. Back in Africa he made a tinction of being for Africans the saw to it that the former British hailed him for his belief that the life career of fighting for racial most hated white man on the con- colony received the supplies Rho- good life in South Africa-black segregation. Eventually he became tinent. desia needed to face a world boy- labor, African servants, sunshine minister of native affairs, which No Solution co e. and the fruits of the land's wealth placed him virtually in control of The slaying of the South Afri- Behind Verwoerd in the Nation- ! rn'rw I-.g T ,yn,+wrol rLht + thes ni1 nnco ot amno the rao s Ican leader r1ns: nt nrnmis eto nist narty of South Africa are many stalwart politicians ready to which has been in power since take up the challenge. Some who 1948. have lived long in South Africa 'Humane Policies' feel that Justice Minister Baltha- Sir David Jawara. prime minis- zar Vorster is the most likely suc- ter of Gambia, who is in London cessor. He is responsible for harsh for the conference of Common- anti-Communist and detention wealth prime ministers, also ex- laws. pressed the hope that "the new leaders of South Africa will intro- S~ymbol For Africans. a symbol has fall- en but a tough antagonist still stands below the Limpopo River. Prime Minister Milton Obote ofI Uganda, who recently threw out athe president ofrhis country, the Kabaka, with 'armed force and assumed his title, had this to say: "It is a bad thing to solve politi- cal problems by assassination. I duce more humane policies toward the African population and steer South Africa away from policies which can only be described as disastrous." Not a chance. South Africa will not give an inch in the stance it has taken before the world, in the opinion of the best-informed observers here. Verwoerd gave apartheid to the language and his t ! i s f a 's very much hope that the man who successors can only uphold it. takes his place will be liberal for Stro t the sake of the people of South Suth africa hasthe rcontnent Africa. But I am afraid this will nd a olice force of great effi- not be the case." ciency. When a white farmer shot There are very few liberals in Verwoerd in 1960, police and army South Africa and they have no were immediately alerted until the hope of influencing the policies exact nature of the attempted as- of the Nationalist government sassination could be determined. -Aevi lg'CU uy llYLUUial ilg'l14 VU ll1C aVt lal uvlltut, , alliultg ULiu laucz.. Lalt 1GauGl %AJVO aiVV 1/1ViittOV VV "AAOV Vwa V,7 va wsvuvaa .asa avw aaav Leaders Intend To Stuvy Senators Hit Civil Rights Bill; First Session Lacks Quorum Background of Assassin WASHINGTON (MP)-The Senate set out slowly yesterday on what promises to be another long drawn out battle over civil rights legis- lation. The opening session lasted less than three hours and was forced into an overnight recess by lack of _ a quorum. Southern members 'Blocked the initial attempt by Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) to bring up the bill that passed the House Aug. 11. Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC), opposed Hart's opening move. He told the Senate that the measure contains "the sloppiest, vaguest, Dirksen contends this section is most ill-conceived and dangerous unconstitutional and says he will provisions ever to be seriously con- not support any move to impose sidered by the Senate." cloture, under which two-thirds Proponents of the bill went into of the Senate can shut off a fili- the fight without the aid of Sen- buster. ate Republican Leader Everett M. Hart, the bill's floor manager, Dirksen of . Illinois, who helped called the measure "a responsible break the filibusters against the answer to the urgent needs of this 1964 and 1965 civil rights bills. nation." Dirksen said he opposes the He asked for unanimous con- present measure because of its sent to call it up. Ervin objected. open housing provision, which Possible Debate -- ,-1A - A.I ^ v i .'.... + o . _ MP's Unable" To Suggest Successor Officials Impound News Cameras After Stabbing CAPE TOWN, South Africa (R)- Government leaders last night promised a- searching investiga- tion into the background of the white assassin who plunged a knife into Prime Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd's heart. Verwoerd, 64, died instantly of stab wounds in the heart and neck inflicted yesterday afternoon in the chamber of Parliament where for years he had espoused apartheid- racial separation-and sworn to keep South Africa free of Com- munist inifiltration. The assassin was identified as Dmitri Stafendas, about 45, a na- tive of Lourence Marques, in the Portuguese territory of Mozam- bique. He was held under close guard. In August this year, Stafendas became a messenger in Parlia- ment. QUESTION FUND: Terrorists Demands Made To Investigate Blast Areas would ban discrimination in the sale or rental of apartments and new homes. Labor's F WASHINGTON () - A new battle flared yesterday between or- ganized labor and the National Right to Work Committee, which demanded a federal investigation of union political activities. "The flagrant political activi- ties of labor unions are largely ig- nored," said the committee's exec- utive vice-president, Reed Lar- son, in asking the Internal Reve- nue Service for "a sweeping in- vestigation." Larson said the government should "revoke the tax exempt status of any union that engages in such political activities." A spokesman for the 13 million- member AFL-CIO retorted: "The activities of the trade un- ion movement in the field of poli- tical activities are strictly with- in the law-something that can- not be said for the activities of the National Right to Work Com- mittee." olitical Involvement Before Vote World News Roundup The Internal Revenue Servicei began what it called a routine1 check into the committee's tax1 status last year during the con-e gressional battle over union shop legislation. Blocked UnionI The committee, which holds a, tax-exempt status, led the battle1 that sidetracked the AFL-CIO's2 top legislative goal, repeal of sec-f tion 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act.- President Johnson, in a Labor Day speech, promised a renewed battle to repeal 14B, which au- thorizes the state to outlay com- pulsory union membership con-{ tracts. The Revenue Service declined to comment on the committee's de- mand for an investigation, or on the status of its inquiry into the1 committee's own tax situation. Labor To Campaign Organized labor, a heavy back- er of Johnson and other Democrats{ in the 1964 elections, is expectedj to engage heavily in political ac-I tivity in this year's congressional elections. "Yesterday was Labor Day," Lar- son said, "but what freedom does the rank-and-file employe have if dues can be taken from him by compulsion and used to pro- mote the ideological, political or economic beliefs of the labor hier- archy?" Larson said and investigation should include the AFL-CIO five- cent assessment on each of its more than 13 million members. He called it "a special election fund." 'Non-Partisan' An AFL-CIO spokesman said the assessment is for a "non-parti- san" registration drive to get out the vote for this year's elections, and that it is consistent with good citizenship. "It is quite obvious to us that the Right to Work Committee doesn't believe in good citizen- ship," the labor spokesman said. The Right to Work Committee, which gets its funds from contri- butions, said "we have scrup- ulously avoided any involvement in political or political activities. The only purpose we have is to promote the principle of voluntaryj unionism." Suit Power The Supreme Court ruled sev- eral years ago that a union mem- ber can sue for reimbursment of a portion of his dues if it can be proved they were spent for politi- cal activities. But the Right to Work Commit- tee said it was not a clear-cut decision. The Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court but the union stopped cellecting dues from the members who sued, thus averting a final ruling, the com- mittee spokesman said. Buddhist Priests I Attempt To Revive By The Associated Press Allen, moments earlier, had been Protest Movemeent UNITED NATIONS - Despite forced to jump from the top of a continued pressure, U Thant stood police car after crowds began rock- SAIGON (P)-Communist agents firm yesterday on his announced ing the vehicle. attempting to sabotage the elec- decision to quit as United Nations * * tion of a Constituent Assembly secretary-general when his five- next Sunday staged two terror year term expires Nov. 3.Osrac fth he-a a bombings in the capital districtyatreivesaocsio. bor Day holiday weekend cost the yesterday. ~~~Thant received a procession of aonarcrtllf63lie yThedy onepwru aia u-diplomats who relayed to him the nafic acrcidnt. f 3 vs sThe once-powerful radical Bud- hopes of their governments that in traffic accidents. dhist movement tried to revive its he would reconsider his decision It was the worst toll for any campaign with threats of fasting of last Thursday and accept at summer holiday, exceeding even and fresh attacks on the United least a part of another term. the National Safety Council's most States. ! ,M Communist China Declares The latest bombings hit an elec- Es tion rally in the Cholon-China- ! NEW YORK-The stock market town-distric of Saigon and a closed lower yesterday as hopes vtingisforatrio offieon tnd for continuation of the pre-LaborI voting information office on the Day rally ended in disappoint- outskirts of the city. ment in the lightest trading in Woman Agent three months. The bombing in Cholon took The first post-Labor Day ses- place just at sundown. An agent, sion showed some gains during believed to be a woman, hurled the morning and afternoon, but a grenade into a loudspeaker took a downturn shortly before truck. One bystander was injured, the close of trading. The agent escaped. The day's volume was 4.36 mil- The voting office, at a hamlet lion shares compared with 6.08 on the northern edge of Saigon, million Friday when profit taking was unoccupied when the bomb snapped a three-day rally that had exploded there and no one was buoyed the market after a severe hurt. dive the previous Monday. Troop Orders It was the slowest trading ses- To keep Americans out of pos- sion since June 6 when 4.27 mil- sible incidents, the U.S. Embassy lion shares changed hands. broadened curfew orders for The Dow Jones industrial aver- Americans. age for .30 stocks slipped 5.35 Servicemen are already under points to 782.34. Photographers covering the as-i n f o hA cn r sassination of South African Pie o s rn Y a e 1 l S potdihtnhircmea eeonsidering Peace Talks Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd re- impounded by government offi- SAIGON OP)-A Japanese dis- Announced plane losses o cials. ; match from Peking quoted Red north rose to 361 as three pssimistic estimate -of 630 deaths that might occur during the 78- hour period. The tragic toll marked the fourth holiday this year and the seventh consecutive holiday since Independence Day 1965 during which new records for traffic deaths were established. . . ,* WASHINGTON-The State De- partment suggested yesterday the Red Chinese complaint that two Chinese merchant ships were at- tacked by U.S. planes Aug. 29 may be the Communist version of a re- port from pilots that they hit in self-defense against two PT boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. U.S. officials in South Viet Nam had advanced the same idea, in less detail. State Department press officer Robert J. McCloskey said there were no indications the vessels were Chinese Communists and "it is by no means clear that the in- cident is related to the Chinese Communist charge, but we are aware of no other event that has such a relationship." Hart then announced he plan- ned to move to bring the bill be- fore the Senate. Such a motion is debatable, and Southern oppon- ents may 'argue against it at length. Ervin held the floor, however, and declined to yield to Hart un- til he had finished speaking against the House bill. Then Er- vin forced a quorum call which fell short of the 51 senators re- quired to conduct business. Only 40 members responded. The Senate recessed at 2:57 p.m. until noon today. Optimistic Hart later told reporters he was cautiously optimistic that a quor- um would be on hand today and that he would be able to make his motion. Other senators said, however, that they had been told that some of the 60 absentees would be gone the rest of the week because of campaign commitments. Hart said Southern senators in Washington did not duck the quor- um call. Cross Section "The absentees were a broad cross section of the Senate," he said. He said he has no idea how long the bill's opponents will talk against the motion to bring it up. But he said there were some would al ns this might to on for a week and then the opponents would allow the bill to come be- fore the Senate but immediately resume talking on a motion to send it to the Judiciary Commit- tee. Such a motion cannot be made until the measure is before the Senate. Predicts Filibuster Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) said the Southerners' opening tac- tics made it plain they plan to filibuster the preliminary motion. "'Thy did not do this on the voting rights bill last year," he said. ver the planes Successor Unmentioned In the midst of their grief over Verwoerd's death, none of the government leaders would discuss publicly the question of his succes- sor. But preliminary talks were under way. China's Foreign Minister Chen Yi yesterday as saying Red China "is not necessarily dismissing the thought of talking with the Unit- ed States" about a solution to the war. The Kyodo news agency said were shot down Sunday and one Monday. The pilot of one was res- cued. The others are listed as missing. U.S. Air Force, Navy and Ma- rine pilots flew 152 missions north of the border Monday, only four short of the record 156 chalked up Aug. 26. Presumably about 400 planes were involvdd in the con- centrated effort to knock out lines of communication by which the Hanoi regime moves troops and supplies to South Viet Nam. No one qualified automatically Chen told a Japanese parliamen- to take Verwoerd's place, but it tary delegation the solution of all wsevident that his successor international problems through was dtalks is the basic spirit of diplo- will be in the Verwoerd tradition. macy. The Nationalist party that Ver- But he added "this kind of so- woerd headed has almost a 3-1i lution of the Vietnamese conflict majority in Parliament. is impossible because the United States is trying to solve it with strict orders to stay out of public places in off duty hours and the embassy instructed all civilians working for U.S.-financed oper- ations to observe similar orders starting Saturday. U.S. military commanders in the field have also had orders to take every precaution to avoid incidents which might give the im- pression that the United States was involved in the election. , * ,* ATLANTA, Ga. - Police fired shots into the air and tossed tear gas into Negro demonstrators near the downtown area yesterday aft- ernoon after bottles and rocks were hurled by the crowd. Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., who had been appealing to the crowd to dis- perse, was in the center of the bottle-throwing episode. I . - V-l SWf O . . .- - For world reaction, see related story on Page 8 Finance Minister T h e o p h i lu s Denges, who became acting prime minister with the fatal stroke of the assassin's knife, pledged that police would "leave no stone un- turned to get to the bottom of this. dastardly deed." The investigation will be headed by Maj. Gen. H. J. Van Den Berg, chief of South Africa's security police, and Brig. G. Joubert, head of the Criminal Investigation De- partment. They flew from Johan- nesburg to Cape Town Tuesday. Praise In a radio broadcast to the na- tion, Donges praised Verwoerd's achievements and declared: "A Cedar of Lebanon has fall- en, the man whose masterly hand has safely steered our ship of state for the past eight years is no more." He said Verwoerd's eight years as prime minister were years of phenomenal growth and sparkling activity that could be traced to what he called the prime minister's armed force.'' Bomb Routes Meanwhile, in South Viet Nam. U.S. pilots kept the pressure on Communist infiltration routes from the north yesterday in a war again sharing center stage with political developments. Fighter-bomber squadrons ham- mered trucks and trains in North Viet Nam and B-52 jets from Guam rained tons of bombs on targets in the frontier demilitariz- ed zone, which lost its status as a neutral buffer strip last July. In the only major ground ac-, tion, U.S. Marines pursued ele- ments of a reinforced Viet Cong battalion they routed from en- trenchments 18 miles southwest of Da Nang. The Marines killed 26 in the initial action Monday. Chief Captured A dispatch from Da Nang said' captives in a Leatherneck opera- tion Sunday included a guerrilla chief believer to be the Viet Cong leader in Quang Ngai Province. After a series of thunderstorms that hampered air raids over the north last week, the weather be- gan clearing and the aerial cam- paign returned to full fury Mon- DON'T SAY you can't find it Commuter Service A new Commuter Bus Service is available with stops at the following locations: I I Hoover & Brown Sts. Hill & 5th Ave. Law Quad-State St. Angell Hall Chemistry Bldg. Phys. & Astro-Church St. Clements Library State St. & S. Univ. 1. M. Bldg. Admin. Services Bldg. Commuter parking lots are available to all faculty and staff, at Hoover & Brown Sts., and Hill & 5th Ave. Bus service operates on an 8 minute schedule. Commuter lot permits may be obtained by staff members at no charge from the PARKING AD- MINISTRATION OFFICE. 1053 Admin. BIda. Cars Has the Volkswagen fad died out? NEVER! E I I II I Vim,