Ely r dian 4Batl Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wtl! PrevatJ NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP Freshman Rush and the System: Evaluations and Re-evaluations I'M 1I6R? A VERY 'gTIoK OF HAV% r i EPs cff, FT Of , r~g Y/OVUMH64) -POWRFOJLt! BV WRQI ,\ OMHIh)G £(# TEAT \ EXT EM!ST / /TACTICS WAOUIGt W FMbJ I?' O . AAJ --- V1 MA THAT 'Z- /[IKE If ii$iW AMC! y ORM6 -r -- - § * / ' . f 05M1 i. A1 THERE ARE A NUMBER of things fresh- men who rush first semester don't know about the fraternities and sorori- ties they visit and join in their first weeks of school. The first thing the girls should know is that they are rushing sorority the first night of classes as the result of a deci- sion made by Panhellenic Association last spring, a decision based on valuing the sorority system and its perpetuity well above the welfare of the rushee. The idea that a girl can come to the University and within three days after her arrival in the dorm be expected to make a rational decision on the type of life she wants to lead, the type of asso- ceation she wants to make for the next three years, is absolutely absurd. NO ONE CAN BE expected to enter rush with any kind of feel for the Greek system and what it means on campus, and, more importantly, what it means to be a member of this system until exper- iencing at least a few weeks, more prefer- ably a semester on campus. The way things are now, however, the unbelievably strenuous three-week rush period is actually a necessity if girls are going to get any idea of what they want. And, of course, the pressure, both on the houses and on the girls rushing, is multiplied beyond its previous levels-lev- els which were none too low to begin with. That such a decision should be made has a lot to say about the Greek system in general, and the sorority system in particular. First, those fraternities and sororities that seem so foreboding aren't really. They need you as much as you need them. If you are going to join, take it easy. It's going to cost you a good deal of money to do it, and, like it or not, the or- ganizations you are joining have quotas to fill and budgets to meet. ANDPERHAPS you don't want to be a Greek anyway. Most people, it seems to me, join a fra- ternity or sorority for a number of good reasons. There are fifteen thousand un- dergraduates at the University of Michi- gan, and over a thousand freshmen in the average dorm. You can make friends in the dorm, but this is often hard. You may not have much in common with the people who have been randomly placed around you, and at best you can become close with five or 10. PENTITY IS HARD to establish. Dorm houses are generally not overly inspir- ing. Campus organizations can be joined, but it is often hard for a freshman to get involved to a satisfying degree. Further, dorm living conditions are generally not good enough to invite a sec- ond year, while often sophomores are not anxious to undertake housekeeping in an Equal Rights REVIUS ORTIQUE, JR. is a New Orleans municipal judge who recently visited Detroit to serve as president of the Wol- verine Bar Association at its annual con- vention. The Wolverine Bar Association is an organization of over 4000 Negro lawyers. It has supplied much of the resources to begin legal aid clinics in large urban slums. Ortique's current project is drafting the legal language for a court order to inte- grate New Orleans burlesque houses. He says he has been as active in this cam- paign as his office allows. Restaurants and theatres in New Or- leans have been integrated for several years. But burlesque halls are still the white man's domain. "Negroes have as much right as anyone to have their minds warped by burlesque in my city and elsewhere," Ortique says. ND SO the municipal judge continues to work for integration in his tropical southern home. -NEAL BRUSS Un apartment-an apartment which can be even more socially isolated anyway. Which means turning to the Greek sys- tem. Fraternities and sororities offer easy companionship, good living conditions, facilities for athletics and social events that simply cannot be matched under oth- er circumstances. The Greeks offer friendship or an easy substitute, extreme- ly good channels to a large number of social contacts with both sexes, and a lot of good times. All of which can be had otherwise, but usually not nearly as easily. And, of course, you pay a price for the ease. First monetarily-fraternities and sororities are simply more expensive than dorms and apartments. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, education- ally. The reasons for joining and the benefits they offer are based on a very important weakness in most Greek houses -they are selective for a certain kind of living condition, a certain kind of per- son, a certain kind of milieu. Thus the freshman marked for the Greek system leaves his middle-class home in his middle-class neighborhood to live with the same kind of people he grew up with in the same kind of surroundings. The social contacts are easy to make be- cause he has stayed in the same channels - people have grouped themselves by thought-pattern and mode of living; the fraternity and the sorority are merely the ultimate institutionalization of the so- cial fact. And thus the white Anglo-Saxon Prot- estants join the white Anglo-Saxon Prot- estant houses, the Jews join the Jewish houses, the Negroes join the Negro houses, and the people who are different in thought, style of life and background aren't interested, or can't afford it, or if they push then they rapidly adopt the new style of life, the new thought pat- terns. AND IT'S JUST SO EASY to fall into the style of life-movie date on Friday, football party Saturday, loaf with the guys Sunday, study through the week with an occasional coffee date, then the pattern again. A date on the weekend becomes mandatory; a good time is had whether the date has anything to say or not. And the activities, too, are established. The shows, the weekends, are done by the same people in the same settings. Which is fine, certainly enjoyable. But not broadening by any means. Perhaps the major lesson a university such as this has to teach is that the world is a huge and various entity with more types of people, more endeavors, more ideas than one man can see in six lifetimes. The University of Michigan is big enough and good enough to encom- pass a large amount of that variety. But the average student rarely sees much of it. Lacking cultural program- ming, lacking activity and imagination, the Greek system doesn't help much. In a predominantly middle-class university the Greek system has become a cell into which only one value system flows. Only one mode of life is offered, too often only one is taken. And it comes so easy you don't have to think about much of any- thing. WHICH MEANS stagnation, a loss of tal- ent and diversity, and nothing learn- ed. The University pays for its diversity with size-often too much size for the in- dividual to handle. But if fraternities and sororities offer an obvious compensation by providing a means of shrinking what is to be contended with into an easy-to- control sphere, the over-compensation becomes a very real danger-one to which I think the Greek system has, in fact, suc- cumbed. Which means that the average fresh- man, unless given time to find outside bearings on his own, can be whisked into a fraternity or sorority never to find his way out. And thus some capacity for in- dividuality, some potential for diversity, is lost-a loss we certainly can't afford. My advice, then, is to wait and choose carefully. There are many benefits, but what is offered can be had in other con- texts if the effort is made. And often it comes without all the bother and wasted STAQW WoATV A W4WC! Sur HAW Z 5ECO 60HUTHIO LWU IT 8EDRC? M p k McNamara: The Army and the Poor 4 .4 EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second part of a two-part re- print of Defense Secretary Ro- bert S. McNamara's address be- for the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in New York City on August 23 in which he outlined plans for "salvation" of men rejected for the draft. The plan has met with much criticism, most notably from civilarights leaders, as one aim- ed at using the lower economic classes for "fodder" for the Viet- nom war. AFTER STUDYING the matter in close detail, I am convinced that at least 100,000 men a year who are currently being rejected for military service, including tens of thousands who volunteer, can be accepted. To make this possible, we need only to use fully and imaginative- ly the resources at hand-the De- fense Department today is the lar- gest single educational complex that the world has ever possessed. THE DEPARTMENT of Defense operates 327 dependents' schools around the world, employing 6,800 classroom teachers for 166,000 stu- dents-making it the ninth largest U.S. school system, with a budget of $90 million. More than 30 correspondence school centers are 'sponsored by the military departments, offering over 2,000 courses and enrolling nearly a million students scattered about the globe. The United States Armed Forces Institute currently has enrolled 258,000 students in hundreds of courses including everything from the grammar school level through college. The imperatives of national se- curity in our technological age make the Defense Department the world's largest educator of highly skilled men. Those same impera- tives require that it also be the world's most efficient educator. As a result, the Defense Department has pioneered some of the most advanced teaching techniques. In- deed, it has been in the vanguard of a whole series of innovations in educational technology. FURTHER, WE SEE the whole concept of "low-aptitude" and "high-aptitude" now needs redefi- nition. There is now ample evi- dence that many aptitude evlu- ations have -less to do with how well the student can learn than with the cultural value-system of the educator. Students clearly differ in their learning patterns. It is the edu- cator's responsibility to deal with that pattern in each individual case and to build on it. More ex- actly, it is the educator's respon- sibility to create the most favor- able conditions under which the student himself can build his own learning pattern, and at his own pace. But instead of striving to be the inspiring, reward-reinforcing, motivation-bolstering occasions of their students' knowledge, too many teachers end by causing them to retreat into a mental fog of boredom, confusion and non- comprehension. This grisly mix of understandable reactions is then, all too often, simply labeled: "low- aptitude." WE HAVE ALREADY discover- ed, within the Department of De- fense, that the prime reason many men "fail" the aptitude tests giv- en at the time of induction is sim- ply that these tests are geared to the psychology of traditional, for- mal, classroom, teacher-paced in- struction. Further, these tests inevitably reflect the cultural value-systems and verbal-patterns of affluent American society. That is why so many young men from poverty backgrounds do poorly in the test. It is not because they do not po- ssess basic-and perhaps even bril- liant-intelligence, but simply be- cause their cultural environment is so radically different from that assumed by the test-designers. It is, for example, a generally accepted value of American soci- ety to want to "achieve" some- thing in life. That is a sound val- ue; but it is a value many young people from poverty-encrusted en- vironments simply have not been exposed to. In their world, achieve- ment is seldom advanced as a val- ue, only because it does not exist as a realistic possibility. Such a person appears to have "low aptitude" by conventional standards, since he seems poorly motivated. CLEARLY THE WAY to meas- ure his "aptitude" is to place him in a situation that offers the en- couragement 'he has never had before. That means a good teach- er, and a good course of instruc- tion, well supported by self-paced, audio-visual aids. It also means less formal, classroom, theoretical instruction, and more practical on- the-job training. Under these conditions, the so- called "low-aptitude" student can succeed. We are therefore, in the current 'fiscal year going to accept 40,000 men who currently fall into the disqualification category - men who fail to score well on the stan- dard aptitude tests, but who, when exposed to intensive instruction in military skills and practical on- the-job training can qualify as fully satisfactory soldiers; men who have been deprived of proper health care but who can be brought up to physical fitness standards within a period of a few weeks; men whose "low apti- tude" and lack of achievement are a function of external environ- ment rather than internal poten- tial. IN THE NEXT fiscal year and in each of the years thereafter we will plan to accept 100,000 addi- tional men in this category. These men will be a challenge to our ability to innovate and moder- nize a training system which must be kept in as high a state of rea- diness as any combat unit in our force. We believe we can also produce the most highly efficient citizen Army on earth. THE POOR OF America have not had the opportunity to earn their fair share of this nation's abundance, but they can be given an opportunity to serve in their country's defense and they can be given an opportunity to return to civilian life with skills and apti- tudes which for them and their families will reverse the down- ward spiral of human decay. Our understanding of poverty in our own country will help us un- derstand it in others. In the pro- tracted twilight-wars of insurgen- cy and subversion-which our ad- versaries claim will characterize our era-that understanding is important. NOT LONG AGO the President received a letter from one of our Marines in Vietnam. I would like to share it with you: Mr. President: As the demonstrators are using the rights guaranteed all Ameri- cans, I feel I too can use my rights to write our Commander in Chief. As fighting men in Viet Nam I feel we're the best informed in the world, We also can see the conse- quences of a pull out. In fact we're probably better informed than the majority of demonstrators. We're needed here there's no doubt. I've seen people here that were afraid to farm the land. The V.C. took their crops. Now they farm and are left alone and our corpsmen treat their ills and show them we care. Our men die, but not without the knowledge of why we're here. As President of our great coun- try we ask God to guide you in making the decisions which affect the world. The fighting men in Viet-Nam are behind the Com- mander in Chief all the way. "OUR MEN DIE," wrote the Ma- rine, "but not without the know- ledge of why we're here." In the city in which I work there are many moving monu- ments. Taken together, they sum up our nation. They reflect the power, the passion, and the pur- pose of our Republic. But the gentle rolling slopes of the National Cemetery have a spe- cial poignancy. There the demo- cracy of the dead lies-led by a fallen Commander - in - Chief. No man asks who were the rich and who were the poor. No man asks who were the proud and who were the humble. No man asks who were. the great and who were the small. But no man can gaze over that annointed ground without feeling a stab of conviction. THE FALLEN do not speak. They only remind us of how emp- ty a thing it is to live without service to others. Respect WE CONTINUE to be troubled by a thought resulting from a picture The News printed Satur- day. The picture showed Univer- sity President Harlan Hatcher standing as he spoke with a group of young people sitting on the floor in protest of University ac- tion in releasing information on three student organizations to the House Committee' on Un-Ameri- can Activities. We probably can be accused of being old fashioned, but the students' failure to stand up strikes us as a denial of the respect due their president. --Ann Arbor News Editorial Friday, September 2, 1966 v LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Hamilton Writes on The Role of the U' " ' 'If 2a'i. " , api {t a,.t 1 i . ZA NAlCL X31LL~ +s . To the Editor: SETTING ASIDE, if possible, the particular points in question in the current HUAC episode, a more fundamental matter is raised by Professor Mayer's letter (9/2/66). It is this: Does the University- as an institution-have an aggres- sive and/or defensive function in serving the members of the Uni- versity community? Answer this question and you clear away con- siderable confusion and misunder- standing. There are three possibilities. If you say the University, as an institution, has neither an ag- gressive nor a defensive function in serving the members of the University community, then you see the institution as a collection of facilities and human resources from which to draw and develop individual strengths. The non-academic life is not an institutional concern; rather, it is the concern of the individuals associated with the University in whatever measure the individuals have needs and desires, separate- ly or collectively. While this has some appeal, clearly the passive posture is not the one taken con- sistently here. ual members to accept responsi- bilities as individuals. This, I think, is the current basic posture of the University. If you say the University has both a defensive and aggressive function, then you expect the in- stitution to be activist as an in- stitution, taking 'positions and committing resources which, in the judgment of the leadership, are in the best interests of the great- est number. This ncessarily imposes con- straints on some members as well as advancing the concerns of oth- ers; this requires that the institu- tion oppose and run counter to-the interests of some members in or- dr to support others. And this is a very difficult thing to do in such a unique community of indi- viduals as the University. ANYONE acquainted with this institution can cite examples of the University in passive, defen- sive and aggressive postures. But I believe the defensive is most com- mon. I am not arguing one against the others. But I think any dec- laration that "the University should . . ." do such-and-such must be considered in relation to the function of the institution and the precedent to be established b A -