Sorority Rush: A Brief ntroduction to Gro, p ife Freshmen rushees quickly learn rush procedures-visiting the houses... chatting with the girls ... an example of the sorority tradition. . FRESHMAN RUSH AND THE SYSTEM See Editorial Page B k& b D~A4 CLOUDY- High-82 Low-65 Chance of showers today Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1966 SEVEN CENTS SIX FADES Investigizate 'U' Response m.rtjigan Daly To Subpoena NEWS WIRE SACUA Plans Talks With Smith, Cutler on Lists Given To HUACt By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs' subcommit- tee, presently, investigating the University's decision to submit membership lists to the House Un-American Activities will soonl begin talks with Richard Cutler, vice-president for Academic Af- fairs. The committee will also speak1 to other faculty members, stu- dentstand Voice political party members who strongly protested the University's action in order to "get their views" and see' what actually happened, accord- ing to James Wendel vice-chair-, man of SACUA. The sub-committee held its first meeting yesterday and plans to encourage a discussion of mat- ters concerning the study and to obtain a wide range of views which could be used for possible future policies advocated by the committee. The members of the sub-com-1 mittee include the representative heads and members of three sub- committees of SACUA: Abraham Kaplan, chairman of the educa- tional policy sub - committee; Leonard Greenbaum, chairman of the student relations sub-commit- tee; John Bardach, chairman of the public-relations sub-commit- tee; Marvin Kanouse of the den- tistry school; Sheridan Baker of the English department; Brad- ford Perkins of the History De- partment; Edward Robinson, '67, president of Student Government Council and John DeLamater, Grad, president of Graduate Stu- dent Council Late World News By The Associated Press MIAMI, FLA.-A CUBAN EXILE GROUP charged Saturday that Fidel Castro is building schools near missile bases "to pro- tect the bases with the lives of thousands of children." The National Association of Cuban Teachers in Exile made the charge in a cable to the World Confederation of Teachers at Washington, D.C. Spokesmen for the exiles said they received the information from teachers working in the Cuban underground. HAMILTON, BERMUDA - SEN. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, D-ARK., suggested Saturday the United States should "calm things down" in Viet Nam. Arriving for a six-day Bermuda vacation, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee described the Viet Nam War as "the most unpopular war we have fought." "We should be de-escalating it and also the bombing of North Viet Nam. We must slow it down, hold a conference and come to some compromise settlement to stop the killing," he added. DETROIT-AUTO CRITIC RALPH NADER charged Satur- day that the hiring of a former State Department official as pres- ident of the Automobile Manufacturers Association was designed to stifle competitive development of car safety items. Nader said Thomas C. Mann, 53, former undersecretary of state for economic affairs, was hired because the auto industry's "trade association is being whipped into shape to forge a united industry position on such public issues as safety, and stifle theI diversity, dissent and competition which otherwise might occur to the public's benefit." NORWALK, OHIO-NINE PERSONS FROM MICHIGAN were killed Saturday in a fiery three-car collision on the rain- slick Ohio Turnpike west of here. The Highway Patrol said it was the worst single accident in! the turnpike's history. Five persons in one car from Trenton, Mich., were killed, as were four persons in a station wagon from Mount Clemens, Mich. The patrol said a young girl was thrown clear from one of the autos, and survived. A BRIEF THUNDERSTORM y sity. And the boys q EDUCATION, NO Survey & Major Ca- WASHINGTON (P) - In the black ghettos of the North, an opinion survey reported last night, Negroes are more worried about criminal tyranny than police bru- tality; more concerned with sound education and discipline than with integrated schools. And a chasm between rising ex- pectations and ghetto realities lies behind racial rioting, the report says. A Negro truck driver from Los Angeles' Watts section describes the frustration of his life this way: FUN IN THE MUD esterday afternoon brought out the best in the Mudbowl at the corner of Washtenaw and S. Univer- quickly took advantage of the opportunity to frolic with a football in the mud and water. T INTEGRATION: iy Expectation-Realit Ga use of iots in Negro Ghetto PRESENT SPACE EXHAUSTED: Rising Enrollment Figures Bring Housing, Parking Problems to Dearborn Campus "A person who comes here they expect a land of milk and honey, but they still find segregation in a concealed form; they become fusted (sic)." Opinion Polls In the more scholarly words of John P. Kraft, Inc., which trained slum Negroes to interview their neighbors in a service of public opinion polls: "What this means is that if the Negroes in Watts had had virtual- ly no hope, such as in certain areas of the Deep South, or com- plete rights then there would have been no riot. "Things were getting better, but not fast enough to satisfy the desire for equality," the polling firm says. Robert E. McAtee, who gave the data to a Senate panel investigat- ing big-city problems, said it is based on surveys conducted in Watts, in Chicago and Baltimore, and New York's Harlem. He said intensive surveys have been con- ducted since the Watts riots. Kraft conducted the surveys for the New York Times, the Ameri- can Broadcasting Co., and for a foundation. Negro Subculture Revealed Its combined report says the data reveal an important pheno- menon: "The subcultural world of the Negro. It may prove to be a gen- uine stumbling block to those pro- grams of the federal government designed to bring the Negro into full and active participation in all facets of modern American life." Dealing with Watts, the report says Negroes there appear to want leadership which can get them Nevertheless, the survey says, 48.4 per cent of the Watts resi- dents interviewed believe the riot- ing helped their chances for equality in jobs, schools and hous- ing, only 23.8 per cent think that cause had been harmed. Nearly 47 per cent of the people surveyed believe there had been police brutality in Watts. But, the Kraft survey indicates, fewer people in Watts than in New York, Chicago and Baltimore be- lieve there is more violence ahead. The report said 61 per cent of the people sampled in the other cities think more violence is likely; 61 per cent of the people in Watts think it is not. The report says the people in- terviewed in Watts believe that something will be done to improve their lot, that they had "got through." Crime and Housing Problems In the Harlem interviews, the Kraft report finds crime and hous- ing are rated the two biggest prob- lems. "The apparent meaning of put- ting crime at the head of the list is that more police protection is wanted," the report said. Even in Watts, the Kraft survey says, 47 per cent of the people- the largest bloc of those with an opinion, look favorably on the police. Negro Wants Protection "The - Negro like anyone else wants to preserve his family from harm, and for this there must be adequate police protection," the report says. "What exists in the ghettos at present is apparently a situation whereby a small minority --t-.,. rrmn nfl1c, - ,,,l.n nl '0 fT fvr dissatisfied w i t h neighborhood schools. "In fact, these parents blame the children just as much for not taking advantage of the educational opportunities as the teachers not taking enough in- terest," the report says. "Indeed, discipline probably is in the fore-' front of the parents' interest." Inadequate Housing Housing ranks second to crime as the problems rated worst by Harlem residents. And the report f i n d s overcrowded, inadequate housing can be both cause and effect 'of such problems as family instabiilty, unemployment and over-reliance on welfare. The Kraft survey includes this statement by a Harlem Negro: "Welfare dependants are breed- ing too fast. These welfare de- pendants should be placed in a neighborhood by themselves in- stead of in projects with decent working class men and women. They build slums wherever they go." Demonstrations Helpful These are among the other find- ings reported by the Kraft sur- vey: -On the effect of peaceful civil lights demonstrations, 64 per cent of those surveyed in New York, Chicago and Baltimore feel they have helped improve the lot of the Negro; the figure in Watts, 77 per cent.' -Twelve per cent of the people interviewed in New York, Chicago and Baltimore say they hate whites, 25 per cent say they like whites. The figures in Watts, 7.9 per cent and 64.3 per cent. Seek Value Of Student Association SGC Members Plan To Evaluate Wisdon Of NSA Membership By JOHN MEREDITH Associate Managing Editor The University's relationship with the National Student Associ- ation may soon be re-evaluated' At least one Student Govern- ment . Council member - Michael Dean, '67-is currently harboring doubts about the wisdom of SGC maintaining its NSA membership. Dean said last night that he plans to question the University's NSA delegates, who recently re- turned from the annual NSA con- vention, about whether the student body receives enough benefit from the organization to justify the ap- proximately $1500 spent by SGC at the convention. Regional Improvement One of the delegates, Daily Ex- ecutive Editor Bruce Wasserstein, '67, defended the University's membership in NSA and recom- mended improvement of NSA op- erations on the regional level. "NSA membership benefits Uni- versity students in three ways," Wasserstein said. "First, it giyes them a voice in the organization which can best represent student opinion to the nation. Second, it enables them to participate in de- velopment of concrete regional programs, such as the present effort to gain support for the 18- year-old vote. "Finally," he said, "delegates to the NSA convention have a rare opportunity to .interact with stu- dent leaders from other campuses. In the process, they pick up ideas which can be applied on their own campus and thus provide in- valuable aid to local student gov- ernment." Other NSA delegates could not be reached for comment last night. The NSA, founded in 1947, is the largest national student confeder- ation in the .United States. It now has approximately 325 member schools, delegates from which de- cide its policies at an annual sum- mer convention. The University has been a mem- ber of NSA since it was founded, although in 1962 it almost with- drew from the organization. At that time, the question of NSA membership was put to an all campus referendum and students voted to maintain their NSA af- filiation by a narrow margin. No Value to Campus Last fall, Michigan State Uni- versity's student government vot- ed to withdraw from NSA because a majority of its members felt that NSA neither offered pro- grams of value to the campus nor was representative of the political viewpoints of MSU students. At this year's convention, held last week at the University of Illinois, NSA delegates passed mo- tions asking for an abolition of the draft, criticizing the Johnson administration's Viet Nam policies and condemning the 1966 civil rights bill as a "token response to minority groups." The NSA Viet Nam motion, passd after a heated nine hour By BETSY TURNER On the University's Dearborn Campus, as elsewhere, the tradi- tional university problems of housing and parking shortages pose acute problems. "As far as off-campus housing is concerned," said Dr. William E. Stirton, Vice-President and Di- rector for the Dearborn Campus, "we have exhausted all that is available in the Dearborn area." At the present time only one University owned housing struc- ture is functioning, a unit of apartments built to accommo- date 106 students. The University gives first preference for the apartments to married couples, explained Stirton, Plans for three more units, not be completed for at least an-' other year. "We have placed ads in the pa- per, contacted such groups as the Chamber of Commerce and local PTA's to secure more private housing. We have now had to ask students to find their own facili- ties," said Stirton. Co-ops Pose Problem Another problem in securing housing facilities which is some- what unique to the Dearborn campus because of its co-op pro- gram is the need for semester leases. In the business adminis- tration and engineering schools, each student is required to spend one semester in school and the next working for an industry in his field of study. Many of the jobs are not in the immediate However, a heavy evening enroll- ment makes the problem more acute. No immediate solution has been offered.. The growing enrollment at Dearborn explains why these two problems are so pressing. This year,d196 new students were ad- mitted. This is an 80 per cent in- crease over last year. Only junior, senior or graduate level students are enrolled. The trimesters start in October, June and February. Students carry twelve month programs alternat- ing semesters of work and school- ing. The pay for co-op jobs av- erages $6300 a year. The yearly calendar has been set up so that both students who have attended Junior Colleges for enrollment are transfers from four year schools. In addition to the engineer- ing and business administration schools there is a large liberal arts division. About 40 percent of the overall enrollment attends this school. Although some stu- dents do participate in the co-op program in connection with the liberal arts school, it is not re- quired. Concentrations are of- fered in eight different areas in- cluding Chemistry, Economics and English. This year, a foreign lan- guage program in French will be initiated. The original four buildings and land were donated by industry in 1957 at a cost of $10 million. The major contributor was the Ford p I I I i I