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Soviet Ousted in Attempt
To Buy Secret Documents
Fear International
Viet Involvement
U.S. Citizen
SInvolved in
Bribe Plot
Secrecy Shrouds
Case; Officials Hold
Detailed Comment
Department announced yesterday
the expulsion of a Soviet diplomat
for trying to get secret data from
an American citizen for "large
amounts of money."
"The FBI thwarted these at-
tempts" by Valentin A. Revin,
listed as a science officer at the
Soviet Embassy here, State De-
partment press officer Robert J.
SMcCloskey said.
But beyond the barebones an-
nouncement, he declined all com-
ment including the American in-
volved, whether the FBI will make
an arrest, and how large were the
The secrecy remaining about the
case contrasted with the big pub-
licity in the latest spy incident
here--the uncovering of a Czech
attempt last July to plant elec-
tronic eavesdropping devices in
the State Department's headquar-
ters building.
Revin was identified as a third
secretary, age 34, with wife and
one child, assigned to the Soviet
Embassy in Washington since
July 26, 1963.
McCloskey said the Soviet
charge d'affaires, Alexander I.
Zinchuk, was called to the State
Department Thursday and handed
a note ordering Revin's "immed-
iate departure from this country"
because he "was engaged in ac-
tivities incompatible with his dip-
lomatic status during his assign-
ment in the United States."
What Revin was engaged in,
said McCloskey without further
elaboration, was "attempting to
obtain classified information from
an American citizen in return for
large sums of money."
PHOM PENH, Cambodia (.P) -
France and Cambodia asserted
yesterday that outside interven-
tion is turning the Vietnamese war
into an international conflict.
They demanded that all foreign
troops get out of Viet Nam.
A communique declaring that
"all acts of war must cease on
Vietnamese territory" was signed
by French President Charles de
Gaulle and Prince Norodom Siha-
nouk, Cambodia's chief of state.
It seemed evident from a speech
by De Gaulle the day before that
by foreign troops, the French
president meant U.S. forces in
South Viet Nam. But the wording
of the communique was broad
enough to include Soviet and Red
becoming almost hysterical. The
Reds promised "merciless punish-
ment" to anyone who takes part
in the election. They called Pre-
mier Nguyen Cao Ky a puppet and
a traitor.
The United States, one broad-
cast said, has supplanted the
French in Viet Nam and this is
like giving the people "a choice
between cholera and the bubonic
Thunderstorms and low visibil-
ity fruthermore reduced U.S. op-
erations over North Viet Nam yes-
terday, but six jet flights got
through for blows at the Kunm-
ing-Hanoi railway. A spokesman
said Friday they cut this supply
line from Red China in 10 places.
Chinese technicians in Nortn Viet ASio derefrle -
~.III~ Lg.i~~AIi il ~UL~ Vt A Saigon decree for life im-
Nam. prisonment of election saboteurs,
The communique, issued just fresh Viet Cong terrorist attacks,
before De Gaulle took off for New and a shakeup in the command of
Caledonia on the fourth leg of his South Viet Nam's navy paralleled
world tour, put it this way: military developments, largely
"Despite the differences which aerial.
have divided and still divide the
Vietnamese people, it is essential
ly the foreign intervention which,
in transforming a civil war into e
an international conflict, has given
the hostilities their present di-
VALENTIN A. REVIN, of the Russian Embassy's Washington staff, allegedly shown in a telephone
booth near College Park, Md., in July in a photograph released yesterday by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. The State Department yesterday ordered Revin expelled from U.S. on the grounds
that he tried to buy secret data from an American "for large sums of money."
Diplomats Seek Draft To Keep
Than t as Secretary-General
diplomats concentrated yesterday
on how to draft U Thant to con-
tinue as secretary-general. Talk
about a successor faded into the
background for the time being.
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg, in the forefront of the
draft movement, sent a personal
note to Thant asking him to re-
consider his decision not to offer
himself for a new term.
A U.S. spokesman said the note
was intended to back up the state-
ment issued by Goldberg several
hours after Thant's decision was
announced Thursday. The United
States appealed to him to con-
tinue in office beyond Nov. 3, the
date when his five-year term ex-
pires. The United States made
plain a limited term would be
There was no reaction from
Thant, who was reported out of
the city vacationing with friends.
A spokesman for the secretary-
general refused to comment on
the draft possibilities. UN diplo-
mats were reluctant to express an
The 15-member UN Security
Council bears primary responsibil-
ity in the situation. Mechanics
were being left in the hands of the
four Asian-African members -
Jordan, Nigeria, Mali and Uganda.
Ambassadors Muhammad H. el-
Farra of Jordan and J. T. F. Iyalla
of Nigeria conferred with Gold-
berg, and also with the heads of
the British and French missions.
They will confer also with So-
viet Ambassador 'Nikolai T. Fe-
dorenko. Reports that the Soviet
bloc was taking a dim view of a
draft movement were denied by
an East European diplomat.
Members of the 34-nation Afri-
can group conferred privately and
issued a statement expressing
great concern over Thant's deci-
Diplomats did not expect a
council meeting until late next
week. Fedorenko is the council
president for September. The ses-
sion would be a private one, as is
customary when a decision con-
cerning a secretary-general is be-
fore the council.
"To bring an end to these hos-
tilities, it is necessary first. of all
that the powers whose interests
and ideologies are opposed in In-
dochina renew with all the in-
terested countries the engagement
to rigorously observe the clauses
of the 1954 Geneva accords."
Meanwhile, stepped-up terror-
ist attacks and student radio
threats yesterday signaled a con-
centrated Communist effort to
disrupt the national election Sept.
11 in the Saigon area, which con-
tains almost a quarter of South
Viet Nam's -population.
The military government, which
wants a big turnout here and else-
where, countered with a decree
making persons convicted of sabo-
taging the voting liable to life
imprisonment. The decree waslis-
sued by Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van
Thieu, the chief of state.
The Viet Cong radio labeled the
guerrilla force around Saigon a
"divine sword" pledged to thwart
creation at the ballot box of a
Constituent Assembly.
The guerrillas punctuated their
threats with a series of attacks
in the Saigon-Gia Dinh capital
district. They blew up a civilian
bus, killing 12 and wounding 10.
They bombed a village election
office northwest of the city,
wounding eight civilians.
Some U.S. officials considered
the Communist radio attacks were
Commuter Service
A new Commuter Bus Service is available
with stops at the following locations:
Hoover & Brown Sts.
Hill & 5th Ave.
Law Quad-State St.
Angell Hall
Chemistry Bldg.
Commuter parking lots
and staff, at Hoover &
Phys. & Astro-Church St.
Clements Library
State St. & S. Univ.
I. M. Bldg.
Admin. Services Bldg.
are available to all faculty
Brown Sts., and Hill & 5th
8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Ave. Bus service operates on an 8 minute schedule.
Commuter lot permits may be obtained by staff
members at no charge from the PARKING AD-
MINISTRATION OFFICE, 1053 Admin. Bldg. Cars
bearing Staff Paid and Meter permits are also
authorized to use these lots, and require no addi-
tional permit.
Your questions should be referred to:
Losses End Three-Day Market Advance
NEW YORK (P) -- The stock
market came up against some pre-
Labor Day selling yesterday, end-
ing a three-day advance. Trading
was moderate.
Sharp losses were taken by air-
lines and some glamor stocks as
investors sold to reap the profits
of the week's rally.
Blue chip stocks, favored by
conservative investors, showed
smaller losses after a vigorous
showing the past two days.
The market was weak from the
start and at one point the Dow
Jones average of 30 industrial
stocks was down 13.20 points. A
late afternoon rally shaved the
loss and the average closed down
4.40 points at 787.69.
Sandard and Poor's 500-stock
index, which represents 85 per
cent of the dollar volume of all
stocks listed on the New York
Stock Exchange, declined .28 of a
point to 77.42.
The Associated Press 60-stock
average dropped .1 of a point to
Volume was 6.08 million com-
pared with 6.25 million Thursday.
"The rally from Tuesday lows
appear to have come to an end
and it looks as if the market may
have another key test next week,"
said Newton D. Zindez, analyst
for E. F. Hutton & Co.
Some airline stocks dipped as
much as $4 or $5. Analysts said
airlines would be hit hard if the
administration repeals " the seven
per cent tax credit on business in-
vestment because of the lines'
heavy investment in jet planes.
Pan American 'Airway, the sec-
ond most active stock of the day,
closed at $50.50, down $3.62.
American Telephone & Tele-
investors, fell 62 cents to $52.62.
General Motors was down $1.12 at
graph, favorite of the conservative
Among the glamor stocks, Xerox
dropped $6.50, closing at $170.50.
Fairchild'Camera was down $2.37
at $174.50. Other losers included
Polaroid, $4.62 at $144.12 and
Trans World Airlines, $3.62 at
Of $1,391 issues traded, 516 rose
and 619 fell. New lows for the
year totaled 94. There were no
new highs.
Stock markets will be closed
Daily Classifieds
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