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September 02, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-02

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PAP-1w ovvwlkT

_...C IG N D I Y5t~X ai~'AtE

raux. 6EVEN

There's nothing quite like a pre- sions a
season fall football practice to ries. Li
bring out the best in everybody. into t
And everything. For
Take the sun, for example. Not- running
ably absent when one is at the ing, pa
beach, it made a special point to Blue!",
come out yesterday and keep an the ad
eye on the entire practice session. weights
And apparently to show its ap- vaguely
proval, it managed to shine with the far
particular vigor. Game."
Goody, Goody nobody
"Good," blurts out Nature Boy, therer
(doing push-ups near the side- cheerle
lines), "the sun is good for the mendoL
players' constitution." upon<
"Good," enthuses the short- tramp
sleeved fan sipping a coke in the sportsw
stands, "this is and excellent test noting
of endurance for the players." string
"Ugh," groans the player him- bench
self,.obviously not appreciative of way or
these advantages. just as
Or take. some of the many fans
in the bleachers, who came to get
a peview of this season's edition But
of the Wolverine grid squad, but aren't
are still a little rusty when it tell yot
comes to analyzing the football and m
being played before them. After made 1
all, a lot of guys are still sliding Therefc
into home plate. why he
"Oh-h-h-h," moaned one mid- In b
W die-aged gentleman to another time,r
seated beside him, "He might have They r
grabbed that throw if he hadn't telling
been so far from the baseline when doing,1
it was pitched to him." require
"Nonsense," countered his friend pants,
attempting to come up with the just wb
right jargon, "the pigskin is just And ev
too elusive to be snagged from Remem
any point on the field." watchir
Sophisticates Not Supreme grandn
Fans who are not quite so so- exceptii
phisticated were also present. One that m
little girl continually got quite up- that th
set at yesterday's session as Carl But i
Ward or another back would stop the tea
running after breaking through coaches
the hole opened up for him by the right, t
offensive line. "What good is it ing the
for everyone to play if no one's a coact
going to score?" she logically gulp -
queried. througl
Not even worrying about such to wear
deep questions ire the players the tea

A Place


the Sun

lves. To them practice ses-
re all one big bowl of cher-
ike the kind that you bite
hat haven't been de-pitted.
them practice consists of
g, hitting, grunting, groan-
triotically yelling "Let's go
(which manages to raise
renalin), working out with
S, and going through what
yresembles the plays that
ns see the day of the "Big
" But as the little girl says,
ever scores. The band isn't
playing "The Victors," the
aders aren't eliciting tre-
us roars from the crowd
doing back flips off the
and the pro scouts and top
iriters aren't there in droves
the good plays. The fourth-
subs can't even sit on the
and dream. Sweat finds its
nto red and green jerseys
easily as blue and ;old.
Happy, Why Not?
don't think the players
happy. Just ask one. He'll
u that it's been hard work
pore hard work that has
him what he is. And it's true.
're, he is happy. That's
e grins all during practice.
best form during practice
however, are the coaches.
have the pleasant task of
everyone how lousy he's
but in a tactful way. This
s a pat on the seat of the
and a quiet explanation of
hat exactly was done wrong.
erybody just keeps smiling.
nber, the little girl might be
ng. Or maybe even her
pother. Yesterday was no
on. (Since there weren't all
any pats, it can be assumed
e team is coming along.)
it is in the area of just how
m is coming along that the
s reserve a coach's birth-
to be cryptic. Upon discuss-
day's practice session with
h, an interested alum, or-
- a Daily reporter, can
h careful prodding manage
sel out the information that
am is indeed coming along,

Figures To Credit
Grid Defensernen
By STEVE FICK Tackles for minus yardage; fum-
"There are three kinds of lies bles recovered; blocked kicks, and;
in this world," Disraeli once noted last;touchdown "saves."
in answer to an opponent's criti- The project, which the league's
cism-"lies, damned lies, and sta- s p o r t s information directors
tistics." h g agreed to use this fall on a trial
Tell it to the Big Ten, Bennie. Ibasis, originated at the suggestion
From the first booming kickoff iof Jerry Liska, longtime Chicago
in September to the lastshrill Associated Press writer who once
blast of the officials' whistle on worked for the AP in Ann Arbor.
November 19, Big Ten statisticians
this year will compile not only all Hopefully, the new figures will
the running, passing, kicking, re- help give defensive players some
turning and scoring records for of the public recognition usually
which they are famous but will accorded only to scoring stars. Aft-
also keep track, in equal detail, er all, as someone has said, "mis-
of the successes and foibles of the takes on offense cost you the ball,
conferences' once-shadowed de- but mistakes on defense cost you
fensive teams. the game."
Big Ten devotees of the arith- So when you see Michigan Pub-
metic mean will give players credit licity Director Les Etter take two
for passes intercepted and return- more statistics men to the press
ed; passes broken up - whether box with him this fall, you can be
knocked down, deflected, or tackl- assured they're there for a pur-
ed into incompletions; tackles - pose.
alone, assisted, and causing fum- Old Ben would turn in his grave
bles; if he only knew.

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TRADING BRUISES WITH one's teammates is only a small por-
tion of the preseason practice fare enjoyed by the Wolverines as
preparations continue for the season opener September 17 with
Oregon State.

and that the race promises to be
tough again this year.
Little to Say
But at this time of the year, the
coach really has no alternative-
he can't tell you too much even if
he wants to. For instance, Bump
Elliott, the Wolverine's head men-
tor, realized after yesterday's ses-
sion that few definite conclusions
could be made. All he could em-
phasize is that "team spirit was
good, very good, and that the
players worked very hard today,

despite the heat. But at this point
all we can really say is that we're
making progress. Everything is go-
ing along well, we had a real good
practice today, but there's not
just too much else you can say."
What little else can be said
involves the physical condition of
the players, which is "generally
good," revealed Elliott. Jim Det-
wiler, the halfback whose status
following knee surgery last year
has been a leading Wolverine ques-
tion mark, has been participating
in contact scrimmages the past
few days, and, according to El-
liott, "has been coming along
OK." However, Dave Denzin, a
promising sophomore offensive
tackle, has undergone knee sur-
gery and is out for the season.
But preseason practice sessions
will go on, inevitably bringing out
the best of everybody, until the
season opens in two weeks. Things
will fall into place, or out of
place, in the subsequent time. For
the present, however, everyone-
and everything - will just keep
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NATURE BOY MAY ENJOY doing puslups in the sunshine but Wolverine middle guard candidate
Dave Porter seems to have another idea about the usage of Vitamin D. Although not appearing ter-
ribly energetic above, the hefty junior copped the NCAA heavyweight wrestling crown last year
and is expected to exhibit some of the same prowess on the gridiron this fall.





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