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August 30, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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Seventy-Sixth Year

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SPOWER'h, Ye ralrt t '
TheE Past Yer and the Coming Crises
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NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, AUGUST 30, 1966


On Becoming a Freshman:
One0t oOne in the Multiversity

HERE YOU ARE, admitted as a fresh-
man -to the University of Michigan,
probably conscious of both your abilities,
which are abundant, and- your human
shortcomings, which you never have wor-
ried too much .about. until you found
yourself face to face with a university.
.You see yourself, at any rate, as an in-
dividual human being-lost in an over-
w helming society, perhaps, .but still an
individual. You're in for a surprise.
The world prefers to think of you as a
commodity, thanks in no small part to
university spclologists. You have been
mentally and emotionally measured,
typed, fitted and tested. There is, in fact,
a price on your head."
Your mind, your- abilities and your
skills will probably be worth, very rough-
ly, $20,000-$50,000 a year to the American
(or maybe some other) economy 10 years
fromn nowp..From $1500 to $5000 a year
will be invested in you as you go through
school. You are a human resource, far
more valuable than mineral resources.
GOOD NEWS? There's more. Society is
. beginning to recognize, in its own
haphazard, going backwards, slow-to-
achieve-consensus way, just how valuable
you really are. They'll pay, in other words,
$1;000, $15,000, $20,000 a year. You name
it. Cars, ranch homes, round-the-world
vacations, even the sexual facade.
Our market. economy is an amazing
mechanism. One of the greatest inven-
tions, in the world. It recognizes and re-
wards value quickly and efficiently.
(You'll learn about the market economy
in Economics 12, by the way, as you will
learn about that wonderful word "so-
ciety" in sociology 100. Good luck.)
If you are here in search of quick and
efficient rewards-whether in the form
of grades, self congratulations, or "lux-
urious living"-you can get them all here
and more. But look at what you are doing
all up and down the line: you're accepting
external definitions of what you ought to
like, of what is good for you. You accept
the Coca-Cola ad as the model of the good
life, the "A" (and not the work and
thought that should go into it) as the
°great goal, playboy as a way of life.
For God's sake 'back up a minute and
look at what you are committing yourself
to. Are you going to let somebody else-
be it Standard Oil or Lyndon Johnson-
tell you, either directly or indirectly, what
your personal values are? Are you going
to let General Motors' assumption that
what's good for it is good for you to go
The fact is that all of us have to some
extent. But four years in a university can
serve as a period of reevaluation and re-
view, for careful construction of your
own life on your own terms.
'HAT I AM saying is simple: be both
aware and wary, be ready to profit
from every experience, balance igen-
uousness with careful thought. If you are
cynical you end up in your own closed
box; if you don't discriminate among the
ideas, the theories and the philosophies
urged upon you as gospel, you end up be-
ing swept off in wrong, even harmful
directions. Leave yourself open to evalu-
ate every new bit of fact or outlook that
comes along, but remember that there
are at least four years more before you
really have to commit yourself to any-
The freshman, as he proceeds through
the University, soon begins to perceive,
or ought to, that he would do well to toss
out "A's", cars, color television and striped
ties as inherently desirable. An automo-
bile is nice, but it is external to the person
who drives it or owns it and hardly em-

bodies within itself any values or philoso-
phies with which that person can identify
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JOHN MEREDITH......Associate Managing Editor
LEONARD PRATT ..... Associate Managing Editor
1ABETTE COHN .............. Personnel Director
CHARLOTTE WOLTER.. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY.. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT MOORE ............ Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER ................ Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOVAGE ......... Associate Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL . . .. .. .Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBR ... ......Assistant Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heifer, Merle Jacob, Rob-
ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir-
ley Rosick, Nell Shister..
sltn~ xt1Yfxrr tUw'rYIfD ust 'At mirrad RUr..,

It's the same thing with grades. Mem-
orized reading lists or lecture notes ac-
quired to fill blue books are external. No-
body wants to commit himself or identify
himself with memorized facts. The act
of memorization is, by itself, of no great
value. Neither is an "A", except insofar
as a person is able to identify with a
standard of excellence that he holds up
for himself in both work and thought-a
standard he has internalized. He must
have a commitment, not to "A's", but to
standards he believes in-which might
result in "A's", but not necessarily.
But how can you, as a freshman, know
where to make new commitments that
must be made to lend stability and mean-
ing to your life? Who or what can you
believe? Where, in other words, do you
put your poker chips?
Establish some rough standards for
yourself. Standards first of excellence.
You know, for instance, when you are do-
ing a good job and when you are not,
what's really behind that "A," when you
are making the effort and when you are
letting yourself follow the smoothest
With this standard of excellence in
achievement set up, you will then be able
to conceptualize standards of logic, of
virtue, of hope, of relevance and of per-
sonal meaning. Just remember that
standards must be for yourself, for what
you want to do, to be and to commit
yourself to. You should believe in and act
upon what you think, but be generous in
allowing others the same privilege.
1UT STANDARDS are only guideposts,
there is still the problem of commit-
ment here and now. Where do you start?
Here I have a suggestion. Look through
the rest of this newspaper. Pass over for
a moment the many ads of the Ann Arbor
merchants. You can begin to see the di-
verse aspects of what we call the Uni-
The undergraduates, the faculty, the
graduate students, sports, activities of
every stripe, research, buildings, admin-
istrators classes, lectures and outside
speakers. It all adds up to more than the
sum of its parts. It adds up to a univer-
sity, not a wax museum. It's right here,
and it's more than buildings and offices
and books and homework.
It's worth looking for. It's worth a little
faith that there is something here in
the way of values and ideas and ways of
thinking that is valuable to you as an
individual, that can, withan investment
of time, effort and thought on your part
result in identity and commitment to
things you can believe in, not things that
adison Avenue, or your roommates, or
"society" want you to believe in or will
believe in for you.
It all reduces to a common denomin-
ator, you individually, on the one hand
and the part of the world that you're
willing and able to make your own, to
commit yourself to, on the other. It
comes down to a one-to-one correspond-
ence, and the University is a partner
that can be indulged in and relied upon
to provide the best possible source of in-
spiration for commitment.
The University has, or is supposed to
have, a commitment to you as well.
While many faculty and researchers
here are interested primarily in power,
profit and personal aggrandizement,
there is still plenty of material left for
the other half of that one-to-one corres-
pondence. Don't let the University es-
cape its most essential obligation: people
The University can teach, it cannot
make you learn. And even learning isn't
enough. After you have listened to lec-

tures, studied books, taken notes and
written papers, you have done no more
than you might have done at any school
or even at home (given educational tele-
vision). You are halfway down the path,
but by no means there.
FOR THE LAST and most essential in-
gredients of the educated man-
alertness, sympathy and human identity
and commitment can come only through
close, personal interaction with other
The freshman, however many of him
there are, has every right to demand that
his professors, his graduate instructors,
his counselors and anyone else that
claims to be a part of the University
work directly with him.
Such interaction.twonenlonh nno-nn

THE 1965-66 ACADEMIC year
was one of the most incred-
ible in the University's history,
and now-happily in some res-
pects, unfortunately in others -
it's over.
The sequence of events was long
and unsettling, and was at least
mildly surprising for the observer
to realize the University survived
them as it did.
The resignation of Roger Heyns
last July; the residence hall over-
crowding; the near-riot over the
anti-Viet Nam war float at Home-
coming; the International Days of
Protest; Stanley Nadel and the
Committee of Aid the Vietnamese;
the "war criminals" sign; the Pow-
er theatre controversy; the strug-
gle over state control of Univer-
sity buildings; the court fight ov-
er University collective bargain-
ing; the legislative relations-ap-
propriations crisis; the highway
safety grant; the $55-M program
hoax; the National Defense Edu-
cation Act mess; the Power res-
ignation; the venereal disease
controversy; the housing issue;
the bookstore protest; the draft
protest; ' the presidential se-
lection problem; the residential
college problem. So went the year.
IT CAN THUS be said, in all

seriousness, that the University is
in crisis. The past year affords
ample evidence for that conclu-
sion. Its difficulties point to a
road ahead which is, if anything,
even more alarming.
The University is, first, clearly
going to have to find a way to
manage its growth. The Office of
Ac a d e mic Affairs' infamous
growth report, which forecasts a
University enrollment of 50,196 by
1975, is probably much too low-
and the 50,000 figure is much to
high in relation to what the Uni-
versity's facilities are going to be
in that year.
Happily, the report is being re-
evaluated. But unhappily, no one
as yet has come up with much of
a solution to the problem it poses,
a problem which will simply be
greater when its figures are re-,
The 1200-student residential col-
lege is an exciting and dramatic
educational idea. So is the con-
cept of making part of the Uni-
versity into an Oxford or Cam-
bridge-a large university com-
posed of numerous small colleges.
But will we have to spend $20
million each time we want to add
1200 more students?
THE SO-C ALL E D "decision-

making process" must also be re-
fined and expanded. There is a
very grave danger in the "closed
politics" of which C. P. Snow
spoke: this danger alone warrants
participation by all the University
community in significant decisions
affecting its destiny, something
which is both a means to an end
and an end in itself.
Students in particular must be-
come participating members, not
mute beneficiaries or victims, in
the process of making policy, or
else the meaning of a University
education-the development of the
whole man-will be hollow.
Certainly, as experience with
the psychology department student
advisory committee and the fac-
ulty committee on the residential
college shows, such a change does
not always produce quick results.
But from the selection of the next
president to the esoteric workings
of the Budget and Plant Exten-
sion Committees, the basis on
which decisions are made and the
people making them should-and
in some cases is being-substan-
tially broadened.
RELATIONS between the Uni-
versity and outside forces--speci-
fically, with the state legislature-
merit serious and increasing con-

cern. The animosity some legisla-
tors feel towards the University
is extreme - yet the University's
lobbying efforts are intent and in-
So, sometimes, are its policies.
No one doubts, for example, that
Public Acts 124 (providing for
state control over University con-
struction) and 379 (putting col-
lective bargaining here under the
state labor mediation board) are
quite possibly unconstitutional in-
fringements on University auton-
Yet where the University could
reach a voluntary private agree-
ment with unions, it has not. Here,
as in too many other areas, the
University has not followed a poli-
cy of tough flexibility, and the
failure to do so will in the end
spell disaster.
Finally, the University must do
some serious re-thinking about
its student body. We are fast be-
coming--if we are not already-a
middle class or even upper-middle
class university. This has severe
and unhealthy implications both
for the state of educational de-
mocracy--is ability to pay, not
ability, now our standard?--and
educational validity-is a campus
which apparently has more In-
dian students than Negro students

a realistic picture of our country?
And yet, in rather droll appro-
priateness, as the student body
gets more and more affluent, its
economic freedom becomes in-
creasingly dubious, as high rents
and the general high cost of liv-
ing--about which the University
does almost nothing--testify,
The coming crises are not now
obvious, though they will be next
fall. They are not numerous,
though their ramifications are
many. But while there is cause for
pessimism, there is also, perhaps,
some cause for hope.
For however stupid or short-
sighted or sinister some of its
members are, the University com-
munity has always had a degree
of flexibility, competence and
courage to meet its challenges,
which is surprising in view of its
bulk and diversity.
Those qualities will be needed
sorely and soon.
But if it survived this year it
may even emerge triumphant next
FOR ALL ITS failings, the Uni-
versity is perhaps best character-
ized by the motto of the City of
Paris: "Fluctuat nec mergitur"--
flounders, but never sinks. We


Aug. 30: On the Nature of the Beast

Associate Managing Editor
ONE OF THE neatest ways of
defining any organism is by
describing how it works. Such
descriptions fit plankton, northern
lights and the solar system pretty
They also fit universities.
In an attempt to define univer-
sities by their behavior Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
and Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department and the
Center for Conflict Resolution
gave their perspectives on that
behavior to the twelfth meeting
of the Institute on College and
University Administration which
met here last week.
Both came very close to the
that each of the conflicts within
modern universities forces an ad-
ministration to deal with it a little
differently than it deals with any
other conflict. The result is a
great deal of confusion on the

part of administrators as to just
what their job is. Each problem
forces them to interpret their re-
sponsibilities differently and thus
confuses them as to where their
real efforts should be concen-
Haber's discussion is a special
case of Boulding's general treat-
ment. Being closer to the realities
of departmental administration
than Boulding, he confirms the
fact that, in a university at least,
you can't administer for people
who don't want to be administered
THE BUSINESS of a university,
be it teaching or research, is a
very individual business. It's so
individual that there really isn't
much room for an administrator
to affect a faculty member's work.
On the other hand, a faculty
member, because he is the locus
of the university's raison d'etre,
can seriously affect an admin-
istrator's work. The every-day ex-
pression of this creates the need
for what Haber called the "judi-
cious" exercise of the admittedly

extensive authority of the ad-
It is a shame, as Boulding noted,
that more has not been done to
study relationships within univer-
sities. By the same token it is a
shame that neither Haber nor
Boulding had the time to put their
heads together and take their
anaylses of the university's power
structure farther than they did.
JUST WHAT IS the fate of an
organism that behaves as Boulding
and Haber correctly analyze the
university as behaving?
To answer that question one
must realize that conflict is by
no means an extraordinary event
at a university. On the contrary,
it is the order of the day.
There are so many conflicts (in-
deed must they not increase geo-
metrically with 'staff size?) that
Boulding's postulate about admin-
istrators' role problems assumes
horrifying proportions. How many
diverse interests must administra-
tors satisfy? What is their con-

Things get even worse when in-
creasing demands for attention
from research projects enter the
picture in weighted proportions.
The resultant morass is basically
the result of the fact that univer-
sities are to a great extent run on-
a personal basis; they breed con-
flict-laden situations. They have
not yet adapted themselves to a
world more impersonally admin-
istered. Perhaps they never will;
and perhaps that is a good thing.
THUS IT IS impossible for an
administrator to simply make a
decision and be sure that it will
stick. He has to talk the faculty
into it, because that is the way
But can an almost $200-million-
university people operate.'
a-year business operate that way?
Maybe, maybe not. Compromises
are made daily to ensure that it
can at least get along.
In any case this is the real
conflict within a university: the
dichotomy between the way in
which its faculty, the real opera-
tional center of power, operates

and the necessity for some sort of
coordination imposed by the size
and complexity of those opera-
tions in their aggregate.
Some theoretical work done at
Ohio State University's education
school indicates that the conflict
cannot be resolved and that, the
university as it exists cannot be
governed, because the faculty will
not change ist anarchic attitude
and the complexity of the total
operation will increase.
This implies either that the or-
ganization of the university must
change or that' new means of
government must be devised for it,
perhaps even new definitions of
NOR IS IT any coincidence that
Boulding and Haber could get to
the heart of the matter so quickly.
They work at a university in which
this major conflict is especially
pronounced and is getting worse
every year. It's a shame someone
with the authority to do some-
thing about it doesn't listen to
their advice.
But then, there's always 1968 .. .


Optional Counseling:Aiding Idealism

E VER HAVE this happen? You
have just begun to get down
to work after the first four weeks
of a semester. Suddenly a letter
arrives announcing the beginning
of pre-classification for the next
Already? Well, all right, you
think. I'll get around to it soon.
One week later you are stand-
ing in a snail-paced line in Angell
Hall waiting to get an appoint-
ment with your counselor so he
can sign his name to whatever
course schedule you have chosen.
In the rush it may have been cho-
sen at whim with a few consider-
ations for distribution require-
ments and those of your major.
THE FRIENDLY secretary near
the door smilingly informs you
that the first time you can get
an appointment with your coun-
selor is late next month, when all
the courses you wanted to take
will, undoubtedly, be closed.
To further add to your woes, the
meeting with your counselor is
hardly adequate. After discussing
your language requirement and
the courses you will take for your
major, little else is said. You know
that there are perhaps ten peo-
ple waiting outside to see the
counselor with more appearing

each minute. You would like to
tell your counselor about your new
interest in mass communications,
history, or chemistry and to ask
him about changing or incorpor-
ating these studies into your ma-
jor, but the worried furrow in his
brow tells you that it may be time
to leave.
Maybe next semester there will
be time.. .
had this happen to you.
After receiving the announce-
ment of pre-classification you pick
up the necessary forms in Angell
Hall, choose your course elections,
sign the cards yourself, hand the
forms to a secretary and leave.
That's all.
If you have a problem or an idea
concerning your academic stand-
ing, course elections, changes in
major, etc., an appointment with
the counselor can be arranged.
This appointment, however, is not
mandatory. It is solely to help
you with a specific problem or
simply to have a talk with your
Impossible? Not exactly.
* * * -
THE OPTIONAL Counseling pro-
gram was initiated this spring just
to make this kind of contact be-

The Associates
by carney and wolter
tween student and counselor pos-
The program has been under
consideration for a number of
years. According to James Shaw,
chairman of the Junior-Senior
counselors, those involved in the
planning were worried that it
would appear that they "didn't
care" about the students, that they
were "taking a laissez-faire atti-
tude toward counseling." Others
feared that no counseling at all
would take place, and felt they
were doing a good job of counsel-
ing under the old system.
Nevertheless, a faculty commit-
tee began to seriously study the
proposal. Later this group was
joined by several students - two
of them from the literary college
steering committee. (Paradoxically
some of the students accepted the
proposal very cautiously, perhaps
fearful ofrmistakes in distribution
and major requirements).
THE BASIC objectives of the
program are to free counseling
meetings from the card-signing
rut into which they have fallen
and to place the emphasis on the
discussion (lengthy if necessary)
of substantive issues.
As described in the announce-
ment sent to second-semester
sophomores last spring (who will
be the first group to test the
"Under the terms of this pro-
gram, selected students may sign
their own election cards for two
of their last four semesters in
the College. Normally, a stu-
dent following the Optional
*Program will hold a thorough.
discussion with his counselor
when he begins his concentra-
tion (i.e. while pre-classifying
as a second-semester sopho-
more) and when he leaves it
(i.e. while pre-classifying for a
Senior-year semester).
More important than the con-

advisor will be free to discuss,
those issues more fully. In
short, the Program is designed
to improve both the nature and
quality of academic counseling
by giving qualified students
greater freedom and responsi-
bility in designing and carrying
out their educational programs."
other qualitative advantage to the
change was the nature of the ad-
vice the faculty members would
be asked to give. He pointed out
that, while giving advice on spe-
cific courses is difficult unless one
has actually taught or taken the
courses, the faculty is eminently
qualified to advise the student on
problems with his general aca-
demic goals and his progress to-
ward them.
He added that one reason that
counseling has lately degenerated
in the eyes of the students is that
the faculty counselors have been
asked to give advice in areas where
they are not qualified-such as
individual course content and
DESPITE THE encouraging
setup of the program and the
care taken in its development, the
response to the announcement
mailed out this spring was any-
thing but enthusiastic: of 2,777
second-semester sophomores in
the literary college at, the time,
only 46 elected to participate.
The meagre response, however,
cannot be considered indicative
of strong aversiononthe part of
the students. The fact of the mat-
ter is that the Program was not
passed until just after pre-classi-
fication. had begun last semester.
Therefore, there was little ad-
vance publicity to encourage stu-
dents to participate.
Those students who were in-,
formed of the new Program were,
in all likelihood, worried that they.
would lose contact with their
counselor or that they would
somehow miss required courses
through the Optional Counseling
Program. In addition, force of
habit, i.e., the custom of seeing
the counselor once a semester,
may have discouraged some.

responsibility on the part of the
student. Not only must he try to
continue to see his counselor for
the more in-depth discussions that
the Program calls for, but he must
also contribute his ideas and opin-
ions to the effort to improve the
whole concept of counseling. The
counselors have to know how their
new plan is working, and they
have an excellent vehicle for com-
munication of the students' Ideas
in the literary college steering
Program is only one of several
very idealistic programs develop-
ed in the past year that need the
participation of students in order
to succeed-not the least of these
being the new vice-presidential
advisory committees.
Some have criticized the ad-
ministration in the past for its
lack of an innovative spirit. If the
idealism shown in their willingness
to try these programs can be
matched by an equally idealistic
response from the student, this
University will have taken a long
step toward becoming a truly
dynamic academic community.
The Death
Of Art'
ART IS ONLY a means to life.
to the life more abundant. It
is not in itself the life more abun-
dant. It merely points the way,
something which is overlooked not
only by the public, but very often
by the artist himself.
In becoming an end it defeats
Itself. All art, I firmly believe,
will one day disappear. But the
artist will remain, and life itself
become not "an art" but art, i.e.,
will definitely and for all time
usurp the field.
In any true sense we are cer-
tainly not yet alive. We are no
longer animals, but we are cer-
tainly not men. Since the dawn
of art every great artist has been
dinning that into us, but few are


"We're Not So Good At Solving Cases Like This"

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